ZhuangSheng’s profession was somewhat particular in nature, it wasn’t enough for himto have a usual face that could wreck all living things, he was also good athypocritical flattery, nevertheless he was the best at looking for clues, ableto pick out from a pile of eggs the one with bones inside. This ability was theway he made a living, easily avoiding people.

Right now, heused this trade pa.s.sed on from generation to generation to find Xia Ling Mei’strail, it simply lacked any suspense.

Most of thepeople in the relay station were government officials, many brought their ownprivate soldiers or bodyguards, in addition with w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s intentionalbribe, inside for no reason there were more secret guards who had changed intoofficer outfits, there should be no inconvenience for them to stay heretemporarily for one night. If he was by himself, he would not be afraid even ifhe was rushing about on his horse for several days and nights, but this timehis wife and child were with him, even if he didn’t care for himself he stillhad to take care of his family.

ZhuangSheng examined the other side’s strength, feeling it was better to bide histime.

Actuallyhis heart was currently in a complete mess, not knowing why he followed themhere, the thought of Xia Ling Mei came frank and open, he also knew he wasunable to win the beauty’s hand in marriage. But, from the bottom of his hearthe couldn’t accept it. In this Jianghu, there was unexpectedly a woman who hewas interested in winning over but cannot, it truly mocked his distinguishedname of `flower thief`. He also thought about it before, if he really made XiaLing Mei fall in love with him, whether he would still be the same as before, afterexperiencing the greatest sweet taste he would throw the other person away,once again go look for the next target. Faintly, he felt as if he was capturedby an enchantment, Xia Ling Mei was the man-eating flower placed in the middleof the smoke filled enchantment, coming too close, not knowing whether he hadplucked the flower, or the flower had swallowed him up.

At the endof chou,the relay station had long ago resumed its peacefulness. On an unfamiliar road,only a little mosquito noise could be heard.

ZhuangSheng laid on the ground listening for a moment, as expected Jiu Fang Xi hadsent people to follow him, and receiving news had rushed over. Zhuang Sheng didnot want to run into them, noiselessly he concealed himself in the bambooforest not far away. Not long after, sure enough he heard the noise of a crowd,as well as the sound of weapons clashing against each other sharply cuttingthrough the air. Zhuang Sheng hid himself motionless, he even took out therations he had stolen from the relay station’s kitchen earlier on, drinkinggulp by gulp the good wine he had taken from the drunkard’s hand, on one handa.s.sessing the forms of both sides, calculating when he should reap in thebenefits. After another cup of tea, the men in black originally standing guardat Xian Yun manor also infiltrated into the relay station, the situationstarted to subtly stir up. This time, Jiu Fang Xi even sent out the eagle clawshe had arranged to be at the manor, it looked as if he wanted to see the threemembers of the w.a.n.g family to death.

ZhuangSheng, only cared about Xia Ling Mei alone nothing more. Perhaps, at most anaddition of one Xia Fen, a bargaining chip used to bribe and control Xia LingMei!

A b.l.o.o.d.ybattle.

The secretguards of the w.a.n.g family and Xia family were experienced, but the sacrificialsoldiers Jiu Fang Xi brought with him were actually truly fighting if theirlives depended on it. A great part of their front line at the small town’stavern were almost slaughtered by the w.a.n.g family’s secret guards, theremaining people knew that if the w.a.n.g family was to return alive, what lifewould greet their own master. The group of Jianghu people who had come alongwith Jiu Fang Xi were at first driven by benefits, they were the ones who wereengaged in the battle for power amongst the sects of the Jianghu, they had seenmuch blood, destroyed limbs and broken arms, everyone had blood-l.u.s.t,unconsciously becoming killers for the sake of killing, looking at itcarefully, it could be seen that in the eyes of those people of the Jianghuthey were already numb to chaos, without a trace of consciousness. That groupof sacrificial soldiers also didn’t seem to feel pain, even if their hand wasbroken, missing a leg they would still raise their swords at all costs toattack.

It was veryclear, whether it was the sacrificial soldiers or the people of the Jianghu,all of their consciousness were controlled by an ineffable drug.

Little bylittle the w.a.n.g family retreated in defeat, the entire relay station hadalready become a woeful battlefield, many of the government officials who hadcome out after hiding, also perished under the swords of the surroundingsacrificial soldiers.

