Wind with Voices

Chapter 2: Clouds beneath the Darkness

Chapter 2: Clouds beneath the Darkness

The breath of a spirit turned into wind— The wind pushes the clouds. The shadow of clouds enshroud the land— The land receives rain. I believe where there’s a consequence, there lies reason. Indeed, there is someone spying on us..... Lloyd didn’t say a word, his expression poised. He turned his attention back to the group, yet heard Aidric who stood close by, call out to him. “Nomunde, did you see a figure in direction 4 o’clock earlier?” He started, before responding. “So you saw it as well?” “Mm...... should we ask the rest?” “Ignore it, it’s enough we know ourselves.” “But isn’t everyone here comrades? Any intelligence or observation on movements, should be raised for discussion and planning. That is what a group does, isn’t it?” He sounded skeptical, but the latter only chuckled. “That’s not what I meant. Any person would show only a fragment of their abilities, even towards a comrade we need to conceal a little...... Before a covenant is established, it’s best not to fully trust another. Got it? Even if you see something, pretend not to. Let others comment on it. If indeed no one mentions anything, investigate it for yourself. This is the basic know-how to get along with people you’re not familiar with.” Seriously...... his motives run deep. “Then, why are you telling me all these?” “......Sigh, use your clever brain to think! Don’t just ask me.” The other party declined him. Aidric had more to say, but Indy first spoke up about discovering a figure. Lloyd nudged Aidric, and winked at him. “Secaaj, your perception and observation skills are pretty good!” This line was articulated in his normal volume, but the next, was conveyed to Aidric through a transmission spell. “Indeed, he is the most naïve.” “...... Nomunde, you’re really childish.” “A figure...... is it?” Leanne’s discerning eyes flashed with a hint of hesitation. “I have a suggestion, how about we investigate the Spiritual Alluring Spell tomorrow? The black figure...... has a connection with that mark.” “...... As expected, the later one sets off, the more knowledge one receives. Information leaked from the Shrine?” prompted, while Vik took stead in answering him. “Sigh...... Yeah, I know. Cidelis got attracted here on his own. You’re different from us, we came upon receiving orders. The first batch – Secaaj, Nomunde, Lido and Ciernado received the mission to investigate this Spell, while the second – Nile, Paleris and I are dispatched for surveillance, to monitor suspicious people in the vicinity of the Spell, and act accordingly.......” “Ah? Everyone came with intentions? So that means I’m the only one unaware of it?” Aidric was yet again flabbergasted, and finally started to comprehend Lloyd’s warning. Indy never told me he came upon orders...... maybe he thought I would have known? “The so-called suspicious people...... in general, are those affiliated to the large organisation which worships the Dark G.o.d. Everyone knows that right?” “Is it D.M.B?” “Right, that ridiculous name, DarkMurkBlack. It’s hilarious when you say it out.” As priests of the highest order – to Priests-to-be, they would definitely oppose, and harbour contempt to those who practiced nihilism and worshipped evil. Besides, any conflict was always first raised by the enemy. Seeing them full of disdain, Aidric felt himself rather abnormal. Due to his thirst for knowledge, he practically yearns to learn anything, and to understand them. Even towards a doctrine which reveres a Dark G.o.d, he is interested...... But this is something he must never bring up in front of them. “Let’s rest first, shall we? ...... We still have time.” The atmosphere had gone gloomy for a while, hence Vik came up with this proposition. “Eh? You guys just arrived, do you have rooms?” Someone among them asked Leanne. “We do, Ichta and I made reservations before we came.” Reservations..... so there’s a tactic like that...... “We’ll meet downstairs tomorrow morning. Night, everyone.” She tossed over an enthralling smile, and descended to the door of the inn. Vik followed. “...... I really hope she still doesn’t have a partner for a covenant, to leave us a little chance......” One of them expressed the wishes of the majority; even so, things usually don’t go according to our hearts’ desire...... “Mm? You’re talking about a covenant?” Dawn. When they met, questioned Leanne about this matter. “My apologies...... I was thinking to form one with Indy. We are G.o.d-siblings after all.” “Ah......? With Secaaj?” The present were yet again dumbfounded, just like the time Aidric mentioned about his decision to go with Indy. Could it be, Indy