Scholarships, Bursaries, and Prizes.

Name. Value and Tenure. Remarks.

Emsley 20 2 years Edward Baines 20 2 years Charles Wheatley 25 3 years Arts William Summers 35 3 years Arts Brown 40 2 years Science (renewable) Senior City(14) 50 3 years Open to candidates of not (renewable) less than 17 and not more than 30 years of age County Major 55 _circa_ 3 years Open to candidates of not (West Riding)(14) less than 16 and not more than 30 years of age Free Studentships Tuition Fees 3 years (West Riding) Major (North Riding)(4) 60 1-3 years Open to women of not less than 16 and not more than 20 years of age Scholarships (East 60 1-3 years Riding) Salt 20 2 years Arts City Council Not specified

#Post-Graduate.# 1851 Exhibition 150 2 years Science University (limited 25 1-2 years Awarded ordinarily on number) Final Honours Examinations Gilchrist 80 1 year Modern Languages John Rutson 70 1 year Arts (renewable)

#Fellowships.# University 100 1 year


Duration of Pa.s.s Course in Arts or Science: 3 years.

Duration of Honour Course in Arts: 3 to 4 years.

Duration of Honour Course in Science: 4 years.

Cost of Tuition in Arts: 19 per annum.

Cost of Tuition in Science: 25 per annum.

Cost of Residence in University Hall (optional): From 35 to 50 guineas a session.

Scholarships, Bursaries, and Prizes.

Name. Value and Tenure. Remarks.

Bibby(2) 20 3 years Open to candidates of not more than 18 years of age Morris Ranger 20 3 years _Ladies" Educational 30 3 years Open to women of not less a.s.sociation_ than 16 and not more than 19 years of age Elizabeth James 40 3 years Arts or Law Tate (Arts) 35 3 years Open to candidates who have been educated in one of the schools of Liverpool or the neighbourhood and who are not more than 18 years of age Tate (Science)(3) 35 3 years Senior City(8) 30 and free admission Open to candidates of not to lectures less than 16 and not more 3 years than 19 years of age Senior City Technical(2) 50 and free admission Open to candidates of not to lectures less than 16 and not more than 25 years of age 3 years Derby(2) 35 3 years One without limit of age, one for candidates of not more than 18 years of age Canning 28 3 years} Iliff 20 3 years} Arts including Mathematics, or B.Sc.

Honours in Mathematics William Rathbone 20 3 years} Gossage 70 _circa_ 3 years Open to pupils of schools in the Borough of Widnes Lundie Memorial 15 3 years Wallasey Borough 35 3 years Open to candidates under Council 19 years of age W.P. Sinclair Interest on 1,000 Arts or Honour School of 3 years Mathematics Henry Deacon 50 3 years Open to candidates of not more than 19 years of age who intend studying in the Honour School of Chemistry Sheridan Muspratt 50 2 years Chemistry Thomas Hornby 20 1 year Greek (renewable) Korbach 20 1 year Undergraduates reading (renewable) German in the Honour School of Modern Languages or graduates wishing to proceed with German study or research Henry Warren Meade-King Interest on 1,000 Economics 2 years Holt Travelling 50 1 year Architecture Isaac Roberts(2) 50 1 year Science. Open to graduates (renewable) and under-graduates Sir John Willox 50 2 years Chemistry

#Post-Graduate# Korbach 20 1 year __See above, undergraduate_ (renewable) _scholarship of same name_ Gilchrist 80 1 year Modern Languages Isaac Roberts(2) 50 1 year _See above, undergraduate_ _scholarship of same name_ 1851 Exhibition 150 2 years Tenable at any University in England and abroad, and to be used for Science Research work University(2) 25 1 year 1851 Exhibition Bursary 70 1 year Derby 45 _circa_ 1 year Mathematics (renewable) Owen-Templeman Interest on 450 1 year (renewable) Celtic Stanley Jones Interest on 1,300 Economics #Fellowships.# University -- 1 year Charles Beard 75 1 year History Oliver Lodge Interest on 2,650 Physics 1 year


The duration of the Course in Arts or Science, Pa.s.s and Honours, is 3 years. (_See_ under separate Colleges for Fees.)

All students of the University are eligible for University Scholarships, Exhibitions, and Prizes in accordance with the regulations laid down in each case.

Scholarships, Bursaries, and Prizes.

