Wolf's Love

Chapter 1

Jumping off a Cliff

Xu Bei looked at the person closing in behind him wielding a machete with a bit of despair, there was no path ahead.

There just wasn"t anywhere to go. Granted, up ahead is an overhanging cliff. He swiveled his eyes at it for a quick look. Apart from the vast expanse of the whiteness of the snow, there isn"t any other option. If he goes down, his unlucky twenty-six short years of life will be complete.

But he really didn"t want to die here, no, he really didn"t want to die regardless of where he died.

They all say that heaven is beautiful, but whoever says that also wouldn"t be hopping at the chance to go, not to mention that he can only ever go to h.e.l.l in the eyes of his mother.

f.u.c.k your mother Ban Datong, I"ve already gone and hidden in this place where birds don"t s.h.i.t and chickens don"t lay eggs, but you still managed to find Laozi out, even the FBI isn"t as amazing as you!

He shifted his body to lean against a dead tree on the edge of the cliff, staring at the ghastly sight of the splatter of blood drops that he had spilled onto the snow while he was frantically trying to escape. He had little will to fight, he felt sick staring at blood, he was especially faint at seeing his own blood.

"Bro Ban, Old man Ban..." Xu Bei looked on as Ban Datong unhurriedly slid down from the Hummer, and his heart was tight, but his mouth was insincere, "You look for such a small and trivial matter like me yet it costs this much effort, it"s not worth it, ah."

Ban Datong did not speak, he knitted his brows in the cold wind, he looked as if he was bemoaning the state of the universe and pitying the fate of mankind as he slowly walked to Xu Bei"s side and looked at the half foot long wound on his leg, the blood is still dripping. He showed a very satisfied smile: "Xiao Bei, ah. You also said that you were honest, this brother is also not such an unreasonable person, isn"t that right? If it weren"t for you running away over and over again, brother also wouldn"t hurt you..."

After he finished speaking, Ban Datong took his gloves off and his fingers gently touched Xu Bei"s wound, suddenly, he jammed them into the cut.

"f.u.c.k me!" Xu Bei hissed out from the gap between his teeth and expended a lot of effort to not bite his tongue off. Just then, he contained a blood-curdling scream from flying out of his mouth. The great winter against his forehead sent out a film of cold sweat to appear and also very quickly formed a layer of ice.

"I bet you especially want to curse me," Ban Datong smiled and pulled his finger out, he brought the blood up to his mouth and began to lick it. "Do you still really want to tell me f.u.c.k your mother? Such a pity ah, there"s no chance......"

Xu Bei"s pain did not come up for a long time, so he only evenly panted for a while. He reckons that he can no longer go into hiding today, lying in the snow as a corpse is perhaps his ultimate ending. He side-eyes Ban Datong and smiles: "So you"ve properly confessed about your dad, so many people want to f.u.c.k your mother, even if he is successful alone, it"s not easy, ah..."

He had still not finished uttering the last syllable of this sentence when Xu Bei feels pain bloom before his eyes, quickly followed by a sharp pain. The pain was far too difficult to endure to the point that he did not clearly get a hold on where the pain came from and just laid flat on the snowy ground.

Until the blood began flowing down from his face and into his mouth, he only then realized that his head had been pounded in, he also clearly saw an iron rod in Ban Datong"s hand at the same time as this revelation.

Suddenly, he regretted saying such a thing that thoroughly p.i.s.sed off Ban Datong just a bit. If he chose to be well-behaved, he may have been able to die a quick death with an intact corpse and what not. Now, in this situation, Ban Datong will beat him into pieces with a rod. It also wouldn"t be impossible for him to once more little by little, break him into tiny bits.

"Xu Bei, your face has no f.u.c.king sense of shame depending on your smart-a.s.s mouth. You pretend that you"re so f.u.c.king n.o.ble and virtuous, then thinking you"re all f.u.c.king hot s.h.i.t..."

Whatever Ban Datong was saying, he didn"t listen in and pay any attention to it. He only heard Ban Datong"s differing sentences of f.u.c.k your mother and once again a sentence of f.u.c.k your mother. Ban Datong spoke with a southern accent. When he said the words f.u.c.k your mother, it all came out of his mouth accented. It sounded quite amusing, Xu Bei felt quite the demeaning smile grow on his face.

"Old man Ban," Xu Bei was upside down in the crude weather, clenching his teeth together and rolling over his body in place, he swept his eyes over to the valley that was no more than one meter away from him. "It seems that today, I can no longer make any moves to run away ..."

