Inside, wasthe heavy smell of blood a.s.sailing the nose that a person would vomit, herthick and heavy breathing sound concealed her pounding heart.

“w.a.n.g,young master w.a.n.g…” Luo Luo pushed here lantern inside, her body was stillbraced outside the door, not daring to take a step in.

The gaspingsound inside the room increased, the light popping and breathing sound of aperson weighed down by blood rose, the sound itself made people tremble fromhead to toe.

Luo Luoshuddered, clearing her throat half crying: “Xiao w.a.n.g w.a.n.g, are you here?”

The lanternwas too dim, it could only light up the fangcunaround the door, it was deeply dark inside the room, the air pushing her so shewas unable to breathe easily.

Suddenly, apale hand stuck out, sticking to her face in a flash, before she could scream,that hand covered up her mouth. She felt something flow from the hand to herlips, a fishy smell.

“Did youcome to kill us?” Not knowing when, w.a.n.g Zi Feng had already forced his entirebody on hers, the impact was too big, almost staggering her to fall on theground.

Under thenight sky, a still infantile child overlooked her disdainfully, apart from thetwo pure white canine tooth making people feel eerie, his face could not beseen clearly. w.a.n.g Zi Feng’s other hand held her neck, slowing adding strength.One by one behind him another two children appeared. The crown prince held theflexible sword in one hand, weak all over without strength, and the heavybreathing sound came from the young princess dragging the lion’s corpse, stepby step she dragged the lion body out, that blood converged into a river,flowing along the doorstep.

The threechildren looked like demons that had just climbed out from a blood pond,languid, pretty and flirtatious, and stifling.

Luo Luoonly felt it harder and harder to breath, she clawed at w.a.n.g Zi Feng’s armunable to throw him off at all. On this child, even when he was killing someonehe still had a innocent and fearless expression. She felt she was going to die.

“Littleleopard, she rescued us out, release her.” The crown prince pulled out a keyand lock from the door, the two unconscious guards were kicked by him rolling afew times.

w.a.n.g ZiFeng coldly said: “Dad said, those who stop me are dead.”

The crownprince one hand still holding the sword, one hand pushing on w.a.n.g Yun Feng’sshoulder, simply pulling away that wild beast like child, glancing at theincessantly coughing Luo Luo. With just that glance, Luo Luo felt as if she wason a guillotine, a cold sweat appeared all over her body.

“She’sstill useful, keep her. We need her to force Zhuang Hei Zi to submit.” Thecrown prince crouched down, reaching out with his hand at Luo Luo, smilingsincerely: “Tell me, yes or no, Lady Luo.”

Luo Luofelt disillusioned, it seems these three children simply did not need herprotection, and did not need her to overdo it by coming to their rescue. Theywere demons, they don’t need the charity of other people.

“I, I…don’tkill brother Hei Zi.” Luo Luo unexpectedly cried out.

The crownprince lightly laughed: “What is Lady Luo saying, we are all children, how canwe kill the second manager ranked first in the Jianghu of hired bodyguards.Lady Luo, you think too highly of us.”

Luo Luo gotup with difficulty, rigidly saying: “I’m not asking you, rather I’m beseechingHis Highness the crown prince.”

The crownprince raised his eyebrow, he simply did not think the other person knew hisident.i.ty. They came to the hired bodyguards office too often, every time theycame and went they would have servants following in front and back, lookingwealthy and respectable.

“BrotherHei Zi he, he is being used by someone…he’s being used by Master Jiu Fang Xi, JiuFang Xi lied to him!”

The crownprince simply did not hear Luo Luo’s stammering, his line of sight fell tobehind her, where a group of shadows hid. Amongst them a shadow ran out:“Please return to the palace Your Highness the crown prince.”

The crownprince rubbed his finger, the grinding noise was sudden and horrifying in thedark night: “Where is our royal elder brothers?”

“Reportingto the crown prince, the oldest prince and second prince were ambushed byenemies, luckily they were rescued, they have already been taken to the palaceto be given medical treatment.”

The crownprince sneered, throwing the flexible sword to w.a.n.g Zi Feng: “Since it is so,we’ll go back. Tidy up these people here cleanly, not, a, single, person,left!”


Luo Luocried loudly, her yell startled the people in the hired bodyguards office, notlong after someone rushed over. The person heading them was very familiar, ifit wasn’t that 

Zhuang Hei Zi who else would it be.

The crownprince however already paid no attention, the rat had been lured out, they only 

needed to be completely wiped out cleanly with sharp swords.

