Xia LingMei only felt the image of the man in front of her magnified unbounded, thoseteasing in the past, amusing jokes, little by little the guessing and schemingappeared from the depths.

He was truly…

A drop ofblood flew to the corner of her eye, and that drop mixed with her tears,sliding down along her face, dropping to the bottom of her heart, not knowingwhere a gust of wind came from, the tailbone of long whip still flying up inmid-air suddenly shuddered, pa.s.sing by the top of Zhuang Sheng’s head, `pa`,hitting Jiu Fang Xi’s eyes. The other bore the pain, the palm still insideZhuang Sheng’s body suddenly tightened, deliberately pulling out a pulsingorgan, blood slowly rolled out from the corner of Zhuang Sheng’s lips.

Xia LingMei was afraid yet sorrowful, she put all her weight on her heels, hersemi-disabled right hand flung with a horizontal force, two out of her fivefingers directly into Jiu Fang Xi’s red eyes, using all her strength to dig anddrag, pulling out two round and bulging b.l.o.o.d.y eyeb.a.l.l.s.

Jiu Fang Xicried out in great pain, using the last of his wit, his palm hitting ZhuangSheng’s back, sending him flying with Xia Ling Mei. Behind him, w.a.n.g Yun Fengwho swayed as he got up only had time to firmly use the broken blade to stabinto his backbone, after that he too was kicked far away by Jiu Fang Xi.

Everyoneonly heard a mournful and cold anguish wail close by and far off, Jiu Fang Xidid not zealously continue fighting any more, rising and falling several timesin the distance.

w.a.n.g YunFeng gasped a few deep breaths, exerting his strength he crawled in thedirection of Xia Ling Mei, on top of her still laid Zhuang Sheng shaking like aleaf, a steady flow of blood trickled from the two people leaning against eachother. w.a.n.g Yun Feng heart practically wanted to twist and break into pieces,his throat gurgled unable to say a word.

Maybe itwas only a split second, or it was a very long lifetime, the man in Xia LingMei’s arms finally stopped struggling, suddenly closing his eyes.

Wordlessand uncommunicative.

Xia LingMei blinked, only feeling there was something heavier in her chest, yet alsolacking something, for no reason at all it hurt her, tears incessantly flowed.

Thepitch-black night sky, in the distant horizon, the first glimmer of dawn wasbright and 


The fightbetween the Jianghu and the imperial government officials caused a great ripplein the Dayan, Jiu Fang Xi used witchcraft to confuse everyone in the Jianghu,blockading the third rank imperial censor, causing the death of many, attemptingto provoke animosity between the imperial court and Jianghu, a crime unable tobe pardoned. Not only did the imperial court issue an order for his arrest, theformer martial arts leader was also invited to come back once again by thesects of the Jianghu, taking the place as the boss of the Jianghu, aninfluential person to dismember Jiu Fang Xi’s body into tens of thousands ofpieces.

Han Yi Fanarranged for everyone seriously injured to a villa, not too far from Xian YunManor, a hidden place, another property of the Han family, inside and out eventhe old women who sweeps the floor was able to brandish a blade and handle asword a couple of times. Inside apart from the Han family’s personal guards, therewere also the additional hidden guards of the w.a.n.g family and Xia family’shidden guards, finally, even the Zhao Prince had sent a hundred privatesoldiers to help guard them. In this respect, there were even imperial censorsat court reporting of w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s neglect of his duties, the emperor silentlymade clear his feelings.

No one paidattention to these three masters of the w.a.n.g family. w.a.n.g Yun Feng and Xia 

LingMei were heavily injured, along with a few personal guards they were also lyingon beds, everyday doctors would come in and out to take their pulse, decoctmedicinal herbs.

Xia Fen waspulled along with Han Yi Fan, he couldn’t help but turn his head to look at thetombstone behind him getting further and further away, quietly muttering: “Heisn’t a good person, so why didn’t he live long?”

Han Yi Fanpicked up the child: “Hero Zhuang saved your parents, how is he not a goodperson.”

Xia Fensaid: “He said it himself. He said he was a bad person, he could bring disasterfor a 

millennium. I’m a small bad egg, I can bring disaster for ten thousandsof years.”

Han Yi Fanstroked him on the head: “To the w.a.n.g family, you only have to remember, he isyour benefactor.”

Xia Fenreally wanted to say, his surname is Xia, not w.a.n.g. He felt the hands of theperson holding him was like iron hoops, he opened his mouth, not uttering aword. Han Yi Fan was too similar to General Xia, unconsciously making peoplenot dare to refute his words.

