A+A-Chapter 9

Chapter 9 “Leave the Ice”

After the blood vessels were constructed, they worked well, but Lynn discovered some minor problems. The cells inside the blood vessels had difficulty obtaining oxygen, so the action would be slow.

Lin could not make a hole in the blood vessel, so that things inside would flow out. However, the cells in the blood vessel did not rely on their own activities but moved quickly by the water flow inside. Therefore, Lin did not care much about it.

Lynn’s phagocytosis has also been renewed. They have a vascular structure but no heart. Instead, they have a muscle cell in the deep part of the mouth and connect to the storage sac of the blood vessel. The phagocytosis can take the crunched food into a capsule. At this time, the capsule contracts, and the inner food and water are squeezed together into the vascular system, and the nutrients are transmitted to the whole body after being decomposed by the cells in the blood vessel.

The extra water is circulated back to the sac in the blood vessels and excreted when the devourer opens his mouth.

The plan to revive the shield worm was temporarily put on hold, because Lin could not get so many cells to fill the sh.e.l.l of the shield worm, and the structure of the heart and blood vessels has consumed a lot, and it needs to find more food.

But the cold this time lasted for a long time. Although it didn’t matter to Lynn, it meant that other cells wouldn’t appear, so there would be no food. Although the fat cells were enough for a long time, If you get something about the same size as the aircraft carrier, you’ll almost consume more than 70. Lin doesn’t want to consume so many reserves. What to do if you encounter any danger again?

Maybe it can self-digest the aircraft carrier, and then build a new base in the shield worm’s sh.e.l.l?

No, Lin doesn’t want to rely on other creatures like this. It wants to grow a hard sh.e.l.l. If you live in, it’s difficult to evolve a hard skin.

What do you do now?

Go out to find food?

Do you dig with huge diggers?

It’s too slow to do that. Lin hopes to get some more powerful ice-pulling structures. The worms like the shield are very quick to dig…

That’s right… The shield worm does not use the arthropods to dig out the ice. It seems to be using the head’s semicircular carapace to crush the ice, but that requires a huge body and strength.

In this case, only the aircraft carrier has been modified.

Lin’s aircraft carrier is a cylindrical body that is very suitable for impact. Lin does not want to use the aircraft carrier itself to hit, but instead forms two giant tentacles on both sides of the aircraft carrier’s body. The front of the tentacles is a strong circle formed by Lin. Shaped, with a serrated structure called ‘Hammerhead’, the tentacles are composed of a large number of muscle cells that can exert powerful force and hammer ice.

This kind of structure was originally thought of by Lin, but because the continuous swinging of the hammer would consume a large amount of muscle cells, the energy-supplementing time would be too long, and the efficiency would not be very high. But with the vascular system, Lin could be waving her tentacles. It continues to replenish muscle cells with energy that is much more efficient than before.

After the construction was completed, Lynn began to start the aircraft carrier. The aircraft carrier itself had two tentacles for swimming, and the back end had huge water holes. The movement could also be very rapid. If it was not around the ice, the shield worm was fundamental. It will not hurt it.

Lin left the crushed ice after leaving part of the cells in the shield worm sh.e.l.l.

Before the aircraft carrier swam in

to the ice, the hammered tentacles slammed against the ice wall. Under the tremendous force, not only a hole was punched in the ice wall, but numerous cracks appeared around.

This is really effective, and it feels like when the shield worm excavated.

Lin let the aircraft carrier continue to shake the hammer, completely crushed the ice crystals in front of him, and pulled out a channel that allowed the aircraft carrier to move.

Then Lin also made the carrier’s head harden so that it could not only shake the ice, but also hit itself.

Lynn had previously refused to do so because of fear of harm to the body’s vascular system, but now it looks like no problem, because there are vascular system hammering the tentacles, and did not hurt when just waving.

The big eyeball of the aircraft carrier’s head was degraded by Lin, and he changed it to form a few small eye tentacles on the side of the aircraft carrier’s head to observe.

