Early nextmorning, Xia Ling Mei was the first to wake, before she had even gotten up shesaw Xia Fen spreading out his five fingers, gesturing on top of w.a.n.g Yun Feng’sneck.

“Fen Er,what are you about to do?”

“Throttlehim to death.”

Xia LingMei was shocked, suddenly grabbing Xia Fen’s wrist, without explanation shedragged him out of bed. Turning her head to look at w.a.n.g Yun Feng sleeping,before she relaxed and said surpressing her emotions: “You can’t kill him.”

Xia Fenwith exceeding certainty said: “I know.”

Xia LingMei scowled, then what were you doing just now?

Xia Fenpuffed up his cheeks: “He’s fighting with me for mother. Zhuang Sun Zisaid, whoever sleeps with mother, will want to take mother away, don’t wantme anymore.”

ZhuangSheng, you cheap Sun Zi! Xia Ling Meisecretly grinded her teeth, so angry her eyebrows palpitated: “The words of astranger, cannot be trusted.”

Xia Fenworldly-wise shook his head: “He is my ally, we are unanimous towardsoutsiders.” 

Even the current martial arts leader Jiu Fang Xi could not handlethe two of them, an insignificant w.a.n.g Yun Feng, counted as nothing.

“Then whatif mother and Zhuang Sheng lived together? At that time you’re not afraid Iwill abandon you?”

Xia Fenmade a fist, saying with resolute: “At that time he will be my enemy, I willuse all my strength to pull out his tendons and tear his skin off, turn hisbones into dust.”

“Aren’t youallies?”

“GeneralXia said, there is only mutual benefit, not a mutual enemy! As a commander, youneed to know how to use someone’s help, after that break each and every one,then you can win the final victory.”

Since youngXia Fen grew up with Xia Ling Mei at the barracks, after Xia Ling Mei left thew.a.n.g residence she did not want to return to the Xia residence and become acomplaining woman who stayed in her room, with her martial art skills she foundGeneral Xia. Initially when she found out she was pregnant, she stayed byGeneral Xia’s side as a personal bodyguard with ease, by the time Xia Fen was born,she rolled up her long whip and became a neither too big nor too smallcenturion, braving the wind and the billows everyday if she wasn’t beheadingpirates she was fighting powerful enemies, blood soaked as she charged andbroke through enemy lines, obtaining the acknowledgement with effort amongstthe great older generations surrounding them for the mother and son.

Xia Fengrew up on the ships, apart from consuming Xia Ling Mei’s mother’s milk, duringthe day he would be rolling and crawling around the hold of General Xia’s ship,the people he saw were either matchlessly brave and muscular high-rankingmilitary officers, or young and vigorous soldiers, hearing words if not `kill`,then `wear them down for several days, when its right we’ll again kill`. By thetime he could speak and stand, General Xia intentionally nurtured him evenmore, even tying him to the helm of the ship in a battle, the wind and raincame, his physique and courage was out of the ordinary, and even learned quitea lot of General Xia’s strategies, temper viciously reckless and yet calm, witha bit of General Xia’s predatory nature. Up to the age of five or six, becausethere were no one of the same age around him, and has never left the sea, hewas spoiled by the high-ranking military officers to be used to being unrulyand overbearing, as time pa.s.sed instead he didn’t know how an ordinary boyshould act. Therefore, General Xia considered it over and over again, thinking thatthe children at Bai Lu academy ofcla.s.sical learning started around the age of five or six, he pondereddelivering him back to the Xia residence so he could go to school and honestlylearn to be a man of integrity.

Xia Fenheld the Xia family’s surname, he was on the family records, even thougheveryone did not hide the ident.i.ty of his biological father, intending to usethe child, their link, to act as matchmaker for w.a.n.g Yun Feng and Xia Ling Mei.General Xia’s intestines twisted around forty-nine times, before sending himoff he told Kong Xian particularly, he must foist the child onto Xia Ling Mei.The matter of w.a.n.g Yun Feng chasing after Xia Ling Mei’s footsteps, the 

Xiafamily knew about it, wherever Xia Ling Mei is there would be w.a.n.g Yun Feng,the family of three had to meet at some point, this feral child willautomatically make the husband and wife better.

