“Overworked.”Han Yi Fan released w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s wrist, saying with rather great pity, “Lastyear he had an ineradicable disease, always taking care of his healthappropriately so that it would stay hidden and not act up. These days it hasbeen tiringly #for him constantly on the move, extremely anxious, after hismind was at ease his body automatically began to recuperate, rest for a fewdays, and drink a few decoctions he’ll be fine.” He again looked at Xia LingMei again with lingering fear, “Just now seeing your panicked expression, Ithought Xia Fen had met with a huge calamity and his life was hanging by athread, but as it turns out it’s because of this heartless rat.”

Xia LingMei glanced at Han Yi Fan with annoyance: “Even if he’s heartless he’s stillthe one who has my heart, it has nothing to do with outsiders.” She steppedforward placing w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s wrist under the quilt, her manner andappearance not at all unhappy, it actually made Han Yi Fan choke up at a lossof words.

Quite awhile later: “Good, well, one of you likes to abuse and the other is willing tosuffer, I have acted badly on my presumptions” `shua, shua, shua` he wrote several prescriptions to give to YingShi, he couldn’t help harping on: “Who said spilt water is difficult toretrieve, this son of the w.a.n.g family let alone water, I reckon he evenretrieved the water basin.”

Yin Shicraned her head looking at the shadow of the busy Xia Ling Mei behind thescreen, she twitched her mouth at Han Yi Fan: “We maids cannot take care ofthese things, it’s enough if the young lady is happy.”

Han Yi Fanlaughed as he shook his head, saying to Xia Ling Mei: “In two days’ time it’llbe the Dragon Boat Festival, I’m going to hurry back to Beiding City, I’ll pa.s.sthrough here first. 

Lady Xia is there anything you want me to help you bringback to the Xia family?”

Xia LingMei stopped and considered it for a bit: “Then, please trouble Hero Han to makea trip to the Xia family, tell them us mother and son are well.”

Han Yi Fanasked: “When are you returning home?”

“For now Iwon’t return yet.” Right now she was being hunted by someone, if she returnedto Beiding City, the journey would very unsafe. Rather than hurrying back tolook for protection, it would be better for her to think of a way to deal withthe Gu family herself before safely returning home, and would help the Xiafamily resolve an old issue. Also, w.a.n.g Yun Feng would not leave the courtswithout good cause. Acting as imperial censor these past years, unconcerned andregardless he had swept the hindrance of the previous dynasty away on behalf ofthe emperor, offending a lot of influential officials, the emperor sent himaway, on one hand it should be because he doesn’t want him to be attacked onall sides until death puts his life to an end, on the other hand naturally itwas for an even bigger purpose. w.a.n.g Yun Feng was the lecherous emperor’s eagleclaw, releasing him would only allow him to catch even larger prey. Xia LingMei had thought of this point long ago.

Before whenthe two were opposing each other with equal harshness she still never left, itwas because of his security consideration. Now their thoughts were mutual,naturally she was even more worried for his safety, increasingly unwilling leavehim alone.

Han Yi Fandid not ask anymore, Ying Shi at the side had already taken the prescriptionand was looking at it carefully, moving closer to ask about what to do after itis boiled, without demur she strongly invited Han Yi Fan to leave, coming backto close the room door tightly, completely like she was protecting hermistress, making Han Yi Fan actually not know whether to laugh or cry, onlythinking that what type of mistress will have what type of servant.

After thesepeople had just left, again over there one adult and one young came tiptoeingover, leaning against the window, heads sticking together wanting to spy on thescene inside.

The younghowever fought over it, he couldn’t help pinch the other person’s arm: “Do younot know to respect the old and cherish the young?”

The adultwas also uncompromising, smiling mischievously: “Then do you understand Kong 

Rong giving up pears?”

“Pears areto be given to the younger. You’re an adult.” Pushing and forcing the otheraside.

“Ai, ai,you need to respect your elder.” Uncompromising.

The twopeople stared at each other, the adult could not help but say: “The two of theminside must be doing things as husband and wife, if a baby like you sees you’llget sty.”

