Young God Divine Armaments

Chapter 65 – Therese, Working Hard

Chapter 65 – Therese, Working Hard


Thanks a lot man!

Author notes: Gee, I wonder what kind of ‘working hard’ is that…

First if all, they have to help Rebecca to officially move out from her current dwelling. Beside of her belongings and important mementoes, her home is actually on rent so she had to clean it before leaving. Rebecca said that she will do it alone but,

With that one sentence from Renya, even when she looks obliged by the help, she obediently nods to his suggestion.

Her suffering was not as much as Renya’s as she could still barely move around but because it still hinders her from doing her daily activity normally. The other girls decided to nurse her back to health.

With the usual trouble caused by Renya as filler, Therese finally recovered and now, all of them are helping Rebecca cleaning up her house.

“It just splendidly have nothing left. That bishop thingie might had tidy up everything before they start doing that ritual”

Especially the bookshelf is terrible.

Being meticulous in removing any evidence is worth of Renya’s praise but at the same time, he is also grumbling an unreasonable complain about them being too meticulous.

“Just in case, please report the things that we know regarding this matter to Martina”

Brenda let out a sigh after complaining but even Renya doesn’t know the answer for that.

Being noticed by such a dangerous lunatic sect like this, Renya only has one opinion regarding that.

That two words represent all his feeling right now.

After saying farewell to the landlord, Rebecca who is now a homeless lower her head once again to the party asking for their care from now on.

“I don’t have a chance to show off my amazing power so I’ll just let you see something amazing instead”

Hlidskjalf is in stealth mode and hovering on a quite low alt.i.tude while meticulously having the entire view of Suminiastar capital city spread across its deck side.


Rebecca is surprised at first but after witnessing Renya taking out his divine armaments, Floria changing her form, and many other things that can’t be explained as phenomenon caused by magic, she doesn’t have any other choice but to believe.

Her fellow party member says so then it must be true.

Along with Anrietta, it was just a simple party where food served in big plates and lined up on the table.

“…… Amazing, there is even dish…… that I’ve never seen before”

“It is indeed amazing you know? And did you know? Renya didn’t fish this marine products by using fishing rod. He instead dives into the water to personally catch the fish by hand! Isn’t that cool?”

“Renya-sama, this area has a warm climate so the water is not that cold but still take care of your health okay?”

Everyone is having a fun conversation with each other while enjoying the food served.

[Master, can I ask something?]

[If I’m not mistaken, Therese-sama and Rebecca-sama should be in the same age isn’t that right?]

[Then my question is, why did their figure differ soo much from each other? If it said to be the difference between human growths then how could there be this much differences? And the differences is especially striking in their chest area that I can’t just leave it as ‘growth differences’]

The atmosphere around suddenly becomes weird.

Women have this unspoken area where men should never trod in carelessly. He doesn’t know whether Anrietta also understand such subtleties or not but she had just straightforwardly charged into that delicate part. This situation is bad. Anri is asking her in a frank manner so he couldn’t just dodge her question. The gazes are naturally gathered around him. Especially Brenda’s gaze feels like telling him this:

Anrietta is indeed an excellent being if he had to say it.

And that exactly why he could use vague words to explain her question but thinking of Therese feeling, he just couldn’t say such careless things that might hurt her feeling.

If he thinks of this as one of the must-win battle, a battle to escape from a certain predicament, his brain suddenly becomes more active to think of a solution.

“Rebecca, how is your mother figure?”

“Yes, especially her breast and waist. How did it look?”

Alright! Just as expected! Renya is making a victory pose inside his heart.

He gently pats Rebecca’s head then hurriedly returns back to Anrietta.

[So in short, will Therese-sama’s breast also grow big like that someday?]

(And why did you dig in deeper there!?)

If he had to say it truthfully, he never heard women have a sudden growth spurt which made their breast radically grow bigger in a short time. Instead, he heard that women with big breast have already had quite a big breast when they entered growth spurt. Even if Therese did grow bigger, her maximum limit would be only one cup larger around the size of Brenda’s.

He could whisper his answer to Anrietta but that kind of act would only make Therese feel even more conscious with it.

If it was about personal preferences then Renya can confidently say that Therese is already perfect as she is now.

But his preference stays true only for himself in the end. He knows that women always have complex regarding their own body and always comparing themselves to others and he knows that his word could only be considered as cheap comforting words.

And most of all, he must answer back Anrietta’s question no matter what. If he half-heartedly answers her now, he would only make the two girls feel hurt.

“I don’t think so. She might grow a bit more but not that much. The one who could grow that big are only the girls who had an early growth spurt I think”

Anrietta nods giving out her consent but the highlight in Therese eyes is quickly fading away.

[…… Rubbing, is it?]

[I see, so this is one of Master’s treasured knowledge regarding ‘the mystery of woman body’]

“Now I understand. In short, Master wants to develop Therese-sama’s breast from level 0 right?”

[Thank you for teaching me]

The atmosphere around the place is getting even weirder but Renya has already decided to go all in.

“I personally think that Therese is already cute enough as she is and I like it. But, if you still feel troubled by it, I have readied myself and will take the responsibility to help you grow your oppai even bigger you know?”

“…… Err, Renya-oniisan”

“…… I think that sometimes, drawing back is also a form of courage desu”

He missed his chance to draw back and overdo himself too much.

He started to really think of the reason why he didn’t step on the brake when he feels the danger.

After apologizing to Therese and patting her head, he is going to eat more of Elvira’s monster meat diced steaks but suddenly, Therese tugs on his sleeve.

“Err…… please bend down for a bit desu. Secret talk desu”

Just as Therese ask him, Renya bends his back to lowers his head so that his head would be on the same height as Therese’s

“…… In what meaning?”

“………. A, Aaa. Honestly said ---- I’m alright with it, no problem”

And if they can marry then ---- the thing that is included in that marriage is also becomes legal.

After saying that much, Therese screams shyly as she running away in full speed from Renya. Rebecca who still calmly chowing the food looks a bit confused looking at her friend weird antics. While Renya himself is:

Getting left behind by himself with his heart throbbed wildly after being lead around by a little girl far younger than him.

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