BeidingCity, summer, middle ten days of July.

Chinesetrumpet vines’ captivating red flowers played a supporting role adorning verdantand lush on white walls and black tiles, during the breakout of anger it seemedeven more tranquil.

The oldhousekeeper of the w.a.n.g family sat in the small hall, looking into the distanceout of the window, uncertain if he was looking at the view of the garden orthose rowdy people, in a moment, the unhappy expression on the old person’sface also showed kindness.

A young maidwith practice offered refreshments, moving closer and taking a look, with asmall voice: “That is the young master, this year is the first time he has comehere, the old housekeeper must not have seen him before.”

w.a.n.ghousekeeper was woken with a start, clasping the tea cup, he still didn’tdrink, smiling: “Indeed I have not seen him before, but the master hasmentioned him in his letter, said the mistress’s adopted son was naturally themaster’s adopted son. This old servant of course accept the young master as theyoung master.”

The youngmaid smiled showing three incisors: “The young master is difficult to dealwith, the other young masters in the residence cannot beat him.”

w.a.n.ghousekeeper who was in charge of everything inside and out, trifle and miscellaneousmatters of the residence, had already found out about the new young master byother means. However, the old man was overconcerned, he only ever listened andnot spoken. In contrast the elderly lady who had just come in heard what theyoung maid had ignorantly said and sneered, the young maid immediatelyquivered, lowering her head in a well-behaved manner, in fact her uprightposture was already trembling.

The elderlylady won’t enforce rules in front of outsiders, she would only display an appropriatesmile, saying to the w.a.n.g housekeeper: “Young master Fen has been with the Xiafamily for six years, since young he’s grown up under General Xia. General Xiaas father and as teacher, young master Fen studied martial arts under ageneral, inevitably he would be quite strong.”

w.a.n.ghousekeeper appeared to not have heard what was said, only standing up, andgreeted the elderly lady, asking: “Is the lady well?”

“Fine.” Theelderly lady lead the way in front, “I just finished speaking with the oldmatriarch, I was prepared to take a nap just now, knowing w.a.n.g housekeeper hadarrived, I got up again.”

Thiselderly lady had a Buddha like expression, smiling her eyes became a singleline, making it so people couldn’t see her expression within them, but everysentence came out like a knife, clearly she didn’t like the old housekeeper.But this old w.a.n.g housekeeper had also perfected himself, not uttering a wordor being vulgar he followed behind, following the other person turning two orthree times roaming the corridors, in the distant he saw a pond, on top therewas a not too big water pavilion.

Muslin hungfrom the three sides of the water pavilion, ice chunks were placed underground,emitting out from minuscule holes, even the surface of the pond emitted a bitchilly steam. Inside was a couch with a marble beauty with inlaid conch, theyoung master Fen who was just seen outside with his stomach sticking out laidon top of it, a head full of sweat, clearly having just fallen asleep. Xia LingMei held onto a circular fan unhurriedly fanning him, the small wind tickledthe young master Fen like velvet, young master Fen muttered: “So hot.”

He stillwanted to tear open his clothes, Xia Ling Mei pressed down on his small hands:“It’ll be fine in a while, don’t move.”

The youngmaster shook out his legs, his lips shrivelled, in a daze for quite a whilebefore falling asleep.

w.a.n.ghousekeeper respectfully bowed, quietly saying: “This old servant has met themistress before.”

Xia LingMei pointed at the circular bench to the side, w.a.n.g housekeeper sat down, ayoung maid delivered bitter tea, the old housekeeper did not ignore her,drinking it down unhurriedly.

The bittertea was bitter stem tea, dark in colour and bitter in taste. Since Xia Ling Meihad returned to the Xia family, w.a.n.g housekeeper every few days would come to drinka cup of bitter stem tea. The bitter taste, when it was heated up and drunkenit would still make the tip of the tongue turn, if it was steeped in hot waterthen ice was added, that bitter and astringent taste would hover on the back ofthe tongue not leaving, it was the best for torturing someone who one didn’twant to see but couldn’t get rid of.

Sadly, w.a.n.ghousekeeper was just like his young master, inadequate in otherthings, but completely patient. The mistress had returned over half a monthago, this was the still the first time he saw the young master, he couldn’thelp carefully from top to bottom, inside and out scrutinise him once through.

