Zhou Mingyu was pulled away from the makes.h.i.+ft stage by Qian Fan. He knew Zhou Mingyu had already embarra.s.sed herself; he did not want her to do any more damage to her image.

After her, Xin Mei and Chen Bai climbed upon the stage and were greeted by the host who greeted them with a full enthusiasm.

"Mister Chen, how are you? Can we ask you about your experience after working in Hollywood?"

Su Zixin was first asked about the questions of his Hollywood series in which he was cast. The host asked him many questions especially the female host who was a big fan of his.

"Chen Bai, I can see that you are accompanying our beautiful new actress Xin Mei to the award show. Can we say you are pointing toward something?"

"Yes, I am." Chen Bai replied. He pulled Xin Mei more toward himself. "She is my new co-star. I will be acting opposite to her in my next movie."


"Yes, I am acting in movie "Revenge" as emperor Jun."

"Chen Bai?" the female host asked with sadness in her voice. "I have heard that emperor Jun is a secondary role. Don"t you think this role is very small for your standard? I am sure many fans like me would feel sad after knowing that you are playing a small role. This is very heartbreaking for us."

"Then I will like to say to my fans, to not to be sad. They will love my role in film revenge. For me, this role is quite new. Frankly, I was given the role of emperor Kai but he is nothing like emperor Jun. Once the movie is released, please watch it. You all will know the reason I have said yes for the role of emperor Jun."

"Besides, I am lucky to work with this beautiful Xin Mei. She is so great with her acting skills. Finally, I found someone in here whose acting power matches mine."

Chen Bai started to praise Xin Mei; in between, he even flirted with her. Xin Mei looked at him with wide eyes, praying that Su Yuchen would not see this award show.

"Miss Xin, can you share your experience of walking on this red carpet beside the husband of the country, Chen Bai?" the host asked Xin Mei.

"Truthfully, I was very nervous to walk on the red carpet for the first time. Otherwise, I had always entered the award show from the back. However, today, I finally got a chance to walk on red carpet and that too with Chen Bai. I feel really lucky."

Hosts asked many questions to her regarding her experience to work with Chen Bai. They were talking when eyes of male host fell upon the ring in Xin Mei"s finger. He took her hand in his and admired the ring.

"Miss Xin, can I ask from where did you get this ring? My family is in a jewellery business. I can say that this ring is very expensive and antique."

Xin Mei smiled when she heard the host. Without any hesitation, she replied, "This ring belonged to my mother. This ring is in our family from last so many years."

"No doubt it looks so antique." Male host nodded his head.

Xin Mei was asked some more questions before female host asked her the question, which she had asked to Zhou Mingyu.

"Miss Xin, what do you think about managers? Do they play a role in the life of an actor?"

"You are asking me this question? Don"t you know I was once a manger myself?" Xin Mei chuckled. "To answer your question, I feel managers play a very important role in the life of an artist. I think a special award show should be organized for managers. They should be recognized for their skills."

"Look at our Chen Bai. Everyone knew he is a hit only because of his manager Song Zhang. He is the one who had ensured that Chen Bai is always present during the filming or auditions. Look at me, my manger TingTing is working hard to launch me. She is reading so many scripts so I can get a name for myself."

"Look at myself, only I know how hard I had worked to make Zhou Mingyu the best actress today." Xin Mei smirked and looked at Zhou Mingyu. "I still remember I had demonstrated all the scenes of her last movies to her. I had spent so many sleepless nights while studying her script so I can make her act well."

"Stop lying Xin Mei, you never demonstrated a scene to me." Zhou Mingyu, who was not standing far away, spoke with gritted teeth. She forgot that she was standing in a award show, in front of cameras. "Managers don"t play any role in the life of an artist except for their naggings, just like you."

"Is it so? Zhou Mingyu, I still have our chatting where I had sent you numerous videos after acting on the scenes of your movie. So, think before saying anything. You can say that managers do not play any role in the life of an actor but by next year, you will ragret your words. We both know very well that your acting level isn"t of the best actress."

She then looked at the hosts and cameras. She announced proudly. "I, Xin Mei can proudly declare that by next year, Zhou Mingyu is not going to win any best actress award. She had lost her acting career after stabbing me on my back."

The host tried to ask Xin Mei some more question about her declaration and if she really had demonstrated the scenes to Zhou Mingyu but Xin Mei had already stepped down the stage.

"Here our new actress had claimed that she was the success behind our G.o.ddess Zhou Mingyu. Do you all think that Zhou Mingyu couldn"t act well without her manager"s help?"

"Well done Xin Mei. Miss att.i.tude needed to learn her position. What does she think of herself? Her acting is not equal to a kindergarten baby but she treats herself as an acting G.o.ddess. I am sure, from now on, she would not receive any award. Today is the last day of her glory."

Chen Bai chuckled and praised Xin Mei. He looked behind at Zhou Mingyu who was interrogated by the hosts. They were asking her if she had taken the help of her friend before acting in front of the cameras!

"Stop praising me Chen Bai and tell me, are you planning your murder plan?"

"Me, no…why?" he asked innocently.

"Don"t you know Su Yuchen will kill you that you have broken his rules by touching me closely and by flirting with me in front of the cameras?"

"Oh that," Chen Bai chuckled. "Brother will not say anything to me. He does not watch the award shows. Even if he watched then why should I be worried? I am sure he is already sitting in the flight of country C. So Chill!"

Su Zixin chuckled but Xin Mei felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. Did not know why but she felt Su Zixin was in a big trouble!

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