Name. Value and Tenure. Remarks.

#University Undergraduate.# Exhibitions(5) 40 2 years Arts and Science Scholarships(19) 50 1 year Arts and Science Mitch.e.l.l Exhibitions(4) 2 of 25} 1 year For candidates from the 2 of 20}(renewable) city of London _Si Dunstan Exhibitions_ 60 3 years For residents in London of _for Women_(3) restricted means _Gilchrist_ 40 2 years One in Arts, one in _Scholarships, for_ Science (the latter may _Women_(2) be increased by 10)

#University Post-Graduate.# The Lindley Studentship 100 For research in Physiology (awarded every 3rd year) The University 50 For research Studentship in (undergraduates are also Physiology eligible) George Smith Studentship 100 + 5 worth Awarded to the best of books Internal Candidate for B.A. Honours in English on condition of preparation for M.A.

_Gilchrist Studentship_ 100 For graduates in Honours _for Women_ who undertake to prepare for and practise some profession Gilchrist Studentship in 80 For internal graduates in Modern Languages Honours (French or German) who undertake to follow abroad a course of preparation for the profession of Modern Language Teacher Carpenter Medal (or its 20 Awarded every 3 years for pecuniary equivalent) a Thesis in experimental Psychology presented for a Doctor"s Degree Ouseley Memorial 50 Oriental Languages, not Scholarships(3) restricted to graduates Gilchrist Scholarships(2)50 Oriental Languages, not restricted to graduates

Grants are also made from the Dixon Fund in aid of scientific investigations.


Cost of Tuition in Arts: 27 guineas per annum.

Cost of Tuition in Science: From 27 to 38 guineas per annum.

Cost of Residence in College (optional): From 58 to 68 guineas per annum.

All Scholarships at Bedford College are open to women only.

Scholarships, Bursaries, and Prizes.

Name. Value and Tenure. Remarks.

#Undergraduate.# _Reid Scholarships_(2) 30 3 years Arts _Clift Scholarship_ 30 3 years Arts _Courtauld Scholarship_ 30 3 years Arts _Henry Tate Scholarship_ 50 3 years Science _Arnott Scholarship_ 50 3 years Science _Pfeiffer_ _Scholarships_(2) 50 3 years _Reid Scholarship_ 60 3 years _Jane Benson_ _Scholarship_ 60 2 years Awarded biennially to a student of Bedford High School

#Post-Graduate# _Reid Fellowship_ 50 2 years Awarded biennially either to an Arts or a Science graduate


Cost of Tuition in Arts or Science: 10, 10s. per annum.

There is no Hall of Residence.

Scholarships, Bursaries, and Prizes.

Name. Value and Tenure. Remarks.

#Entrance.# Drapers" Company(2) 40 3 years Arts. Candidates must not exceed 19 years of age Drapers" Company(2) 40 3 years Science. Candidates must not exceed 19 years of age

#Post-Graduate.# Research Studentship Conditions not yet published


Cost of Tuition in Arts: 25, 4s. per annum.

Cost of Tuition in Science: 31, 10s. per annum.

Cost of Residence in King"s Hall (optional): From 17, 10s. to 26, 5s.

per term.

All Scholarships, etc., except the three which are specified, are open to both men and women, and are tenable by the former at King"s College, Strand.

Scholarships, Bursaries, and Prizes.

Name. Value and Tenure. Remarks.

#Entrance.# _Skinners" Company_ 40 3 years Arts _Scholarship_ _Merchant Taylors"_ 40 3 years Arts or Science _Scholarship_ Sambrooke Scholarship 25 2 years Cla.s.sics Sambrooke Scholarship 25 2 years Science

#Undergraduate.# Inglis Scholarship 30 1 year English or History in alternate years Sambrooke Exhibition 50 1 year Cla.s.sics

#Post-Graduate.# Inglis Studentship 100 1 year Awarded on the result of the B.A. Honours Examination in English and in History in alternate years. The selected Student is required to prepare for M.A. and to give some a.s.sistance in teaching Layton Research 150 2 years Science Studentship Gilchrist Scholarship 52, 10S 1 year For graduates intending to in Home Science take the Post-Graduate Diploma in Home Science and Economics. For women only

#Prizes.# Carter Prize 15 in books and gold English Verse medal Carter Prize 15 in books and gold Botany medal

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