Youngmaster Xia Fen’s skin was slightly tanned, it must be from the years at sea,his skin was also not exquisite enough, the small hairs on his head weresticking up, incessantly displaying his anger. Unlike the soft like satin ofthe young masters of the influential families of Beiding City, the youngmaster’s hair was short in comparison, each strand looking like the octopus’sleg’s being waved about, forced down onto a green jade coloured pillow, givingup. The young master’s eyelashes were long, he wasn’t tall, his small handswere also not chubby enough, his red feet had been cleaned by the maids, themain difference between this child and others was, he wasn’t holding a book inhis arms, rather a precious blade with an inch-long handle. On the handle wasan exceptionally glossy agate jadeite, evidently the young master often touchedand used it.

This child,other people may say he isn’t the imperial censor w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s son, but candefinitely be certain he was Lady w.a.n.g’s son.

Xia LingMei knew the reason for w.a.n.g housekeeper’s visit. Although w.a.n.g Yun Feng hadnot said, based on feelings and reasoning this time returning home, Xia LingMei ought to return to live at the w.a.n.g residence. After experiencing so manythings, w.a.n.g Yun Feng still felt ashamed towards Xia Ling Mei, on the face ofthings he didn’t want to make things difficult for her, he could only ask thew.a.n.g housekeeper with his back bent clear up things for Xia Ling Mei to returnhome.

Thishousehold, Xia Ling Mei had left behind for seven years, so called familiarfeeling of returning home…

During theseven years she never once asked about w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s life, and did not askthe Xia family to intentionally probe who had entered the w.a.n.g residence, shewas faintly scared.

In theseven years, which men of the influential family would sincerely preserve theirown wife’s integrity on their behalf, did not take on another wife, did nottake maids and concubines, so much so that even the most considerate person didnot? In front of other people, Xia Ling Mei could overbearingly say: w.a.n.g YunFeng having Xia Ling Mei as a wife is the blessings from several lifetimes, ifhe dares to bullies me, I will kill him. However only she understood in herheart, the more she appeared strong, in fact the weaker she was.

And the herlike this, could remember when she was very young the short-lived tender 

w.a.n.gYun Feng.

After thew.a.n.g housekeeper had drank three cups of bitter tea, then did he bring out twogold gilded invites. Xia Ling Mei tilted her head to take a look, one invitewas addressed to the current residence of Lord Li imperial tutor. This Lord Li wasthe greatest scholar of the great Dayan, what more he was the instructingteacher of the young late Emperor, collaborating in mending the criminal lawsof Dayan, experiencing through three emperor’s reigns, most severe in theinterest of others, he was also the backbone of the current Ministry ofJustice. The second invite was addressed to the residence of the general of thenational auxiliary General Zhao. The current emperor liked to campaign, most ofthe generals had achieved their position from fighting at the risk of their ownlives on the battlefields. This General Zhao was the same as General Xia,protecting the borders all year round, only having been transferred into theImperial City these last few years, taking on a position with practically noobligations. Even so, they are still fondly looked upon by the emperor, becausethey were honest in their prime of life, his silhouette could also not bewithout in future battlefields.

Twoinvitations, one a scholar official, one general, the meaning in them were notclear.

“These arethe teachers the master has specifically chosen for the young master, if themistress agrees, this old servant will pick an auspicious date to invite thetwo lords to come and see the young master.”

Xia LingMei’s hand flapping the fan stopped. w.a.n.g Yun Feng that devious person, couldit be he had nothing to do? From dusk to dawn plotting against his own wife andchild, thinking of ways to trick her to take their son back to w.a.n.g residence, andusing such a grandiose reason.

Xia LingMei secretly ground her teeth, speaking lowly: “Fen Er’s surname is Xia, notw.a.n.g.”

The oldhousekeeper smiled: “Regardless of the young master’s surname, he is still themistress’s son, then he is also the master’s son. The master selecting teachersfor his own son, is right and proper. Mistress, the young master is already sixyears old, the customs of Dayan, a child should enter school at five years old,the young master has already missed one year, it cannot be delayed any longer.”

Xia LingMei put down the invitations: “Xia family only has scholar and martial artsteachings, even though Fen Er is an adopted son an exception can still not bemade.” This would create a gap between Xia Fen and the children of the same agein the Xia family.

w.a.n.g YunFeng just doesn’t want Xia Fen to be close to the Xia family! He wanted to killthree birds with one stone, how easy!

The w.a.n.ghousekeeper as the housekeeper of the w.a.n.g family with no one above him apartfrom the emperor, his greatest ability was to accomplish tasks other peoplecannot accomplish for this young master.

“Mistress…”the w.a.n.g housekeeper appeared to hesitate for a bit, considering: “pleaseunderstand the love the master has for the oldest young master.” The oldestyoung master, is w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s first son.