Xia LingMei did not find Xia Fen’s temper different, but once she wondered the Jianghu,and the time she spent at the Gu residence, she then suddenly felt this was notthe battlefield raining with blood, rather it was genuine peace and prosperity.Therefore in a few months, her young lady of an influential family’s manner andself-restraint had gradually returned.

Todayhearing Xia Fen’s response, only then did she feel deeply the child’s temperwas wrong, she felt guilty in her mind, she couldn’t help hugging him, lightlysaying: “This person isn’t your enemy, and is not an ordinary stranger, if youkill him, what would mother do?”

Xia Fenautomatically said: “At that time mother will be mine alone, no one could stealyou away.”

“But motherwill be heart-broken.”

Xia Fentilted his head, his tiny hand subconsciously grabbing the scroll painting fromhis bosom. When he was younger he would annoy people to draw a portrait of hisfather, at first he had thought he would be a formidable person like GeneralXia, how was he to know he was a useless scholar, he couldn’t help but bedisappointed. By the time he met w.a.n.g Yun Feng in person, he felt that althoughthe other person knew a bit of martial arts but he really should build up hisstrength, when he spoke it was like hail, completely without the outspoken andexpansive air of the military, he was increasingly unhappy. Fortunately, thetwo people quickly separated, he again thought about it, but there was ZhuangSheng by his mother’s left side, Jiu Fang Xi on her right, he did notunderstand using his proximity to the powerful to obtain favour, but he had an intuitionlike a wild beast. Deep inside, he only felt Zhuang Sheng and Jiu Fang Xi didnot treat Xia Ling Mei in the same manner as the officers and soldiers of thepast, he therefore temporarily disregarded w.a.n.g Yun Feng, wholeheartedlysweeping away the love affairs by Xia Ling Mei’s side.

What he neverexpected, was in one night, that w.a.n.g Yun Feng climbed into Xia Ling Mei’s bed,as well as struggle over domain with this young child, enough is enough.

Mother, isXia Fen’s alone!

He did notknow how to compromise with anyone, the officers and soldiers taught to faceand slaughter the enemy, subconsciously he only knew the principle `those whoblock my way will die`.

Hecarefully scrutinised Xia Ling Mei’s expression, only seeing his mother who inher former days was completely domineering now was somewhat more tender,appearing the same as she usually treats him, yet vaguely feeling she was alittle bit different. He very cautiously asked: “If mother is heartbroken, willyou hit Fen Er’s bottom?”

Xia LingMei released him, pinching his chubby cheeks: “Why would I hit your bottom? Youhave rough skin and thick flesh hitting you would hurt my hand. If you hurthim, you will never again have chicken b.u.t.t in the future.”

Xia Fen’sface immediately fell, in his mind, chicken b.u.t.t is too important, so much moreimportant than Zhuang Sheng. He could not have Zhuang Sheng, but he could nothave chicken b.u.t.t. It must be known, at sea, chicken b.u.t.t was a common seldomgreat meal.

Mouth-watering:“Then I won’t kill him, can I have chicken b.u.t.t today?”

Xia LingMei couldn’t help shooting a glance at the sleeping w.a.n.g Yun Feng, if he knewhis son saw chicken b.u.t.t as even more important than his life, how would hereact?

Laughingfor quite some time, Xia Ling Mei again warned Xia Fen to not rashly takesomeone’s life, Xia Fen considered it over and over again: “As long as motherdoesn’t bring other people into bed, Fen Er will not kill them”

Xia LingMei was powerless, originally last night she also did not think her and w.a.n.gYun Feng would share a bed.

While themother and son were talking about chicken b.u.t.t and killing people their severalconnections, then signing a string of human life and chicken b.u.t.t unequaltreaty, Xia Fen then followed Zhuang Sheng who had been waiting outside for along time to train, before he left he still turned his head: “Mother, fightwith me later.”