Returningto the villa, Han Yi Fan once again disappeared. Xia Fen went to see Bai Yanand Hei Zi familiar with the way. Juan Shu was still in Bai Yan’s room, nosestreaming while crying: “You hateful person why are you still not better, youwant to worry me to death or what? Unless you want to lay in bed all your life,make me wait upon you for the rest of your life? I’m telling you, if you’rereally handicapped, I will abandon you to find another strong and healthy tolive my life with…”


“Don’tthink just because you’re acting seriously injured, acting weak, poorly, I willblindly follow you. I’m telling you, this master is good looking, educated,wealthy, not lacking in all kinds of houses, carriages and servants. Don’tthink when you’re dead, I will live as a widow…”

“Shut up…”

“If youdare to remain lying in bed pretending to be like a corpse today, tonight Iwill be unfaithful, randomly pick a handsome young man and like a blazing fireand dry wood together, red brocade quilt tangled on the bed…”

“You shutyour mouth for me!” Anger attacking his heart Bai Yan clutched at Juan Shu’sneck, “Are you or are you not a man?”

Juan Shupretended insincerity and shook out his handkerchief, not a drop of tear in hiseyes, half a strand of mucus hung from his nose: “Aiya, of course your servantis a man. Haven’t you already examined this servant’s body before?”

Bai Yankicked the other person away with one foot: “If you’re a man than stop actingcoy in front of me, frame my innocence.”

Juan Shustarted weeping: “You lack conscience, you ate me up but don’t intend to owe upto it. I don’t want to live…”

Bai Yan staggeredalong rushing forward, viciously stomping on Juan Shu several times: “Go die!”

Juan Shuswept away his non-existent tears, staring at him: “You can get up from hisbed!”

Bai Yanpanted heavily, Juan Shu with bones of stone got up, raising his handkerchiefrushing outside and shouting: “Doctor, my old but still alive man can get upfrom his bed, I can stop waiting on him, feeding him, go to bed, go to thetoilet right? Oh, that’s right, I can still help him take a bath…” Salivadripping.

The replywas Bai Yan using all his strength to throw out a flower vase.

Xia Fen withsharp eyes and nimble fingers jumped on to the roof beam of the room, withseveral tumbles he left the room. He didn’t understand life as a widow, whatwas red brocade quilt tangled on the bed, but at least it was good that Bai Yancould get up off the bed. The doctor had said, it wasn’t good to lie in bed fortoo long.

Xia Fenconveniently turned into Hei Zi’s room, the strange thing was, there was no onethere. He thought about it, taking the initiative he scuttled to the roof top, shadinghis eyes with his hand he swept his eyes over the entire villa in a circle, settlingon the bright glistening practice ground, Bai Zi’s figure drenched in sweatpracticing martial arts. And Hei Zi, holding a pot of wine in his mouth, aplate of peanuts placed on his cross-legged, sitting on the highest wooden pile,with each peanut eaten he would use the peanut sh.e.l.l as a concealed weaponaiming it at Bai Zi. From time to time the sound of Bai Zi’s pitiful criescould be heard, tears almost streaming down his cheeks complaining about HeiZi’s savagery.

Xia Fen wasvery baffled, yelling out to Hei Zi with the s.p.a.ce between them: “What are youdoing?”

Hei Zi wasinternally injured, his voice was very much feeble: “Watching the bunny rabbitdance.”

Xiao Baisullenly: “I’m practicing my marital arts!”

Hei Zisneered: “This kind of flowery fist with fancy footwork is considered martialarts? Let alone fighting against someone, you wouldn’t even be able to defeat adog, and would even retreat.”

Xiao Baifelt extremely indignant: “At that time I was surrounded by three people, Icouldn’t escape. When I went to find you all, you had long ago gone.”

Xiao Hei laughedgrimly: “He’s still blind at directions, he’s been a secret guard for so manyyears, he hasn’t even completely learned the method of following a trail. Howhas Master w.a.n.g not taken you away, letting you outside to jeopardiseeveryone.”

Xiao Baithrew the long sword at Hei Zi, because he had practiced martial arts for solong, under the sun and sweating he didn’t have much strength anymore, beforethe point of the sword could reach the edge of wooden pile it fell to theground. Hei Zi became more and more pale: “Look at that strength! If you don’thave the ability then take a hike back to Beiding City, go eat your leisurelymeal.”

