Tang Min looked at Xin Mei and Chen Bai with anger in his eyes. Only he knew how much anger he was feeling that the director had selected Chen Bai as the second male lead.

Tang Min wasn"t naïve to not know that the acting level of Chen Bai was at another par and that was the reason he was continuously honored with a lot of best actor awards. He was also mentioned in many articles for his powerful acting.

Tang Min could see the buzzing chemistry in between Xin Mei and Chen Bai which acted as a fire on his heart. He wanted to get close with Xin Mei but he could see Chen Bai was doing the same. He had seen Chen Bai following Xin Mei to her room, the last night.

The thing which bugged him the most was this satisfactory smile on the lips of director Zhang. He was more than satisfied upon seeing the scenes of Xin Mei and Chen Bai.

Tang Min had thought that he would ask the director to increase his scenes with Xin Mei but now he could see that the director was planning to increase the scenes of Xin Mei and Chen Bai. Director may cut his scenes.

"Darn it. Why is it that the director selected Chen Bai to be the second lead?"

He fumed in anger and looked at Chen Bai who was getting importance from everyone where eyes of Chen Bai were fixed on Xin Mei.

"Xin Mei, why are you running away from me?" Chen Bai ran behind Xin Mei and took a hold of her hand.

"Chen Bai, please leave me alone." Xin Mei pleaded. "I am tired. I have to change my dress and makeup, so please."

"I will not trouble you, I promise. But we need to talk." Chen Bai pleaded. "I know I trouble you a lot and I am sorry for that. Can"t we start from the beginning, by being friends?"


"Why, Xin Mei? You know we can become the best of best buddies. Our hobbies are the same, video gaming. So why can"t we be friends?"

"Video gaming is one of my hobbies so what? Our other hobbies don"t match with one another," Xin Mei interjected.

"Xin Mei, don"t be like this. Please be my friend." He pleaded. "Last night, He Ye also lectured me that I should treat you like my friend, good friend. So please....."

"Chen Bai, give me some time to think. For now, I am feeling a headache. So can I go?" She pleaded.

"If you are pleading then I will leave you." Chen Bai left her hand and raised his hands in surrender. "See I am a good man. I will listen to you if you talk normally with me."

 Xin Mei glared at him before making her way towards the changing room. She changed her dress and left for her room. She turned on the taps to fill water in the tub. Meanwhile, she washed her face, to remove the makeup.

Once, she had removed makeup from her face, she entered inside the warm water in the tub. A sigh left her mouth when warm water touched her skin.

Today, she had concentrated on acting every hard. She wanted to dominate Chen Bai with her acting but guess, his acting was also strong and he had experience which forced Xin Mei to exert more pressure, to not look weak in front of him.

"Chen Bai, today you were dominating on me. Tomorrow, I will dominate over you with my strong acting." Xin Mei swore to herself with a grin on her lips.

Next day also, a full day was spent on the scenes in between Chen Bai and Xin Mei. They again exerted a lot of pressure which made Xin Mei very tired.

She was so tired that when Su Yuchen called her like usual, she dozed off while talking with him.

"Silly girl, you should not work so hard. I don"t want you to get sick." Su Yuchen murmured against the phone. He hung up the call and looked at the photo of Xin Mei which was his screensaver.

"I am missing you very much. Come back soon." He sighed and looked at his laptop where he was typing an important mail before calling Xin Mei.

"Boss, should I stop at a hotel for the night? Or should we continue our journey to city H?"

"City H, Huang Chu. I want to complete all the deals before the return of Xin Mei."

"Noted boss." Huang Chu nodded his head.

At that time, as usual, Su Yuchen was sitting in the car, traveling to some other city to sign a deal.

From the last five day, for which Xin Mei was gone, he had traveled eight cities. He didn"t have time to stay at home.

He was tired. He wanted to sleep but it was like Xin Mei had taken away his sleep with her.

Next day, Xin Mei again prepared herself for the scenes of the day. Today the scenes were very important and for the first time in the movie, Ruyi was going to lift the sword.

Xin Mei looked at the sword which she was going to lift for the scene. She looked at the sword and then at Chen Bai who wasn"t standing very far away from her.

"What if I beat him using this sword?" she thought, feeling anger towards Chen Bai who had disturbed her sleep early in the morning and Why?

He wanted to see if she was alive or not!

Like really!

This man could never change!

"Xin Mei, take your position." Director Zhang spoke on the microphone.

"Yes, director." She spoke and at the same time, she thought, "Sorry director, today I am going to give a lot of retakes. I am going to beat that Chen Bai for real."

"Action," director Zhang yelled.

Ruyi walked towards the set of swords which was placed in the palace of emperor Jun. Her eyes held curiosity when she looked at them.

She had her one hand placed on her stomach and other was trailing over the swords.

Director Zhang signaled towards Chen Bai. He entered the scene and walked behind Xin Mei.

"You are looking at them as if you know how to lift a sword!" Emperor Jun commented making Ruyi jump.

She looked at Emperor Jun with a nervous smile. "Yes, emperor Jun. I had learned basics of sword fighting from my father before I...…" she trailed off.

"Can you show me your skills?"

Ruyi looked at him with wide eyes before nodding her head. He was her savior and she wouldn"t dare to offend him.

Ruyi lifted the sword and stumbled slightly. A smile left her lips when she gripped upon the sword tightly.

Xin Mei looked at Chen Bai who was looking at her with concentration, completely emerged in his role.

A sly s.h.i.+ne left from her eyes before she started to attack Chen Bai with the sword. She acted like she was unable to handle the sword.

"Ah…Xin Mei…. What are you doing?" Chen Bai yelled her name and tried to dodge her sword.

"Cut, Xin Mei what are you doing?" Director Zhang asked.

"Director, I think I am unable to handle the sword in front of the camera. I am still not familiarized with this sword. Swords at practice were easy to handle," She apologized guiltily and again hit Chen Bai with her sword, directly on his nose.

He moaned with pain and glared at Xin Mei.

"Someone, go to Xin Mei and help her in handling the sword," director ordered.

A crew member rushed to help Xin Mei and at the same time, she dropped the sword on the feet of Chen Bai who yelled loudly in pain.

He fell on the floor and looked at his sore feet. He glared at Xin Mei, well aware this minx was acting.

"Xin Mei, I am not going to leave you." he swore and took a deep breath to control his temper.

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