Chenzhouwas so small compared to Beiding city it was pathetic, the people were timidnot having seen major situations and encountered such matters, and wereindifferent to that great earth moving bout of explosion resounding in the sky,only on the next day at dawn did people then one after the other came over tostand around and look.

Beforedaybreak w.a.n.g Yun Feng had stayed at a nearby inn, sitting behind the muslincurtain at the window watching the movement at the w.a.n.g residence.

He was adetailed thinker, good at planning before making a move, he knew under thissort of chaotic situation he could easily miss Xia Ling Mei’s message thereforehe did not go far, firstly reorganising the troops he had secretly arranged inthe last few months, before a.s.signing people to go look for clues.

Theinformation that Xia Ling Mei escaped through the tunnel was automaticallyplaced on his table, allowing his constant worry to be placed on other matters.So long as she’s alive, he would use all his energy to find her.

w.a.n.g YunFeng was considerably confident in this. What he found strange was, therewasn’t actually the slightest movement from the neighbouring Gu family, Gu Langwas clearly determined to win Xia Ling Mei, he knew Xia Ling Mei lived in thew.a.n.g residence, with regards to his residence’s explosion, the other persondecided to avoid it and not look at it, doesn’t this clearly show Gu Lang issomeone who is a coward and afraid of getting involved?

With thepa.s.sing of time, the secret guards gathered more and more information, usinghis dog like nose Xiao Bai smelled out the secret signal Hei Zi had left.

At noon, healready knew Xia Ling Mei was on the outskirts a hundred liaway from him, her destination… unexpectedly was the Xian Yun manor belongingto the leader of the martial arts.

Bai Yantilted his head to look at that piece of information: “Master, the mistressmust have dismissed your martial arts strength as being not being very good,not able to protect her safety, that’s why she all-out hurried to the arms ofstrongest man in the Jianghu.”

`Pi`, w.a.n.gYun Feng snapped the writing brush he was writing with in half.

Juan Shutearfully said: “As expected scholars are good for nothing, right now, themistress is really abandoning the master. Brother Bai, sooner or later you willabandon me this lover who cannot take up burdens or able to move anything,isn’t that right?”

Bai Yan indistain: “When did you become my lover?”

Juan Shufell to the ground, bursting into tears: “You have such a cruel heart---- na,na, na, na…”

“Shut up!” withoutthe slightest hesitation he threw the the broken writing brush at the twoscoundrels. Why can’t they empathise with his pot hole filled little heart frombeing hit?

w.a.n.g YunFeng rubbed his forehead sighing, opening the window, another Eurasian Hobbyprecisely without mistake flew in, lifting its leg towards w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s headscratching it as it pa.s.sed, and behind the Eurasian Hobby a blur of shadowfollowed, with its back towards the sunlight as if it was a legendary giantbird spreading its wings calling out as it landed beside the window, both armsplaced on the window frame, stretching out its head, a pair of beast like eyesquick-wittedly sized up everything in the room.

“Who areyou?” Bai Yan reacted first, coming over, grabbing the back of w.a.n.g Yun Feng’scollar and flinging him into a seat, Juan Shu stupidly blanked sprawled on thefloor, and Bai Yan faced the one tall, one short holding onto the edge of thewindow----a child?!

At firstglance he only looked five or six years old, wearing a close fitting maroonshort garment, a small bronze coloured knife at his waist, his entire personcrouching like a feral leopard waiting for an opportunity to move, looking atthe three adults in the room with alertness and aggressiveness.

The smallchild did not reply, he examined for a while, first he sized up Bai Yan once, curlinghis lip, before sweeping over to Juan Shu, tilting his head to look, a sneeringnoise seemingly appearing from his mouth, finally he then looked towards theonly one who didn’t move like a mountain w.a.n.g Yun Feng. The boy’s motionsseemed to halt for a bit, his eyes narrowing into a slit, nose reddened, thecorner of his mouth pursed in a straight line, with a kind of stubborn andgrave feeling.

Much likethe two people, Bai Yan stared at the other person, very soon he discovered thepattern on the boy’s waist ornament. A summer lotus, five flower buds, he was achild of the fifth wife of the Xia family’s, Xia Xiang Min, General Xia’s.