is the real dark horse......? “What do you mean by that? What’s bad about Indy?” Looking at their expressions, Leanne had a gist of what they’re thinking, and wasn’t happy about it. “No, it’s not that...... Just that Indy, he...... already said he was establishing one with Cidelis...... Didn’t you know? He told you last night.” Now, it was Leanne who was stunned. “Eh? ...... Is he for real? I thought he was joking!” All of them had the impulse to just flop over. Lloyd forced a smile. “Ms Paleris, who would use a covenant as a joke?” “...... It’s that Aidric Cidelis?” “Yeah...... they and Ichta are still asleep.” Leanne’s face turned ghastly in an instant. “I’m dead, I wasn’t serious when I brought up the subject with Ichta, but now......” “Mm? Ichta?” “....... I said that if Indy didn’t enact a covenant with me, I would have him as my partner. But, at that time, I thought I would succeed!” The guys were speechless; if that happens, it would be an easy deal for Ichta, that rascal...... “Wait, a verbal contract can be removed, right?” “That has to be on the consent of both parties......” Having said that, she paused. “Mm...... that Cidelis seems like a nice guy...... maybe I can convince him to cancel their agreement. There’s no reason for him to insist on Indy!” “Cough, in short, there’s no share in it for us......” Lloyd shrugged, and continued. “I’ll speak first, if based on the present situation Ms Paleris went with Ichta, while Cidelis and Indy remains, then I’ll pick Nile. Nile, what do you say?” “Mm.” Bayle expressed consent, and this simple statement made Xiev and’s faces twitch, as they exchanged eyes with each other. “That means, it’s only you and me......” “Then, I’ll have to pair with an annoying guy like you?” “You’re the irritating one! I refuse!” Their faces could not look any more horrible, and they simultaneously look toward Leanne. “Ms Paleris, do you not wish to form a covenant with Ichta?” “Yeah, he’s so laid-back, always smiling frivolously, a face that says unreliable...... he’s incomparable to the adorable Indy.” “Then we’ll try our best to help you segregate Cidelis and Secaaj! Let’s work together!” Towards their rare enthusiasm, Lloyd stood and laughed, putting on a serious face. “Hey, the both of you, is that really okay? The people from D.M.B may appear any second, and we’re embroiled in internal conflict......” “We’ll talk about that when they really appear!” “Compared to the enemy, one’s future is more important!” Having witnessed their determination, Lloyd released a cough. “Just now...... As your comrade, for the sake of appearance, I’ve said all the pretty words. Now, I’ll be honest, let me in on it. I want Cidelis!” “It’s better with your help!” “Nile, how about you?” Bayle laid out his hands, indicating that he’s fine with anything. Leanne smiled ecstatically. “Great! It’s really wonderful that everyone’s willing to partic.i.p.ate! Then, let us plan our script to persuade them!” “Mm!” “Hurry up and start! Before they’re awake!” Just like that, the three soundly-asleep people, under unsuspecting circ.u.mstances, became the group’s target in their scheme for personal gain. Sometimes, waking early can better work to their benefit. Even if the early bird doesn’t catch its worm, at least...... it won’t get bitten by other ravenous birds, which haven’t gotten their share. Upon descending the stairs, one could feel an immense oppressive atmosphere. Both Aidric and Indy have no idea what happened. “Ah, sorry, are you guys waiting for us?” “We did agree to visit the Spiritual Alluring Spell...... Is Ichta still sleeping?” As he pulled out a seat, Leanne suddenly fixated her gaze on Indy. “Indy, why didn’t you wait for me, or ask me before forming a spoken covenant with someone else?” “Eh...... Leanne-sis, you...... want to form one with me?” Indy felt overwhelmingly flattered, and even Aidric was taken aback. “Yeah! We’re G.o.d-siblings; I would of course pick you! Didn’t you consider me at all?” “No, no...... I presumed...... I thought everyone would want a strong partner. Leanne-sis, sorry, I didn’t know you......” “No need for apologies, you just have to cancel your agreement with Cidelis, and everything would be perfect.” “Yeah!” Xiev and chimed in. “......But, Aidric is a good person...... If there’s anything, it should be him rejecting me. Where would I have the privilege to refuse him?” He looked toward Aidric, slightly fl.u.s.tered, not knowing how to handle the situation. “He’s good, but are you not?” “But, that way, I’ll let him down......” “Isn’t it fine if he too agrees to it?” The two of them conversed like that, with Aidric separating them. To stand between them made it twice as stressful. Just