Pan, _sb._ See Penny

Pannier, _sb._ HD. 760

Pans, _sb._ == furs. Alys. 1572. Fr. pane

Pans, _sb._ == pence. See Penny

Panter, _sb._ == panterer. RG. 187; [pantrer]. RG. 438. Fr. panetier

Panther, _sb._ Alys. 6352

Pap, _sb._ == woman"s teat. HD. 2132. Ps. xxi. 10. Ital. poppa. Lat.


Papejay, _sb._ == parrot. Wright"s L. P. p. 26. Fr. papegai

Paradise, _sb._ Alys. 5685; [parays]. 353

Parage, _sb._ == rank. Alys. 2953. Fr. parage

Paramours, _adv._ = with love, tenderly. Wright"s L. P. p. 91

Parchment, _sb._ [parchemyn]. Pol. S. 156. Fr. parcamin

Pard, _sb._ == leopard. Alys. 6709

Pardie, _interj._ == by G.o.d. 2082 B. Fr. par Dieu

Pardon, _sb._ 2458 B.

Pare, _v. a._ Pilate, 234. Fr. parer

Parish, _sb._ 1881 B.

Park, _sb._ RG. 1. AS. pearroc. W. parc

Parliament, _sb._ RG. 449

Parred, _part._ == locked up. HD. 2439. ON. sperra

Parson, _sb._ RG. 471, 496

Part, _sb._ Pol. S. 193

---- _v. a._ == separate. RG. 436

Parting, _sb._ == departure. Alys. 2906

Partner, _sb._ RG. 309

Party, _sb._ == part. RG. 394, 400

Parvenke, _sb._ == periwinkle. Wright"s L. P. p. 26. Pol. S. 218. AS.


---- == the flower, excellence of a thing. Ritson"s AS. xvii. 42

Pasken, _v. n._ == push, strike? "to pasken in the watere," St Andrew 8, seems to mean to beat the water by throwing in the net. Swed. piska. O.

Engl. "pash." Cf. our phrase of "whipping a stream."

Pa.s.s, _v. a._ == surpa.s.s. 1031 B.

---- == pa.s.s over. RG. 436. Alys. 5580

---- _v. n._ == go through, pa.s.s by. RG. 556

Pa.s.sage, _sb._ 676 B.

Pa.s.sion, _sb._ == the suffering of our Saviour. RG. 495

Pasty, _sb._ HD. 644. c.o.k. 52. Dut. pastei. Fr. pate

Pate, _sb._ == head Pol. S. 237. Judas, 83

Paten, _sb._ HD. 188. Lat. patina

Path, _sb._ HD. 2390. O. and N. 380

Patriarch, _sb._ RG. 479

Patron, _sb._ RG. 470

Paune, _sb._ == head. See Poune

Pautener, _sb._ == rascal. Alys. 1737. Fr. pautonier. Ital. paltone. Vid.

Roq. and Burguy, _s. v._

Paved, _adj._ Pol. S. 190

Pavement, _sb._ RG. 476

Pavilion, _sb._ [pavelon]. RG. 48, 569; [payloun]. Alys. 5067

---- _v. a._ == to lodge under tents. part. "ypavylounded." Alys. 2038.

Fr. pavillon. Lat. papilio

Pay, _v. a._ (money); pret. "payde." RG. 374, 498. part. "ipaiid." Pol. S.


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