Xia LingMei’s martial arts were clearly great, unexpectedly she was unable to throw offw.a.n.g Yun Feng’s hands.

Xia Fen sawthe two people’s struggle, eager to protect his mother, like a wild animalescaping from its cage he suddenly jumped up at w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s back. Xia Fen’ssmall body, force however was huge, an iron ball knocking into an unsteadystake, w.a.n.g Yun Feng suffering from the force stumbled forward, his whole body,completely unguarded, fell onto the struggling Xia Ling Mei.

The twopeople eyes crisscrossed, in the night, for no reason at all Xia Ling Mei’shairs stood on end. The moment of weightlessness and the torture of uncertaintyas she fell from the cliff came rushing to her mind, she had a sort of déjà vu,subconsciously reaching out wanting to cry for help. w.a.n.g Yun Feng loosened hisgrip, her heart thudded, a coldness rising from the soles of her feet. Theendless night sky was like the dark and sinister underworld, her sleevesfluttering in the air, along with the tendency to fall down, her back wasempty, the inside of her body also seemed void. She opened her mouth, eyes wideopen, waiting for that night’s fear and terror to engulf all her rationalityand emotions.

Save ----me!

She wantedto cry out, but before the words were out of her mouth, her natural dispositionto be strong again reared its head, subconsciously wanting to take out her longwhip to save herself, just as she moved, the back of her head was enveloped bya warm large hand, `bang` rocking twice, her entire body had already fallenback a few steps knocking into the door frame. Apart from a light knock shedidn’t feel any pain.

w.a.n.g YunFeng held her, gently saying: “Don’t be scared.”

Xia LingMei nose heated up, a large crack exploded in the high walls she had erectedsince she had fallen off the cliff. w.a.n.g Yun Feng held her, his weak breathfirst brushed against her forehead, then falling on top of her eyes, lightlykissing them: “I’m here.”

Xia LingMei’s fingers by the side of her body shivered, as if she was uncertain,whether she wanted to grab hold of the man close at hand. w.a.n.g Yun Fengapparently knew what was going through her head, one hand as before placedbehind her head, the other hand already tightly holding her waist, making thetwo people even closer. His heat, her coldness, slowly blended a little bit.

That momentwhen she had falling off the cliff, she really did long for someone capable ofprotecting her, longed for that someone who could shield her from the wind andrain, be alarmed for her. Zhuang Sheng protected her, she was moved, butwandering the Jianghu for the past many years made her not dare to easily trustin anyone; the goodwill of people like Jiu Fang Xi she calmly accepted, becauseher experience on the battlefield made her genuinely respect experts. Herstrength and independence made her not rely on anyone, even more times she hadwillingly treated the men around her as friends for better or for worse, butcould not treat them as lovers together in life and death.

For a longtime a deep ravine had cracked open her heart, her true feelings buried at thebottom ravine, apart from the person who had obtained her true feelings before,everyone else would be outside in the dense fog deep in the mountainsobstructed by her determination to sever all relations.

She nevershowed her weakness to others, her weakness only blossomed extremely quietly inthe corners in the dead of the night, no one could see her true feelingsoutside her strong fort.

Shecontinuously refused, refused and refused, shaking her head at each and every onebesides her, to leave, never to come back.

She watchedthe little bit of her hope slowly lose itself into despair, again to havenothing at all.

Look, allof them think of themselves as hard-hearted, persistent despite trials andtribulations, thinking she was not afraid of any hardships. No one has everwondered whether she was afraid like a normal woman of the unknown future,whether she would hesitate and hold back when faced with thistles and thorns,when she went through extreme dangers was she scared and in despair…not asingle person had such thoughts.

Xia LingMei is simply a woman. She shouldn’t have to a.s.sume so much responsibility, sheshouldn’t have to face these foul winds and rains of blood, she shouldn’t haveto straighten her spine and present herself who can conquer every obstacle…

She alsowanted to have someone to rely on, to give her a silent embrace when she wasweak, telling her: “Don’t be scared.”

She wantedeven more when she was struggling the most, when she was most indecisive andhelpless, the person at the bottom of her heart against all odds appear infront of her, tightly hold her, telling her: “I’m here.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng held her even tighter: “I’m by your side, you need to learn to trust meagain.”

Xia LingMei spoke smothered: “What makes you able for me to trust you again!” Just asshe spoke, she felt as a matter of fact it didn’t seem like a question, insteadit had a complete sense of throwing a tantrum. His embrace was like the mostbeautiful poison, making her afraid yet yearn for it.

“Your wordsare always empty, and you don’t carefully think, apart from me here who canmake you completely at ease, who else can you rely on?”

Peeved XiaLing Mei yelled out a name: “Zhuang Sheng.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng breathed in deeply, spitefully saying: “You purely want me to die fromanger, am I right?”

It would begreat if she could kill him from anger! Did he know, when she saw Xia Fen jumpdown without the slightest hesitation, how much she wished w.a.n.g Yun Feng wouldfollow by her side, since they couldn’t be together in life, it would be fineto die together. Like this she would not have to again and again guess whethershe was in his heart, no need to bicker about how much he truly felt towardsher, and no need to again struggle between love and hate worried about personalgains and losses.

It had tobe, the person who should have come down didn’t, the person who shouldn’t havecome down came rolling down, her warm heart which had warmed up a little withgreat difficulty again cooled down.

She wassomeone who the more hurt she is the more she wants to show herself as strongin front of people, in the end unavoidably she was the one who suffered. Shehad held her breath from when she fell off the cliff to now, in front of w.a.n.gYun Feng she finally exploded.

Luckily,w.a.n.g Yun Feng had already long ago fortified himself against her sarcasticcomments, again pulling her into his arms, Xia Ling Mei finally saw a clearsky, his heart was beating steadily.

