Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 39 – Autonomy (Start)

Chapter 39 – Autonomy (Start)

The next day after returning to the town, the sky over Ricca town was once again filled with snowflakes. Rumont was standing at the window in a room on the 2nd floor. Quite interested in the moment and appreciating the snowscape.

Although this was already the 5th time that Ricca town had welcomed snow this year, it could also be the final snow of spring. However, Rumont’s interest today was still quite high. Taking a roast duck from within his spatial region, a bottle of Maotai1, Rumont ate and drank amidst the snowscape.

Able to officially become a Rank 2 Druid, in regards to his lifestyle, it could be said to have changed enormously for the first time. The disparity between Rank 1 and Rank 2, was only a difference of 1 and 2. Yet the fact of the matter was that wishing to cross over was an absolute difficulty.

Not only for a Druid, even if it was the other professions it was also like this. Every Rank that was advanced was absolutely not an easy affair (apart from a Warrior which was slightly more yielding). Each advancement would also at the same time represent an advancement in status.

In fact, when Rumont attained Rank 1 as a Druid, he ought to have been considered as a professional. After all, he already gone to the Adventurers Guild and undergone the registration, his status also got verified.

However, because of his debt, even till now he still wasn’t considered autonomous. As one without autonomy, they couldn’t be a professional. This was the matter that was always causing complications for him.

As for now, his debt was already completely cleared. Wanting to obtain the status of autonomy, as well as his professional status, it would both be immediately be recognized in advance by the Lord.

With this status, even if Tax Officer Barcus and others wanted to again makes things difficult for him, it would no longer be an easy matter.

Dredging up the moment of the Tax Officer Barcus’ and that Priest’s expression of astonishment and disbelief, when they saw his Rank 2 symbol, the corner of his mouth would jerk in an upward direction.

Yeah, who would have thought that the one who was abandoned by their teacher, a kid without whatsoever background connections, would have been able to with their own capability advance themselves so quickly? They definitely wouldn’t have thought of it right?

Ruthlessly biting into the roast duck, Rumont began to calculate about whether he could easily obtain his autonomy status.

Also at the same time, within the Baron’s castle not too far away from Ricca town, a middle-aged person whose body was slightly overweight, was currently sitting within a warm room, casually browsing through an accounting book.

“Guess who I am?” a small pair of warm and smooth hands suddenly attacked his eyes.

The middle-aged man said indulgently: “let me take a guess&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;mm, is it my little girlie, am I right ah?”

“Father, you’ve guessed it right again!” the girl possessing the countenance of an angel pouted her mouth, coquettishly removing her hands and coming out from behind.

“Eleni, shouldn’t you be reading at this time? Why have you run to your father here?” The middle-aged man, who was Ricca town’s territorial Baron Lord, asked inquisitively.

Eleni faintly smiled while handing over a coil of leather to her father.

The Lord Baron curiously opened it and after scanning through, knew that it was the information of the individual, Rumont.

“Rumont? He’s already reached Rank 2 as a Druid?” seeing this, even the Lord Baron was astonished at the person’s innate skill.

“That’s right father, furthermore, all the debts he owes has already been cleared. I think that we should grant him his autonomy status right?” Eleni proposed.

“Is that so? Then it’ll be granted.” in regards to this daughter of his, the Lord Baron utterly doted on her, furthermore, granting autonomy status to someone that had already attained the acknowledgement of their profession, was merely a simple and justifiable matter.

“Thank you father.” Eleni faintly smiled while hugging her father, kissing his loving expression.

“It’s already the 3rd day, I don’t know whether Miss Eleni has informed the Lord Baron of my situation, I don’t know what the situation is like&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” within a room on the 2nd floor of Mort’s Inn, Rumont at this time was currently awaiting anxiously.

The initial excitement had pretty much all faded away with the pa.s.sage of time, instead he was now waiting in torment.

Rumont clearly understood that the status of autonomy had a significant amount of importance for him. Different to regional boundaries on Earth, on this world, as long as one obtained the status of autonomy, and so long as they didn’t leave the country, they could live freely within any area in the country. So long as one showed their proof of autonomy, as well as handled the formalities of registering their names, it would do.

