Xia LingMei looked at w.a.n.g Yun Feng, again looking at the flower thief under her foot,she suddenly realised: “You both worked together to scheme against me.”

ZhuangSheng cried out loudly: “Hero Xia, beautiful Xia, Xiao Sheng is wronglyaccused…”

Xia LingMei put pressure on her foot, Zhuang Sheng could only spit foam from his mouth.w.a.n.g Yun Feng still ignored Zhuang Sheng’s suffering, both cold eyes onlyfocused on Xia Ling Mei’s body.

Xia LingMei still held the long whip in one hand, one hand on her waist, completelylooking like a violent woman.

The twopeople looked at each other, a split second, a twinkle of the eye, the burningof one incense. The people standing around them did not see either person movefor a very long 

time, one after another they guessed.

“They had astroke?”

“Maybethey’re possessed.”

“They musthave been hit by a concealed weapon.”


ZhuangSheng who was in so much pain he wanted to die cried out pitifully, “Lord w.a.n.g,Lord w.a.n.g, Lord w.a.n.g, you were the one who made me by any possible means drawthis lady out. Don’t tell me it was just to practice being cross-eyed?”

Xia LingMei coldly snorted: “You’re wrong, this Lord w.a.n.g is known for his arrogance,unable to see what is important.”

w.a.n.g Yun Fenggazed at her steadily.

“That’sright, he is also known for his zombie face.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng’s face was expressionless.

“He is thebest at showering affection on an uninterested party, opinionated, thinking heis the most wronged person in this world, most affectionate, most innocentsentimental man.”

ZhuangSheng was already weak: “Lady Xia, he must have wronged you before.” He, 

ZhuangSheng only exposed Xia Ling Mei’s ident.i.ty, and he was whipped, maybe long agothis Lord w.a.n.g took advantage of her but did not take responsibility, that’swhy Xia Ling Mei hates him to such a degree, `zeze`.

Xia LingMei pursed her lips, she did not want to think back to those several years ofsuffering.

“Sorry.”w.a.n.g Yun Feng said.

Xia LingMei eyebrows lifted. She should feel heartache, she should feel sad, tearsought to stream down her cheeks, on the contrary she couldn’t choke withemotions.

“You’vesaid it too late.” She said, waving her hand: “If you forced me out of the Guresidence just because of that word, you really made a big fuss over a minorissue.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng took a deep breath: “Gu residence isn’t a place you should stay.”

The cornerof Xia Ling Mei’s mouth cracked open: “I shouldn’t stay at his residence, butat yours? I only know, you, Lord w.a.n.g have great wealth, great power,unexpectedly you bought a residence in tiny Chenzhou. You couldn’t havepossibly wronged someone you shouldn’t wrong, being demoted to such a place todrag out an ign.o.ble existence.”

These werethe words she said out in anger. When she saw the main entrance of the w.a.n.gresidence that night, this idea suddenly emerged. It was known, the w.a.n.g familywas ranked as one of the prestigious families in Dayan, along with the hundredsof years with the rise and fall of the dynasty, granted that they really didbuy a residence in Chenzhou, the main family would never come here to live.Nevertheless the current situation, w.a.n.g Yun Feng had quietly come here, andhad prepared to settle down for a long time. This could possibly suggest there wereunforeseen events.

w.a.n.g YunFeng’s eyes flashed for a moment. He again shut his mouth tightly, not sayinganything.

Many timesover these years Xia Ling Mei had seen his stupid mouth which was reluctant toadmit mistakes, before she mostly ignored it, now she had an unconcernedexpression: “You and I have long ago had no relationship. We’ve seen eachother, things we needed to say were said. You can go.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng did not move.

ZhuangSheng lifted his head to look at the overbearing Xia Ling Mei, before lookingat the blockhead like w.a.n.g Yun Feng, he couldn’t  help but sigh: “Actually, Lady Xia, Lordw.a.n.g’s implications are, you can’t stay in Gu residence, you can only stay atw.a.n.g residence.”

Xia LingMei asked w.a.n.g Yun Feng: “You want me to stay at your residence?”

“Woof!” Thesmall Tibetan Mastiff two fat claws desperately clutched at Xia Ling Mei’sshoulders, the head of its tongue hanging out, looking at w.a.n.g Yun Feng as itbarked out.