Xiao Baiwas so angry his face was very red, picking up the throwing knives from theweapons stand, one after the after he threw it at Hei Zi. Even though Hei Zi’sinternal injury wasn’t light, his foundation was st.u.r.dy, these few years goingon the battlefield with Xia Ling Mei he wasn’t sure how many extreme dangers hehad faced, even if his internal injury was even more serious he would not belazy in practicing martial arts, he was even more unconcerned with skin andflesh injury, therefore he got up from sickbed even before Bai Yan. This wasthe first and only time he allowed Xia Ling Mei to be in the front line of lifeor death, he already had to stifle a bellyful of rage. This past half year hehad helped Xiao Bai many times, he understood the other person’s ability verymuch, so every time they met with a.s.sa.s.sination he would subconsciously protectthe other person a little bit, but this time it was truly too dangerous, he hadsubconsciously taken on the responsibilities of w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s and Xia LingMei’s injuries onto himself. He still felt his martial arts skills was notperfected enough, he was too indulgent on Xiao Bai, from the start if he haddecided to improve Xiao Bai’s martial arts skills and abilities, he wouldn’thave been hindered by the other person as badly, limiting the distance betweenlife and death and his master.

On one handhe blamed Xiao Bai, even more he blamed himself.

Xiao Bai’smind did not have so many twists and turns, he just felt Hei Zi was picking athim, mocking him. Originally because he had always received help by the otherperson, he therefore bore with it, but this obvious and plain mockery woundedXiao Bai’s heart for the first time. He showed his feelings wanting to go headto head with Hei Zi, Hei Zi was not scared, raising his hand he slapped XiaoBai twice, then kicked him in the stomach, injuring the other person’s ankle,even almost breaking his five fingers. The more Xiao Bai fought the braver hegot, sweat flowed down, and Hei Zi relied completely on one breath, clenchinghis teeth and swallowing down the blood which seeped out, slapping down eachone of Xiao Bai’s attack, incessantly calling him names.

Xia Fenstanding to the side was eager to give it a try, he was young, he simply didnot understand the thoughts of adults, he only felt his blood boil seeing thetwo people mutually tearing at each other like wild beasts seeing red, arousingthe warlike trait in his body. He sprawled at the side quietly waiting, like ahunter waiting for preys on neither side to win, his pair of beast like eyesdid not blink.

That night,Hei Zi and Xiao Bai were plotted against by Xia Fen, both not lightly injuredlaid on a bed. Juan Shu once again clutching at his small handkerchief climbedonto the edge of the two people’s bed, pretending to cry: “The two of you whohave killed many, don’t think just because you die together you can leave mebehind! I’m telling you, even if you die, I won’t allow you to be buriedtogether, I will exonerate your bodies and whip your corpses…”

Hei Zi:“Get lost!”

Bai Zi:“Get lost!”

The oldmaid of the villa raised her broom, hatefully saying: “You cannot stop just fora bit?”

Xia Fen scuttledto his own mother’s bed, shaking off w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s hand, minding his ownbusiness he lifted up his mother’s arm to hold his own little stomach, hisentire body shrinking next to Xia Ling Mei’s embrace, hearing w.a.n.g Yun Fengsay: “I already told Hero Han, in a fortnight I’ve asked him to personally sendpeople to escort you mother and son back to Beiding City.”

Xia Fencurled his lips, he simply did not ask back: you won’t go back with us?

“The matterwith Zhuang Sheng, don’t be too broken-hearted. He was originally a free and atease person of the Jianghu, with a temper that loved to be outspoken, daring tolove and hate… excessively worried, he would also be unstable, I also…” feltthat I was useless, at the critical moment I unexpectedly could not rescue you,instead allowing Zhuang Sheng to give up his life for you.

ZhuangSheng affection for Xia Ling Mei, Xia Ling Mei could no longer return, thistime, w.a.n.g Yun Feng also could not plot against a dead person, making a cleanbreak between the two of them.

A livingperson, could not win against a dead person.

w.a.n.g YunFeng knew, he understood even more Xia Ling Mei’s temper of paying debts ofgrat.i.tude, taking revenge to avenge.

Right now,Xia Ling Mei did not want to say anything, her heart had settled the matter, therewas blame, but she was unable to vent her feelings.

w.a.n.g YunFeng could not force her, and would not force her, who owed a life to ZhuangSheng, he no longer had the ability to say to Xia Ling Mei: forget ZhuangSheng, you can only belong to w.a.n.g Yun Feng!

Ultimately,there was only a sigh, not lingering.

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