If he wished to continue living even better, then it was necessary to strive to make oneself stronger, striving to improve one’s own status. As for one that didn’t even possess autonomy, they would not have the qualifications nor the above-mentioned.

He needed to become more formidable. As for this autonomy status, it was his first step in becoming stronger.

Freedom. This matter that practically didn’t need considering in his previous life. In this world, it was frequently threatening him. Without the autonomy status, even if he obtained the proof as a Rank 2 Druid, he would still encounter a lot of inconveniences. Only if he became a Rank 5 Druid, would he automatically obtain the whole continent’s pa.s.s of autonomy privileges.

Yet currently, without the autonomy status, he also did not have enough power. A couple of years into the future, innumerable amounts of inconveniences could occur baselessly. The biggest annoyance was that he would have no way of freely going to places he wanted to go to. In regards to a Druid that required going through a continuous search of new varieties of plants to increase his own strength; the influence it had on future advancements in Ranks was practically fatal.

Thinking of the antagonism to him by the Priest and the Tax Officer, Rumont’s sense of danger was unprecedentedly intense.

“Rumont!” amidsts his wild imaginations, someone suddenly yelled out his name downstairs.

“Coming.” Rumont roused himself and promptly tidying up his clothes, he exited out of his room.

“Rumont, the Shrine just sent someone over, telling you to take a trip there.” knowing that Rumont had already become a Rank 2 Druid, and although Mort addressed him like this because Rumont insisted on not changing it, in approach it was already comparatively more cordial. Seeing him come down the staircase, he promptly pa.s.sed onto him the message.

“Did they say who was looking for me?” Rumont went down and asked.

“It’s Miss Eleni!” Mort rubbed his hands and said.

Rumont immediately understood that the matter must be about his autonomy status. He reluctantly stayed to finish listening to Mort, before saying thanks and rushing out.

Practically running to the exterior of the Shrine, only when at the moment he wanted to enter, did Rumont come to a halt.

“Can’t allow anyone to find a fault&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” Rumont knew it was more so at this moment, knowing he needed to be more calm. He relieved some of his nervous feelings, before once again examining his clothes as to whether it was tidy and without filth. Once everything was ready, he strolled on in.

“Rumont, you’ve arrived.” Eleni wore from head to toe a Priest’s adornment; because of the persuasion of a Priest. The clothes looked thin, not at all afraid of the cold climate. At this moment, she was in front of the Shrine’s garden admiring the as before splendid blossoming flowers; that was protected by the divine spell. Seeing Rumont enter, she immediately gave a smile as she turned around.

“Miss Eleni, sorry to keep you waiting.” Rumont had right away returned a brilliant smile.

Being momentarily influenced by Rumont’s smile, Eleni smiled with an increasing happiness.

“Do you know why I called for you yet?” Eleni laughed, surprisingly keeping the suspense.

Or perhaps at this time, even herself was not consciously aware, she unexpectedly made an exception in displaying her lively and mischievous side in front of another.

“This&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” Rumont was stunned by the other person’s sudden cute blossoming smile, somewhat at a loss for words for a while.

It wasn’t until this moment when Miss Eleni was aware of her gaffe, she was feeling a bit upset inside. Simultaneously, she brought out a doc.u.ment within her bosom, directly handing it over to Rumont: “for you, from this moment on, you’ve got your autonomy and you’re no longer restricted, a nationwide pa.s.s, able to carry out commerce and travelling. You can enjoy all the legal privileges!”

The doc.u.ment was out of sheepskin, marked with his full name, gender, occupation, as well as the presiding Feudal Lord’s signature.

“With this doc.u.ment, you can then file it away at the Adventurers Guild, furthermore, new information can then be entered into the Adventurer Guild’s card, this way you don’t have to always take out the original.” Miss Eleni being more familiar, informed him.

Rumont nodded, taking out the Adventurer’s card to attentively look at it, he found that the Adventurer’s card was indeed similar to his former ident.i.ty card.

