For thefirst time Hua Bao Xia fell asleep listening to guqin, in a daze she feltstrange.

She feltsomeone lifting her up, she couldn’t help frown. She was an invaluable younglady, that would be it if she was touched by a common son of an influentialfamily, if an attendant or the likes of that lend an arm for her to support on,she would very easily lose her innocence.

Fortunately,when someone had held her waist just now, someone had said: “Men and womenshould not touch, I don’t want to marry her.” It was the sound of a youth, eventhough it still carried the hoa.r.s.eness of someone who’s voice had just changed,his voice was deep and low, and the strength on her waist was steady, it couldbe a.s.sumed it was someone who was reliable. Just like, the feeling from thatday when Lord w.a.n.g offered her support, making her heart jump.

There was avague sound of a child piercing through: “Then what’s to be done?”

“You carryher on your back.” Subsequently, Hua Bao Xia felt herself suddenly rise in theair, before she could even scream she was on something very hard, like a verysmall table? This stupid person, how could he throw her onto a table, later shewill admonish him to death. She tried with all her strength to open her eyes,but her mind was fuzzy, only feeling the small table underneath her moveseveral times, then her forehead `peng`,she wasn’t sure what she hit, she fainted.

Xia Fencarried Hua Bao Xia on his back, moving left and right a little, again `peng`, Hua Bao Xia’s leg hit the stool,he couldn’t help complain: “She’s too long, not good to carry.”

Indeed shewas too `long`, Xia Fen was like an ant squished by a white cat, he lookedpitiful but also ridiculous. Fortunately Xia Fen was quite strong, it wouldn’tbe a problem for him to carry two more girls.

Xiao Bairubbed his nose under the cloth. It was a little cold today, when speakingunder a mask, the heat rose to the nose making it itch and uncomfortable: “Youcan fold her up.”

Xia Fensuddenly realised, that’s right, if he threw the unconscious Hua Bao Xia ontothe floor, fold her legs up into her stomach, then put both her arms around herlegs, then her entire body would be rolled up into a fat and plump steamed bun.Wrapping that top rate rabbit fur cloak on her from head to toe, she wouldbecome a small rabbit covered in rabbit fur pouch. Xia Fen tied some of thecorners of the cloak into a knot and hung it on his neck, he jumped on theground several times, he was simply too small, with just a bounce, his clothpouch hit the ground with a dull noise.

“Let’s go!”

One big,one small, two shadows carrying a huge parcel on their back left the guqinschoolroom, and did not go to the Hua residence, and not outside the city, theyheaded to the flourishing district, going to the west city walls. There weredeep mountains there, according to the information Xiao Bai gained fromsacrificing his s.e.x appeal, the place where Hei Zi got the bear gall from wasthe deep mountain behind the west city walls.

Out of thecity, Xia Fen then threw the bundle to Xiao Bai. He gradually had recalled hewas the young master of the Xia family, which young master carry things ontheir backs, and their bodyguard is empty handed, this wasn’t a battlefieldwhere it was each man for himself.

It was soongoing to be December, there was a cold wind in the mountains, most of it wassheltered by the trees, but small breezes still bore through the small cracksof tree trunks, sticking onto people’s faces like the pain of a bone.

Xiao Baisimply took off the cloth which had covered his entire face, poking out twoholes in the middle, he put the mask on his head. Looking straight ahead, onlya black forest could be seen, black truncheons, a pair of black eyes inside twoblack caves, suddenly it was like seeing a ghost, really terrifying. Xia Fenimitated, he became a small ghost.

The twopeople relying on Xia Fen’s dog like nose found the black bear’s cave, therewas nothing they could do, now most of the animals were hibernating. Onlyfollowing the most fishy smell through the forest, then can you very easilyfind animals who were still active.

They threwHua Bao Xia into that bear’s cave.

