Young God Divine Armaments

Chapter 66 – Template ways to pay debt

Chapter 66 – Template ways to pay debt


“I know it might be abrupt but, don’t you think we lack flirting around nowadays?”

Floria says so with a straightforward serious expression so Renya also gives her a response in similar manner.

Everyone is usually doing jobs that they are skilled with or cooperating in a small group to do more challenging jobs in order to earn their daily income (even when it is only called daily jobs, there are some which give a generous pay too) every day.

They have leeway with their monetary but even so, they don’t have any concept of taking things in the easy way. Whether that kind of thinking would be good or bad for them is still unknown.

Adding to that, the girl who grouped together with Renya is free to go on a small date with him after they finish their work. Even the generous Floria will have her frustration piled up because of that.

“Well then, because both of us don’t have any work today then let’s go on a date shall we?”

There are not much flirty aura in their conversation and they don’t give out a calm aura like those old couples give out either. But for the two of them, this is the usual for both of them so who can point a fault at them?

The area around the capital city Suminiastar is the intersection between various environments. For example, if you go south toward Faskurn, the climate suddenly becomes relatively gentler as vast prairie extend as far as one eye can see while if you head north toward Sedieren Holy Kingdom, one would see a vast wasteland area. Even monster’s ecology between each environment would greatly change too.

Because of that reason, this city naturally has a rich raw material variety available. This situation makes many blacksmith and alchemist to come and build their base here. Besides that, the rich raw material variety also gives a good impact to the city commerce and also made the number of jobs available on the city increases explosively which made the party feel happy about it. Because after all, the more jobs there are, the wider their activity range becomes.

“Uwaa delish! Renya Renya, this bread is deliciously fluffy fluffy~!”

“Mmmm~ this juice taste so fresh that I can’t stop drinking it”

That rich raw material variety is also a challenge for any chef to show off their skill.

If there is previous example for success, then other people will definitely follow in after that.

The two are walking together in the lively shopping area while boldly crossing each other hand when Renya suddenly turn his gaze the other way seemingly to perceive something.

“N, I don’t mind. I will be waiting for you here then”

After saying that, Renya walks to the direction he faced to and disappears in the crowd.

(A~…… somehow, I feel like it’s been awhile since the last time I had a day like this)

She then switches her mind to her current condition again. She wondered, where should we go to next? She is thinking about their next stop as she tries to recall her hazy memory about this city map when suddenly a male voice clearly calls out to her even though she is in the middle of a boisterous part of the city now.


His hair is the common in this world blonde hair that is combed in a neat hairstyle. And he also has a good enough looks to match his refreshing hairstyle. He also has a trained body and wears a matching set of armor and sword.

“Err…… Who are you?”

“Yup. Did we met somewhere before?”

Well, in her case, if those men are not that boisterous group of warriors or that lively prince in which had been a.s.sociated with her for quite a while then she won’t remember them. After all, she thinks that there are no other men beside Renya that is worthy enough for her to remember.

“I-I have introduced myself before when we are doing a job together……”

“I-is that so……”

Floria thinks that the man had already disturbed her by calling out to her name at his own convenience so she wished that the man won’t show such a dejected expression to her.

“Ah, n-no, I have something else. Can I take a bit of your time?”


Well, she already gave the man the permission to speak so she just waits for what the man had to say. The man then clearing his throat first before making a serious expression and say:

“Sorry, impossible”

“I said that I would only hear you right? Well, whatever you say I was going to reject it anyway”

“Moreover I have already with another party to begin with”

“Then you know now so our discussion ends now”

“I’m sorry Floria, kinda get caught in the conversation…… oh what’s happened?”

Floria’s cold demeanor from before suddenly turned over into that of a maiden in love expression where she finally met with her beloved man after waiting for a long time for his return after seeing Renya. With a bright smile in her face, she glomps on the just appeared Renya with all her might.

The man who is still standing there seems to receive a huge shock from seeing the series of happenings in front of his eyes as his refreshing prince charming smile suddenly turned into an angry look in an instant after he saw Renya’s face.

“Eh? Why did you glare at me like that?”

“Eeh. What’s with this guy? That was an amazing self-made fact he just said there”

“What is it with Renya?”

Renya and Floria only speechlessly look up at each other eyes. Well, they indeed had inkling to what the man had said.

“Oi oi, such a false accusation you made there. I was just walking around with one of my party member by chance”

“Why did you keeping a watch at other people’s date closely like that? I feel disgusted you know?”

The man is, just like his appearance, a prim and proper one it seems.  He immediately judged being together with multiple women as a sinful act without care. Well, the way he act and the way he could say his opinion out loud is likeable to Renya but, he is after all, barking at the wrong G.o.d.

The man frantically tries to persuade Floria in an extremely serious way but when thinking about the feeling of the all the parties related, then they can only see the man as some clown which tickles their funny bones mercilessly.

“Wh-why are you laughing!?”

“Hahaha ha ha~, You got that right. Well, indeed any women will be mad if they were told that their men were cheating with another woman… But…”

In a meaning, he had the personality of a main character from a hero story. Renya and Floria arrive at the same conclusion and their tide switched to that half admiration half and making him a fool. The man somehow managed to detect the two weird behaviors and getting even more agitated.

“Wha……? B-but”

“B-but even so, the prerequisite for that is to have the man ‘strong’ enough so that he can protect his women……!”

“Renya do have a house you know?”

“And to add to it, we also have quite a lot of money that would allow us to live in luxury for years even without working”

And because of that money management, even if they lost their source of income, they really have savings that could allow them to live in luxury for a few years ahead.

His basic policy is to love them all equally. That might sounds ideally perfect but it is indeed hard to actually do even for a G.o.d like Renya. But still, he always had that policy in his mind and always tries his best to act that way.

“There is no problem at all right?”

The two is giving a confused gaze to the man. ‘Just what on earth was he thinking?’ kind of gaze.

Adding to that, the man also finally realizes that he has been acting like a clown all this time.

“Ah~ about that. To put it simply, he want to poach me into his own party”

“That’s only natural. Then I’m sorry but that’s how it is”

“Wait! If you say it like that then I will challenge you son of a b.i.t.c.h for a duel!”

Eros notes: Kisama actually used as a way to call other in a honored way because it used the ‘sama’ kanji the same as kami-sama or Renya-sama. This guy is the usual straight laced prince charming which use an old j.a.panese dialect so he calls Renya with Kisama. But then again, kisama is mostly used for swearing nowadays so I just liberally translated it in this insulting way. Well, you can read it without the ‘b.a.s.t.a.r.d’ or ‘soab’ word if you like.

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