Note: That was one h.e.l.lish week…

Anyway, I"m going back to correct my translations/typos for the previous chapters and I decided to revert Western Liang to Xiliang because it flows better. Some of the honorifics will be changed back to chinese but I"ll provide the footnotes so don"t worry. The next chapter should come a lot earlier since I"m done with all my finals!


Chapter 5

The glare of the blade was bone-chillingly cold, and it was a miserable shriek that followed the glint of white as it pierced its adversary like a mere bundle of wheat.

The one to bear the brunt was naturally Ji Xiao Li who stood frontmost in line.

The blue swordsman exhaled a soft "ah",

and fell to the ground with a thud.

Ji Xiao Li"s mobile screen faded black.

Ji Xiao Li: "……"

艹 your great grandpa, YueJian ChunHe!!!

  [艹  is shorthand for f*ck in chinese ^_^]

After Ji Xiao Li collapsed, the white robed Huashan seemed to stiffen for an instant but quickly snapped out of it and resumed his killing spree.

Huashans have altogether 8 techniques, namely; "Slash of Eradication,"  "Approximate Enemy," "Snow Tempest of a Thousand Mountains," "Checkmate," "Sudden Storm," "Three Templed Attack," and "-," the last of which was capable enough of striking down even the most powerful of enemies.

The palpitating luminescence of the blade slithered like an undeterred dragon as it parted the crowd without pause, slaying everyone in its wake.

The players in Longmen Tavern were still staring blankly ahead when before they knew it, more than half of them have died.

Finally people started to break out of their shock-induced trance.

【YueJian ChunHe you murdering demon! Don"t hesitate guys! He"s just one person, we can gang up and beat him together!】

A group of players banded together to jointly resist YueJian ChunHe, causing his killing speed abruptly declined.

Knight Errant Road wasn"t a "money-transcends-everything" type shoddy rpg where genuine abilities were second to rmb funnelling. In the past, there was a story circulating on the internet speaking of a certain game where players decided to band together as a faction. This faction quickly reigned supreme over everybody else. However during a pvp battle, they were defeated by a single pro from the other side. No matter how much they attacked in succession, they were still incapable of surmounting the enemy"s incredible armor and equipment. Just one good equipment was as good as an entire army.

 In《Knight Errant Road》, n.o.body – no matter how good their equipment were or how high their cultivation was – is immune to a gang beating, including YueJian ChunHe.

With YueJian ChunHe"s HP decreasing so rapidly, it appears not even doubling down on potions would save him.

【PM】Bei Yuan: You can"t win over so many people, ChunHe. Partner up with me, I"ll be your healer.

YueJian ChunHe didn"t even spare her a glance and continued his killing spree.

The Emei stood resolutely from her chair.

【Current】Bei Yuan: ChunHe, partner with me, I"ll heal you.

Every player at the scene: "……"

This woman changes color faster than the blink of an eye!!!

Despite YueJian ChunHe"s lack of response, the bar above his head started increasing again, refilling itself all the way up to maximum. This sudden turn in events distracted everyone and fear started to bubble from within. When they lifted their heads, they spotted two Emeis dressed in the standard healer"s attire entering from outside.

【Current】Protect Our Meat Bun: Did you guys really think you can obstruct ChunHe for long? We"ve long come prepared.

【Current】I am Meat Bun: Our healing prowess is enough, although we are not as competent as senior sister Bei Yuan, our combined milk is surely more than hers.

The eyes of the still-alive players in Longmen Tavern darkened instantly, thinking it was hopeless now. It is unknown who first screamed"run!!" but soon thereafter, Longmen Tavern became filled with thundering noises of footsteps husselling out, for they knew just a millimeter from the tavern, pvp will be disabled.

The remaining players all felt extremely wronged.

  【Current】Huashan Most Handsome: Are you ill YueJian ChunHe? Why are you starting a ma.s.sacre out of nowhere? If you still know honor, then pick one of us and battle it out!

  【Current】Protect Our Meat Bun: f.u.c.k, you still have the nerve to speak! Weren"t you the one who cursed him out the most?  This is called bullying? This is called starting a ma.s.sacre out of nowhere?!

  【Current】I am Meat Bun: hubby,  I"ve never seen such a shameless person before!

  【Current】Protect Our Meat Bun: Wifey, quickly draw your eyes, don"t look at him or it"ll blind you.