The youngblinked, kneading his nose and asking: “What is things as husband and wife?”

“That isbridal room.”

“What isbridal room?”


“I don’tunderstand.”

“That’s whyI say you’re stupid, even if you see anything you wouldn’t know what it means.Quickly step aside, wait until I’ve had a look and I’ll tell you.”

The young rumbled and grumbled: “After they do the thing between husband and wife, will Ihave a younger brother?”

The adultsnorted, considerably annoyed asking: “It doesn’t have to be Lord w.a.n.g who canhave a little brother with your mother, I can have one with your mother. Maybe,a little sister can be born, then a little brother, then a younger sister andbrother…”

The younglooked down at him: “Do you see my mother as a sea turtle, when she gives birthshe has a brood.”

This rottenchild, what sort of a.n.a.logy is that, comparing his mother to a sea turtle? Ifthere really is a turtle, then that’s Lord w.a.n.g being cuckold.

The two ofthem ceaselessly argued, Xia Ling Mei was already very angry inside havingheard, pushing open the window, overlooking the two of them in distain whorefused to face the reality, to the adult she only said: “Zhuang Sheng, do youbelieve I will make it so you will never be able to have children?”

ZhuangSheng chuckled a little: “I’m a man, how can I give birth, you would be the oneto give birth…ah, spare me the whip…” He ran off.

The youngermerely climbed above onto the window frame, clutching Xia Ling Mei’s sleeve:“Mother, I don’t want a brood of younger brothers and sisters.” Pouting, “Ialso don’t want Zhuang Sun Zi givingbirth to my younger brothers and sisters.”

Her angersoared, that scoundrel b.a.s.t.a.r.d, corrupting her son randomly, see if she won’tbeat that b.a.s.t.a.r.d next time.

Xia LingMei single-handedly grabbed Xia Fen’s shoulder: “Come in.”

The twomoved closer to the bedside of the sleeping w.a.n.g Yun Feng, Xia Ling Mei pulledon Xia Fen’s hand, quietly saying: “Afterwards, you have to call him adoptivefather.”

Xia Fenstared: “I don’t have a father.”

“Fen Er!”

Xia Fensaid extremely angrily: “Mother said before, I’m a child who had come floatingfrom the sea, I was born from a whale. I don’t have a father.”

Xia LingMei tightly smiled until her anger faded: “That was to scare and mess with you,of course it’s not real. If you were born from a whale, then I’m not yourmother either.”

Xia Fenshook his head with all his strength: “I was born from mother and a whale.”

Xia LingMei showed an angry countenance: “Don’t cause trouble, you know he is yourfather. If you were born from a whale, why did you cry and cause a fuss wantinga portrait of your daddy when you were younger.”

Truthfully,Xia Fen really didn’t know he had a daddy, from young he knew Xia Ling Mei washis mother. Coincidentally, he grew up on warships, apart from men on the shipsthere were men, Xia Ling Mei was the only woman, contrary to expectations shewas a woman who was even more fiercely barbaric and violent in action compareto true men, and this woman was his mother. The baby thought highly of himselfin his mind, feeling as the child of the only woman, he ought to be the mostspecial, a person most favoured by nature. Even before he could stably walk atthe age of one he could jump, when he was two while the soldiers climbed themast he was suspended on a rope flying across the sail, when he was aroundthree, with the sun high in the sky and wonderful weather, carrying his ownsmall belly, swinging his own little elephant, strutting around with thesailors swimming in the sea; when he was older than four he could alreadysoundlessly throw out concealed knifes from the embrace of Wu Sheng; at five heput on an act sprawling on the maritime map drawing the naval territory of theDayan.

These arestill not worthy of praise, his greatest skill was using his little elephant asfish bait, going to fish in the sea. Of course, sometimes he himself was a fatand big fish bait.

