GEY, GAY, _adj._ tolerable; pretty much. _A gey wheen_, a considerable number.
GEILY, GEYLIES, _adj._ pretty well.
GENTY, _adj._ neat; genteel-looking; neatly formed.
GEORDIE, _s._ George.
GERS, GYRS, _s._ gra.s.s.
GEYEN, GEISIN, GIZZEN, _v. a._ to become leaky for want of moisture.
GIBBLE-GABBLE, _s._ noisy confused talk among a party.
GIBE, _v. n._ to tease; to taunt.
GIE, _v. a._ to give.
GIEN, _pret. of_ given.
GIF, GYVE, _conj_. if.
GIFF-GAFF, _s._ mutual giving.
GILLIE, _s._ a page or attendant.
GILLIEPAGUS, _s._ a fool; a silly fellow.
GILPY, _s._ a roguish boy or frolicsome girl.
GILSE, _s._ a young salmon.
GIMMER, _s._ a ewe two years old.
GIMP, GYMP, JIMP, _adj._ slim; delicate; scanty.
GIMPLY, JIMPLY, _adv._ scarcely.
GIN, _conj_. if.
GIR, GIRD, GYRD, _s._ a hoop.
GIRDLE, _s._ a circular plate of malleable iron with a handle, for toasting oaten bread, etc., over a fire.
_To_ GIRN, _s._ to grin.
GIRN, _s._ a snare for catching birds.
GIRNALL, GIRNELL, _s._ a large chest for holding meal.
GITE, _s._ crazy.
GLAIKIT, _adj._ light; giddy.
GLAMER, GLAMOUR, _s._ gipsies were formerly supposed capable of casting a charm over the eyes of persons, and thus making them see objects differently from what they really were.
_Cast the glamer o"er her_, caused deception of sight.
GLAR, GLAUR, _s._ mud; mire.
_To_ GLAUM, _v. a._ to grasp anything greedily.
GLAYMORE, _s._ a two-handed sword.
GLED, _s._ the kite, a bird of the hawk kind.
GLEEK, _v. a._ to gibe.
GLEG, _adj._ quick of perception.
_To_ GLEG, GLYE, GLEE, _v. n._ to squint.
GLEN, _s._ a hollow betwixt two hills.
_To_ GLENT, GLINT, _part. pa._ to glance.
GLEYD, _adj._ squint-eyed.
GLIB-GABBIT, _adj._ glib-tongued.
GLIFF, _s._ a sudden fright or alarm.
GLIMMER, _v. n._ to wink; to blink; to twinkle.
GLISK, _s._ a transient view.
GLOAMIN, _s._ twilight.
GLOCK, _s._ a gulp.
_To_ GLOUM, GLOOM, _v. n._ to frown.
_To_ GLOUR, GLOWR, _v. n._ to stare.
GLOUR, _s._ a broad stare.
GLU, _s._ a glove.
_To_ GLUDDER, _v. n._ to work in a dirty manner.