Episode 4 [Glory to earth magic!]

Glory to earth magic! , By : Torimaru Karasuma / 已己巳己

“It’s a ceiling I don’t know ……”

No, I know it. It’s a ceiling which I have looked at for 5 years.
After saying the words I wanted to say at least once, I started to confirm my situation.
I thought I was practicing earth magic, but I seem to have ended up sleeping in my room when I noticed.
By chance, did I receive the Star ○ de attack … from someone? (EN: Idk what reference.)

“Oh Alba! You woke up!”

My mother who came into my room started running towards to me while I was thinking.

“I was so worried because you had fallen off the bench in the garden! The doctors had said the cause was the excessive use of magic …..”

Oh, I had learned that from Armando’s cla.s.ses.
The amount of magic is determined by the person, the growth, and training, but if you deplete all your magic, the user might die.
He also told me that people would faint before they used to much as a safety device.
Thinking about it, I had been single-minded in pouring magic away from the excitement of using magic for the first time.
A 5-year-old amount of magic is nothing much, of course I fainted.

“I had gotten hooked on practicing earth magic ….. I’m sorry.”

I apologized obediently and lower my head.

“Practicing earth magic? Alba do you mean …… you were practicing the chanting ……”

Mother hears about the practicing of earth magic and her questioning tone becomes one of reproach.

“It was different! I’ve been practicing magic to manipulate the soil in the garden because teacher said chanting was not necessary but was useless…… so well I tried it and it was easy so I got crazily absorbed into it.”

I denied it in a hurry and explain the things from earlier.
Well, it looks although I look like a 5-year-old, I have a different mental age of 30 including my past life …… such a man had his tension go up by using magic for the first time, I think it’s unavoidable.

“Alba! You were able to manipulate the soil?!”

“Yes, but I can only make it so soil move and ride on the palm of my hand.”

“What, was that how it taught to you by Armando?”

“Different, teacher did not teach me about the earth attribute because there was not much being taught about it, I thought of it myself”

Well, this is not a lie.
It was a terrible because I made a lot of simulations of using magic in my past life and this happened as a result.
I want to think that magic simulation is a compulsory subject for geeks ….


Mother hears what I said and begins thinking about something.

“…… Mother?”

I look at mother who was thinking with a serious face, I gingerly talk to her because I felt uneasy.

“Oh, I beg your pardon, I was little surprised. My child has such a magic talent that he came up with a method that no one else has.”

Well, certainly it is, I’ll be surprised if an ignorant 5-year-old suddenly used magic.
Perhaps I wasn’t thoughtful enough.
I’ll try to deceive a little more for now.

“Even so …… Alba is amazing. The first earth attribute no chant, I thought you were loved by Wilderness-sama.”

Saying that my mother is stroking my head.

“I want to show the fruits of your magic, but please rest slowly today. Excessive use of magic is poison to the body.”

Mother is next me to with a friendly smile.
Magical power will basically recover if you rest, it said at bedtime you recover more efficiently.
There was the influence of overusing magic on the body, so I decided to sleep obediently.

The next day I completely recovered, I went to the garden along with mother..
It’s to show the results to mother.

“…… Really, you can manipulate it.”

As I begin, I grab a handful of soil and sit on it then make it move like yesterday, mother is staring at me impressed.
I felt that the soil was moving much smoother because I got the knack to it.
Well, there is still the fragility that it collapses as soon as an external force comes and it can only move a small amount.
I’m training this little by little so that it becomes harder and the amount I can control increases, I don’t want to worry about falling off.

(EN: Okay, so I don’t remember him sitting on it, but maybe he’s trying something else?)

“I had not doubted Alba, but it still is amazing when viewed again. Were you truly not taught this by anyone?”

“Yeah, I was wondering if I could flow magic into soil so I practiced this yesterday.”

To my words, mother begins to think.

“It’s good Alba. But use a site where others are present and keep it as secret as possible?”


“I absolutely don’t want you to have bad feelings in you. Do not tell anyone until you’re larger.”

Mothers says so while stroking my head kindly but has some sort of expectation.
This is because in manga and novels, there are people with extraordinary talent that will be watched by some n.o.bles child that don’t have as much talent.
My talent in extraordinary so mother is probably worried for me.
I wasn’t a vulgar person who like troubling people so I obediently nodded to keep it a secret off-site..

“That’s fine. Do you want to have lunch? Properly wash your hands first.”

When I laughed at what mother said, she smiled and pulled my hand back to the mansion.

My speed…it’s increasing!

*Looks down at bottom right*

[931 Words]


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