  Huashan Most Handsome: "……%@#[email protected]!!!"

  "Protect Our Meat Bun" and "I am Meat Bun:" are in《Knight Errant Road》a pair of Emei sweethearts ranked third and seven respectively in their district roll of honor. They are highly regarded, particularly "Protect our Meat Bun", who is actually a known male, famous known for his coquettish behavior and incisive playing.

YueJian ChunHe naturally wasn"t stupid enough to think he could 1v5 everyone without a healer and still emerge victorious.

A player soon began professing his innocence in the entire debacle but was immediately shot down by Protect our Meat Bun who uploaded a contradictory screenshot from who-knows-where. With the evidence dangling right in front of his face, he quieted and spoke no more.

But then again, the only true innocent in Longmen Tavern was Milk Tea Small Crisp who"d never uttered a single word. Even Ji Xiao Li was not entirely guilt-free.

The corpses on the ground began fading one by one, in a hurry to be resurrected.

Only Ji Xiao Li, however, refuses to go. He kept swiveling the camera around, gnashing his teeth at the white-robed swordsman standing on his face.

I"ll 艹you, YueJian ChunHe! It"s bad enough that I, your father, was killed by your hands, b-but… you"re even stepping on my face, my face!!!

Perhaps because he sensed the jarring resentment,YueJian ChunHe shifted a foot. But Ji Xiao Li had already imprinted the hateful offence to heart.

Aside from Ji Xiao Li, there were still a couple of remaining.

Ji Xiao Li then heard a voice like the ripples of water looming at a distance.

The voice drew closer and closer, clearer and clearer.

It sounded like someone gently rapping a mala bead, fiddling to and fro the suave pearls as they mutually rammed against each other. Finally, a Shaolin wearing a Kasaya (1) and wielding a nine-ring oblate scepter (2) walked leisurely in.

Malas or Buddhist prayer beads

His entire body was emanating a heavenly fo men (3) aura. Other people"s auras only extended half a cun, but his was a chi, it was blinding and utterly transfixing.

[寸(cun)—— Chinese inch; roughly a thumb size in length. 1/10th of a chi]

[尺(chi) —— Chinese foot; one-third of a meter.]

【Current】Pin Seng Fa Hao Jie Se (4): Amithaba,I behold your Your sins run deep and profound, thereby, allow this poor monk to send you off.

[阿弥陀佛 (ēmítuófó) —— Amitabha, Buddha of the western paradise]

YueJian ChunHe killed no less than 30 players, yet his HP is still inscrimately full, does justice even exist anymore?!

Ji Xiao Li stared at the monk and emotionally banged his hand on the desk: "Quicky rip this demon apart!!!"

"Pin Seng Fa Hao Jie Se"is a Shaolin dshixiong in《Knight Errant Road》, 3rd in the entire server with a tyrannical cultivation of 1W6, he was the one players voted as having the highest probability of beating YueJian ChunHe.

[大师兄 (Dashixiong)—— Senior brother]

The Shaolin – dashi brandished his scepter in the air, sounding a furious roar as he unfurled the rod towards YueJian ChunHe"s skull. YueJian ChunHe leapt backwards, evadeding the attack. The long sword thrusted forward yet Jie Se did not dodge , for he was a tanker Shaolin(able to withstand a lot of damages I guess), there was no justifiable reason for him to fear a Huashan swordsman. So he directly raised his scepter, exchanging blows with the sword.

[大师 (Da.shi)—— Great Master]

YueJian ChunHe plunged his sword into the Shaolin"s stomach the same time Pin Seng Fa Hao Jie Se stabbed his scepter inside YueJian ChunHe. Pin Seng lost two-thirds of his HP while YueJian ChunHe – a mere quarter.

  【Current】Pin Seng Fa Hao Jie Se: ……

  【Current】Pin Seng Fa Hao Jie Se: 艹! You sc.u.m ChunHe, since you"re going to go to prison anyway, why don"t you at least let me finish my mission, huh!?

  That"s right, Pin Seng was here to fulfill his mission on account of his profession as a monk.

Everyday, he has to capture 10 players who have committed a crime and usher them to jail. But if he manages to capture YueJian ChunHe this type of vicious demon from the pits of h.e.l.l, then just 1 is enough. That"s why when he saw someone announce on the world channel that YueJian ChunHe has started a slaughter, his heart was filled with tremendous joy and immediately rushed over to arrest him.