The threesimple words already made clear of w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s thoughts, he didn’t carewhat Xia Fen’s surname was, he would treat Xia Fen as his own son, regardlessof whether Xia Fen was his own flesh and blood, whether Xia Ling Mei gave birthto him. w.a.n.g Yun Feng would cherish this child as his first son. He would bethe same as any father, giving all he has to fulfil his child’s wishes, spendhis thoughts to provide the best teachings to his child, give his mostimportant position to Xia Fen, even if they have a second son after, Xia Fenwould still have the best things as before.

Not onlydid w.a.n.g housekeeper make clear of w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s att.i.tude, but also remindedXia Ling Mei not to overboard.

Because, noman would allow his own son to take his mother’s surname, what more therewasn’t a husband who would allow his first wife’s son to become an adopted sonwith another surname.

w.a.n.g YunFeng did not want to make things difficult for Xia Ling Mei, the Xia familywould also not gain an inch, and wanting a mile, stop the w.a.n.g family fromgiving special care to his own child.

The sun hadalready gradually creeped to the top of the water pavilion, the scorching sunevaporated the cooling air of the water pavilion, a little bit longer and itwould be stifling hot.

Xia LingMei’s fan which flapped once, stopped once finally halted, Xia Fen had alreadyslept for an hour, his thoughts were still not clear, his body had already satup.

The maids offeredthings to wash his face and rinse his mouth, Xia Ling Mei personally wiped XiaFen’s face, changing him into dry and clean clothes, Xia Fen’s cheeks wereflushed: “Adoptive mother, practice martial arts with me.”

Xia LingMei watched the calm surface of the pond: “It’s too hot, let’s turn to readingand practice writing this afternoon.”

Xia Fensimply did not care for these things: “Those things are boring. In the future Iwant to be a great general, not a bookworm.”

Xia LingMei looked distracted: “Only an ignorant and brave soldier cannot become agreat 

general, great generals also have to read military books and writeletters from a young age, then can they have the ability to go to thebarracks.”

The w.a.n.ghousekeeper beamed and nodded, interrupting: “It’s not easy to be a great 

general, our Dayan’s generals are also split into nine ranks, working its wayup step by step from the ninth ranked guide zhi ji, deputy military officer, military officer, si ge, zhong hou, si jie, lang jiang then a guerrilla warfaregeneral. As a general not only mustyou be able to go into battle, you must also understand the eight divinatorytrigrams of the Book of Changes, military formations, at crucial moments youmust also understand the enemy’s country, using everything to wisely plan insecret, using the least amount of effort at the weakest point is the greatestvictory. If you can’t read military books, unable to speak of military strategyand tactics, and not know of military formations, a general who doesn’tunderstand army provision logistics and other important matters, will not be agood general. En, when necessary, a general must also know how to scold people,a good general can curse the enemy’s high-ranking military officer, lettingloose a stream of curses making them wish they were dead, spitting out bloodfive steps away.”

Xia Fenstuck out his small belly: “I can curse people.”

“Can theoldest young master beat a bookworm at cursing?”

Curse…unableto, boo hoo. He could not win against the lively chattering Juan Shu incursing, unable to bellow louder than the unhinged and deranged Bai Yan, he wasno match for the warm faced and cold hearted Hei Zi, the c.o.c.kroach like XiaoBai who won’t die…as for their immediate superior w.a.n.g Yun Feng, Xia Fen felthe could never achieve that level of zombie face.

The w.a.n.ghousekeeper secretly guided him: “Our Dayan Bailu academy’s bookworms couldbeat the previous fifth ranked generals in arguments.”

Xia Fen’seyes flickered: “Bailu academy?”

The w.a.n.g housekeeper gestured with his hands:“The oldest young master must definitely not like to be powerless, the foolswho only know the four common characters of cla.s.sical Chinese rigidly studying.Let’s not talk about it, let’s not talk about it.” He again picked up those twoinvitations, “Mistress, please don’t let down the master’s painstaking efforts.Lord Li and General Zhao will definitely guide the young master into Dayan’suseful and able…”

Xia Fenmade a fist: “I want to be an important general.”

“Yes, yes.”The w.a.n.g housekeeper nodded.

“I want tocurse the enemy that they’ll wet their pants.”

“Yes, yes.”

“I willbeat the whole world unequalled.”


Xia LingMei supported her forehead with her hand. The previously kind and honest oldhousekeeper had been corrupted by w.a.n.g Yun Feng, even planning against his own youngmaster, how can she bring an extremely stupid Xia Fen to the w.a.n.g residence,that would simply be leading a lamb into a tiger’s den!

“I willtake Xia Fen to Bailu academy tomorrow.”

Otherteachers must not be sought, and Xia Fen cannot be placed in the Xia family forteaching, so just send him off to Bailu academy, this was also the outcomeeveryone had wanted from the start.

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