w.a.n.g YunFeng was so happy he was a little stupid, other people were also graduallyaffected. Xia Fen who was just about to jump onto his mother’s body was stoppedby Xiao Bai: “You mustn’t! Young master, with a hug, the master will cry.”

The cornerof w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s eyes was slightly teary, he nimbly pulled Xia Ling Mei tothe side to sit. Rubbing her hands, looking at the food on the table, againlooking at the people around them, shaking his arm he said: “Go out, go do whatyou should do.” And taking the opportunity to rub Xia Fen’s head, “Fen Er begood, from now on you can’t collide into your mother.”

Xia Fenasked: “Why?” I like mother, I don’t rush into her.

“Becausethere is a younger brother or sister in your mother’s stomach. If you jumparound on your mother’s body, your younger brother or sister will be lost.”

These simplywere not the words of a strict imperial censor, several personal bodyguardscouldn’t help wrinkle their noses in dislike. The physician laughed heheseveral times, suggesting a few things to pay attention to, mostly it was forher not to be too tired, eat more, stay far away from the ill and other suchthings. Hei Zi took an advantage of the situation to throw down from the roofbeam a package of snacks wrapped in kraft paper onto the table, the left.

Waitinguntil everyone had left, Xia Fen still confused wanted to get close to mother.w.a.n.g Yun Feng was scared of Xia Fen not knowing what’s important, one handstill supporting Xia Ling Mei’s waist, the other hand pushing Xia Fen away. Thetwo father and son stood off against each other with an air or toughness and anger,in the end, Xia Fen suddenly bit 

w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s arm, that was when he had theopportunity to hug his mother, even though her stomach was still blocked of byhim.

Xia LingMei was tossed about by this father and son, that’s when she came to her senses.When she was carrying Xia Fen she had still been senseless, at that time at theXia residence she stayed home and rarely went out, if it wasn’t for the secondlady seeing her complexion wasn’t that great and asked a physician to take herpulse, she still wouldn’t have known she was pregnant. At a loss, her posturewas very good. Other pregnant women always threw up at the beginning stage, somuch that their body lacked strength and would lie on the couch unwilling tobudge at all, some were even more serious that if they moved at all they wouldfaint, Xai Ling Mei completely didn’t have any of these symptoms. If she didn’teat fish today, the extreme fish smell causing her to retch, she reckoned itstill wouldn’t be known.

This pairof husband and wife regarding pregnancy and giving birth had an ignorance andhelplessness that only juveniles should have, in a moment, w.a.n.g Yun Feng was sohappy that he was fl.u.s.tered, Xia Ling Mei was shocked speechless.

Xia Fenflicked Xia Ling Mei’s clothes to one side: “Where is my younger brother orsister? Let me see.”

Wag YunFeng didn’t know whether to cry or laugh: “They still need to wait quite awhile before appearing, at that time Fen Er have to look after them carefully.”

Xia Fengrew up in the barracks, there were very few girls there, he simply didn’t know 

where younger brothers and sisters came from, only asking: “What’s so specialabout letting me see right now, you want to keep younger brother or sister toyourself right?”

w.a.n.g YunFeng’s face suddenly froze: “You’re not allowed to speak nonsense! Wait untilyou’ve gone back to Beiding city, you can then naturally see your youngerbrother or sister.”

Xia Fenimmediately pulled on Xia Ling Mei’s hand: “Then let’s return home quickly.”

Xia LingMei hearing w.a.n.g Yun Feng coaxing Xia Fen, she wanted to laugh, and let themhave their genuine and fake argument. She forced herself to eat, w.a.n.g Yun Fengagain hurried to write an even more urgent accounts book to be delivered to theImperial city, he wasn’t even concerned with getting any more credit, the mainthing was to escort his wife and child back. He also didn’t dare allow Xia LingMei to do anything, telling Juan Shu to invite a middle aged woman who wasefficient from the city, also adding a maid around ten years old to relieve XiaLing Mei’s boredom as well as do some little things, then inviting a chef tocook for Xia Ling Mei with a different style each day. He walked around in theside hall by himself, thinking if where Xia Ling Mei was living right now was goodenough, there were too many victims, if she b.u.mped into a patient the illnesswould spread, so he arranged for Xia Ling Mei to live in the city, every day hemade time to see her, naturally those three people to wait on her were sentthere too. He personally changed his clothes to go and choose a peaceful smallcourtyard for her to live in, Xia Fen was locked up in the house outside thecity and was not allowed to leave no matter how much ruckus he caused.

