V. ~Quhich~.

QUHY, _s._ A cause, a reason.

_K. Quair._

_To_ QUHICH, QUHIGH, QUHIHHER, (gutt.) _v. n._ To move through the air with a whizzing sound, S. B.

_Minstrelsy Bord._

A. S. _hweoth_, _hwith_, flatus, aura lenis.

_To_ QUHID, WHUD, _v. n._

1. To whisk, to move nimbly, S.


2. To fib, to equivocate, S.

C. B. _chwidraw_, to move quickly; also to juggle; _hwidrar_, pernix fertur.

~Quhyd~, ~Whid~.

1. A quick motion, S.

2. A smart stroke.


3. _In a whid_, in a moment, S.

_R. Galloway._

4. A lie, properly in the way of evasion.

Isl. _hwida_, fervida actio; C. B. _chwid_, a quick turn.

_To_ QUHIDDIR, QUHETHYR, _v. a._ To whiz, S.

V. ~Quhich~.


A. S. _hwother-an_, to make a booming noise.

~Quhidder~, _s._ A whizzing sound, S. _whithir_.


QUHIDDER, _s._ A slight and transient indisposition, S. _quhither_.

A. S. _hwith_; q. a pa.s.sing blast.

QUHIG, WHIG, _s._ The sour part of cream, which separates from the rest, S.

A. S. _hwaeg_, serum, whey.

_Gl. Compl._

QUHILE, QUHILIS, _adv._ At times.


Moes. G. _quheil-a_, A. S. _hwil_, time.

~Quhile~, ~Quhil~, _adv._ Some time, formerly.


~Quhile~, ~Quhille~, _adj._ Late, deceased.


QUHILK, _p.r.o.n._ Which, who, S.


A. S. Dan. _hwilc_, Belg. _welk_, id.

QUHILK, _s._ An imitative word expressing the cry of a gosling.

_Compl. S._

QUHILL, _conj._ Until, S.


A. S. _hwile_, donec, until.

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