"If you don"t mind I will like to take miss Xin with me for a dance."

Before Xin Mei could say anything, Su Yuchen was already pulling her toward the dance floor. 

Xin Mei looked at him and shook her head. By now, she was aware of his possessiveness and jealous nature.

"They are just like my brothers to me." Xin Mei clarified the moment they were on the dance floor and the arms of Su Yuchen were around her. She looked around at the dance floor and felt glad that they were not the only couple dancing.

"You didn"t need to pull me like that. Now again everyone will start gossiping about us."

"I don"t care. What I care is that I can"t see my wife laughing with some other male." He commented with possessiveness and Xin Mei rolled her eyes.

She took a deep breath, aware that by tomorrow they both were again going to be the headline. She did not know how everyone was going to slander their relations.h.i.+p the next time.

Su Yuchen and Xin Mei did not dance for long because Xin Jin asked for a dance with Xin Mei. He wanted to have a dance with his daughter. Besides, he could already hear how many guests were already speculating about the relations.h.i.+p of Xin Mei and Su Yuchen.

"Xiao Mei, when are you planning to go public with your marriage?" Xin Jin asked Xin Mei.

"You don"t know but nearly every guest is saying a word or two about you. They want to know what your actual relation with Su Yuchen is!"

"I want to announce my relations.h.i.+p with him, father." Xin Mei sighed. "But I am afraid. I am afraid of the slanders and hatred which I will face. Last time when Su Yuchen and I were spotted together, many dirty comments like gold digger were thrown in my way and I don"t want that."

Xin Jin sighed and nodded his head.

"Besides, Su Yuchen and I are happy by keeping our relations.h.i.+p hidden from the vary eyes of the citizens. That way, we can enjoy our privacy. I like the way in which we are keeping our relations.h.i.+p a secret. I guess Su Yuchen also likes it."

Xin Jin nodded his head when he heard her before giving Xin Mei to Xin Yan who also wanted a dance with his sister.

One after another, Xin Mei danced with every male of her family. Her cousins with whom she had not met in a long time danced with her. This was not liked by Su Yuchen but he gulped down his jealousy reminding himself that they were the cousins of Xin Mei.

"Granny, meet him. He is Su Yuchen. My husband."

After the party, Xin Mei took Su Yuchen toward the room where her grandmother was staying. She happily wrapped her arms around him and stood beside him.

"Su Yuchen? Are you by any chance grandson of Bai Yue." The old lady, Xia Bei smiled when she saw Su Yuchen nodding his head. "w.a.n.g Fu had told me about Bai Yue and you. I am glad that her wish came true."

The old lady patted on her bed and asked both Xin Mei and Su Yuchen to take their seats beside her.

"So, tell me, do you love my Xiao Mei?" 

Xia Bei looked at the face of Su Yuchen and his eyes. She looked at his expression waiting for his answer. She wanted to know what he would be saying would be true or not.

"I love her very much."

Xia Bei smiled brightly when her eyes caught the love in his eyes.

"I am happy to hear that." With trembling hand, she took a hold of the hand of Su Yuchen. "Xiao Mei is very precious to me and I hope you will always treasure her. I hope you will always love her this way, in every condition."

"I will always love her grandma, till my last breath."

Xia Bei felt calm at her heart when she heard the words of Su Yuchen. She hoped that Su Yuchen would always love her this way, even when a secret would be disclosed in front of him.

Su Yuchen and Xin Mei left the Xin mansion after spending some time with Xia Bei. They also gave their blessings to the newly engaged couple. Su Yuchen also ensured Xin Yan that he would be there to help in with all the marriage related preparations.

Once they arrived at glory residence, their mansion, Su Yuchen who was feeling all reeled up after looking at Xin Mei, carried her in his arms and took her to his room.

There he melted Xin Mei with his warmth and love.

Back to Xin Mansion

Xin Jin walked towards the room where Xia Bei was staying for the time being. He entered the room and took his seat beside her.

"Mother, how are you feeling now?"

"I am all good, especially after meeting the husband of Xiao Mei. Tell me something more about him." Xia Bei placed her hand on his arm and looked at him with pleading eyes. "Does he treat her properly? Is he true or is he also acting as her first lover?"

"I can a.s.sure you Su Yuchen is very true and is a very kind-hearted man. He is the best husband that our Xiao Mei can have. I have seen the way he treats her. He treats her like his queen. He loves her very much." Xin Jin spoke in a way to a.s.sure the old lady.

"Does he know the secret?"

"No, he doesn"t." Xin Jin sighed. "And I don"t plan to tell the same to him. This truth will die with us."

"But I think he deserves to know the truth. I don"t want our Xiao Mei to suffer in future if this secret comes on the surface unexpectedly." She looked at him with a desperate expression on his face.

"This truth will never be revealed." He said strictly. "Mother, you should sleep now. You must be tired of the journey and party."

 Xin Jin covered her with the blanket. He switched off the lights and left her room, towards his room.

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