For thisreason, the many days after, when w.a.n.g Yun Feng was in the main hall discussingbusiness with the big and small officials of Zhuozhou, Xia Fen switched to along sword or pike brandishing it around viciously in the limited s.p.a.ce, thatfierce appearance simply shocked those who procrastinated and were lazy withtheir work into being scared witless, they were somewhat quicker in reportingback about matters and receiving new a.s.signments than before, previously theywould still consider whether or not there was profit in it, now they thoughtabout receiving and delivering things at once to leave without delay. 

That longsword and pike were sharp, several times they met the corner of people’s hemsand hair, the child’s martial arts wasn’t gentle or heavy-handed, if heaccidentally stabbed someone, who would dare go and wrangle with him?

In anycase, Lord w.a.n.g wouldn’t stick up for you and go and teach his son a lesson. Asa father, in front of his son he was a grandson, the son is his ancestor, Thislittle point, the majority of fathers in the world were like this. You can onlystay away from the small beast, just let that big dressed up animal to bullyyou, anyway if the small beast bullies you, you lose flesh, you only lose moneynothing more if you if the big dressed up animal bullies you.

Lady Huadid actually come again several times, she was stopped by Xia Fen’s glare likea tiger watching his prey. He really disliked this temptress, holding upright apike more than three times his height, putting one hand on his hips standing inthe main doorway, wherever Lady Hua’s foot crossed the threshold he would jabhis pike there, which claw cling onto the 

doorway he would poke that hand. Ifit was the Hua family’s maids or guards forcing their way, he would withoutrestraint slaughter them with a spear. In secret there was Bai Zi helping him, theselittle birds were beaten with their heads and faces filthy with grime, a lot ofthem were made fun of by the nearby victims, treating them as a joke they cameto watch.

“I’mtelling you, my mother is going to give birth to a younger brother or sister,my daddy has no time to deal with you.”

Lady Huawas secretly alarmed: “Young prince what nonsense are you saying! I don’tunderstand.”

Xia Fen puffedout his cheeks: “I also don’t understand either. Anyway my daddy said if it’snot important it’s forbidden to bother him, he needs to support his family,look after mother, let Fen Er protect younger brother or sister and thisfamily. You are a vixen, I won’t allow you to enter our door.”

Lady Huavery quickly picked up the crucial point: “Lady w.a.n.g is here?”

Before XiaFen could say anything, Xiao Bai, who had always secretly protected him wasforced to come out, scrambling to answer before Xia Fen: “Naturally themistress is at home. A letter arrived from the residence a few days before,saying the mistress is expecting. The master is very happy, he’s so busy rightnow how can he take care of the mistress properly! 

If Lady Hua has somethingthe matter, I can deliver a message on your behalf.” Just forget about meetinghim.

Hua Bao Xiawas bewildered, wasn’t Lady w.a.n.g’s body weak, wasn’t it said she has nevergiven birth to a son? This young prince from a guess ought to be a child of aconcubine, because he was afraid of leaving him in the residence to be scornedby the first wife, that’s why Lord w.a.n.g bought him with him. But seeing thischild and Lord w.a.n.g simply did not appear to have any misgivings towards theLady w.a.n.g?

Maybe, Lordw.a.n.g is only acting under his wife’s orders? And this young prince is beingbrought up under Lady w.a.n.g’s name?

Hua BaoXia’s mind turned several times, muttering without mind: “Lord w.a.n.g has come toZhuozhou for a few months, he was also delayed on the road for a few days, howdoes he only know now that the mistress is pregnant, it really is strange.” Shedidn’t say these words too loudly or quietly, the people of the Hua family byher side all heard it, the people who pa.s.sed by sneakily to watch a spectaclealso vaguely heard some of it, and guessed the other bits, when tomorrow comes,Lady w.a.n.g’s reputation may just be…

Trulykilling someone without using a sword!

