World Controlling God

Chapter 11 The Power of One Move

Chapter 11 The Power of One Move

“d.a.m.n it, this crazy woman…” Ling Xiao cursed. He turned around and took Bai Yu Xi into his arms, directly receiving the whiplash.

“Crack!” The skin on Ling Xiao’s waist immediately ripped apart, blood steadily seeping out of the long open wound.

“Ss!” Ling Xiao could not help but suck in cold air through gritted teeth. The whip was truly vicious and did not hold anything back.

Luo Qing Shuang no longer attacked; her expression was a little unsightly.

“How n.o.ble of Young Master Ling; you’d rather put yourself in harm’s way than let your servant girl get hurt. Truly worthy of admiration.” Li Guang Han said sarcastically.

The huge man holding the wolf fang mace did not speak but merely stared at Ling Xiao with interest.

“Young Master, you…you’re losing a lot of blood,” Bai Yu Xi’s complexion was deathly pale, and her eyes were red as she looked the wound on Ling Xiao’s waist. Deep inside, she kept blaming herself because Young Master was injured in order to save her.

“I’m fine. Just step back and give me some s.p.a.ce.” Ling Xiao pushed Bai Yu Xi away and then tore a long piece of cloth from his gown and bandaged the wound on his waist. He then raised his head to look at Luo Qing Shuang and softly said, “If you don’t give me a satisfactory explanation today, don’t even think of leaving.”

d.a.m.n it. So what if the woman’s beautiful? If a woman is as poisonous as snakes and scorpions, I’d still beat her up.

“Do you not remember the incident from seven years ago?” Luo Qing Shuang blurted out.

“What happened seven years ago?” Ling Xiao searched through his memories for a moment, and then looked at Luo Qing Shuang again when his appearance suddenly overlapped with a shadow from his memory.

“You’re…you’re Chubby Girl?” Ling Xiao was taken aback.

When Ling Xiao’s words came out, Luo Qing Shuang’s face flushed red to the ears and looked very cute. She stamped her feet to rebuke, “You’re…you’re Chubby Girl!”

Seven years ago, Ling Xiao and Luo Qing Shuang were only ten years old.

At that time, Luo Qing Shuang followed her grandfather to the Ling Family as guests. Her grandfather arranged for Luo Qing Shuang to play with the Ling Family’s children. She was a cute chubby girl at that time and hit it off well with the Ling Family’s children, all except for Ling Xiao who was diligently cultivating and did not pay attention to her.

She bluntly told Ling Xiao, “I want you to play with me.”

Ling Xiao said disdainfully, “Chubby Girl, I’ll play with you if you can beat me.”

Luo Qing Shuang placed her hands on her hips and said, “I’m not Chubby Girl. If I beat you, you need to act like a tortoise for me.”

Ling Xiao said, “And if I win?”

“If…if you beat me, then I’ll become your bride.” Luo Qing Shuang said.

“You’re too chubby. You’re not my type.” Ling Xiao said provokingly.

Finally, the two fought. Luo Qing Shuang was only a fourth-rank martial apprentice at the time, but Ling Xiao was already an eighth-rank martial apprentice. The result was evident.

Ling Xiao did not place this childhood incident close to his heart. On the other hand, Luo Qing Shuang had engraved the incident deep into her memories. Afterward, Luo Qing Shuang relentlessly cultivated, hoping to beat Ling Xiao one day to expunge her humiliation. On the other hand, she simultaneously asked around for news regarding Ling Xiao. Every time news concerning Ling Xiao arrives, she would be pleasantly surprised but also disheartened. She was pleasantly surprised because Ling Xiao has become stronger but disheartened because the distance between the two is growing bigger.

This lasted until two years ago when she heard Ling Xiao was disabled in a sneak attack. Her whole heart became empty as if she had lost something precious—it is hard to bear.

In the end, she gradually accepted reality that Ling Xiao has become disabled, but her cultivation speed dropped significantly afterward. It took her two years to break through from the low-level xuan pract.i.tioner into intermediate-level xuan pract.i.tioner.

She really could not have imagined that after seven years, she would meet him at this restaurant together with a beautiful girl. She did not know why she felt a fire rise and want to teach Ling Xiao a lesson to vent her anger.

“Hey, Chubby Girl, you still remember something like that after all these years. Could it be that you are secretly in love with me for seven years? You want me to marry you?” Ling Xiao seems to have forgotten the pain in his waist and couldn’t help tease her.

“You…b.a.s.t.a.r.d.” Luo Qing Shuang’s cheeks flushed red as if she had been exposed, striking out once more with the purple whip in hand.

“A young lady shouldn’t so quickly resort to violence. This is bad for your image and no one will want a tigress like you in the future.” Ling Xiao took out the Colossal Dragon Sword to tangle up the long whip.

The snake-like violet whip was instantly tied up by the Colossal Dragon Sword.

“You’re a tigress!” Luo Qing Shuang shouted angrily, delivering a flying kick to Ling Xiao’s face.

Luo Qing Shuang is indeed an intermediate-rank xuan pract.i.tioner; her speed is incredibly fast as her kick instantly arrived at Ling Xiao’s face.

Fortunately, Ling Xiao is not a cripple anymore. He has broken through ten meridians, and these ten meridians have an abundance of xuan strength equivalent to an eighth-rank martial apprentice. Although there is still a considerable difference compared with Luo Qing Shuang, he’s not afraid of Luo Qing Shuang because he can rely on his fighting experience and martial arts from his previous life.