Xia LingMei seeing w.a.n.g Yun Feng had still not woken up, after going through Xia Fen’scontrolling declaration it was best not to stay by his side. After carefully pinchinghis nose, she walked away reluctantly.

Because itwas the manor of the martial arts leader, everywhere at the training groundwere martial artists.

Xia LingMei taught Xia Fen the majority of techniques, actually not afraid of peoplepeeking. Most of what Xia Fen learned was how to face an enemy on thebattlefield, each move, each style were directly attacking the vital parts, ontop of that he was little and nimble, the gold border on his short garment wasdazzling as its little owner moved, drawing people to cast sidelong glances.

ZhuangSheng practiced with him provoking him in all kinds of way then jumping ontothe roof, not coming down unless it was for life or death. Xia Fen glanced atthe other person in distain, with Zhuang Sheng and Kong Xian to find the pathto the martial arts leader Jiu Fang Xi. He was no match for him alone,naturally he needed helpers. Zhuang Sheng’s qinggongwas outstanding, Kong Xian’s internal strength was constantly developing,Xia Fen’s nimble adaptability, the two of them could be regarded as half of XiaFen’s teacher, with complete mutual understanding, they actually surround JiuFang Xi for a short time.

Xia LingMei brandishing a long whip gathered it up, drinking tea to one side. ZhuangSheng rushed to her side: “I heard Lord w.a.n.g has arrived, is it important?”

Xia LingMei knew what Zhuang Sheng was asking, she couldn’t help but think of the deepkiss in the middle of the night, her face reddened: “He only came to find me.”

How could ZhuangSheng miss the other person’s complexion, his mouth was bitter: “You stillchoose him.”

Xia LingMei tilted her head, softly saying: “Since the day I met him, I have never hadthe choice. Moreover, I am his wife.”

ZhuangSheng still effortlessly laughed: “I was delusional.”

Xia LingMei tightened her grip around the long whip in her hand, looking at the smallleopard on the training ground: “You should know Xia Fen’s past…”

“Of courseI know.” Zhuang Sheng impatiently interrupted her, controlling his tone ofvoice: “But the young master’s name has given me a gleam of hope. Fen, isn’tthat for separation. Back then, you would have been determined to forget him,how can you change your mind in a mere short month. Only because of a child? Oris it because…”

Because inXia Ling Mei’s mind there has only ever been w.a.n.g Yun Feng, with anotherperson, give her ten years and she still wouldn’t easily fall in love, but ifthe person is w.a.n.g Yun Feng, his every movement will always be capable ofcontrolling her entire mind.

Both ofthem knew this, but none of them would say it out.

“Or,”Zhuang Sheng rubbed his sword hilt, mockingly: “If you were not a stubbornwoman ready to die to preserve one’s chast.i.ty like this, I would not havefallen in love with you. If I had known earlier it would be like this, I wouldnot have kept up this n.o.ble character, I would have sooner used the flowerthief method, and not have gotten to the point of being discarded.”

Xia LingMei was stunned: “What sort of methods do you flower thieves usually use?”

ZhuangSheng unperturbed: “Act first, report later.”

Xia LingMei shook her head, having nothing to say. Zhuang Sheng, inside and out couldnot be considered a man of honour.

Xia LingMei wiped her sweat, taking Xia Fen to change clothes, only then calling onw.a.n.g Yun Feng. Hei Zi and Bai Zi had long ago disappeared not knowing wherethey’d gone, Ying Shi and Xiu Yu were preparing breakfast, Bai Yan and Juan Shucould not enter Xia Ling Mei’s room.

The personsleeping on the bed was still sleeping in the same position he was in when she left,not even his brows had moved much. Xia Ling Mei felt suspicious, w.a.n.g Yun Fengused to be a court councillor who had to report to the government office everyday, after being promoted to imperial censor, he needed to be in court at dawn,he absolutely could not sleep in, it did not make sense that everyone was awakebut he was still in bed.

With atouch of the wrist, his pulse was slow, his skin ice-cold, clearly he had fallen ill again.

This time,Xia Ling Mei could not stay out of it, she was genuinely so scared hercomplexion paled.

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