Ban Datong puffed his nose out in a sneer and did not answer, holding the iron rod in his hand he stood up.

"But... Even if I die, I can still get to choose how I die. You have still... only seen a part of it..."

As Xu Bei rolled off the cliff, Ban Datong explodes with a bellowing roar, and the iron rod in his hand ruthlessly pounded onto the snowy ground: "I will send people down there to find you, you won"t die until I beat you to death, and after you"re dead I"ll whip your corpse!"

Xu Bei quietly hung on a branch of a tree around seven or eight meters above the ground, watching the blood from his ears and mouth rush forth drop by drop in succession and form a line, drawing out what looked to be an abstract drawing on the snowy ground.

Then the branches of the tree made a snapping sound and he slammed down face-first onto the drawing.

I really didn"t die, Xu Bei, you really didn"t f.u.c.king die! Rolling down from such a high place, he was struck by all kinds of stones and tree trunks that met him as he fell and rolled. Quite a few times, he even heard the crisp sound of his bones. He really didn"t die...

Xu Bei"s face was buried in the snow, but he couldn"t help but laugh. The more he laughed, the happier he was and the more he laughed, the louder his voice became. In the end, a ball of melancholy settled in his stomach, and he coughed up a mouthful of blood and only then did he stop laughing.

He strenuously turned his head and exposed his face that was buried in the snow. His whole body is in a lot of pain. His head, arms, abdomen, lower back, and legs, but he even regarded this as comforting. He can still feel these parts, which immediately proves that so far, he is still in one piece.

He tried to move, he had to stand up quickly, otherwise, with the current condition of his injuries, he would drop dead and become a human-mincemeat popsicle in less than an hour.

After five minutes of repeatedly gnashing his teeth, Xu Bei finally succeeded... and flipped his body over.

"I"m done for." He looked at the snowflakes gently floating down. If he couldn"t move, then he might as well already be dead. This snow would bury him alive.

He moved his arm for a bit and moved his hand into his jacket pocket and began feeling around. Very good, he finally felt the piece of chocolate with his hand. This is the last piece of a large bag of chocolate that he brought when he hid in the recess of these mountains. Placing the chocolate to the edge of his mouth, he took a bite. The chocolate was permeated with the scent of blood and it made him feel a burst of nausea, but he needed energy, so wanting to live, he still had to swallow it.

The sky is awfully gray and the snowflakes were like pieces of paper that had been scattered in the air. He doesn"t know if he can physically move after eating this piece of chocolate. His physical strength is not enough to prop himself up on this snow-covered mountain to find someone in this desolate mountain range. Just as Ban Datong desired, he"ll die here.

Will Zhu Xiaolei cry? Maybe not, she is a woman who knows how to protect herself. Every time she comes across trouble, Zhu Xiaolei will always free herself and will promptly extricate herself out of the situation. If he leaves his mortal frame from today on, she should quickly be able to find the next boyfriend.

Xu Bei smiled on one hand while on the other he was struggling to chew the chocolate all the while he slowly moved his arms and legs which had nearly become frozen stiff. He planned to lie on the ground and do everything he could to do a set of wide-range of flipping gymnastics to speed up his blood circulation.

He hadn"t even moved a centimeter for a while when he suddenly heard a slight rustling sound to his right.

This is not the sound of snow falling on the ground, nor the footsteps of human beings. This movement is somewhere in between.

Xu Bei listened for a little while, a little bit anxious. This is the sound of an animal"s paws stepping on the snow.

There are ferocious beasts in this mountain. He heard it from that the old man that he stayed with in his house, he said that there are all kinds of bobcats, leopards, wolves, and such. He has even come across a black bear. Xu Bei strenuously turned his head and swept his vision towards the direction where the sound came from.


Behind a small snow pile no more than three meters from him, half of a head peeked out.

Could this thing he sees with ash-brown eyes really be a wolf? Of course, the cold had already penetrated throughout Xu Bei"s body by this time and is now quickly cracking open. Surprisingly, after struggling to preserve and nurture his spirit and wishing to stand up but time and time failed to do so, but now a wolf appears? However, after a closer look, he once again had some doubts. The exposed half of its head is white.

Xu Bei has never seen a wolf and on top of that, has never seen a white wolf. He has only seen white dogs, Samoyeds. Thinking of this here, Xu Bei laughed again. He could actually see a Samoyed at the valley floor of this kind of desolate and uninhabited area so deep in the mountains?

This laugh made his whole body thrash in pain, his ribs were definitely broken, although he doesn"t know how many are broken.

