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25Jealousy Jealousy

Father crossedto the chairs and took a seat next to mother. Marie served him tea. Just thenthe door, burst open and a tall man with black hair entered.

Father andMother rose from their seats. Father bowed low and mother curtsied low. Marie, who stood at attention in the corner, curtsied as well.

Just behindthe man was the servant who pushed us into the room.

‘PrinceStephan, you can’t just do this. If you’re going to have an audience you haveto call…’

The Prince didnot respond to his words but came up to me, menacingly,

‘You!’ hesaid.

I am beingscolded. Didn"t something similar happen recently?

I’m not happyabout this. Was this really the Prince?

Did someonefill the Prince’s head with those vicious rumours about me?

But, I wascalled because of General Brennan.

So, thePrince’s hostility to me…No, it can’t be? General Brennan must be very popular.Wow! (Zuben: Oh Fredericka…)

‘Respectfully,your highness, had my daughter been rude in some way?’

‘This is thebad lady who tempted Brennan!’

Bad lady?!

I suppose ifthe Prince is in love with Brennan, he would see any lady who was dating hisbeloved general as bad.

‘Look at me.’

He grasped myshoulder and tilted my head up to look at him.

‘Gyip!’ I’msorry mother; why didn’t you raise me to make cute sounds?

Here I was;eye to eye with the Prince.

The Prince,though he trained daily, was not a heavily muscled man, but rather, he lookedlithe. He had a beautiful figure. His eyes were slanting and lashes were long.They had a very direct blue gaze.

Could he bethe same age as I was? Was he guarded by the General? Did they have ateacher-student like relationship that had developed during his training? Hmm,close but different. I feel like our distance is shortened a bit. (Zuben: thoughts go here, there and back again)

‘I don’t knowwhat kind of methods you used,’ he said, ‘but you had better stop the plotagainst Brennan.’ He said as he drew closer to me.

Althoughyou’re the Crown Prince, could you not come so close? He’s very close, isn’the?

‘As, that…um’

Just then thedoor was burst open nearly off its hinges. The Prince jumped.

In the opendoorway, were General Brennan and Oliver behind him. Oh, Oliver went to get theGeneral.


To my surpriseand the Prince’s, it looked like; General Brennan ran towards us and caught mein his arms and turned me away as if to hide me from the Prince. He hugged metightly. I was relieved by the scent of dense forest and sweat for a briefperiod, and then I realised he was holding me too tightly and I could barelybreathe.

Ge-general,please loosen your arms! (Zuben: Volker, don’t kill your wife before you marryher)

‘Stefan, whatis this about?’ his voice reverberated through his body to my ears. Though Icould not see him, I could tell he sounded angry. But could he talk that way tothe Crown Prince? This wasn’t good!

On no, pleasethe strength of your arms…gufu~

‘You knowFredericka is my dear person…’

Oh Generalsaid something embarra.s.sing. It is also pleasing. But…

‘Oh no! MissFredericka…!’

I heard Marie’svoice call out in alarm from a distance. I’ve been saved, but Marie, you shouldhave helped a little earlier.


When I cameto, I was lying in a sofa with Marie sitting on a chair fanning me. General Brennanwas pacing behind a fl.u.s.tered Marie, making his eyebrows look like a character.

I caught hiseye, and smiled and mouthed a h.e.l.lo to let him know I was alright, butgeneral’s expression turned into one that looked like he wanted to cry.

‘Brennan,’ thePrince called. He was still not convinced. As the general ascertained I was alright,he returned my smile. His eyes twinkled brightly. How is the General so pretty?

‘I don’t knowhow Stefan heard of those baseless rumours. But is not a speck of sordidness tomy love for Fredericka. I have not been forced, nor is it pity. I simply loveher.’ (Zuben: Swoon)

『Bu u fu! 』(Zuben:Honestly, j.a.panese and the sound effects)

Ge-GeneralBrennan! The Prince, as well as father and mother were wondering why?! Mycheeks were dyed red. Marie also blushed and gave a small excited squeal.(Zuben: we’re with you Marie: squee!)

This is goingto be fun for a while.

‘Brennan, youhave never talked about marriage, you haven’t even been seeing anyone recently.Now, you’re suddenly getting married!"