Anyway, Rumont was quite clear that this Adventurer’s card was installed with the capability of evaluation. Furthermore in this world, inspecting one’s ident.i.ty credentials also had a lot of specialized magic apparatuses. Under comparison, it was actually harder to fake these credentials than on Earth; at least before Rank 5 it was impossible. As a result, that was why he needed to obtain his autonomy status.

“Many thanks Miss Eleni, this time it’s all thanks to you.” Rumont gave her a look, while earnestly putting the doc.u.ment and token away. Afterwards, he gave thanks towards Miss Eleni.

“No need for thanks.” Miss Eleni faintly smiled. “Oh right, I almost forget this.” appearing to have thought of something, Miss Eleni suddenly took out another roll of leather, neither looking at it and directly handed it over to Rumont. “Take a look at what it is?”

There was still something else? Rumont received the leather parchment, opened it out, and looked at for a few glances. His face displayed a pleasantly surprised expression. “This is&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;”

“This is the permit for opening up a store within Ricca town, knowing that you wanted a store, might as well just give it to you all at once. Hopefully it’ll be of a.s.sistance to you.” Miss Eleni once again gave another faint smile.

Ha, this was simply like speaking of the devil2. Rumont at this moment really wished to embraced her, and give a kiss. However, he still endured it, only his manner was even more joyous: “I’m really too grateful for this Miss Eleni, you really are an angel!” once these praising words were said, her face immediately turn red.

“Actually, you don’t have to be too thankful to me ah, it was no trouble on my part. Even more so, you and his confrontations, it’s also because of me, thus&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;you don’t have to be so thankful to me.” Miss Eleni’s face was red once again as she discussed abruptly. Afterwards, she gave a mischievous smile. “In short, you have to run your store well okay, don’t let a one time setback make you cower.”

Rumont busily nodded, seeing her turn around to leave, he still stood at his former location for a good while in a reverie. How did Miss Eleni surprisingly know about it? She actually knows about it?

She too was an intelligent person. After being aware of the Priest’s hostility to him, how would she not figure out the underlying cause!

Like this, the angelic like girl, he feared that under the silent and graceful appearance, it still contained a type of wisdom with a staunch clever mind?

Rumont thought inwardly.

“Right, tomorrow at midday, the Shrine will conduct a small banquet in celebrating your obtainment of autonomy status and as a Rank 2 Druid, by all means don’t be late okay.”

A crisp pleasing voice arrived, carried over by the breeze. Rumont raised his head and looked over, and saw Eleni’s sweet smile amidst the hundreds of flowers, waving towards him, before then leaving swiftly. He watched in a daze for a good moment before he recovered. Afterwards, he confirmed the two proofs and left the Shrine excitedly.

Meanwhile, from within a corner that Rumont couldn’t see, a young Priest’s fingernails pieced into flesh.

“Rumont&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” he said this name out in a low voice.


Original author note: it’s embarra.s.sing, but I’ve amended the t.i.tle.

Chapter 40 – Autonomy (End)

The news of Rumont obtaining his autonomy status, before he even returned, had already spread rapidly to the entire town of Ricca.

A youth whose age was still considered young, yet already pa.s.sed through to Rank 2 as a Druid, whether or not he obtained autonomy status was no longer everyone’s main concern.

It was because Rumont obtaining his autonomy status, as everyone saw it, was as it should be. It was rightly and justly deserved. The real leading cause for everyone’s interest, was pertaining to the fact of Rumont opening up a drugstore. This piece of news rapidly spread through the townsfolk and amongst the Adventurers of Ricca town; as if it had grown a large pair of wings.

When Rumont had finally returned to Mort’s Inn, it had already gathered quite a few people he recognized. Adventurers that he had treated before, as well as members of the caravan group that had taken him to the small city, it even had residents of the town whom he originally had an alright relationship with, but had ended drifting apart from.

“Rumont, congratulations to you!” was said to him first by the caravan boss Banner, as soon as he saw him enter, his fat face full of smiles. “I heard you’re opening a drugstore, is that true?”

Seeing that the others were looking at himself with warm welcome, Rumont laughed faintly: “that’s right, I’ve already gotten a store proof of permit.”

Saying this, he took out the proof out, flashing it out to everyone.