If thecrown prince was there, he would definitely make fun of these small and bigidiots, who destroys someone’s innocence like this? Should it not have beentaking off the clothes of that invaluable young lady throwing her into a liquorfragrant room, then grabbing a coachman, gatekeeper, older cousin, youngercousin, even a county magistrate or a male prost.i.tute from the brothels wouldbe fine, also stripped naked and throw them on one bed, then early morning thenext day send someone to knock on the door, afterwards screeched loudly inalarm to attract even more people to watch, hahaha, at that time…

It couldonly be said the crown prince had too black a heart, and Xiao Bai and Xia Fenwere a little foolish, neither of the two of them wanted to take Hua Bao Xia’sclothes off. Xiao Bai has never done a thing like this before, in the words ofJuan Shu, Xiao Bai was still a virgin, Hei Zi you have to protect him properlyyo = =’, that’s why Xiao Bai didn’t do it. Xia Fen also didn’t do it, he hasonly ever taken off boys’ trousers, he had never taken off girls’ clothes,moreover Hua Bao Xia had the stink of a vixen, he really didn’t like it. If hetook off her clothes, then that smell would seriously injure Xia Fen’s nose, hewouldn’t do it no matter what.

Thereforethe two pure hearted `young virgins` thought of Hei Zi. Hei Zi this person wasfull of evil tricks, on the outside he had an honest and serious fake ethicalappearance. Hearing the two of their retaliation methods, he finally only saidone sentence `there’s a black bear deep in the mountains, do you want to knowthe location? If you want to know, Xiao Bai what will you exchange for theinformation?`

The two ofthem threw Hua Bao Xia inside the black bear’s cave, originally they wanted toquietly wait for the black bear to wake up, but it was very dark outside, ifthey don’t return soon, when father’s itchy pressure point is undone, he woulddefinitely go everywhere to catch Xia Fen, he should rush to his mother’sembrace for protection before cheap father flips out, boo hoo, Xia Fen pulledon Xiao Bai reluctant to go home.

What theydidn’t know was, Hua Bao Xia, after the drug lost its effectiveness Lady Hua,waking up to find herself in a place blacker than the depth of winter, thatscreech, that terror, that helplessness. She struggled out of the cloak pouch,raising her eyes she saw a pair of dark blood-thirsty animal eyes, sherestrained herself, she felt suffocated, she looked left and right, shescreamed `ah----!` once, slapping the black bear. The black bear roared, theblack bear growled, the black bear beat it’s chest with power, Hua Bao Xia waslike a little wild fox about to be set on by a big wild beast, with a ring, sheagain fainted rigidly.

Everyoneknows, bears don’t eat people to death.

Xia Fen andXiao Bai also did not consider it, how an extremely delicate little girlpeacefully coexist with a true wild animal!

Maybe, theyonly wanted to destroy Hua Bao Xia’s innocence, but whether the one to ruin 

herinnocence was a man or animal, their stupid melon of a brains simply did notconsider it. Or better to say, Xiao Bai blindly listened and obeyed Hei Zi’swords, a bear can `sort out` Hua Bao Xia, how it was done Hei Zi did not say,Xiao Bai also didn’t think about it, at certain times, Xiao Bai in front ofcertain people truly was not generally `Bai`. Xia Fen basically didn’tknow what was destroying innocence ah! Throwing Hua Bao Xia to the black bear,it was basically the same principle as throwing a pirate to the sharks, eitherway they would die, if they died then they have no innocence right! What wasthe difference? To Xia 

Fen, there was nothing different = =

Hua Bao Xiawas very cold, she shivered with cold clutching the cloak to her she shrankinto a corner of the cave no daring to make a noise.

That bearleft the cave every day before noon, it would p.i.s.s at the opening to leave amark, then go to the river which had not yet dried up to fish. On severaloccasions it had seen Hua Bao Xia with shaking eyes peeking at it. Verystrangely the black bear did not attack her, only every time before it left, itstood above her using his more solid than a rock fists to beat its chest, thestriking `bang, bang` sound scared Hua Bao Xia to not dare to make a sound, atan earlier time she had already fainted many times from fear, she was a littlenumb.