It seemed likePrince Stefan thought that this was a plot by Frederick Castley to trap GeneralBrennan to capture the military.

Hmm, I don’tthink father has the time to drop his business and grasp the military. It’smore like having a good relationship with a business partner. (Zuben: Aww, allof daddy’s innocent manoeuvres) It’s more like that.

But I couldn’treally tell everyone that what connected us was my lost underwear. I reallydon’t want the story of my underwear tearing in the middle of the ball while Iwas getting my engagement cancelled to get out there. Mother, Marie, don’t yoube laughing secretly. I can see your shoulders shaking!

‘Brennan! Yousaid you will be with me until I became independent.’

This Princereally has a strong devotion to General Brennan. He looked up at the generalwith a gentle extremely devoted expression.  Fuwa?!

‘Stefan, youare already a splendid man. In politics and in fencing you have excelled. Youdo not need me escorting you about.’ Brennan said as he patted the young man’shead.

Did he justcall the Prince by name just now?

The CrownPrince got all choked up and clung to the General.

‘But Uncle!’


Did I hearthat right? Did anyone hear this news?

(Zuben:Upgrade! From Duke to Prince!)

26 JealousyJealousy

An explanationwas given.

In his youth,Volker Brennan abdicated. So he usually forgets that he is a member of theroyal family. Even the General agreed with his rueful expression that it was abit off.

The Prince washugging him all the while.

Most people inFather’s generation knew about it but it was not spoken about. It wouldn’t doany good. And if it was spoken of, it is regarded as treason because it wasseen as maligning the royal family.

He was theillegitimate son of the previous king.

Volker’smother worked the Palace at the time, and became lover to the King. She gavebirth to Brennan, but because she was of lowly status was not allowed to takeposition of Queen by the House of Lords. (Zuben: Stuffy old goats)

His mothereventually died of complications of her weak heart. (Zuben: Don’t they all haveweak hearts)

He was adoptedby his aunt and her husband and abdicated. From then on the Prince Volkerbecame plain old Volker Brennan.

The Brennanfamily were a renowned line of warriors. Each generation produced a solder orknight. His adopted father was even stricter in training the general.

There were somany things I didn’t know about him…

GeneralBrennan was the younger brother of the current king.

What ishappening? More and more, there was a tremendous feeling of imbalance. A Prince(Former) and a disgraced Viscount’s daughter… Even though the General asked me,how well do I suit being his wife? Is it okay to do it? This isn’t good, is it?(Zuben: Freddie don’t get in a tiswas)

Come to thinkof it what does General Brennan like about me? He asked me to marry him, but Ididn’t specifically ask. I haven’t heard him say anything. I don’t rememberdoing anything particularly special in front of him. (Zuben: The sight of yourforest green eyes seared his soul)

I started tofeel uneasy.

‘I neverplanned on joining the Royal Guard…’

While I waslost in my maudlin thoughts, the General looked in my direction and pulled thepried the Prince’s hands off his waist. (Zuben: The prince is cute too. Theyare all cute!)

‘Please stophugging me I have not forgiven you yet,’ he said to Prince Stefan coldly.‘There was joint training of the Western Army, which I belonged to and theRoyal Army. It was then I was forced into taking over the training of PrinceStefan.’

I wassurprised that the General could speak coldly like that.

‘But Uncle…?’Stephan was also surprised; he seemed he had no idea why his beloved uncle wasangry with him.

‘Firstly, Iasked you to see me as your va.s.sal at all times. I am also your teacher,calling me "uncle" without restraint is not allowed. Secondly, you intimidatedand touched my Fredericka.’

The Prince’seyebrows rose dramatically as he recalled his earlier actions. He had beenbehaving childishly with the General. Calling me ‘his’ made me feel glad, butmy embarra.s.sment over shadows it ne~

‘Very well, Iadmit there was a misunderstanding. But there is an imbalance between yourlevels…she doesn’t suit you.’ Stefan said. (Zuben: Who dares say that? Let them come out and let me beat them.)

Well that istrue. The Military and Aristocracy are inviolable. But if there was to be intermarriagebetween a high ranking military person and an aristocrat, the n.o.ble houseshould be of good standing, especially when the person is a General. Someonelike General Brennan should be marrying a high n.o.ble.