With onelook Zhuang Sheng saw Xia Ling Mei, the long whip in her hand was likelightening in summer rain, splendid and deadly. Xia Fen’s small body wascrouched on Wu Sheng’s shoulders, he was fine when he didn’t move, when he didmove he would take a life. A very small child, steadily holding the small bladedripping with blood in his hand, either directly stabbing the other person in the throat, or directly pluckingout the heart of a person dressed in black. With every person he killed, hewould rapidly returned to Wu Sheng’s shoulders, his pair of wild animal eyescalmly surveying the opponents surrounding them, selecting his next target.

In themiddle of where they guarded, was w.a.n.g Yun Feng.

Jiu Fang Xi’starget, was also w.a.n.g Yun Feng.

ZhuangSheng unwavering gazed at that entire family, he would grit his teeth in angerevery time Xia Ling Mei defended w.a.n.g Yun Feng, even Xia Fen from time to timepaid attention to w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s safety.

For noreason at all Zhuang Sheng felt offended, he very carefully ran to the horsestable of the relay station, cutting off the reins, and stuck a blade into ahorse’s b.u.t.t, the steed neighed surging out, rushing into the crowd. Xia LingMei almost flung w.a.n.g Yun Feng onto the horse’s back, also jumping onto itherself.

ZhuangSheng’s four limbs touched the ground, following them amongst the carnage.

Evidently,Jiu Fang Xi’s martial art was better than everyone, chasing after them for halfa li, clinging onto his sword hedirectly charged at w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s back. He was stopped several times on theroad by the w.a.n.g family’s guards, Jiu Fang Xi still did not fall behind.

If w.a.n.g YunFeng avoided it, then Xia Ling Mei in front of him would be injured.

Naturally w.a.n.gYun Feng would not avoid it, he pushed down Xia Ling Mei’s body, the bladedirectly pierced through his shoulder blade.

Jiu Fang Xipicked his entire body up, Xia Ling Mei shouted loudly, a whip thrashed in thedirection of the sword.

ZhuangSheng quietly concealed himself at the edge of the intertwining tree roots,concealing himself as a shadow of the night. At that moment, it wasn’t the besttime to reveal himself.

Bai Yan andHei Zi caught up with them, Xia Ling Mei kicked w.a.n.g Yun Feng a bit furtheraway, saying to the two people: “Let us go together.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng drew in a breath, he knew at this moment he was a burden, and did notargue, he tore his own sleeve off and simply bound up his wound. There was toomuch blood, he was going to faint, when that moment came it would be even moreinconvenient.

Hei Zi andXia Ling Mei had a lot of rapport, Bai Yan from time to time found a gap tomount a sneak attack, the four people were in a gridlock.

ZhuangSheng patiently waited, he knew Jiu Fang Xi had not used his finishing blow. Hestared at Jiu Fang Xi not daring to blink, watching the other person stab ahole in Bai Yan, Hei Zi took a blow for Xia Ling Mei, this woman who remained wasa single person who could not save the situation.

However,Xia Ling Mei had to hold out.

Jiu Fang Xiran the sword through her right hand, sneering: “This is revenge for myfather.”

Xia LingMei changed to her left hand to hold the long whip, still like a wind blowing,blood flowing down from her right hand, instantly steeping her gown.

She againreceived another blow, this time it was her thigh, it hurt so much she tookseveral steps back. Her long whip was good for distance attack, and the swordwas good for close range, Jiu Fang Xi’s inner strength was secretly profound,almost playing with Xia Ling Mei like a monkey. Seeing her grind her teeth inpain, he laughed: “That was to avenge my sister Gu Sun Ci.”

Xia LingMei deliberately distanced herself away from w.a.n.g Yun Feng, but Jiu Fang Xiblocked her way to retreat, continuously attacking her, this time forcing herdirectly next to w.a.n.g Yun Feng, his long sword directly going through herstomach, Xia Ling Mei could not bear it anymore, screaming out, sweat and bloodsticking to her neck weakly appearing in front of the enemy.

“This blow,is to avenge my sister Gu Sun Ci who was hacked to death.”

Jiu Fang Xiruthlessly twisted the blade several times, Xia Ling Mei painful screams almosttore the night sky apart.

Jiu Fang Xiremoved the silver sword, drops of blood reflected on the edge of the blade,like the tears of his relatives. Jiu Fang Xi eyes were somewhat silvery whitein the middle of the night, his black gown on the empty government officialroad fluttered in the wind, he raised his sword: “Finally, this is for me. Yousisters of the Xia family destroyed my family, killed my father, my twin oldersister, I will carry out my own justice…”

The coldflash of his long sword cut through the air, carrying the smell of blood, apowerful person cutting the hatred of humanity in half.


