Wizard's Tale

Chapter 4

I won’t say much. Thanks in advance for reading. Enjoy. If you spot any correction, please comment it down.

Alyanna’s POV

Where: Brylle Zaffiro"s home

That old geezer was very weird. However, I can"t do anything but follow his directions and then hope that this "Bryle Zaffiro" guy could really give me a job. "Is this the place…?"

The house in front of  me was as big as a mansion… but why does it seems abandoned? The paints looked old, the plants on the garden looked withered, overall it was as if  it was a haunted house!

"Wait… this is the address!"

d.a.m.n it.  Did that old man fool me?!!

I cautiously approached the door. "Is anyone here?"  When I was almost knocking, the door suddenly opened. s.h.i.t! This is too creepy. I hesitated to walk in but in the end, I did. "Anyone here…?"


"Uwaaaahhh!!!" The door abruptly closed by itself and when I tried opening it, it didn"t budge! "Calm down Yana! Only children believe in ghost and haunted house." I whispered to myself while seeing the run-down state of the interior. There are so many cobwebs. With my eyes darting here and there, my mind’s already telling me that for sure,  no one"s living here! "Manong Grandpa, why did you deceive me?!"

Because I can’t go out, I started to panic.

After a while, I heard a male voice… "Ahem…"

It sounded so big, and spine-chilling, like those goons’ voices from some TV programs! "Who are you, blasphemous one? Who gave you the permission to enter this place?"

Too deep! His sentence was so deep! (T/N: The voice has spoken in a semi-old Filipino language)

"An old sir told me to come here… I"m looking for Brylle Zaffiro."

It was like I was speaking to the wind, I can"t see where and who I"m talking to.

Then, I heard another voice. The voices started whispering to each other, though I can actually hear what they"re talking about! "Was it Master Lorcan?" … "Probably! She said, an old man."… "How can we confirm that?" … "Life contract, master!" … "Hmmm… You"re right! Let"s do that!"

I unconsciously stepped backwards.

Who"s Master Lorcan? And what"s the h.e.l.l with the life contract? Actually, I don"t really feel comfortable with this place. "I will be leaving then… it looks like I went into the wrong house." I tried my best to open the door but it’s just freaking not opening up.


I had my back facing him. I don"t want to look at the owner of the voice who was walking towards me. Yep, I can hear his nearing footsteps… "What"s your name?"

I swallowed some saliva. I don"t want to look at him! Though his voice is many times more pleasant than the first one, I still can"t fight the fear.

I can’t say my real name now, can I? I have to be cautious like never before! "A… Ana."

"Ana, I know you"re lying…" Eh? How did he know? Wait, his tone hinted anger! "What"s your name?"

"I, I, I don"t know anything, I didn"t see anything! Please! Just let me leave! "

"You obviously know that the name of the one living in this house is Brylle Zaffiro."

I feel so nervous. It"s very scary! Don"t tell me the owner of this haunted house is a serial killer?

"This will be the last time I"ll ask you… what"s your name?"


"Ana…" I heard him laugh. "You"re testing my patience."

I can"t tell why, but my body suddenly become frozen stiff. Was it due to fright? No. It"s not that… I simply can"t move! Even my fingers, I can"t feel them! Slowly, I faced the person behind me, but it"s weird – because I"m not the one moving myself.

No! Someone"s controlling my body!

Because of too much dread about what"s about to happen, I closed my eyes. Where the h.e.l.l did I throw myself into? How can they do things like this? "Open your eyes. Don"t anger me."

Don"t wanna! I don"t want to see him! I"m scared of what I’d see. Really… The heck with the place I entered into!

Unexpectedly, he fetched something from my pocket. "This is Master Lorcan"s, am I right, Vander?" Wait, was he referring to the handkerchief?

"Yes, master."

"If that is so, then girl, you"ve been sent here by my mentor. Open your eyes, look at the person when he"s talking to you."

I bit my lip in confusion. However, I will not know what"s going on if I will let fear control me. Slowly, I opened my eyes… and then found in front of me a young man whose age seemed similar to mine.

Tall, with fair complexion, very beautiful lips, odd get up, and piercing on the right ear. I can"t explain the color of his eyes. Right now, I probably looked silly while staring at him, at his handsome face.