Bai Yandidn’t dare to relax too much, since the Zhao Princess had left, the Xia familyhad not sent news that anyone else would come to see the master. Looking fromthe view of the past seven years, the Xia family were adept at acting friendlybelying ill-intentions, the younger they were the more daring they were, hisfamily’s master did suffer a lot under the hands of the younger generation. Ashe thought of those times, the young boy jumped up onto the window sill with a`shua`, again squatting, as before looking as if he could attack at any time.

Bai Yanopened his mouth: “Little boy. You’re a relative of Xia family’s fifth master?”

He hadn’theard Xia family’s fifth master had an outside mistress, to the extent that hisson was already so old.

The youngboy deliberately ignore him, his pair of black eyes unblinkingly looked at w.a.n.gYun Feng, jumping once, jumping again, Bai Yan did not have enough time to stophim, the other person had already jumped onto the armrest of the chair w.a.n.g YunFeng was sitting on.

A childaged five or six, although he had a young but not young posture, his entirebody was curled up like a black ball standing one legged on the armrest, theother leg crossed over his arm placed on his shoulder, his head extending outfrom between his arms, his eyes meeting w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s. The same black pupils,the older person’s contained a tranquil coldness, the younger one held theblood thirst and callousness of a wild beast, the tips of their noses couldtouch with only a millimetre apart.

Bai Yan waseven more nervous, Juan Shu had already scuttled up, both hands pulling theboy’s arm, unable to move him, he went to pick him up by the waist, he couldn’tlift him up! 

Both his hands gathered around the other’s neck using all hisstrength twisting it back, unable to move him! Juan Shu used his hands andfeet, proceeding with gritted teeth, ferociously and madly wanting to move theother person a little bit, panting with weariness, the other person’s nose wasonly a millimetre away from w.a.n.g Yun Feng.

Juan Shutearfully looked at Bai Yan, Bai Yan turned his head, this stupid person stilldidn’t understand, the young boy’s martial art clearly was pretty good, the qian jin zhuwas to the point of perfection, what can such a foolish person who cannot takeup burdens or able to move anything do to him?

Whileeveryone was mulling over the little boy’s aim, the other person suddenly tookout and opened up a painting from within his lapel. There was a man in thepainting, with straight eyebrows, cold eyes, wearing a blue garment, both handsbehind his back standing haughtily, from head to toe giving off a don’t comeclose and don’t disturb aura, beside the man a small completely black with goldspots leopard was drawn.

The youngboy took the portrait comparing it to w.a.n.g Yun Feng for a while, at last sayinga sentence: “Do you eat mouse?”

w.a.n.g YunFeng raised his eyebrow, his tone more set apart than the other person: “No.”

The boyagain asked: “Do you play warship?”

w.a.n.g YunFeng: “No.”



The boylike an older child stroked his jaw unnecessarily: “What do you know?”

w.a.n.g YunFeng leaned on the back of his chair, completely relaxed: “And what do you 


“I’m askingyou.”

“And I’masking you.”

“…” The twowere silent, looking at each other, eyebrows raised, the boy’s temper in theend jumped alive, or maybe it’s because he had stared at someone for too long,losing interest, leaning his head back, `clicking his tongue`: “Dull old man.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng coldly said: “An ignorant child who shows no respect to elders andsuperiors.”

The youngboy suddenly turned his head back, bearing his teeth, biting w.a.n.g Yun Feng’sneck.

“Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahah----“Juan Shu shrieked, covering his own neck and jumping up and down in the room.

Bai Yanlike lightening rushed at the boy’s acupuncture point, his fingertips barelytouching the other’s back, the young boy had already jumped away, spitting outa mouthful, he spat out a piece of b.l.o.o.d.y flesh. He went as far as todeliberately bite a hole out of w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s neck, as a victim, w.a.n.g YunFeng did not frown at all, allowing blood to bubble out of that hole.

Outside theroom the secret guards who heard the sound of activity kicked the door open andcharged in, still not quick enough to see the boy’s appearance, suddenly tenmore secret guards appeared from the window and roof as well as the corridoroutside. Inside the room, the young boy had already been lifted on to theshoulder of an extremely tall, coa.r.s.e and wild appearing, st.u.r.dy great manreeking of a fishy seawater smell from head to toe.

