"Mister Chen, are you telling us the truth or are you still trying to hide about your relation with Xin Mei by naming it brother and sister relations.h.i.+p?" one of the reporters asked.

The same question was repeated by many other reporters.

"Didn"t I tell you all to not ask me any question?" Su Zixin barked on his microphone. "I will clear everything if you all will keep silence."

Again, silence fell in the small conference room. "If my fans remember correctly, six years back, I have happily announced that I have found a soul sister and Xin Mei is her."

Su Zixin signalled to Song Zhang. He turned on the projector which was attached to the mobile of Su Zixin. Su Zixin opened the screenshot of the same post on his mobile.

"And about me playing video games with Xin Mei, can"t a brother play a video game with his sister? Does two people, of the opposite s.e.x, playing a game for the whole night means that they are a couple?"

Su Zixin opened another screenshot in which a post from three years back could be seen. It was a photo of two consolers with a caption, "Finally, found my gaming partner. Xiao Mei is my sister from another mother."

"As you can see, I have mentioned Xin Mei as my little sister. She was, is and always will be a little sister to me. I hope, I am clear now. And about living together in global residential, it cannot be forgotten that global residency has a total of thirty-three mansions."

"Xin Mei and I live in different mansions. Her family brought one for her in global residency and coincidentally, I also purchased a property in global residency after my apartment got fired up. So, please, stop calling us a couple." Su Zixin stood up from his seat and looked at everyone with a frustrated expression on his face. 

"Xin Mei and I have a pure relations.h.i.+p of brother and sister. Please don"t degrade it by calling us a couple. Xin Mei have someone in her life and I don"t want her personal life to have any problems because of me."

Xin Mei slapped her head when she heard Su Zixin. Here he went again in creating trouble for her. Was there any need for him to announce that she already has someone in her life?

Now, no paparazzi would leg behind in digging about her relation with Su Yuchen.

"Su Zixin, you are a fool when it comes to press conferences."

Su Zixin again hiccupped when Xin Mei cursed him under her breath.

"Xin Mei is my good friend and little sister. I don"t want to lose her because of the stupidity of my fans." Su Zixin became emotional and sighed heavily. "I have already announced that I will leave my fan clubs if any club dared to create rumours about Xin Mei and me, and standing upon my promise...…"

Su Zixin opened his social media account and left all the fan clubs.

"...I leave all the clubs. I don"t want fans who can"t understand the feelings of another person."

Su Zixin bowed and left the small conference hall.

At home, Xin Mei was looking at her television screen with wide eyes. She wanted to thank Su Zixin that he had cleared her name, but she was also angry that he had disclosed her mini secret.

When Su Zixin left the conference room, reporters started to ask questions directed towards their viewers.

"Who do you think is the lover of Xin Mei?"

"Does our new heroine already have a loving boyfriend?"

Xin Mei slapped her head and the next second, she saw Song Zhang on the television screen. He warned the reporters that Su Zixin would stop giving interviews and would stop giving juicy gossips to the reporters if they dared to talk anything about Xin Mei and her private life.

That was enough for the reporters to stop digging about the love life of Xin Mei. They were more interested in getting juicy gossips from Su Zixin than digging up about Xin Mei.

Xin Mei also sighed when she heard Song Zhang. She knew now she could relax with a peaceful mind. She didn"t need to worry about the reporters or fans of Su Zixin.

When Su Zixin returned home, he was greeted by a wide smile on the lips of Xin Mei.

"Su Zixin, today, you have proved your worth to me. I always thought you will remain fool during the press conferences but today, you proved me wrong. Your swag was so different when looking at the reporters." She praised him wholeheartedly.

"Thank you, Xiao Mei. I have spent two days thinking about what I will say and what I will not say during the press conference."

"Really?" she looked at him with wide eyes.

"Yup. You know my experience at the press conference and I didn"t want to create any blunder with your career so…." He scratched the back of his neck.

He had thought many times before deciding that he was ready for the press conference.

"Awe, thank you so much Su Zixin. I never thought you will be so generous towards me." Xin Mei teased and grinned widely.

"Xiao Mei, stop teasing me. Otherwise, I will post on my web account that you had forced me to give a statement that you are my little sister." Su Zixin faked anger and Xin Mei chuckled.

Both walked towards the dining table where Xin Mei served special thanks dinner to Su Zixin. She was happy that rumours that she was in an ugly relations.h.i.+p with Chen Bai were finally over.

After the press conference of Su Zixin, his fans were left in complete shock. They were shocked that Chen Bai had left their clubs. They knew they had angered him very much.

To mollify their idol, his fans quickly got all the articles regarding him and Xin Mei removed from the social media accounts. They also asked forgiveness from Chen Bai and pleaded him to join back their clubs.

The result was that the next day when Xin Mei and Su Zixin visited the Heritage, the office of Song Zhang was filled with many gifts that were sent to Chen Bai from his fans.

"I think you should forgive your fans." Xin Mei also felt sad for his fans. They were very loyal to him.

"I am not forgiving them. Especially not after getting so many gifts." He winked and grinned. "Let them try to mollify me for some more time. That way, I will get some more gifts."

Xin Mei shook her head when she heard him. His childlike nature was never going to change.

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