Xia LingMei rushed forward, narrowing her eyes, face to face with w.a.n.g Yun Feng:“You’re not scared I will climb into your room in the depth of the night,suddenly slaughter you?”

“Woof,woof!” The small Tibetan Mastiff swayed its tail with all its strength.

w.a.n.g YunFeng with a sincere face: “My residence is secure.”

Xia LingMei made a pfff sound, shaking her head: “I’m not going.”

“Woof,woof, woof!” Using its four paws the Tibetan Mastiff climber on Xia Ling Mei’sshoulders.

w.a.n.g YunFeng stared at the Tibetan Mastiff with irritation: “You don’t have to dealwith people’s att.i.tude in the w.a.n.g residence, you can treat it like it’s yourown home.” Old Lady Gu’s people won’t appear at all.

Xia LingMei did not feel like paying attention to him.

“You cancome and go as you wish, no one would dare question where you were going,moreover it won’t allow some men harbouring unfathomable motives to have theopportunity to have any improper thoughts about you.” For example like thattiresome idiot Gu Lang.

Xia LingMei sneered.

“Theresidence is heavily guarded, it can prevent flower thieves.”

Xia LingMei paused for a bit, Zhuang Sheng exploded: “Hey, you ungrateful person, whotreats their partner like this?”

w.a.n.g YunFeng with one foot stood on Zhuang Sheng’s shoulder, focusing on him he said: 

“The most important thing is, I can take care of you.”

Xia LingMei simply jumped and bounced, with the sound of Zhuang Sheng’s pitiful cry,head did not turn back, leaving.

Afterwardsthe day was fairly lively.

w.a.n.g YunFeng seemed to become a hound tracking the scent of its owner, wherever Xia 

Ling Mei was he would follow her there. When she was at the teahouse listeningto stories, he would call for a pot of tea, sitting opposite her staringmotionlessly. Taking her dog and slipping into the street, w.a.n.g Yun Feng boughta cat to carry in his arms, taking two attendants to follow her not too far andnot too close.

When shewent to pick out clothes from the ready-made clothes store, he would stand bythe side giving criticism. When she says red is nice, gorgeous. He would nod,saying red suited his wife. She says green is fresh and clean, he would saygreen looked lively. She says black is suitable for climbing walls, he wouldsay it’s nothing, you climb my residence’s walls.

When shegot tired of playing, she ate at a restaurant, between her ordering dishes hewould make a lot of demands. Not too spicy, her throat would hurt; not toobland, she wouldn’t have an appet.i.te; she couldn’t eat too much wild game, itwould affect her digestive system. The only vegetable dish she could eat is choysum, fruit must be the first basket plucked first thing in the morning, thebowl of soup she could drink must be the richest bowl.

Xia LingMei was used to the freedom of being outside, and not rely on someone’scharity, naturally she was not picky. w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s long winded words, madeher feel like her hands and feet were bound, biting down her teeth, she pointedat the small Tibetan Mastiff and said to her maid: “From now on, its name isw.a.n.g w.a.n.g.”

Everyoneremained silent, sneakily peeking at w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s face.

As usual,he only faced Xia Ling Mei, w.a.n.g Yun Feng would criticise her on little things,but 

with big things he could not be moved in the slightest.

Yes, givingher pet such a name, should be a big deal…right?

“w.a.n.g w.a.n.g,flip.”


“w.a.n.g w.a.n.g,go bring a dish back to me.”


“w.a.n.g w.a.n.g,shoo that man out for me.”


w.a.n.g YunFeng picked up the small Tibetan Mastiff, looking at it with his pair of darkeyes, 

he sighed: “If you’re angry then take it out on me, why are you bullyingit.”

Xia LingMei s.n.a.t.c.hed her puppy away, placing it on top of the sleeping cat, incessantlyrubbing it: “It’s my pet, what’s it to you.” w.a.n.g Yun Feng naturally had noright to interfere, he also didn’t dare take control, he really offended XiaLing Mei, maybe she would beat him up.

Everyday w.a.n.gYun Feng at the first quarter hour of five - seven am would come to keep aclose eye on her, he would only leave at night in the third quarter of elevenpm – one am. 

Xia Ling Mei looked for ways to chase him away, he would just belike the Bodhisattva without a temper, he never left allowing her to use anytactics. This repeated for several days, Xia Ling Mei was also tired. She hadvisited all the places you should visit in Chenzhou, she had also triedeverything you should eat, not long after she couldn’t control her temper andwanted to switch to another place to visit.