Cheering was sounded shortly within the inn. As far as the residents of a small remote town was concerned, the medicines from the Shrine, the majority of it was transported to the cities by Priest Dennis to acquire some profits.

This point, even Apothecarist Anson had no way of dealing with it. After all, he was a subordinate of the Shrine.

As for Jeff, he never did anything about this.

The pain of not having a drugstore was honestly, really too intense. Even though there were residents that didn’t need to go out adventuring, who would never have any headaches or fevers before. If they went to the Priest for a treatment for every little injury and ailment, the expensive pricing wasn’t really something ordinary people could bear with. But not treating it was also hard to bear with, heading to the city to purchase was a long arduous journey. Yet now, it was great!

Having a Druid responsible for a drugstore would put their minds at ease when buying medicines. Rumont’s method of business had always been fair, and wasn’t greedy for everyone’s money. Therefore, once they heard the news was real, everyone was in a happy mood.

The atmosphere within Mort’s Inn had reached the climax, even the Adventurers that usually didn’t speak with Rumont congratulated him, and also inquired about the matter of the drugstore.

They were completely different to the townsfolk that sometimes needed medicines. They were people that danced on a blade’s edge, practically sustaining injuries daily. Although currently a majority of those that came to Ricca town brought over their own medicines. Yet firstly, it wasn’t possible to bring a large amount, secondly was that in recent times they had frequently overused it. Therefore, quite a few people had already planned on going back to the city to replenish their stocks. And yet if Rumont was able to open up his drugstore, the first group of people that benefitted would have been the Adventurers. As a result, they were even more cheerful than the townsfolk.

“Rumont, you don’t know right, that the medicines in the cities are much more costly!” a certain Adventurer said with feeling. “Furthermore, buying medicines each time would require the travel of a long road, during winter it’s a really big inconvenience!”

“That’s right, that’s right!” the other Adventurers also parroted.

Rumont immediately followed up in saying: “the medicines that I have are made by my own hands, therefore, I’m hoping to earn a little bit of money. But you can relax, the medicines here will absolutely be cheaper than the cities.”

Receiving their desiring answer, the crowds of Adventurers were greatly jubilant. And after speaking with everyone for a bit, Rumont made an excuse of needing to prepare for the store and headed up the stairs.

Returning back to his room and shutting the door well, Rumont fiercely threw his body onto the large springy bed. Until this moment, the weight that was always hanging in his heart had finally lifted for real.

“I’m finally free hah.” although, he understood that this proof wouldn’t have any too considerable use, not at least until he himself had gotten stronger.

At last however, he no longer needed to worry about his status. Continuing on, so long as he strived to earn money conventionally, strived to increase his power, and as far he was concerned even if there were to be difficulties, his future was still increasingly promising.

Only, would those two people permit him like this? Two insincerely smiling faces floated into Rumont’s mind, the corner of his mouth jerked, the pleasant feeling inside promptly dropped by half.

“Currently, it’s still not the time for me to loosen up&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;the menaces are still here!” he softly spoke to himself. Rumont naturally laid on the bed top in facing the ceiling, it was hard to make out whether his expression was indignant or hatred; there was only a cold intent.

Time pa.s.sed quite quickly. In a flash, it was noon of the next day. Remembering Miss Eleni’s repeated warnings, the slumbering Rumont all of a sudden jumped out of bed.

Because his body was unceasingly improving, his current degree of leaping strength and the nimbleness of his body had risen quite considerably. Slightly proud of himself, he brandished his already st.u.r.dy and solid arm in front of him. Rumont then hastily changed his clothes. Afterwards, he cleaned himself up before descending the stairs.

“Rumont, you’re going out eh?” the current sweeping Madame Mort turned her head over, hehe laughing while greeting him.

“That’s right, good afternoon Madame Mort.” Rumont also responded with a smile.

“This kid, his future prospects are increasing heh.” Madame Mort watched Rumont’s back, whispering to the currently sweeping Mort by the entrance of the inn.

Boss Mort laughed: “of course, when I first saw the kid I already knew his future prospects would be good. He’s only in his teens and already a Rank 2 Druid, isn’t it really amazing.”