When theblack bear came back and saw Hua Bao Xia was still there, it would throw aremaining fish to her to eat, the fish was alive, ice-cold, and flapping withits remaining breath it used its white fish eyes to gaze at her, as if it waslooking at a demon from h.e.l.l demanding its life. As far as Hua Bao Xia wasconcerned, the black bear was also a demon hanging above her head demanding herlife. She didn’t eat fresh fish, even if it was boiled fish she was still verypicky. She starved for several days, not eating anything, the fish was agains.n.a.t.c.hed by the black bear and torn apart, bite by bite eating it up. Theb.l.o.o.d.y smell of fish spread throughout the cave, pasting the black bear’s clawsand the fur around its mouth, giving the impression that what it ate wasn’tfish, rather human flesh.

Hua Bao Xiaweakened day by day, she didn’t know who those two people who carried her herethat day was, and she didn’t know how far away this place was to the Huaresidence. She had thought about secretly running away, but not having gone farshe had heard the roar of a tiger in the mountainous forest, it didn’t matterhow far she ran, the black bear would still be able to find her.

She was asmart woman, she considered how weak her body was, and the dangers of the mountainforest, she knew for the moment she was unable to leave. Luckily, she hadgotten to know clearly the bear’s character.

If the beargot angry, she would immediately act dead, completely able to escape acalamity. During the time she spent in the mountain, she did not make anyprogress, apart from perfecting the art of pretending to be dead. The blackbear had just raised its claw the sound of `ao----` did not even spreadthroughout the cave, she had already `aiya` made her body limp, closing her eyes,holding her breath.

As timepa.s.sed, the black bear appeared to find it amusing as well, from time to timeraising both claws flashing his teeth, back facing the mouth of the cave, hugebody blocking any light, towering above with teeth, Hua Bao Xia immediatelybecame frail and soft unable to wake up. Afterwards that black bear lovinglypick up that woman pretending to be dead and sat on hay spread out as a bed,puffing out its chest, putting the woman on its belly, one hand holding herwaist, another hand forcing down her shoulders, snoring it began to sleep.

Xia Fen wasa child, very forgetful. One day, he then suddenly thought he had not blockedthat vixen’s path for quite a while, where did the other person go?

Xiao Baiwas very busy, under pressure from the heavy workload. Ever since Lord w.a.n.gfound out it was Xiao Bai who had misguided Xia Fen, he `loved` him specially,making him so busy his feet did not touch the ground. For this reason, the idleHei Zi also gradually forgot to ask, if Lady Hua’s `innocence` was given to thebear or to the tiger?

Misunderstandingis beautiful, the w.a.n.g family was good-hearted!

Utterrubbish, to the numerous influential families and officials in Zhuozhou, w.a.n.gYun Feng was a well-groomed beast!

After allthe merchants filled with confidence had discussed suitably the distribution ofbenefits for the disaster reconstruction, after all the officials took back theaccounts books of their receipt of bribes, and after all the influentialfamilies also agreed and signed a series of mutually beneficial clauses, thecourt issued an order, recalling w.a.n.g Yun Feng back to Beiding city.

All theinfluential, rich and powerful people in Zhuozhou, broke the plates in theirhands to pieces on that day.

w.a.n.g YunFeng you scoundrel who is even more savage than a wild beast, you played withus!

They hadfought with him in a major struggle for three months, unexpectedly just beforethe battle the general changed, all the efforts was irrevocably lost, flowingwith the tide and dissipating. They needed to to once again a.s.sign benefitswith the new official, once again go through the crucial points. It is saidthat, the person taking over w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s position, is even more honest thanw.a.n.g Yun Feng, even more stubborn, an uncorrupted person even more devious andcrafty.

The corruptofficials unanimously shouted: they hate the uncorrupted to death!

In anyevent, Lord w.a.n.g’s family was finally sitting in a carriage, swaying all theway home.

They forgotLady Hua placing her in the back of their heads, they did not look at thedistant mountain top, a bear holding a woman standing straight gazing into thedistance, looking at that neat and tidy procession of carriages leavingZhuozhou’s territory.

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