Xia Fenwatched the two people who were just going head to head with each other now ina blink of an eye holding each other and whispering, he was completely puzzled.However, his small brain faintly understood he appeared to have done a gooddeed from a freak combination of factors. But that good deed was bad for him,his mother was going to be s.n.a.t.c.hed away by this dull man!

Xia Fenwith grief and indignation grabbed the other’s collar for the life of himwanting to pull w.a.n.g Yun Feng away from Xia Ling Mei, mother was his alone.

After awhile of being pulled to and fro, wanting to continue his sweet talking w.a.n.gYun Feng could only drop the subject, pulling Xia Ling Mei into the room, Xia Fenfeeling aggrieved as before clutched onto his ear, clutched at his hair, pulledat his clothes, wanting to shoo the other person out.

w.a.n.g YunFeng helplessly sighed: “This child, who is he’s?”

Xia LingMei’s anger towards w.a.n.g Yun Feng had not completely disappeared, allowing herson to continue tormenting him on top of his head, only saying: “The Xiafamily.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng could not be that easily duped: “Which wife of the Xia family whichgeneration? And who are his parents?”

Xia LingMei eyes flickered, steeping tea: “Your righteous upright strong words do youthink this is the court. You don’t need to know who his parents are, you onlyneed to know he is of the younger generation of the Xia family. Now, andforever, he has already long ago been added to the Xia family record, it won’tchange.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng faintly shivered, putting his hand behind his back wanting to get thechild down from his back, Xia Fen struggled free, with a few somersaults heturned into a chair not too far away, four limbs falling into one place,cautiously staring at him. Although his temper was completely different, butthose brows and eyes clearly held w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s appearance, separated youcouldn’t make out the two’s similarity, but together, everyone would think theywere father and son.

w.a.n.g YunFeng knew Xia Ling Mei would not admit it easily, and thinking that a largeproblem had already been resolved tonight, it wasn’t good to press on again, hecould only drop it. Afraid that if he pressed it too much, this lioness wouldexplode.

The twotalked about their emotions, the night got even later.

w.a.n.g YunFeng exhausted all his thoughts looking for Xia Ling Mei, alarmed andcontinuously not able to sleep well for several days, at ease his exhaustionlike a tide bubbled forth on his face. Xia Ling Mei was just about to call forsomeone to prepare another courtyard for him, he waved his hand, minding hisown business pulling Xia Ling Mei into the inner room, pushing her onto thebed, he took off his own outer garment and shoes leaving them outside. ShockedXia Fen’s hair stood on ends, rigidly wanting to push him away. Unexpectedlyw.a.n.g Yun Feng seemed thin and weak, nevertheless after his who heart and soulrelaxed he was extremely tired, Xia Fen exhausted tremendous strength, butcould only only place himself in between the two people, he couldn’t even liftup his head, his whole body placed by his mother’s side, no matter what he wasgoing to be a fat and short Milky Way.

For manyyears Xia Ling Mei has not shared a bed with someone else, apart from beingafraid it was hard for her to get used to, a blush gradually appeared on herface. Waiting until Ying Shi came tiptoeing in to extinguish the candles, andclosing the bedroom door, her cheeks in the dark were already so red that itwas partially purple, and not knowing if she was more shy or angry.

She feltaround for the quilt unfolding it to cover the three people, again pacifyingthe raucous Xia Fen to sleep, before then daring to secretly look at w.a.n.g YunFeng.

In themiddle of the night, the shadow under his eyes were even darker, thin lipstightly pursed, brows slightly smoothed out, his usual seriousness and coldstrictness faded seventy, eighty percent, the gentleness when he was youngercoming through. Before for so many nights, she had tossed and turned restlesslyon the bed alone, guessing where he was staying that night, guessing if he hasdiscovered her unconditional investment in their relationship, imaging whetherthere would be a day the two would be connected with mutual feelings.

Now, apartfrom that painful night, this could be considered the first time they haveslept together in the same bed since they married.

Xia LingMei blinked, no matter what she could not peacefully fall asleep, she couldn’thelp sliding her fingers around, moving it slowly a little bit in the hollow ofhis palm. w.a.n.g Yun Feng who initially wanted to sleep slowly opened his eyes,before seeing the woman opposite him clearly quite a while later.

His facespread out, as if he was softly smiling, his other hand pa.s.sed by Xia Fen’sstiff hair to embrace her, extending his neck, kissing her on the lips oncelightly.

Xia LingMei widened her eyes, first she felt a bit cold, but his breath once againbrought heat, his skin was a little bit hot, this time, she herself was alsoheating up, like a crystal steamed b.u.m having just come out of the steamer.

It was toosudden, she was somewhat frantic, in her memory, this was their first kiss.

w.a.n.g YunFeng’s fingers moved gently in her hair, ticklish, she opened her mouth wantingto speak, another cold thing came pushing through, licking her pearly whiteteeth. This time Xia Ling Mei was really stunned, she wanted to pull back, hehowever pulled her head forward closer. That tongue like this took a furtherstep, pulling hers to dance together.

Xia LingMei was unable to breath, tears made her eyes misty, her heart was beating likea drum, so much so her hand in his also became hot like lava.

w.a.n.g YunFeng wishing to continue pecked her lips, whispering: “Sleep.”

Right nowshe couldn’t sleep even more. It was the first time w.a.n.g Yun Feng had seen herfoolish and distracted face, both grieving and obscure, he couldn’t help severalemotions from gathering, the unspeakable tender love, rather like a person deliberatelyigniting a bomb blowing up ice, affectionate, making Xia Ling Mei cry for anight in a daze.

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