The threechildren blankly watched a sudden b.l.o.o.d.y feast suddenly begin in the quietnight, sounds of killing, sounds of pain, loud yells, and the tearing sound ofice-cold weapons cutting apart human bodies.

They weresurrounded in the middle by a group of black clothed people, expressions coldand arrogant, like war G.o.ds standing adjacent to the battlefield, heartlesslyand ruthlessly admiring the ma.s.sacre, not sad, not happy.

Endlessdarkness, and brilliant red, interweaving to become the most beautiful scene.

w.a.n.g YunFeng sat in the dilapidated restaurant, a place where it was still lively andunusually boiling with cauldron of voices in the afternoon, now there was onlya blood covered floor. He the single living person sat amongst the corpsescalmly drinking tea, his movement very natural, his gaze slow. When Bai Yan andXiao Bai came at the same time to report the result of the fight, he was alsomotionless.

From headto toe an icy arrogance, anyway really lonely.

w.a.n.g ZiFeng rushed in from the outside, head first he rushed into his arms, w.a.n.g YunFeng hugged him unsteadily, quite a while later did he then returned to hissenses stroking his head, then carefully looking over his son from head to toeonce: “Are you hurt?”

w.a.n.g ZiFeng climbed on his knees: “No.” Afterwards he again spoke, “Where’s that blindperson?”

w.a.n.g YunFeng gaze floated to one side, there was a puddle splashed on all sides withbloodstain, he said: “Ripped to shreds.” Picking up w.a.n.g Zi Feng’s hands totouch, certain that the child had not received any serious wounds did he thenrelax, even though there was a heavy scent of blood, but the child was alive.

w.a.n.g ZiFeng was clearly very happy: “Next time you catch scoundrels, I also want to bewith you”

w.a.n.g YunFeng hit his head: “This isn’t child’s play, your mother will worry.”

w.a.n.g ZiFeng wiggled around on him for a little while: “I’m thirsty.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng sighed unable to make head or tail of it, this son ah, truly does not needto be worried. But he still sweet as syrup made someone change tea once again,holding a cup he fed it to him, seeing this child in his arms naughty yetdependent on him he couldn’t help smile, his low mood for the last fewmonths only just gradually fade.

He onceagain sorted out his son’s clothes, pulling on his hand: “Let us return home.”

“Dad,Zhuang Hei Zi escaped.”

“I know.”

“Dad, Iseem to see our family’s carriage, did mother come?”

“Fen Er, ina moment mother will bring a whip to thrash you, you run, your mother can’tcatch up to you.”

“Then whatabout you dad?”

“It’s fine,dad will be your shield from beatings.”

“Good! Dad,we killed a lion, I want the lion’s p.e.n.i.s to supplement your health, mothersaid, your body is weak, it’s best to take tonics after a beating.”

“…Fen Er, it’sbetter for you to be beaten with dad right?”

August,clear and refreshing autumn weather.

The windowsin the study was opened, the fragrance of the pot of gladiolus flower on thetable was overwhelmed by ink, it appeared more and more arrogant and independent.

w.a.n.g YunFeng pushed the writing brush into the brush basin, the side door was alsoopened, Xia Ling Mei came in, naturally behind her was two young maids tremblingwith fear carrying bowls of medicine.

He staredblankly, subconsciously falling back a step, fortunately he immediately becamealert, he smiled at Xia Ling Mei: “Qi Er is asleep?”

“Yes,fussing this entire evening, just fallen asleep with difficulty after drinkingmilk.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng immediately said: “I’ll go and see him.”

Xia LingMei shot out a hand holding his wrist, smiling gently: “Why are you in a hurry, drinkthe bowl of soup then go.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng trembled: “I’m not thirsty,” he wanted to get rid of the other person’sexploitation, quite a while later he still hadn’t managed to move a little, hisforced smile couldn’t last, he made up for it with, “I’m also not hungry. Howabout, wife drink it for me, don’t waste it.”

Xia LingMei with extraordinary strength, dragged him to the table, her other hand onhis shoulder forcing him to sit down: “It really shouldn’t be wasted. Here is abowl your son specially `made` for you a supplemental soup decocted from thelion’s p.e.n.i.s, this bowl is the boiled supplement from the most savage blackbear’s p.e.n.i.s that I asked the housekeeper to `cut`, you pick one to drink.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng opened his mouth: “That other bowl…”

Xia LingMei beamed: “It’s still simmering, leave for a midnight snack.”

This time,it wasn’t just w.a.n.g Yun Feng trembling, even those two maids trembled. 

Continuously for more than a month, if he keeps on supplementing like this,would the master bleed to death from his seven apertures of the human head?

w.a.n.g YunFeng couldn’t straighten his legs, pulling at her hands: “Why has your angerstill not cooled?”