when he tried to say something, the female’s smooth, delicate hand latched onto him. That pair of alluring eyes aligned to his. He felt his chest lurch for a moment, and the other accomplices could only sigh in their hearts at ‘how fortunate he is’. “Cidelis! Could you please agree to erase that verbal covenant? I really, seriously wish to pair with Indy. Moreover, if you don’t agree, I’ll have to go with Ichta!” “Wait...... wait a moment, what has it got to do with Ichta?” A beauty’s offensive charms were a little overpowering for him, and he struggled to deviate from the topic. Leanne then reiterated what she said to Lloyd and the others earlier. “Cidelis, just agree to it!” “It’s no loss for you!” “Could you bear to watch a beautiful lady this troubled?” The three reinforced the argument for their own interests’ sake, blabbering this and that. “Why...... why are you three leaning towards her side?” “Ms Paleris has made it sound so piteous, even a rock would be moved. Cidelis, just help her with her woes! Do you want to be labeled as callous and unfeeling?” Lloyd subsequently worked up his eloquence, to jab at Aidric’s conscience, making him feel that if he does not agree to her request, he would become a bad person. “...... I suddenly feel that I’m really devious.” Xiev lowered his head, with a whisper. “Aye, as a Priest-to-be—a successor to the regal Priest, how could we have been so calculating towards others? Not to mention they’re our comrades. That Nile is really underhanded, he didn’t even join in.” too found this unbearable, and muttered to himself. “That Nile just doesn’t want to talk. He knows that by withholding the truth, he is considered an accomplice...... in fact, it seems that Lloyd is the one without even a guilty conscience.” “Would that guy even have such a thing?” The two exchanged looks, and turned around with distaste. As long as I don’t have to partner this b.a.s.t.a.r.d, I’ll do anything! Meanwhile, Lloyd and Leanne fabricated psychedelic exaggerations, incessant. The poor Aidric and Indy could almost faint from it. “Okay, okay, stop it. Now, the one you want is Indy...... I’ll respect his decision. If he chooses you, I have nothing to say. I’ll agree to remove the covenant.” Aidric raised the white flag, and this equated to half the battle won. Both Leanne and Lloyd were elated, and immediately worked on Indy. “Indy, say you’ll choose me!” “Secaaj, she’s your G.o.d-sister, you’re close with her, just pick her......” This time, the entire decision fell on Indy alone, and he was momentarily lost for words. “I...... I......” Just when he was perplexed on what to do, Vik happened to walk down, yawning; this was level to pulling Indy out of quagmire. “Are you guys discussing? Aren’t we heading to the Spiritual Alluring Spell? Let’s go! It’s almost noon.” They were formerly one step to success. With a lamentable sigh, they could only set off as if nothing had happened. “You guys seem to be hiding something from me..... What exactly were you all talking about just now?” Vik gave them a skeptical look, while Leanne acted like it was none of his business. “Ichta, you don’t have to be that curious. It’s our matter, you’re not involved.” The tone obviously ostracized him. He instantly pulled out an aggrieved voice, pulling Indy over. “Comecomecome...... Secaaj, according to my perception of people, I know you’re the most honest. Tell me, what happened?” “This, this.....” Saying it out would have been hurting, yet he doesn’t know how to avert the topic. “Ichta, don’t you dare abduct Indy, or I’ll sever all ties with you!” Leanne seized Indy back, shooting him a glare. “...... Ugh....... you’re too much...... Everyone’s acting like this..... we’re clearly comrades, yet I’m the only one excluded......” “If you’re a man, don’t feign a pitiful voice! Who could sympathize with you?” She growled at him again, as the group proceeded. On one hand, Aidric slightly pitied him, yet he himself was concealing it from him. Uneasy, he walked to his side. “Mm...... Ichta, don’t feel upset. We’re doing this out of consideration for one another; we’re keeping it from you because we wouldn’t want to add on to your troubles.” He used a slightly tactful tone to go about it, while Vik grabbed his hand, touched. “Oh! Cidela! Only you would speak to me amiably, you’re really nice!” “Cough, sorry, my name is Cidelis, not Cidela......” Aidric was unwilling to go on, and he strode forward with his head lowered. It didn’t take long, before they reached the grounds at which the Spiritual Alluring Spell was present. “Let me explain this.” Leanne swept her gaze through the crowd, and began.

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