Bai Yanloudly said: “Who exactly are you?”

A sharplaugh sounded from behind that great man: “A misunderstanding, purely amisunderstanding.” A short and small, red lips, white teeth youngster steppedout, bowing to 

w.a.n.g Yun Feng: “We are the Xia family’s fifth master, GeneralXia’s subordinates, Kong Xian has met Imperial Censor w.a.n.g before, regards toLord w.a.n.g.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng seemed to also know the other person’s ident.i.ty, after all the design ofthe Xia family’s coat of arms on the bare smooth head of that robust man hadlong ago made 

clear of his origins.

w.a.n.g YunFeng pointed at the young boy on the robust man’s shoulder: “Who is he?”

“Oh, thislarge person is General Xia’s competent and capable Wu Sheng.” Kong Xianslapped the robust man’s back, a peal of flesh pitter-pattered: “Wu Sheng,quickly come greet Lord w.a.n.g, he is indeed the second lady’s old paramour, youcannot rashly offend him.”

These wordswere said crudely, the people of the w.a.n.g family all stopped withunderstanding. The second lady, naturally is Xia Ling Mei the second oldest ofthe current third generation of the Xia family. Old paramour, this sort ofsaying if looked in a good way was an old lover, in not a good way was anoutsider, unable to go from the main room to enter the inner chamber, andadequately make known that person’s position. Cannot rashly offend, if hereally did offend him, then he can be ruthlessly hostile.

w.a.n.g YunFeng has been an imperial censor for so many years, what winds and waves has henot seen before. So long as it’s not Xia Ling Mei, whatever business of anyonecould hardly make him concerned in the slightest.

Kong Xianwatched w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s zombie face become more and more immortal like,suddenly realising he was pointing to the boy on Wu Sheng’s shoulder: “This isXia Fen, the eighth master in the younger generation of the Xia family.” KongXian did not say who his parents were, w.a.n.g Yun Feng also did not ask.

So long asit’s a child of the Xia family, even if w.a.n.g Yun Feng was bitten full of holeshe would only endure it.

“Thisperson is very weak.” Xia Fen with his legs crossed coldly said.

Kong Xianclearly very much agreed, looking at w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s b.l.o.o.d.y neck he shruggedhis shoulders: “Young master Fen, did your teeth itch again?”

Xia Fenginnocently said: “I saw him and just wanted to bite him. Maybe, I’m nearlygrowing permanent teeth?”

The peopleof the w.a.n.g family remained silent, when you grow permanent teeth you like tobite human flesh? Who taught this child, like a wild leopard, obstinate andunruly.

Kong Xiannaturally did not come to find w.a.n.g Yun Feng for a chat, after saying a fewunrelated words he got straight to the point: “The w.a.n.g residence has beenburnt down, where is the second lady?”

w.a.n.g YunFeng let Juan Shu apply medicine and fastened a bandage on the b.l.o.o.d.y hole: 

“Youneed her for something?”

“GeneralXia has asked us to escort young master Fen to the second lady. A few days agoyoung master Fen had continuously communicated with the second lady, we rushedover with great difficulty, unexpectedly the w.a.n.g residence no longer exists, itwas too much.”

The peopleof the w.a.n.g family silently fumed, what sort of rubbish was he saying.

Bai Yancrossed one leg over the other reminding them: “Our mistress’ handiwork, isnaturally outstanding.”

“Oh, thesecond mistress made someone blow it up? Not bad, not bad, she is a greatexpert on explosives, cannons, firearms and so on.”

Juan Shurolled his eyes.

“Where isshe? Don’t tell us, you’ve lost the second lady! It doesn’t matter if youreally have lost her, we’ll look for her ourselves. Hey, since that w.a.n.gresidence has been destroyed for half a day, why is there still no news fromthe second lady, what are the subordinates doing.”

Xiao Baiwho had rushed through the doors just now heard most of it and angrily said:“Who says we haven’t found the mistress, I will take you to her.”

Bai Yanshook his head, stupid, stupid, Hei Zi you deliberately turned Bai Zi into aXiao Bai? This is indirect revenge!

As the mostintelligent person besides the w.a.n.g family’s master, Bai Yan felt a lot ofpressure.

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