He stopped laughing and calmly looked at those ash-brown eyes face to face. In his head, he planned that if the Samoyed look-alike came over to play, he would stay motionless and pretend to be dead, or he would use the final radiance of a setting sun to finally hop up in one breath and run away. Sadly, he has already lost feeling in his legs and can"t move them over, he also didn"t know if he could even get up.

After watching it for a few minutes, the white animal slowly came out from behind the snow.

Xu Bei saw its complete picture clearly and took a long and leisurely sigh of relief and relaxed all at once. This is a wolf, but also only a young wolf, its so small that he can completely disregard its attack power.

This little thing does not actually resemble a Samoyed"s snow-white coat. Its body is actually intermingled with a lot of gray furs, which makes it look a bit dirty, and its expression also does not reveal any such ominous glint, instead, it is actually a bit pitiful.

It has been continuously locking it"s gaze Xu Bei, it took a long time for it to move ahead and get closer, then it stopped again, its ears pointing up, and from time to time they would lightly swivel, it seems to be very on guard.

"You... want to eat me?" Xu Bei moved his arm and struggled to sit up. The tremendous pain throughout his whole body made inhale a mouthful of cool air as he collapsed back down. He didn"t know much of the below zero air was drawn into his lungs, but he broke into a fit of violent coughs and threw up a mouthful of blood on the ground.

This movement may have been a bit large and the little thing in front of me was startled and ran away, it even fell and tumbled twice into the snow.

Xu Bei is looked at the foolishness, how can such a stupid thing survive in this forest of ice and snow?

But then soon after he answered himself. It"s not stupid, it"s too young, this should be a little wolf who was only just recently weaned. After watching it stagger as it ran a few steps, Xu Bei found that it was not only small, but it also seems to be in terrible health.

"What are you running for," Xu Bei looked at it and used the back of his hand to rub the blood off of his mouth, he suddenly felt a little uneasy in his heart. This young wolf obviously not old enough to have reached the age where it could survive independently, "What about your mother..."

Because the little wolf fell in several tumbles, the fur on his body was stained with snowflakes, so it stared stupidly at him with a pile of snow collected on its head.

"The two of us are going to die soon, ah." Xu Bei spoke this sentence weakly and without strength, clenching his teeth and trying to stand up, but was unsuccessful. He had to sit in the snow gasping for air.

The little wolf stared at him for a while and once again walked over. It seemed that it realized that Xu Bei would not hurt him, or perhaps that he could not hurt it, so this time he came over a bit faster than the previous time.

Xu Bei looked at the hesitant little thing, in his shaking hand was the half-eaten piece of chocolate: "You haven"t teethed, can you eat it?"

The little wolf shrank back at first, then moved its head forward, and the nose trembled slightly as if it was sniffing for a taste. Xu Bei saw it as comical and laughed for a little while before once again feeling his rib pain. It made him wrinkle his brows: "It"s a magic potion, eat it and you"ll gain immortality. If you don"t eat, I will just nibble it all, or else I won"t be able to get out..."

The little thing seemed to understand his words. Its tongue came out and licked its nose. This action amused Xu Bei. He didn"t like small animals or even beasts, but at the moment he felt this little wolf shared the same pitiful fate as him.

He thought about it, then the chocolate in his hand was thrown in front of the wolf.

The little wolf was made a frightened jump, its ears stood straight up, its four feet nearly left the ground. When it saw that the piece of chocolate had no further movements, only then did it stretched out its nose and sniff at it.

"You really... like to waste time..." Xu Bei stretched his hand and held his own leg, trying to help make it st.u.r.dy so that he could stand up, but did not succeed.

The little wolf studied the half-eaten chocolate for a long time, then raised its head and looked at Xu Bei. It finally pulled out his claws and lightly poked it a few times. Then it lowered its head and lapped at the chocolate.

Xu Bei looked at the little wolf pushing the chocolate around with its mouth to lick it and sighed out a single breath: "f.u.c.k, you really don"t have any teeth, you are wasting it... if you can"t finish it... leave it for me..."

He doesn"t know if it was because of when he sat down that it made the ribs that had already been broken displaced, but Xu Bei suddenly felt a burst of severe pain in his chest. He was gasping for air but couldn"t breathe, and the golden flower that was quivering in front of him had subsequently gone black.

When he fell back onto the snowy ground, Xu Bei sorrowfully thought that he had not had time to tell the wolf that if he died, it must not eat his dead body...

(TN: Kinda new project? It"s just something I plan of doing as my go-between with ABO Cadets. Also, it"s really hard to translate, but I like the story. If you haven"t noticed, lots of swearing lol.)

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