
Chapter 7

昨天 by 風弄 Chapter 7

Yesterday by Feng Nong

I can only be grateful that Hong Kong is a major airport with many scheduled flights. I immediately asked for the fastest ticket to return to France. While waiting for the plane I was still afraid that YuJiang would come. Right now I"m terrified of this person, even Hong Kong, his birthplace, has turned into a place of horrendous terror. After experiencing this matter only now do I really understand the saying there is a heaven beyond the highest heavens, a person beyond this person. Before, papa had taught me all sorts of things, saying that I was arrogant and love to act smart. As it turns out, each and every word is true.

Once I deplaned, I decided not to call the driver but hailed a cab and told him the address. When I saw the familiar building from a distance, only then did my ice-cold body start to warm-up a little. Once she caught sight of the car, the Filipino maid hurriedly took the umbrella to shade me while opening up the gate for me and greeted me in fluent English. It was only then that I felt that I have finally returned home. I heaved a big sigh of relief. Once in the main door, a few domestics came to greet me and carry my suitcase.

We are after call Chinese, even if we live in France, at this moment mother was sitting at the mahjong table. Once she caught sight of me, she surprisedly said:

"Why didn"t you tell us you were coming back?" She stopped playing mahjong and stood up to come over and give me a hug.

"Ma .... " I said miserably, the feelings of having been wronged bubbling up to my throat. But there were still a few ladies from prominent families waiting for my mom by the mahjong table in the hall, so I was forced to endure. Looks like I still have not grown up, still the pampered and spoilt only son.

"Aiya! ShengSheng, what happened to your face?" Mom, who was starting to think that I was acting spoilt, immediately exclaimed when she raised her head and saw my forehead. She anxiously stroked my face. Her well maintained soft and smooth finger cautiously and distressfully stroked my cut, immediately letting me feel warm inside. One"s own parents is really always the best in the whole world. I forced a smile:

"Ma, it"s nothing. It"s only a small scar. Once covered by my hair, it can no longer be seen." Actually the scar is not considered small, definitely won"t be completely covered. In the end, it"s also considered disfigured. I tried to coax mom but mom"s tears started to increase:

"How can this be OK? How can this child not know how to treasure oneself? One playful excursion and this is the result. I also wonder why your dad agreed to let you go by yourself to Hong Kong. Couldn"t you have just stayed at home where all is perfectly well? I looked after you so carefully, ten over years and not a single scratch, today ........... " Mom"s words were even more than her tears. I don"t know whether to laugh or cry, supposedly I was the one to be consoled but now I can"t help but come up with ways to console mom.

"ShengSheng is back?" Dad comes down from the second floor.

"Pa." Dad walked up to me and furrowed his brows.

"Why are you crying? You shouldn"t pamper your child. Ai, loving mother spoiling her child." He turned around and caught sight of the scar on my forehead and suddenly froze on the spot. I touched on this lightly on the phone but it looks like he did not expect it to be so damaging. Dad looked at me with an understanding and distressed look but still words of rebuke came out of his mouth:

"I told you to study properly and you still insisted to go to Hong Kong for holiday. And what type of shenanigans were you up to such that you ended up like this?" He then stamped his foot saying: "Why are you still not quickly going to take a bath? You"re sweating all over." Ai, my old man, at all times still wanting to keep up appearances. I was reluctant to part with mom"s tearful and woeful face but I hung down my head and went upstairs. Mom wiped her tears and summoned the domestic:

"Aunty w.a.n.g, help young master with the bath water!" She continued with her bombardment of dad. "It"s all your fault! Look at ShengSheng"s face, what are you going to do now? If it was not for you ....... " Before I entered my room, I heard dad ordering people:

"Go! Find out who is France"s most well-known expert plastic surgeon. Go quickly ......... " I guess this is what you call returning home. Looking at the room that I had left for not even a few months, it seemed like it had been a century ago. YuJiang, you"re really awesome, I admire you.