Xia LingMei’s eyes burst open, she simply couldn’t feel any pain at all, she looked atw.a.n.g Yun Feng’s hand tightly clutching the long sword, hearing his shout: “Go,go! You’re the one 

he wants to kill, Ling Mei run!”

Jiu Fang Xisuddenly kicked at the wound on w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s shoulder, wanting to remove thesword from the other person’s hand. Xia Ling Mei who had been pushed to theside struggled to get up, if it wasn’t for w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s push with his allhis might, that sword would long ago have pierced through her heart.

w.a.n.g YunFeng coughed out blood, he couldn’t struggle out from under Jiu Fang Xi’s foot.

Xia LingMei swayed, still wanting to brandish her whip, w.a.n.g Yun Feng already shoutedout: “Hei Zi, take her away!”

Bai Yan hadalready woken, again attacking Jiu Fang Xi, Hei Zi only pondered for a momentbefore again joining the fight, Xia Ling Mei once again joined the attack.

Jiu Fang Xicould not pull his sword free, he pushed down directly, the edge of the bladepushed into w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s body through his palm. w.a.n.g Yun Feng immediatelytook the momentum, the sword snapped. Half was stuck in his body, the other wasin his hand.

Jiu Fang Xithrew the sword hilt away, using his palms to block off the other three people’sattacks.

Jiu FangXi’s appet.i.te to kill was provoked, single-handedly smashing Bai Yan’s rib, witha kick sending Hei Zi flying several zhang,unable to stop throwing up blood. Xia Ling Mei tightly held the long whip, shecouldn’t run away, and would not run away.

Without acare in the world Jiu Fang Xi extended five claws, slowly, directly, aiming forXia Ling Mei’s cheek.

Anunending, oppressive dread flooded Xia Ling Mei’s heart in a flash, it was asif she couldn’t move. She felt that she could stare fixedly at Jiu Fang Xi’seyes, she couldn’t see anything else, without any thoughts, her hand loosenedand tightened around the long whip, tightened and loosened…

Suddenly, ashadow appeared like thunder between the two people, Zhuang Sheng almostattacked in a chain, each time aiming towards the other person’s eyes, hisattacks caught 

Jiu Fang Xi unprepared, falling back in a difficult situation.

Xia LingMei suddenly trembled, abruptly her mind cleared, without thinking about whathad happened to her just a moment ago, immediately with Zhuang Sheng, sheattacked Jiu Fang Xi.

ZhuangSheng attacked his eyes, Xia Ling Mei whipped aiming at the other persons’lower half. At any moment the two people’s weak spots could suffer a heavyblow.

w.a.n.g YunFeng struggled to open his eyes under the pain, he saw Zhuang Sheng’s and XiaLing Mei’s shadows. At that moment, he understood Zhuang Sheng’s appearancemeant an increase of survival for several people, he ignored his thoughts,taking out a signal tube from his sleeve, shooting it out.

He had losttoo much blood, his mind began to murky.

Not too faraway, Xia Ling Mei’s figure began to sway, he raised himself up slightly, thatblade seemed to go in deeper, this made him slightly more clear-headed.

Xia LingMei movements were actually sluggish, she had taken three blows from the sword, 

she was already at the end of her tethers, she could only watch helplessly asJiu Fang Xi’s five fingers sharper than a blade once again aim at her heart.

Pu tong, pu tong…

Not knowingwho’s heart was beating, w.a.n.g Yun Feng almost used up all the strength he hadleft to stand up: “Ling Mei----“

Sheblinked, not knowing whether it was sweat or tears flowing from her eyes, theywere bitter…she finally raised her long whip swiftly, it was that same figure,once again blocking the front of her body, Xia Ling Mei only had the time tosee the surprise in Zhuang Sheng’s eyes.

ZhuangSheng was very surprised, so much so that he was slightly puzzled, after thatthere was dread, finally, he laughed, pushing her away.

Jiu FangXi’s five fingers penetrated deeply into Zhuang Sheng’s back, directly piercingthrough his chest.

ZhuangSheng turned his sword around stabbing Jiu Fang Xi in the stomach.

Xia LingMei fell back a step, and another step, incredulously looking at Zhuang Sheng’sgentle smiling face, as if a long, long time ago, he had smiled and said toher: “Hey, I’m not a flower thief.”

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