Wait, no misunderstanding please. It"s not that I"m speechless at him. I just can"t even move my body, of course, the same with my mouth. Only my eyes can freely be in motion.

He waved his hand and then I suddenly can open my mouth. It was as if it"s been a while since the last time I breathe. "Speak." I don"t know how he did it, but now I"m very sure he"s the one controlling me. He"s the one who froze me up. "Speak up your name. And I"m warning you, I want your real name."

"Al… Alyanna… Alyanna Rohan."

Out of the blue, he smirked…

"Hey, what type of creature are you? What are you doing with me? Why can"t I move? How did you do this? Let me go, please… I will forget everything in return…"

He only waved his hand and then my mouth automatically closed up. "Hmmmm?" I can"t speak up once again!

"Vander… prepare the contract and the circle."

"Yes, Master!"

Uwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!! That… That Vander guy who has a very big tone… I finally saw him!! His voice became tiny…. eh?… he"s a dwarf? VANDER IS ACTUALLY A DWARF?!!!

My deity! If I"m dreaming, please let me wake up now!

What"s more frightening than that was…. the fact that I"m currently floating while following them! Are they going to eat me? Vander is a dwarf so it"s probable.

What about this guy who Vander called master? Brylle Zaffiro? Who really are you?

He brought out a stick from his pocket, which suddenly turned into a long staff! Goodness! How did that fit inside his pocket? Are they magicians? Why are they like this? What"s going on?!

*Swish!!! Tap!!! Tap!!!*

We faced a stone wall, but this man did something and then a path appeared. My eyes widened even more because this is simply impossible! This is a dream! A dream! Yana, you"re only dreaming!

We went inside an empty room… but it"s the kind of room which no one would expect to be a part of this house. The pathway disappeared, then I was trapped inside together with these two strangers.

"Alyanna Rohan…" He walked towards me. I"m already crying due to terror but I"m still convincing myself it was all a dream. "Dispel!" He said as he tapped on my nose. After that I can already move.

I fell down on the floor and started screaming! "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Help!!!"

"Do you want me to freeze you again? Quiet!"

"What are you? Who are you too? Don"t tell me you"re a demon?!" Then my eyes darted towards Vander who was scribbling something on a piece of paper. "A d-dwarf!" I ran away from them and searched for an escape, but I can"t see any way out. Everything was pure wall!

I tripped by myself, but instead of kissing the floor, I floated up. And the perpetrator was… "Te…telekinesis?" Don"t tell me they are actually mutants?

I knew it, they are X-men!

"… haha. How I wish it"s telekinesis." Then I flew back to the guy. "Calm down, okay? You"re here for the job."

When I reached the ground… "What job? What are you anyway?"

"You"ll work as my helper and the housekeeper of this house. Twenty-five thousand a month, free food and lodging area."

Can I believe him? (T/N: Fool! Even I was tempted by the salary. Btw, it was not stated in the raw, but the currency is Philippine Peso – Php)

"No… you"re all demonic! You! You"re not a human! How can you do all those things? AND your companion…. you"re all not human!"

"Demonic? I bet you’re probably thinking that we need a virgin for the offering."

Hey, how did he know that I am a virgin!!!!?

"Let me go! I won"t tell anyone what I saw! Please…"

"If you don"t want the job I"m offering, we have to kill you." Kill me? Serial killers? "We can"t simply trust a human being like you. You"ve seen a lot already. Also, you"ve been sent by Master Lorcan here. You"re left with no choice but to sign the contract and work for me or else, we have to silence you."

I knelt down in fright.

"T-tell me first what you are." If they are bad people, I won"t agree to it.

"Vander is a gnome, my Elemental Guardian. And I"m Brylle Zaffiro, a Wizard." Did I hear him correctly? A Gnome and a Wizard? I pinched myself because this might be a dream… but it truly hurts!

Then this is real?

"We"re neither good nor bad. Is that explanation enough to you?"

"Master, the contract is ready!" Vander handed a paper to him which he reads.  After that, the paper flew towards me so that I can also read it. However, I can"t understand what was written. How crazy!

"That"s a life contract. If you sign it, it means you accept my job offer." His eyes met mine while he"s explaining. "If you won"t sign it though, I"m afraid we would have to kill you."

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