Xiao Baigrinded his teeth, casually laughing he said: “Everyone knows our mistress’body is weak.” Weak my b.u.t.t, “good natured,” good my feather, “best athousekeeping”, more like holding a whip, “meticulously takes care of themaster”, she followed him here to the disaster are, “It’s reckoned she fellpregnant just by chance when the master left the Imperial city, the mistresswas afraid the master would worry that’s why she kept in the dark.” It wasnonsense ah, when did the mistress hide it, she was pregnant but didn’t know itherself, is there a mother like this!

Hua Bao Xiacovered her mouth and laughed: “Then why did she say it now?”

Juan Shumade his way here from who knows where, his entire body was black, only showinga mouthful of white teeth, seeing Lady Hua he couldn’t help rush forward:“Aiya, isn’t it Hua beauty? Did you come to see me? I feel so embarra.s.sed,letting the beauty wait so long, come, come, come, two days ago in themountains at the back I saw two wild chrysanthemum, growing so beautifully, oneof the flowers bloomed a thousand petals, suits you so well. Let me take you topick flowers? Flowers bestowed on a beauty, you are the G.o.ddess in my heart…” goingon and on, very much with the att.i.tude of that time when he angered Bai Yan somuch he got out of bed. Moreover he even extended that blacker than the depthof winter claw to hook onto Hua Bao Xia’s slender arm, causing the maids toburst out screeching.

Chasingaway Hua Bao Xia in anger with great difficulty, Xia Fen had already been in anexplosive wild animal mode, using the pike he stabbed the ground again andagain: “I want to beat someone up, I want to hit her, I want to pull off hertrousers!”

Rarely,Xiao Bai also nodded his head in a childish manner: “Beat her up! Tonight we’llgo and beat her up badly.”

Juan Shualready speedily went to find w.a.n.g Yun Feng to tell him what happened.

Xia Fen andXiao Bai’s two heads gathered together grumbling and muttering to talk abouthow to mess with someone.

The crownprince had taught Xia Fen before, if you want to mess with someone completely,there were many ways, directly beating the other person up was the most stupidmethod. 

Even if you really want to beat someone up, then you can’t allow thatperson to know it was you who did it.

Xiao Bainodded: “I usually hide in secret to take someone’s life.”

Xia Fenpursed his lips, if you hide when you charge into battle and break through enemylines, do you not want your life! The soldier’s spits could drown you to death.

The crownprince had also said, to hurt someone target their weakness, like his fatheroften says `hit where it hurts`. That’s why every time when cheap daddy reportsmajor officials they’re left powerless, because he has hold of a lot ofinformation that can be used against them, many weak points, destroying theother person with one move, throwing away their entire family’s lives.

Xiao Baideeply approved: “If I was to beat Juan Shu up, simply do not need to waste allmy strength, I only need to hit his itchy pressure point, he would roll abouton the ground by himself, then beg for forgiveness.”

Xia Fendecided to try the itchy pressure point on cheap daddy tonight, then with thisblackmail him to allow him to go live with mother.

The crownprince’s most sinister move was, you don’t only destroy the other person, youalso need to completely defeat the other person and make them fall from grace,that way even if the other person wants to take revenge justice would be onyour side.

Xiao Bai usingthe stick drew on the ground: “Woman right, care about reputation the most, ifshe doesn’t have her innocence she will be unable to marry la.”

Xia Fenthought about it for a while, he honestly couldn’t understand the connectionbetween reputation and innocence, but he knew seduction by handsome men!Hahaha, the crown prince frequently use handsome men seduction with the femalechildren at the academy, making them infatuated and head over heels in lovelistening to his every word.

However,Xia Fen did not want that vixen to listen to his every word!

No matterwhat, that sky turned black just recently, the subordinates Xiao Bai sent outcame back with news, telling them Lady Hua had a guqin gathering today, shewill be going to the guqin schoolroom to listen to music.

As aresult, the feared Xiao Bai for causing a lot of trouble, and the feared XiaFen who beat people up without tiring, the both of them, one by one changedinto night clothes, sneakily leaving the house.


T/N: XF is going to be an older brother but he seems to have been corrupted haha he"ll make a great older brother thought

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