
Xin Mei woke up with a loud yell. Her face was covered with sweat and her body was s.h.i.+vering with fear. She took a deep breath and placed her hand on her forehead.

"This was all a dream. This was all a dream. Su Yuchen is all fine. You just saw a dream." She tried to console herself where her heart was beating very fast. Her breathing was also raged.

She had just seen a dream where Su Yuchen got into an accident on a quite road.

Xin Mei calmed herself down and picked up her mobile. She was about to dial the number of Su Yuchen when she realized that it was very late. He must be asleep. So instead, she dialled the number of Huang Chu.

"Missus," Huang Chu picked up the call after multiple rings. "You called me so late at night, is everything alright?"

Thou, Huang Chu was disturbed from his sleep but still, he sounded alert and active.

"Everything is alright. You tell me where is Yuchen?" Her breathing was shallow. Her heart was beating fast.

"Boss is sleeping in his room. Do you want me to wake him up?"

Xin Mei sighed when she heard that he was asleep in his room. What she saw was a bad dream? Her worst imagination!

"Huang Chu, can you please check if he is really in his room, without disturbing his sleep?"

Huang Chu caught that something was wrong in her voice. So, he obeyed her without any further order. He silently walked towards the room of Su Yuchen. Because he always kept the spare keys to the room of Su Yuchen, it wasn"t hard for him to confirm that Su Yuchen was in his room or not.

"Missus, boss is in his room. He is sleeping soundly. Do you want something else?"

"No, I don"t need anything else. Huang Chu, thanks for picking up my call and I am sorry to disturb your sleep."

"No worries missus. I must serve you twenty-four by seven."

Xin Mei hung up the call and took deep breathes in relief. She placed her hand over her heart to calm it down. "All is well. All is well. Our Yuchen is all well."

She felt suffocated, so she walked out of her room and into the garden. She sat on the step of the porch and started to look at the dark sky which was filled with so many stars.

She took a deep breath, inhaling the natural fragrance. She was feeling much calmer after coming outside in the garden.

"I miss you." Feeling emotional, she sent a message to him. So, he could see it whenever he woke up.

Out of her imagination, within two minutes, she received a call from Su Yuchen.

"Yuchen." She breathed over the phone. "I am sorry, I disturbed your sleep."

"Nah, you didn"t disturb my sleep. My sleep already got disturbed when Huang Chu entered my room to check if I was asleep or not."

Xin Mei smiled guiltily when she heard him.

"Again, I am sorry."

"What happened? Again, a bad dream?" He asked in a soft and warm voice.

"Hmmm." She hummed and plucked the gra.s.s from the garden and started to play with it.

"Mei, I have told you to not worry about me." He rebuked. "I have many people to look after me. Huang Chu is beside me like my shadow all the time. So, don"t worry."

"How can I not worry?" she pouted. "I am still young, and I don"t want to become a widow at such a young age."

Su Yuchen chuckled when he heard her. "Oh, Mei, I can"t wait to meet you after three days and kiss your lips."

"Three days? Really?" Her eyes became bright when she heard him.

"I can"t say for sure but yeah three days. Most of the work here is already tied up. Now I only have to inspect on some small matters."

"Oh, that"s a good news Yuchen. I can"t wait for your return. I promise to come to receive you at the airport."

"No need Mei. I don"t want us to get caught together."

"You don"t worry about that." She grinned. "I will wear a proper disguise. No one will be able to recognize me."

Su Yuchen chuckled at her enthusiasm to pick him up. "Ok, as you wish Mei. I will wait for you at the airport."

"Yuchen," all of a sudden, her voice turned dim. She twisted the gra.s.s in her hand and looked up in the sky.

"What Mei?"

"Yuchen, I wish to leave film industry."

"Why so?" there was a shock in his voice. Su Yuchen sat straight on his bed and s.h.i.+fted his mobile to another ear.

"Yuchen, I don"t want our marriage to be a secret anymore. I openly want to go everywhere with you. I want to become your shadow."

"But what if I say no for your thinking?" she heard the serious voice of Su Yuchen. "Mei, I know acting was always your dream and I want you to fulfil the same. I don"t want you to leave your dream for me. I want to see you reaching the peaks of success. I want to be your proud husband. I want to be recognized as the husband of superstar Xin Mei."

Xin Mei smiled when she heard him.

"Yuchen, you know very well how to change my decision, don"t you?" she teased.

"Mei, I am not a great businessperson for no reason. I know how to change the decisions of others."

Xin Mei chuckled when she heard him. She was feeling very calm and relaxed after hearing to him.

They talked for some time when Xin Mei sneezed due to the cold wind.

"Mei, did you catch a cold?" Su Yuchen asked with concern.

"I didn"t catch a cold." She denied. "I am sitting in the garden that"s why I sneezed."

"What is this Mei? How can you sit in the garden in this cold weather at this hour?" he scolded her gently. "Return to your room right now."

"Ok boss." Xin Mei chuckled and stood up from the step. She made her way back to her room. Her phone was still stuck to her ears.

Xin Mei and Su Yuchen talked for some time before ending the call, to let one another get their share of sleep.

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