Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 875 - Not winning a single bid

Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 875 - Not winning a single bid

"Oh, Manager Feng… It"s been a while sinceyou drop by my office." Station Chief Jia laughed.

"Stop joking. After you become the TVStation Chief, you are always not in your office. Here… Cuban cigar. I bought.i.t for you. You can smoke it for fun when you are free." Feng Yu placed a cigaron Station Chief Jia"s desk in front of his secretary.

This cigar is not gold or cash, and it"shard to gauge the value of it. Even if the government wants to investigate,there is no evidence. This is just a small gift between friends. Of course, thegifts given out by Feng Yu are the best and the most expensive!

Station Chief Jia laughed and did notreject the cigar. "It"s an honor to smoke a cigar given by you."

Tomorrow will be the advertis.e.m.e.nt timeslots auction for next year. There"s no need to ask. Feng Yu must be here totalk about his purchase of the time slots. This time Feng Yu had come overpersonally, and he should be targeting the best timings.

Feng Yu said. "Chief Jia. I will not beatabout the bush. I need more advertis.e.m.e.nt slots this year, and I will buywhatever slots Tongyi, Kang Shifu, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Motorola, Nokia, Ericssonand all other j.a.panese companies bid!"

Station Chief Jia"s hand, which was holdinghis teacup, trembled. "You want to buy all the slots these companies bid? Did Ihear this correctly?"

Feng Yu had mentioned many companies, andall of them are from different industries. Some of the companies are internationalcompanies and they have a high advertising budget. How much is Feng Yu going tospend this year?!

"You think I will joke about this? I don"tcare how much they bid. But if they are the highest bidder, I will add 5%.Chief Jia, this year"s advertis.e.m.e.nt fees will surely hit a record high." FengYu laughed.

Last year, Tai Chi was the top bidder with66.66 million RMB, and their annual profit was more than 900 million RMB. Chinais an alcohol loving country and people are used to having a few bottles ofexpensive alcohol on their dining tables during business meetings.

It doesn"t matter whether if the alcoholtastes good or not. The expensive bottles of alcohol are there to impress theirclients.

Based on Feng Yu"s previous life, Tai ChiAlcohol will become the top bidder this year again, and the total advertisingfees collected will be 5 times more than last year! All businessmen believethat becoming the top bidder in CCTV"s advertising slots auction will bringthem high profits.

The bids by the companies should be basedon the company"s own a.s.sessment. For example, Wind and Rain humidifiers andsuper fans will not be advertising this year. Even if they were to advertiseand become the top bidder, the profits could not cover the amount spent on theadvertis.e.m.e.nt slot.

Anyway, there are only two brands ofhumidifiers and super fans in China. Wind and Rain and Ya Du. Ya Du also has nointention of buying advertising slots, and there"s no need for Wind and Rain todo so.

Moreover, the main share of profits fromhumidifiers and superfans are from western countries now.

But this year, many of Feng Yu"s products,like cordless phones, Songjiang Motors" motorcycles, and cars, Bing CityPharmaceutical"s newest medicine, need to be advertised. Lehaha, Jianlibao, andthe rest also will have new products introduced. That"s why Feng Yu requires moreadvertising slots.

If the MP3 player is successful, the newDVD player is developed, or the voice recorder is going to be launched this year,the advertis.e.m.e.nts can be switched to promote these products.

Although China has lots of satellitechannels, within the next few years, advertising on CCTV is the most efficient.


"Manager Feng, don"t you think your bid isa bit low?" Li Jingwei asked. The advertis.e.m.e.nt slots auction is about to start,and it"s the same close bidding systems as the previous years. But Li Jingweiwas puzzled. Manager Feng had said this year"s advertising fees will be muchhigher and why is the amount he wrote the same as last year?

Zhong Qingxian poked Li Jingwei, signalingto him to stop asking. Zhong Qingxian knew Feng Yu and Station Chief Jia arevery close, and Feng Yu could change the advertis.e.m.e.nts as and when he likes.If another company had violated the regulations and got their ads removed, CCTVwould approach Feng Yu to ask if he wants to take over that slot first. Theprice offered is also a discounted price.

Lehaha had benefited from this in the past.

This time, Manager Feng is here to bidpersonally, and Zhong Qingxian believes that Manager Feng will be the highestbidder.

Zhong Qingxian could feel some peoplelooking at him, and he turned towards that direction. Hmph! You all think thatyou all can get the market just by grouping up? Manager Feng had said that youall will not win any bids at CCTV!

"Jianlibao Group is the winner for thisslot, and the winning bid is 10.05 million RMB."

Li Jingwei"s eyes opened wide. What was goingon? He saw Manager Feng writing 8.88 million RMB with his own eyes. How comethe bid becomes 10.05 million?

Kang Shifu"s Deputy CEO waved his fist inanger. He thought his bid of 10.01 million will be good enough to win the slotand did not expect Jianlibao to bid less than 5% more than him!

5 minutes later, the result of another slotis announced. The winning company is Lehaha Group, and the bid amount is alsomore than what Feng Yu had written.

Tong Yi"s representative beat his chest inanger. He saw Kang Shifu losing their bid earlier and increased his bids. Butwhy did he lose?

The companies that won the slots they bidfor are their compet.i.tors, and this was what made them most frustrated.

The slots Pepsi and Coca-Cola bid were alsowon by Lehaha.

Kang Shifu made another bid for a differentslot, and this time the winning company is not Lehaha or Jianlibao. It"s BingCity Pharmaceutical.

The representatives of these 4 companiesturned and stared towards Zhong Qingxian"s direction and saw Zhong Qingxian,Feng Yu, and the rest smiling happily. These are not coincidences!

The j.a.panese companies" representativeswere also frustrated as not a single j.a.panese company had won a single slot.

This is discrimination. We must make anofficial complaint through our Ministry of Foreign Affairs! Both our countrieshad signed a mutual aid agreement, and this is against the terms of theagreement!

The telecommunication companies from Europeand North America did not win any slots either. They had noticed thetelecommunication market is on the rise and want to increase theiradvertis.e.m.e.nts for the market share and branding. But why can"t they win asingle advertis.e.m.e.nt slot in this auction?

Also, why are the winning companies of theslots we bid, Wind and Rain Electronics, Aiwa Electronics, Wind and Rain HomeAppliances, Aiwa Home Appliances, etc.?

Are these really all coincidences?

Before the morning auction ended, the s...o...b..fore the evening news was sold for 330 million RMB, and the auction willcontinue after the lunch break.

As Feng Yu and the rest were leaving, theywalked past the representatives of Kang Shifu and the other companies, LiJingwei said sarcastically. "Some companies are so pitiful. They can"t even wina single slot!"

Kang Shifu and the other companies" representatives were furious. They looked at Li Jingwei"s expression and knew this auction was rigged. They must complain to the authorities and let CCTV give them an answer!!

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