Throughout the time of recovery of Xin Mei, Su Yuchen was always there behind her. Even if Xin Mei protested and even if he had some important meetings at the office.

His responsibility to look after his wife came above everything. She was nearly recovered with cast removed from her hand, but still he looked after her.

"Hubby, you should not abandon your work and office like this for me. You should go to your office. I will be fine without you." Xin Mei informed to Su Yuchen. She tried her best to convince him to go to his office.

"I am not abandoning my company, love. I am working from home. So don"t worry." Su Yuchen replied and laid down Xin Mei on the bed after giving her a shower.

"But hubby…"

"Shhh…don"t protest. Let me do what a husband should do. I want to look after my loving wife. Forget about my company."

Xin Mei tried to protest but Su Yuchen shut her with his glares.

"Xin Mei, let me look after you," he said in an adamant voice.

Xin Mei sighed when she looked at the expression on his face. With a heavy heart, she let him do whatever he wanted, even if she was feeling quite uncomfortable.

She was feeling quite awkward the way Su Yuchen was treating her like a porcelain doll. He was carrying her everywhere, even to the toilets. It was so embarra.s.sing!

He had given her bath as if he was bathing a baby. After giving her bath, he also helped her in wearing her dress and combed her hair. She was protesting but he was nowhere to listen.

His talks were more embarra.s.sing than his actions. Xin Mei wanted to dig deep down on the earth whenever she heard him.

"Wifey, what are you so shy about? I am your husband and I have already seen your full body. Let me bath you."

"Wifey, do you think I only know how to remove your clothes? I also know how to make you wear them."

"Wifey, I love your blackish-brown silky hair. I love it when I pull them to kiss you. I also love to tie them in a braid."

Sometimes, she wanted to slap her head when she heard him. Every time he spoke with so much innocence and every time it would make Xin Mei complete red.

Su Yuchen didn"t lag in anything when taking care of Xin Mei.  He had become a slave to her, always by her side.

He applied antiseptic cream on her wounds with so much tenderness and care. He also applied a bandage on her wound. He had become her nurse.

One evening, when he was applying the cream on her wound, a wince escaped her lips. Su Yuchen also hissed when he saw her wince. Expressions of his face turned sour when he applied the cream on her leg.

From time to time, he was blowing on her wound. It looked as if he was the one who was in pain, not Xin Mei. Even Xin Mei also commented on the same.

"Hubby, it looks as if you are the one who is wounded." Xin Mei chuckled when she saw the expression on the face of Su Yuchen.

"Don"t make fun of my feelings for you. I have given my heart to you so I can feel your pain better than you," he spoke making Xin Mei shut.

She looked at him with wide eyes and blush appeared on her cheeks.

Couldn"t this man use some filter on his mouth?

How could he say such words to her without any nervousness?

Su Yuchen knew Xin Mei would get bored while sitting in her room all the time, so he daily carried her to the garden where they spent some time.

He had also purchased some movies, which they watched daily in their home theatre. Su Yuchen always ensured that she was sitting comfortably on the couch before starting the movie.

In between the movies, he always kept checking upon Xin Mei.

Sometimes, Xin Mei felt irritated with his extra dosage of care but most of the time she found his care cute. His small to big action spoke words that he truly loved her. The worry and concern on his face told her about his true feelings!

Sometimes, Su Yuchen also read a book for her. It wasn"t like Xin Mei couldn"t read the book but Su Yuchen loved it when he read the book to her. He felt closer to her when he read the book for her.

One night, Xin Mei was lying on the bed and he was sitting straight. He was reading a romance novel for his wife. He was in-between an erotic scene.

Xin Mei started to blush when she heard extreme details of intimacy coming out from his mouth. He was speaking with a poker face where Xin Mei was blus.h.i.+ng hard.

Su Yuchen could also see the blush on her face and was smiling from inside. He loved to watch her shy and nervous face.

"Wifey," he paused and looked at Xin Mei. "I was thinking, we haven"t done it from the last nine nights. So, will I get some benefits once you became all fit and fine? I mean I should be given a chance to redeem all the days which I have missed doing it with you."

Xin Mei blushed harder when she heard him. She pulled out a pillow and threw it on his face.

"You shameless man. Can"t you think about something other than lovemaking? Is your brain full of only one thing?" she started to beat Su Yuchen with the pillow. He covered his face with the book, trying to save himself.

"You women, how can you beat your husband like this?" Su Yuchen protested.

"You have given me the permission that as your wife I have full right to beat you." Xin Mei countered back and giggled while attacking him with a pillow.

"You…" Su Yuchen mockingly yelled and took the pillow from her hand. He threw the pillow aside and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to himself.

"Wifey, I have spoilt you very much. Let me punish you," he spoke in teasing voice.

"How, you will make me do it when I am wounded." Xin Mei looked at him with wide eyes.

"Now it"s you who is thinking dirty." Su Yuchen teased. "There are many other ways to punish you."

And with that Su Yuchen started to tickle Xin Mei. She was very ticklish so she started to laugh the moment his fingers touched her sensitive area.

"Hubby, leave me." She shouted while chuckling hard.

"No wifey, I am not going to leave you." Su Yuchen yelled and chuckled with his wife.

In last, both husband and wife ended up making love to one another. They both didn"t know how it happened but the next morning, both woke up nude and in the embrace of one another.

You could say, their pent up hormones from last nine days lead them to make love to one another!

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