Thestrangest thing was, sometimes working together they would net a whale and whenpulled up there would still be little fishes inside. Xia Fen compared hisheight and appearance with the small fishes, crying loudly he ran to find XiaLing Mei, saying no wonder he doesn’t have a father, because he was completelydifferent from young whales, that’s why he was abandoned by his father. Afterthat, Xia Ling Mei then told him he had a father, his father’s appearance wasnot that much different from the men on the ships. Xia Fen did not believe itat all, bent on wanting to go into the sea to find his father, Xia Ling Meicould not do anything, she also was not willing to find a random person to behis daddy, thus, she could only ask someone from the Xia family to get someoneto do a portrait of w.a.n.g Yun Feng and send it over, giving it to Xia Fen. XiaFen naturally carried it with him every day without letting go, after that,General Xia seeing how much the child loved it, besides the portrait he drew asmall leopard, from then on that portrait never left Xia Fen’s side.

Because ofthis, Xia Fen was mocked by the Dayan sailors for several years.

Xia Fen wasyoung, he couldn’t remember a lot of things, he only anxiously felt his motherseems to see his father as more significant than himself, his territory wasbeing threatened. He wanted to tell his mother not to have adoptive father, buthis heart hated to do so. Xia Ling Mei kept her words, Xia Fen did not dare tocause too much trouble, he kept his mouth shut like a mussel not opening hismouth no matter what, staring resolutely with both eyes at the sleeping w.a.n.gYun Feng, moving apart his two short legs with a few jumps he ran out.

He went tofind Zhuang Sun Zi to make a plan.

Only whenthe sun set in the west did w.a.n.g Yun Feng finally wake up, when he opened hiseyes, his brain was a lump of paste, he simply did not know where he was.

Just as ahand was pulling away his collar with a towel, helping him wipe his neck. Theother person’s hair was quite firm, moving on his skin stabbing.

He grabbedthat hand, he called out with a hoa.r.s.e voice: “Ling Mei.”

A flash ofsurprise pa.s.sed Xia Ling Mei’s eyes, she smiled saying: “You’re awake.” Wantingto retract her hand, the other person stubbornly held on, Xia Ling Mei wasunable to, asking him: “Are you uncomfortable somewhere? Are you hungry? Sinceyou’re awake take a bath yourself, rubbing you down with a wet towel won’tclean you.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng had hurried on his way, after he had found her covered in dust, withouttaking a bath he had collapsed. When Xia Ling Mei saw him sweat a lot whilesleeping, she then wrung a towel out wanting to give him a simple clean,still sleeping very well and steady. How was she supposed to know, half waythrough he would wake up.

Ying Shiwho was outside waiting to serve heard a voice, c.o.c.king her head she peeked inthen left again, not long after she would personally brew a warm bowl ofmedicine and come in, behind her two bulky servants followed carrying a bathtub and things to wash.

w.a.n.g YunFeng completely lacked strength, not knowing whether he was tired or hungry,seeing the medicine he didn’t say anything and drank it clean himself. Xia LingMei supported him from behind, seeing him muddleheaded, afraid that in a littlewhile he also would be unable to take a bath himself, she could only asksomeone to deliver dinner. Once he had simply made himself presentable,switching to the couch by the window, preparing to dine together.

Xia Fensmelt the fragrance, like an old hand who knows the ropes he rushed in, seeingw.a.n.g Yun Feng half leaning against the couch he pouted, calling to Xia Ling Mei“Adoptive mother” After, he tightly shut his mouth.

w.a.n.g YunFeng without intention lifted his head glancing at him, Xia Fen returned hislook like a small beast with its fur on ends: “Invalid.”

Themedicine on the wound on w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s neck from being bitten had still notbeen changed, he only coldly said: “Sit down and eat.” There was no anger inhis words, in his mind he had already solemnly considered the other person ashis own son, displaying the awe-aspiring manner of a father.

Xia Fenpaused, feeling this soft octopus like man was even more terrifying thanGeneral Xia by a bit, he was unsettled, Xia Ling Mei had already placed a bowlof chicken b.u.t.t on top of the table.

Fine, XiaFen will shut up.

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