Su Yuchen had just arrived at his office when he received a call from an unknown number. He ignored the call at the first ring but then again, he received the call from the said unknown number.

He sighed and picked up the call, thinking it to be a business related call.

"Bro Chen."

He groaned with displeasure when he heard the voice of Song Daiyu.

"Don"t hang up the call please." She pleaded before he could hang up the call. "I know you are angry at me and I deserve your anger. I was foolish to do so many crimes. I had lost my mental when I tried to murder Xin Mei and did all the other crimes. Please forgive me."

"Song Daiyu, I don"t know what to say." Su Yuchen sighed when he noticed that Song Daiyu was about to cry for forgiveness. "I had put my faith in you. I never trusted anyone who was against you, later to realize that you are the one who was wrong all along."

"Song Daiyu, you have broken my trust. You have given me pain by planning the murder attempt of my wife. I can never forgive you for that."

"I know my crime is unforgivable but please. You have a very big heart; can you not forgive me? I promise I have changed, now I no longer have any ill intention towards you or Xin Mei."

She sobbed. "Bro Chen, day after tomorrow, father and I are leaving to county U. We are s.h.i.+fting to country U for forever. We will never be coming back. In country U, I will be starting a new life, but before starting a new life, I want to get your forgiveness. I will be out of your life for forever but before that, can I meet you for the very last time? Please? For the sake of our old days?"

Su Yuchen felt bad when he heard her sob. He remembered his youth days where he had promised himself that he would never let any tear flow from her eyes. He could remember how Song Daiyu used to remove his tears.

"Please, bro Chen, can you meet with me? I have also invited Su Zixin. We can visit the lake house and get drunk like our teenage days. Before leaving, for once, I want to reminisce about our old days. I want to spend my time with you and Su Zixin."

Song Daiyu did her best act to persuade Su Yuchen to meet her. She knew the old time which they had spent as teens had an important place in the heart of Su Yuchen.

"I will see if I have some time to meet you or not."

"But what about my forgiveness?" Song Daiyu spoke with desperation in her voice.

"We will also see about that."

And with that said, Su Yuchen hung up the call. His mind was debating whether to forgive Song Daiyu or not.

If she was changed then she deserved his forgiveness. He did not want to send her off at bitter terms. But what if she was acting? His mind was full of doubts.

He sighed and looked at his laptop. He tried to focus on the presentation but again and again, he was recalling his days which he had spent in the company of Song Daiyu.

He shook his head and called the guards who were looking after Song Daiyu. He decided to take a report from them if Song Daiyu was changed or not. Was she leaving country U?

"Boss, as far as we know, Miss Song has changed. She is actively partic.i.p.ating in her family business. She also seems interested in the secede master of the Ling family. And about the s.h.i.+ft, yes, Mister Song is transferring his everything to country U. I don"t think he plans to return to country A anytime soon. He has already sold most of his properties here in country A."

After getting the report, Su Yuchen felt satisfied. He decided to meet Song Daiyu and give her the farewell which she deserved as his friend.

"Meet me at our lake house at seven in the evening." He messaged to Song Daiyu.

"Bro Chen, thank you for agreeing to meet me. I will wait for you at the lake house and don"t worry about Su Zixin, I have already called and persuaded him." He immediately received a reply from Song Daiyu.

Su Yuchen leaned against his chair, thinking if his decision to meet Song Daiyu was right or not.

In the evening, when Su Yuchen came out in the parking, he was surprised to see Song Daiyu waiting for him in the parking. He was surprised to see the changes in her. She was not wearing any makeup or short dress.

"Bro Chen, I thought why not I give you a ride to lake house like old days! I offered the same to Su Zixin but he is already halfway towards the lake house."

"Ok." Su Yuchen nodded to her. Meanwhile, he signalled to his guards to follow after them.

He may have decided to meet her and spend some time with her. But he still could not forget how she had hidden her love for him from so long.

So, as a precaution, he was taking a team of guards with himself. They would be keeping an eye on him.

"I guess, you still doubt me." Song Daiyu forced a smile on her lips and looked around at the guards.

"Trust once broken cannot be regained very easily." Su Yuchen pointed out and took his seat on the shotgun seat of her car.

Song Daiyu also entered the car and started to drive towards the lake house. She started a random conversation with Su Yuchen.

"Bro Chen, I cannot believe I was such a fool to think that my feelings towards you were that of love." Song Daiyu chuckled to herself. "After meeting Ling Ming, I realized what true love is. Now I know what you truly feel for Xin Mei."

While talking with him, Song Daiyu increased car speed. Her eyes were fixed on the cars of the guards of Su Yuchen. Her motto was to leave them behind.

"Bro Chen." Song Daiyu looked at Su Yuchen who was now looking out of the window. A smirk appeared on her lips. She quickly pulled out the injection from her pocket.

"I am sorry Bro Chen."

Su Yuchen frowned when he heard her words. Before he could comprehend the meaning behind her words, he felt a pain in his neck and looked at Song Daiyu who had stabbed the injection in his neck.

Betrayal was what Su Yuchen felt at that very moment. He felt foolish that he had again trusted on her. He wanted to curse. He wanted to yell at himself for coming out with Song Daiyu.

"I love you Bro Chen and no one can separate us." She spoke and watched as Su Yuchen became unconscious on his seat.

Song Daiyu quickly removed the stray tear from her face which had spilled out after seeing the pain on the face of Su Yuchen.

"Bear this pain for sometime Bro Chen. Then everything will get alright."

Song Daiyu looked at the cars following after them from the rear view mirror. A sinister smile appeared on her lips and she sent a message to the stranger and increased the car speed.

She watched with a triumph smile when many cars arranged by that stranger came on the road, blocking the way of the guards of Su Yuchen.

In the meantime, she drove her car at a very fast speed, changing the roads, going out from the radar of the guards of Su Yuchen.


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