【Current】YueJian ChunHe: Hit. I won"t retaliate.

YueJian ChunHe put away his sword, lifted his robes, and lowered himself cross-legged on the floor.

Jie Se happily lifted his scepter and struck down with great force.

The white-robed swordsman sitting obediently on the ground was on the verge of getting "rodded"-to-death by the Shaolin monk who served him hit after hit.

This scene was immensely provoking, stirring feelings of desolation and solemnity.

YueJian ChunHe"s depleting HP too was dismal.

Ji Xiao Li was watching with keen interest when a PM popped up on screen.

【Milk Tea Small Crisp: Something happened at home before, I"m back now. Are you still in Longmen Tavern, teacher?】

Milk Tea Small Crisp was another helpless victim of YueJian ChunHe"s ma.s.sacre. But because she was afk, the system had long designated her to the revival point.

Ji Xiao Li"s spirits livened at once.

【Teacher Orders a Salute: hehehe, disciple, let me inform you, your honorable teacher has just witnessed a spectacular show! Pity you are not here to see it, but teacher won"t let you miss this opportunity. I"ll tell you, right before that sc.u.m YueJian ChunHe was PK-ing with someone, and he got completely ripped apart!】

Milk Tea Small Crisp: ……】

Ji Xiao Li reenacted an on-the-spot live broadcast.

【Teacher Orders a Salute: too miserable ah, YueJian ChunHe was beaten till his pants were soaked.】

【Teacher Orders a Salute: f.u.c.k, even his underwear was exposed!】

【Teacher Orders a Salute: Mye, YueJian ChunHe is completely unable to retaliate. Shaolin-shengseng is indeed Shaolin-shengseng, YueJian ChunHe is nothing more than fart in front of him, I bet he will be killed soon.】

[圣僧 (Sheng.seng)—— Senior monk]

【Milk Tea Small Crisp: ……】

  The next second, Ji Xiao Li saw the silent swordsman who had been sitting unresisting the whole suddenly leap up and draw his sword, executing a beautiful set of consecutive sword dance. Jie Se completely did not expect this man who had been a mere foot away from death"s door suddenly reversed his fortune, thus, with shock filling his system, he did not manage to react quick enough and ended victim to the blade. On the contrary, YueJian ChunHe, despite having only a meager thread of HP left, was still standing staunchly upright and alive.

  【Current】Pin Seng Fa Hao Jie Se: YueJian ChunHe you shameless creature, I, your father, will definitely defeat you even at the cost of my life!!!

Ji Xiao Li watched dumbfounded.

Milk Tea Small Crisp suddenly messaged out of the blue, her tone slightly odd:【So, has YueJian ChunHe been killed yet?】

The corner of Ji Xiao Li"s lip twitched; he hastily typed:【Killed……he"s long dead! Beaten into a b.l.o.o.d.y pulp, a spectacle too devastating to bear! Disciple, by all means, do not come. This kind of b.l.o.o.d.y scene will only draw nightmares after seeing.】

【Milk Tea Small Crisp: ……】

Ji Xiao Li saw YueJian ChunHe make a move to leave Longmen Tavern, his form staggering slightly.

"I must be going blind…" Ji Xiao Li murmured.

Coincidentally the moment YueJian ChunHe walked out the door, he was captured by a Xiliang NPC and immediately handcuffed.

【System】The way of heaven is fair, but the guilty will not escape (5). The great devil "YueJian ChunHe" ma.s.sacring innocents, endangering humanity, has been captured at Xiliang City, coordinates:(134, 245)and brought to justice!

【Teacher Orders a Salute: Disciple, you see that? The trash"s been arrested by the Shaolin-dashi and sentenced to prison hahaha】

【Milk Tea Small Crisp: ……】

I"ll be stupid to believe you!



袈裟: Kasaya: a patchwork outer vestment worn by a Buddhist monk九环锡杖: Nine-ring oblate scepter: Monk"s staff. Nine-ring oblate scepter 佛门: fo men, Buddhism.贫僧法号戒色: Technically this name would be translated somewhat, Poor monk (humble term used by monk of himself) Fa Hao (the name) Disciplines. However, that"s one excruitably long t.i.tle so I"m just going to use the pinyin. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏: Idiom, from Laozi 73, lit. heaven"s net has wide meshes, but nothing escapes from it.


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