Shesecretly ran away several times. Regardless of whether she was roaming aboutduring the day she would find an excuse to run away, or at night after w.a.n.g YunFeng had left she would again put on a disguise and leave the city, every timeshe would fail.

Thetug-of-war between the two people had gone on for many years, w.a.n.g Yun Fengalready knew long ago of her twists and turns, and deliberately trapped her,after a disturbance, his alertness to his surroundings naturally did not relaxat all in the slightest.

Xia LingMei mocked and ridiculed him, calling him the supreme male chauvinist, andthreatened to report him to the authorities, even to the extent of writing aletter to the Xia family, asking for help to drag w.a.n.g Yun Feng away from herside. Each of the members of the Xia family were stranger than the last, theyknew the two people were separated for many years repeatedly and were finallytogether, they were eager for w.a.n.g Yun Feng to sort out this wicked woman who waswondering outside not knowing to come home, therefore they pa.s.sed over theletter from Xia Ling Mei, nevertheless they replied to w.a.n.g 

Yun Feng. Withulterior motives w.a.n.g Yun Feng, immediately opened the short letter, giving itto Xia Ling Mei to understand, angering her that she ripped the letter intopieces.

Xia LingMei temper became more and more irritable, frequently getting angry. w.a.n.g Yun 

Feng was patient and accommodating in every possible way, indifferent to allthe scolding.

Even ZhuangSheng could not put up with it any longer, muttering: “This lioness, whoevermarries her must have the status of a dog.”

Xia LingMei with trembling lips said: “Yes, the person who marries her does not onlyhave the status of a dog, but his heart is also blind, subjected to much of hertorture, making him so he’s not a man or a ghost. Also messed up a perfectlygood family, the death of a father and mother, leaving him alone to suffer theridicule from his relatives.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng’s heart hurt, his face paled.

“She is notfilial to the in-laws, lack children, extremely jealous, and talks too much, fulfillingthree out of seven grounds for divorce. She deserves to berejected, to be humiliated, she made him suffer the painful loss of love,making him depressed, making it hard for him to have a footing in the world tobe a genuine good man.”

“This typeof woman, for what reason can she obtain his love, get his sincerity, sheshould be hacked to pieces by him…”

“Enough!”w.a.n.g Yun Feng shouted out coldly, an erupting volcano in his eyes: “Don’t talkabout yourself like that.”

Xia LingMei smiled: “Since I’ve done it, naturally I can talk about it. Not only can Italk about it, I can also listen to bystanders talk in this way. A lot ofpeople pointed out, there’s nothing to be afraid of, because I am a snakehearted woman.”

“Ling Mei…”

“Shut up.” Shetook a deep cold breath, “I’ve had enough of you for so long, it’s also not 

worthwhile for you to show such deep emotions in front of me, I don’t believeyou, just like 

you don’t love me. Don’t forget, you already divorced me!”

“Ihaven’t.” The first time, the first time since they met up until now, w.a.n.g YunFeng was genuinely angry: “You have always been my official wife.”

“You,” XiaLing Mei turned pale with fright, and her body shuddered all over, clearly shewas sitting in the small living room of the guest room, yet she felt she hadfallen into a thousand years of cold ice.

w.a.n.g YunFeng loosened his two hands held tightly on his knees, his face no longer heldthe determination it had over these past days, instead he showed an alarmed unease.

Suddenly,Xia Ling Mei violently rose, with a flash of red, w.a.n.g Yun Feng felt a burningpain from his shoulders to his chest. He subconsciously leapt up, Xia Ling Mei’slong whip had already been brandished at him for the second time, without theslightest hesitation aimed at his body.

w.a.n.g YunFeng did not avoid it, he was in much pain, but, he knew her heart was in morepain than his body.

She hadbeen in pain for so many years, some of that pain had already rooted in herheart, growing thorns.

He couldonly feel sorry for her. If, a bout of whipping is capable of making her ventthose pain, he would be happy, and endure it.

The longwhip `swish, swish` hit his body, his clothes were scattered and smashed by thethrashing, his skin crisscrossed with greenish black and red, he clenched histeeth standing straight, he only uttered a m.u.f.fled groan when the pain was toomuch, and he continued to endure her anger.

“I hateyou.” She said.

The amountof love she had for him back then, she now hated him just as much.

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