“Only, this kid seems to have offended the great Tax Officer, that drugstore&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” thinking of the Tax Officer’s malice, Madame Mort couldn’t help but worry about the drugstore that Rumont was on the verge of opening.

“What do you know? Rumont now already has his autonomy, and also the status of a Rank 2 Druid, even if the great Tax Officer wanted to makes things difficult for him, wouldn’t he still need to carefully think it over? What’s more, the opening of this drugstore is antic.i.p.ated by quite a lot of people, making things difficult for him would make everyone his enemy. Why would the great Tax Officer be so foolish&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;”

“Good morning Mister Barcas.” the Madame at the side suddenly greeted out to a fellow on the road.

Boss Mort also promptly halted his discussion. In the front of his store, a gloomy faced Tax Officer Barcas was currently situated there.

“Morning is it? It’s already noon, not morning.” Barcas said, neither warmly nor coldly as he walked over.

“My G.o.d, these unpleasant word really can’t be spoken too much ay&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” the inn boss Mort stared blankly at the figure’s back, whispering softly.

“It’s fine it’s fine, I’ve told you say less but you never listen, and now you’ve been caught right? Hurry and go back now&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” Madame Mort at once pulled her husband back.

“Hehe&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;he shouldn’t have heard&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” as he walked in, Mort whispered without confidence.

As for the aforementioned Tax Officer Barcas in front of Mort’s Inn, he really didn’t hear what Mort had said, because at this very moment, Barcas was nursing a rage within him.

“That d.a.m.ned Rumont!” Barcas with a gloomy face, got increasingly angry as he thought.

Although he didn’t hear what the Mort couple had said, but how could he not have heard similar thoughts as the Mort couple, in regards to the townsfolk? Hence on the road, Barcas in truth had heard several earfuls of it.

Those few words had caused Barcas to feel a matchless amount of anger, and as a result, all the more hated Rumont.

“If it wasn’t for him, how would I be jeered at by people? “ he thought with resentment. At this moment he lifted his head, he had already reached the Shrine; he entered with a gloomy expression.

At this time, there was a small banquet.

The reason it was small was because the people that were partic.i.p.ating were only the town’s main head administrators, as well as those that handled the Shrine’s primary concerns, which figured out to be no more than a dozen people.

The leading role of the small feast was the town’s hotly trending, Rumont; the talented 16 year old youth who had became a Rank 2 Druid.

Miss Eleni, one that had become a Rank 2 Priest, and could represent the authority of the Lord Baron, was presiding over today’s small feast.

The food at the banquet couldn’t completely be considered sumptuous, but it was still many times better than normally.

Even more so, the purpose for today’s banquet was for the purpose of Rumont publicly announcing his autonomy status in front of all the main figureheads; as well the affair of the drugstore he was about to open.

No matter if it was on the friendship of him once working at the Shrine, or being the first drugstore being opening in the town, Miss Eleni raised it so that not a single one could find fault with it.

Everyone present at the scene already knew these two facts through all their various channels. Only, they still pretended to have not known about it, merely congratulating Rumont with well wishes once Miss Eleni announced the Lord’s decision.

As for the moment when the Priest and Tax Officer offered their blessings, everyone’s expression was all evidently strange.

Even if they didn’t know previously about the dissent between them and Rumont, yet with the recent few disputes, they would have understood a bit of the situation.

Therefore, seeing their gloomy faces, yet having no other choice but to pretend that nothing had ever happened, everyone present all felt it quite weird.

However, they saw that even though they had a pair of gloomy faces, they did not make a difficult scene; with no reason for anyone’s comment, they continued to pretend nothing was wrong, carrying on laughing and talking.

As for what followed on with the small banquet, the Priest and Tax Officer’s expression was still a bit gloomy without speaking, the only kept their heads down to eat the food. Occasionally, their visions would collide, showing quite the amount of flickerings of things that others saw without understanding.

As their adversaries, even though other people didn’t pay attention to it, Rumont continuously kept his attention on the pair as he ate, drank, and laughed with others.

These two people, they still can’t loosen up ey&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;

“Rumont, congratulations.” when the small banquet finished, Miss Eleni once again spoke while faintly smiling towards Rumont. If it was said that yesterday’s well wishes was from a private point of view, then in that case, today’s well wishes to him were of official business.