This time, it is much easier to advance in the ice.

Should you continue to move down? Lynn felt that the wild cells should be hiding in the sand below. It may be warm and ice can’t freeze there.

Thinking, Lin changed his head down and continued to smash the ice. Even though the ice would have different hardness, it would not be a problem under the attack of the hammer and tentacles. It would probably take a long time to reach the bottom. Sandy beach.


After smashing a layer of ice again, Lynn had an unusual sight in front of her eyes. It was not yet on the beach, but there was an ice-free area.

This is an ice cave large enough to accommodate Lin’s three aircraft carriers. There are no signs of excavation on the surrounding ice walls. Lin doesn’t know how this happened. Lynn slowly swims into the open s.p.a.ce in the ice.

Strange place, why is there such a place? It is impossible for ice to dissolve itself into this way. Is it because some kind of creature was dug up? But did not see that kind of creature.

When Lin was wondering about the reasons for this formation, she suddenly noticed that there were some small moving points on the surrounding ice walls.

what is that?

The eye contact whiskers on the side of the aircraft carrier can’t be clearly seen. Lin Lin mobilized the small devourers in the aircraft carrier. When they swim near the ice wall, they find that some of the small moving spots are cells. They are almost exactly the same color as the ice. Easy to see.

These small cells spread all over the ice, and Lynn didn’t know what they were doing, but in any case food was not wrong.

Lin did not think too much, let the devourers began to hunt them, while Lynn let the aircraft carrier released more devourers, ready to clean up these cells.

The phagocytosis rapidly devours the cells on the ice wall. These cells have no defensive power. They look very ordinary and round. They are very small, but they can make a bizarre thing to escape the devourers.

They can drill directly into the ice, do not rely on any digging method, but directly drilled into it.

The holes drilled by the cells, the devourers are completely inaccessible, and they can only give up hunting.

What a peculiar thing. How did they do it? Lynn observed them carefully. From the eyes of the smallest phagocytosis, she could see that the cells seemed to secrete a liquid that could instantly dissolve the ice crystals around the body and therefore could enter and exit the ice.

So it happened, this hole is so out of them? Then this kind of cell should be called … lysophila.

The lysiophiles are hiding in the ice, and they seem to be very cheerful shaking there.

At the next moment, Lin’s giant hammer hits the ice wall suddenly, not only smashing the ice wall, but also leaching the lysine inside, and then the devourers quickly mixed it in the ice. The small cells in the devour.

The lysiophiles knew that it was not safe to hide in the ice, so they fled to the depths together, and Lin immediately crushed the ice again, chasing them in the direction of their escape.

Although these lysophilic bacteria can be drilled in ice, they are actually very slow. They have nothing to do with the speed at which Lin’s aircraft carrier crushes ice. Lin can pull out a large amount of lysophilic bacteria from the ice almost every time. Zhilin directly let large phagoides bite into powder with their mouths and swallows.

Lynn hammered them out of the wall and moved forward. However, when Lynn hadn’t moved long enough, she suddenly found herself entering the water again. There was no ice in front of her.

Has it entered the ice cave? No, it’s not right.

Here is the vast waters, Linda has left the ice area.

What is that?

There appeared something strange before Lin’s eyes .

In the vast waters, it is empty and empty, but in the sand below, there are many things that Lin has never seen before.

Most of these things are prolate or round in shape. The surface is covered with stripe-like protrusions. Some of them are lying on the sand. Some stand in the sand. Lin has been watching it for a while to confirm that it is a creature, because almost all of them are motionless. But when there is water pa.s.sing, their bodies will begin to shake, and they will extend their tentacles from the surface and wave in the flowing water.

These creatures should also be multi-cell combinations. Their abundance is very abundant throughout the entire beach. It seems that the shield worm does not eat monomeric cells for a reason. It should be better at eating these multicellular organisms.

Where do these multicellular organisms come from? Lynn has been a single cell that she has encountered for so long. Since then, have other organisms also seen multiple cells?

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