Touching the scar on my forehead, I lazily let myself soak in the warm water. The threads of steam rising from the bath water wave to and fro, making the entire bathroom dim and hazy. Calmed down, I could start to think back on all the things that happened. However, recalling set off an intense pain. Actually, YuJiang"s tactics were definitely not absolutely brilliant. There were hints, except that I was blinded ............. I closed my eyes and put my head under the water. My eardrums felt the effects of the water pressure and started to buzz. This kind of feeling, let me recall the time when YuTing pushed me down and also the time when I found out YuJiang"s true colors. *wengweng, wengweng* ....... I suddenly sat up in the bathtub, fearfully checking all four corners. *ke, ke* Someone is knocking at the door! I open my eyes wide and fearfully shielded my chest with my hands.

"ShengSheng, it"s time to eat. Why are you taking so long in the bathroom? Are you alright?" It"s mom. I heaved a sigh of relief. As if I had just got through a point of life and death.

"I"m alright. I"m coming out." Everyone was silent at the dining table. Maybe it"s because I"m keeping silent, so they are afraid of speaking carelessly and hurting my feelings. Only using their worried, doting gazes to lightly stroke me. Mom"s face was showing courage but was dying for me to open my mouth and start venting so that she could immediately hug me and have another cry. Dad was evasive, always wanting to a.s.sume a stern fatherly look. He only has me, this one son, of course it would be heartbreaking. I felt sentimental, looks like my family is such a good place. YuJiang probably never felt such a warm feeling ever since he was small. He most probably had to go all out to hide his talents at the dinner table, preventing the Rong family members from really understanding him lest they start to gnash their teeth hatefully at him. Why is it that when you finally have HuangSheng who sincerely feels for you, you fail to treasure him.

After the meal, I found an excuse and hurriedly slipped back to my room. I tossed and turned in my bed, and fell into a foggy sleep before waking up with a start. I looked to my bedside just like I have become used to. Sweet and tender feelings crossed with terror churn in my heart. I pulled the coverlet over my head and covered myself tightly. Close your eyes HuangSheng, close your eyes alright?

I sat at home moody and depressed for a few days. Mom continuously brewed medicinal soups everyday as if hoping that these things would make my scar disappear. The expert plastic surgeon had already come by and stated clearly that the scar could not be erased. I already knew this a long time ago, it only made my parents broken-hearted, nothing more. Dad asked:

"ShengSheng, did someone harm you? There is no harm in saying it out." I kept silent. The fearsomeness of YuJiang is that he can harm you and yet leave you unable to speak about it. I really have no choice but to suffer in silence. I saw a spirited and dynamic YuJiang on several successive magazine covers. It reinforced my inability to judge people. The person by my side was actually such a formidable character. Truthfully, even without me, YuJiang would have eventually taken over Rong enterprise. How could YuTing possibly match this person? But I refuse to yield, I really refuse to yield. Maybe if it wasn"t YuJiang, I would resign myself. Such a formidable foe, who would willingly incite? But it is YuJiang. Everyone else supports me, except for him ........

One day, after eating, I was chatting with dad in the study. We talked about Rong enterprise"s sharp rise and outstanding achievements, leading to huge stock gains.

"Pa, since you already have so much Rong enterprise stock in hand, why not go for a little more? If Huang enterprise and Rong enterprise were to merge, who could overcome?"

"O? ShengSheng, looks like you are starting to apply yourself."

"Pa taught me, fighting for more influence is when one is most satisfied." Dad took out his pipe and narrowed his eyes, not saying a word. I know that I had created a big crisis for Rong enterprise and shrewdly left the room. The following days, dad was especially busy with official business, repeatedly not coming home for dinner. Mom said:

"I have no idea why he is so busy, how many years and he is still going all out." I said:

"Men go all out for their careers is not necessarily for money nor for things." Maybe dad already faintly suspects what happened and is going to war for me to demand justice. Old scores in business are naturally settled in the market. Mom again strokes my forehead:

"Business this, business that, yet not taking care of his own son. If he had a little more care for the family, how could you have ended up like this?" Her words were already carrying a nasal tone. It gave me a shock and I was afraid that she would start crying again. Good heavens, why do women have so much tears? Weep for their husband, weep for their son. Although I was treated so cruelly by YuJiang, I still have not shed tears. I hurriedly pacified my mom, and escaped to my room with some excuse.

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