Xia LingMei blinked: “The most cleverly scheming Master w.a.n.g in the world lead the mostloyal and courageous young master w.a.n.g in the world, and the most devious andresourceful crown prince in the world, oh, and the most clever and quick-wittedyoung princess in the world together to scheme against outlaws, the good deed ofpunishing the evil people who wanted to hurt the prince and children of theemperor, how can I a married woman dare to ponder over it, and dare to beangry!”

w.a.n.g YunFeng mocked: “Aren’t we fine, it was wrong of us to worry you, next time Iguarantee it won’t happen again.”

Xia LingMei simply did not trust his pledge. Regarding her and promises, the father andson of the w.a.n.g family with the crown prince and the young princess, the threeof them were scoundrels who wish for the whole world to be in chaos. What doesher worries amount to, what does her fear amount to, her heart, spleen, lungsand kidneys were all ruptured by them in fear, that also amounted to nothing.

“Don’tspeak nonsense.” Xia Ling Mei lifted her head, putting both bowls in front ofhim: “In order for you to carry on leading those children to torment everyone’snerves in Beiding city together, drink them.”

“Ah, didn’tyou say one bowl?”

“It’sturned to two bowls, hurry and drink them for me then go greet visitors. Todayis Che Er’s one-month birthday banquet, if you dare to cause trouble again, Iwill break your legs”

Havingfinished speaking, the entire w.a.n.g residence couldn’t help shudder.

“Why do Ifeel a little cold?” His Highness the crown prince hugged himself, lifting hishead to look at the sun over his head, it was just August, it shouldn’t becold.

w.a.n.g ZiFeng had just picked up the baby from the cradle, bending his head he looked atit for a while, smacking his lips he nipped the baby’s cheek. The crown princejumped in surprise, immediately prying his head away, roaring: “What are youdoing?”

w.a.n.g ZiFeng blinked, completely innocently: “Kissing younger brother”

A blue veinappeared on the crown prince’s forehead: “That is biting”

“It’skissing, mother kisses daddy like this.”

The crownprince clenched his fist: “You’re biting.” Even though my perverted emperorfather also kisses my empress mother like this, but the crown prince can raisehis hand and swear to the heaven, w.a.n.g Zi Feng’s `kiss` was completelydifferent from the adult’s `kiss`, it was also different from the kisses hestole from the palace maids.

Fine, eventhe kissing place was different.

The youngprincess used her head to separate the two people: “Stupid, you don’t know howto kiss. Watch me.” She skilfully took away the male baby from w.a.n.g Zi Feng’shands, pouting her pink little mouth, ah she kissed the baby’s little mouth.

In a splitsecond, a short moment also pa.s.sed, an incense stick almost finished burning,almost a cup of tea’s time…

The crownprince shouted: “Molester! Gu Shang Jin, you actually even not let a baby slipby. You perverted monkey.”

w.a.n.g ZiFeng was puzzled: “So kissing needs to be on the mouth. Come, younger brother,I’ll try again. Older female cousin, give younger brother to me.”

The crownprince clenched his teeth: “That wasn’t a kiss, that was molesting. Shemolested your younger brother, ah, younger male cousin cannot take a wife!”

The youngprincess pleased with herself lifted her head, absolutely sincerely patted thechild who was about to wake: “Fine, in the future even if I don’t marry andsomeone wants to marry me.” She smiled at w.a.n.g Zi Feng, exposing hersufficiently wicked big mouth: “w.a.n.g Zi Feng, call me sister-in-law.”


The entirew.a.n.g residence echoed.

The oldhousekeeper was distracted from halfway admonishing subordinates, carrying onsaying to the group of newly hired servants: “Remember, the mistress is thegreatest in this residence. You must understand see no evil, hear no evil,speak no evil. For instance, when the mistress holds a whip to thrash themaster and young master, you must immediately run a bit further away, pretendyou saw nothing; moreover for example, when the master and young master shoutrun away, you also have to pretend you heard nothing, do what you should bedoing; another example, the imperial censor w.a.n.g’s family is a very seriousofficial, he absolutely will not appear to be a henpecked male, a slave to hischildren, if false rumours are heard outside, wait for it you may be summonedto the government office, the kindest punishment is thirty strikes, strictestpunishment is involving your nine generations. Do you understand?”


“Verygood.” The old housekeeper held both hands behind his back, shaking and swayinghe walked to the kitchen. Muttering, that black bear’s p.e.n.i.s over a month agowas almost finished, does he need to buy some more again? It’s not freshenough, oh dear…

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