_fafuta_ v. tr., to generate, to beget; said of both parents.

_fafutala_ v. n., a generation, _futa_.

_fafuu_ used with possessive _ana_; _fafuuana_, real. _fuu_.

_f.a.ga_ (_gu_) n., mouth. Niue _fangai_, to feed; Mota _w.a.n.ga_, to gape; S. _aw.a.n.ganga_, to gape.

_f.a.garo_ v. tr., to deceive, to cause to stray. _garo_.

_f.a.gwau_ v. tr., to make desolate. _gwau_.

_f.a.gwoufi_ v. tr., to give drink to. _gwou_.

_f.a.gwourufi_ v. tr., to cause to sit down. _gwouru_.

_fai_ 1. v. tr., used as prep., with, to help; _fai oe_, with thee.

_faini_ v. tr., to help, to companion with; _fainia_, moreover.

_fai_ 2. adv., where? used with locative i, or with prefix _ni_; _ifai_, _nifai_. U. _hei_.

_fai_ 3. pref. to verb; _buri_, behind, _faiburi_, to leave behind; _faigwa_, to spill.

_fai_ 4. numeral, four, _faina_, ordinal, fourth, the fourth time.

_faiburi_ used with poss., to leave behind, _fa_ 1.

_faigwa_ v. tr., to spill, to shed.

_fakukule_ v. tr., to cause to hang down.

_fakulufi_ v. tr., to let sink, to lower, _kulu_.

_falaete_ adv., only. S. _hali"ite_.

_falangi_ 1. n., a house on piles. S. _ha"alangi_. _langi_ 2.

_falangi_ 2. v. tr., to bring to nothing, to destroy. _langi_ 1.

_falauni_ v. tr., to decorate, to adorn, _launi_.

_fale_ v. tr., to give; _fale aba fafi_, to lay hands on.

_falela_ v. n., a gift.

_fali_, _fafali_ v.i., to walk, tread; _fali folo_, to turn aside.

S. _palili_.

_falisi_ n., garden, crop, season, year. S. _ha"lisi_.

_falooi_ v. tr., to torment, treat shamefully. _loo_.

_famae_ 1. v. tr., to kill. _mae_.

_famaesi_ v. tr.

_famae_ 2. v. tr., to quench. _mae_.

_famafo_ v. tr., to heal a sore. _mafo_.

_famamana_ v. tr., to establish, to make true. _mamana_.

_famanatai_ v. tr., to instruct, teach. _manatai_.

_famou_ used with poss., to warn, terrify, hold in honor. _mou_.

_famwaela_ used with poss., to laugh at. _mwaela_.

_fanau_ v. tr., to teach, educate. S. _ha"ananau_.

_fana_ v. i., to shoot. S. _hana_.

_fanasi_ v. tr., to shoot, to covet.

_fanina_ v. tr., to be wont, to accustom.

_fanonifi_ v. tr., to torment. _noni_.

_fanualama_ n., peace. S. _hanualama_.

_fanga_ v. tr., to eat, to bite (of fish); _toli fanga_, to fast, abstain from.

_fangaa_ v. n., a feast.

_fangala_ v. n., food; _ade fangala_, to make a feast.

_fangado_ v. tr., to make strong; _fangado rage_, to comfort.


_fangasi_ v. tr., to harden.

_fao_, _faofao_ v. tr., to weave, to plait. S. _hao_.

_faolo_ v. tr., to make straight.

_faolofi_ v. tr., to make straight, to justify (late use).

_faolu_ adj., new, recent, fresh. U. _ha"olu_.

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