Only see him calmly extend his arm and block Luo Qing Shuang’s blow.

Although Ling Xiao thwarted the attack, the disparity in strength was too great, and he was still forced to retreat quite a few steps.

“You recovered your xuan strength?” Luo Qing Shuang could not help asking. She had used half of her power in the kick. Even a low-level xuan pract.i.tioner won’t dare to meet it directly, but Ling Xiao was only forced back a few steps. This strength is not something a cripple should have.

“Would I let you be so rampant if I had recovered my xuan strength? It’s just that I am still currently enough to cope with you.” Ling Xiao sneered. His hand felt numb from the attack. It was hard to swallow; a sense of urgency rose in his heart to break through the meridians as early as possible.

“Then you can try. I’ll now avenge seven years of animosity. I hope you can block a few more moves.” Luo Qing Shuang shook out her long whip and said.

“I can defeat you in one move.”” Ling Xiao laughed lightly.

“Like h.e.l.l you are! If you can defeat me in one move, you can punish me as you see fit. If you lose, you’ll become my slave.” Luo Qing Shuang cursed as her face turned blue from anger.

“Good. That’s settled then. I hope you don’t regret.” Ling Xiao’s eyes flashed and answered resolutely.

“Stop talking nonsense. If you’re going to come, then come.” Luo Qing Shuang became vigilant and shouted.

“Well, I’m coming.” Ling Xiao responded. His whole person became like a goshawk as he leapt into the air, simultaneously waving the ma.s.sive sword in his hand. Sword shadows as dense as rain immediately swept towards Luo Qing Shuang. The sharp sword beam emitted faint starlight as the surrounding tables and chairs were torn to pieces.

“Strong move!” Li Guang Han felt the fast and fierce breath head on, and couldn’t help but take a few steps back.

“Qing Shuang, be careful!” The giant man roared loudly, simultaneously waving the wolf fang mace to counter the sword beam.

Luo Qing Shuang felt a suffocating pressure as sword energies cut into her clothes. Several places have been cut apart, revealing the delicate skin underneath.

Fortunately, the giant man woke her up in time. The long whip in her hands wound up into a circular shape and made the strongest defense.





The brief collision of weapons produced waves of musical sounds.

Sword beam finally dissipated and the scene returned to its former calm.

Ling Xiao inserted the sword into the floor and sprayed out a mouthful of blood, apparently having suffered internal injury. It was a lot more serious compared to the backlash from a.s.sailing the meridian yesterday evening, as a swelling pain radiated continuously from his ten opened meridians and made him hurt so much he could not speak.

Luo Qing Shuang was in an even worst condition; less than half of her whip remained as the rest have turned to shreds on the floor. Several parts of her clothes had been cut open exposing sensitive areas of the body, but fortunately did not reach her skin and there was no bleeding anywhere. Several strands of hair fell from the bangs on forehead; if Ling Xiao’s sword had cut down over her head just now, there would certainly have been a dead beauty at the scene.

The giant man’s situation was better as his clothes were only cut in three places and his breathing somewhat erratic, but there’s nothing else out of the ordinary.

“Ah. Young Master, are you okay?” Bai Yu Xi saw Ling Xiao vomit blood and exclaimed. She quickly ran over and held on to Ling Xiao, tears flowing from her beautiful eyes.

“Don’t worry; I’m fine. Let’s go home.” Ling Xiao’s complexion was exceedingly pale and smiled with difficulty. Afterward, he resisted the pain with great difficulty and was supported by Bai Yu Xi out of the restaurant.

“I, I actually lost again!” Luo Qing Shuang seems to have lost her soul as she talked to herself. It appears that the shock from the move earlier was too great for her. Her eyes went black, and she fainted.

The giant man caught her at once, and then turned toward Li Guang Han and said, “Young Master Li, I’m sorry about today. We’ll meet some other time again.” Having said that, he held Luo Qing Shuang and left the restaurant.

Li Guang Han nodded and then recalled that one sword stroke from Ling Xiao, silently asking himself if he would have been able to receive that sword? The answer is no.

“Not good, this child absolutely cannot live.” Cold sweat dripped from Li Guang Han’s forehead. He gritted his teeth and turned to run downstairs, swearing in his heart to kill Ling Xiao. If Ling Xiao is allowed to grow up, the world will belong to the Ling Family.

Bai Yu Xi supported Ling Xiao by the shoulders. The swelling pain coming from his meridians made his face deathly pale and cold sweat to pour from his face.

“Young Master, don’t scare me. I’ll go find a doctor for you.” Bai Yu Xi held back her tears and sobbed intermittently.

“No. Bring me to an inn. Quickly!” Ling Xiao said weakly.

“Okay. Okay.” Bai Yu Xi took Ling Xiao at his word and nodded vigorously.

Li Guan Han left the restaurant and immediately rushed in the direction of the Ling Family residence in an attempt to get rid of Ling Xiao before he returns home. However, Li Guang Han did not expect that Ling Xiao did not return home, forcing him to wait bitterly for a night on the road to the Ling Family residence.

Ling Xiao took Bai Yu Xi to an inn and ordered not to let anyone in and disturb him.

Ling Xiao had exhausted all of his xuan strength and his ten meridians repeatedly suffered the powerful attack’s backlash. If he did not quickly stabilize the meridians, he’s afraid the meridians will become crippled once again from the damage and all of his effort would have been in vain.

That is why Ling Xiao did not choose to go back immediately but tried to find an inn to nurse his wounds. This decision allowed him to escape a calamity.

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