He’s also partof the Royal Guard and the son of a prominent military family. It is onlynatural he marries someone more suited.

The Generalcame to where I sat and knelt before me,

‘I am just asoldier. Before that I am just a human. If you say Fredericka does not suit mebecause I am a General of the Royal Guard, then I will resign.’ (Zuben: Well said. *Minor swoon)

He looked atme like a beast looking at his prey, causing a frisson of awareness to tracealong my skin. I nodded to him.

I am soembarra.s.sed, but I also like the General and want to be with him. Pleaseforgive me for not being able to declare it like you do. I really don’t havethe courage to say it. Even if the was just immediate family and the Prince.(Zuben: Well he’s family too)

‘Good I amrelieved.’ He said with a smile and carried me in one smooth move.


He guidedStefan to sit on the other side of father and I was placed on his lap…as thoughit was a matter of course.

General! Whatare you doing in front of everyone?!

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The Prince’seyes widened in surprise at General Brennan’s actions. Father sputtered. Motherlaughed with her hand over her mouth. Marie squealed. Oliver continued to servetea. (Zuben: Is that an “always full teapot” you’ve got there, Ollie) Thechamberlain froze.

I could nothold my head up. I hid my face with my hands and hid my red face.

‘GeneralBrennan, please put me down…’ I said timidly.

‘Do you findit distasteful?’

Is this theonly choice for him? He said the same thing at the theatre last night. Butthat’s not it, I’m embarra.s.sed not disgusted! But maybe embarra.s.sment I feelhere is a little different. I kept trying to think of a way to solve this withmy brain that had short circuited.

‘You can putmy on your knees….when we are alone…’I whispered to him.

A little whileafter, General Brennan’s deputy came to get him for some urgent meeting, so hehad to go.

After he left,an awkward atmosphere filled the room.

It wasStephan-sama that broke the awkward silence, ‘It’s the first time I’ve seenBrennan so tame. He’s usually as ferocious as a tiger.’

With a loudsigh, he sat back into his chair. The “I must convict the bad woman” aura wasgone. He was now partaking in Oliver’s excellently brewed tea.

‘This time…itseemed I jumped to conclusions. I hope I didn’t shock you?’ the prince saidlooking at me with a tired face.

‘No, it’s alright.’I replied. I did not care for his earlier att.i.tude but the Prince seems like agood person. Even if I had been shocked, I could not tell the Prince.

‘It’s becauseBrennan is one of the people I trust the most, and blood rushed to my head whenI heard a woman was trying to get him. It has happened before. To make amends,you can ask for anything of me.’

But, it seems thatthe Prince is not one to properly apologise, I am surprised. I was about todecline when he said,

‘I’m still notalright with it. For Brennan to care about a woman enough to put her on hisknee in front of everyone, it was unpleasant to see. Just say one thing,’

Looking at hisglittering eyes I was a bit troubled. He seemed to have a forceful personality.He didn’t want to owe me anything. I didn’t want him to owe me anything either,but I don’t think he would understand. As I thought about it, an idea came tome.

‘Well, I don’treally want anything, but Prince Stefan may I ask a favour? Can we be friends?’

‘What?’ PrinceStefan had a shocked look on his face. Father cringed in his seat. Mother heldher fan over her face.

‘Well, as youknow, my family is not well liked therefore I don’t have any friends. And youknow a lot about Brennan and I want you to tell me about him, so I thought thebest thing is to be friends.’

I want to knowthe stories that Brennan wouldn’t tell me.

‘…but, asexpected, it’s not possible.’ I said to no one in particular. It would be badif a Viscount’s daughter was hanging around the Crown Prince. It would look asif I had an ulterior motive and would create misunderstandings.

I was hoping we could havea "General Brennan Love" party. I really wanted to have one. I gave a laughtrying to hide my sadness and embarra.s.sment.

Thechamberlain rushed in, he was in a hurry it seemed, ‘Stefan-sama?!’

But the Princeheld his hand up to stop him.

‘That soundslike a fun idea. Let’s be friends from now on, okay. You must call me Stefan.’

I stared athim in surprise. Was my face a little red? I turned to father; he looked likehe’d eaten something bitter. My mother hid her face with her fan and fell backin seeming agony.


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