Xin Mei rested for one more week before she was ready to walk on the path of her revenge. She had only signed some contracts otherwise she was free and she wanted to use that free time to finish Zhou Mingyu.

Now nothing was stopping her!

"Chen, do you remember my plan to defeat Zhou Mingyu?" Xin Mei looked at Su Yuchen with revenge in her eyes. "It"s time that we start taking our revenge."

"I remember Mei and I also remember my words that I will help you." Su Yuchen lovingly combed her hairs that were coming on her face. 

"Then I need your help, right now." She declared. "You remember the list of names which I have given to you. I want you to---" --search about them. Words of Xin Mei got stuck in her throat because before she could complete, Su Yuchen left the room.

"How can he left the room without listening to me?" Xin Mei pouted and looked at his figure which left the room. "Why did he say that he will help me if he doesn"t want to do the same?" 

Xin Mei huffed loudly and covered her face with the blanket.

The blanket was removed from her face when Su Yuchen returned to the room. "Here." He pocked a file in her direction.

"What is this?"

"The data which you need."

Eyes of Xin Mei became wide. With a jump, she stood up from the bed and was now sitting on it. She s.n.a.t.c.hed the file from his hand and opened it. Her eyes went wider when she saw all the needed, detailed data.

"You are very great." Voice of Xin Mei was full of shock. "I didn"t ask you to find the data but you have already done it and this is…."

Xin Mei felt at the loss of words when she saw the well-presented data. She was aware that she would not be able to collect the data, in the way Su Yuchen had collected it.

"When? How?"

"I knew you will need my help. So, I have already asked Peter to start investigating all the names which you have given to me." He smirked with darkness in his eyes.

A smile spread on the lips of Xin Mei as she looked at the data in the file. This was what she needed. She needed this data to end Zhou Mingyu.

"Can I have a soft file of all this date?"

"Already sent to your mail."

Xin Mei quickly pulled out her mobile and smiled when she saw all the data in an mail. She forwarded the same mail of Gu Nan and then called her.

"NanNan, I have sent you a scoop. I know you know how to use it."

"Don"t tell me that you have sent me some data to expose that b****."

"You are right." Xin Mei smirked and evilness flashed in her eyes.

"Leave that to me, MeiMei. By tomorrow, everyone will be slandering her. She would lose the last ounce of her fans and fame."

And with that, Xin Mei hung up on the call. Su Yuchen wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close.

"Soon we will end the families who dared to cheat you, my innocent wife."

The next day started the doom of Zhou Mingyu. One by one, all the actress or girls who were bullied by Zhou Mingyu came out. They started to expose the crime of Zhou Mingyu which she had done with them.

First one to came out was a veteran actor, Ah Cy. She was an actress with a career of thirty years. She had played the role of Zhou Mingyu"s mother in one of her beginning movie. 

When playing the role, Ah Cy was more famous than Zhou Mingyu. She used to receive gifts from her fans and praises from the director. Zhou Mingyu felt so envious of her that she had planned an accident due to which Ah Cy fell down from the stairs and lost her right leg.

Zhou Mingyu had done her work so sneakily that no one, including Ah Cy, did not know that it was not an accidental slip but a plan. Xin Mei also did not know about it. She only got an idea that maybe Zhou Mingyu was behind this accident after getting cheated by her.

It was Su Yuchen who had found the evidence against Zhou Mingyu. He sent the evidence at the address of Ah Cy. She came out with that evidence and posted a heart-wrenching post on her social media account.

She was a single parent and after losing her leg, she lost the source of her income. She was suffering.

When old fans of Ah Cy saw her post, they went against Zhou Mingyu. They started to ask justice for their Ah Cy.

Soon another actress also came out. Once this actress was badly slandered by the fans of Zhou Mingyu, she was called various names and was attacked by the fans of Zhou Mingyu. She was forced to leave the film industry. 

One actress was pushed in the deep swimming pool by Zhou Mingyu even when she had made it clear that she was phobic of water.

Also, many cla.s.smates of Zhou Mingyu came out. They spoke their sad stories about how badly Zhou Mingyu had bullied them.

"I still remember, there was a fas.h.i.+on show at our school. I was winning from Zhou Mingyu with a good margin. Zhou Mingyu felt envious of me and had my dress burned so she could win the first prize."

"I had a school crush and I was planning to confess my feelings to him. I told everything to Zhou Mingyu and the next day, when I was about to confess to him, I found Zhou Mingyu kissing him."

Many such cases came out like this. Many of them were the truth and most of them were lies. It was not easy for Su Yuchen to find all the proves against Zhou Mingyu. So, he decided to forge many evidences.

The citizens were not aware of this. They only knew that Zhou Mingyu was evil and they started to demand to blacklist  Zhou Mingyu. They wanted Zhou Mingyu to get jailed for a lifetime.

Some also demanded Zhou Mingyu to get hanged for doing so many evil deeds.

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