Rumont also returned in an exceedingly courteous fashion. The banquet having reached this point was already concluding, everyone started to return to all various places. Seeing right away that the Tax Officer and Priest, with their gloomy expressions, were to the side, it also caused Rumont’s expression to be downcast.

“Rumont&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” behind him came a melodious calling.

Rumont busily changed into a faint smiling expression, turning around: “Miss Eleni&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;”

“Rumont, be more careful from now on!” saying this was the exteriorly quiet and serene maiden, unhurriedly watching his eyes attentively before she then left.

After she had left, Rumont’s expression once again became downcast.

“Looks like, they don’t intend to reconcile eh, in that case, don’t blame me for being ruthless.” it was at this moment, Rumont flashed with a trace of murderous intent.

In the past, he had always hesitated, but now, he genuinely emitted murderous intentions.

Those two absolutely couldn’t be left alone, regardless whether they gave him trouble hereafter, if there was an opportunity he had to get rid of them, he absolutely couldn’t raise a tiger to court disaster&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;

Author: Upvote~, loveable recommendations, finished readers, got it wrong, I’ve amended an error, not really an update.

Chapter 41 – Starting up (Start)

Snow fell heavily for 3 days, but it was unable to resist enthusiasm. Rumont’s drugstore, within the countless amounts of hope and expectations of everyone, carried on without a hitch; the early stages of preparation was methodically arranged.

Different to how everyone thought, Rumont did not at all rashly choose to locate his store at Ricca town’s most flourishing district.

Normally, most people would choose to locate their store for their work in the area where people were most concentrated. They believed that the best district would be the one with the most flow of people. Some others would look at the rent, believing the more expensive the rent was, the better the shop would be.

Actually, just being aware of these facts still wasn’t enough.

You barely looked at the flow of people when finding a store, perhaps sometimes the rent would cause you to enter a deficit. Admittedly the flowrate of people was important, but what was even more important was whether it was effective in selling your products to the crowd in the district.

In other words, it’s whether the store location chosen was worth the price of you paid, whether the biggest advantages could generate out any profits.

Rumont’s idea was quite simple. His store’s primary clientele were the Adventurers that wanted to come to Ricca town and venture into the Briar Forest each year favourably. Speaking of this point, Rumont was somewhat wondering about it. Due to the figures this year being several times more than the previous; it seemed to be an unusual atmosphere.

Moving on, apart from Adventurers, his customers would be the most average of townsfolk, thus, he didn’t want to open his store in the central district of the town.

The first reason was because the stores there, the rent or the purchase price was relatively expensive, the current amount of money he possessed wasn’t considered a lot; he didn’t want to squander it beforehand.

The second reason was that the people that dwelled in the town’s central district were mostly the town’s figureheads. Even if they were ill, most of them would go to the Shrine to find a treatment from the Priests. Easily evident that they wouldn’t lower themselves to buy his medicines. Moreover was at that place, there was still the resentment between him and the Priest, as well as the Tax Officer.

As for the large majority of townsfolk that dwelled outside of the town’s central district, in the surrounding areas, it would be more convenient to the townsfolk if the store was set in the vicinity; it would also help him save a portion of money.

The third reason was that the Adventurers that were injured inside the forest of monsters, would be certain to first past through the outer districts on their way back to the town centre. Opening the store outside of the town centre was also not that far from the town wall’s large gate, providing both convenience to the Adventurers, as well as bringing himself tangible benefits; how could it not make him happy.

However, plans were only plans, carrying it out in real had a considerable amount of setbacks.

At the store location, although it was already determined to be set outside of the city central area, difficulties arose on which store Rumont should specifically rent or purchase.

Because the area in Ricca wasn’t wide, therefore, practically any individuality store was owned by a sole family. For example, the inn was the Mort couple’s. The other stores were nearly in the same way; with none of the so-called compet.i.tion. Because the consumption levels were only so high, it was just enough that any kind of business maintained an income for the family. It was also because of this, that the town stores were basically maintained at a steady level. Apart from the central district’s few newly built commerce stores, it was honestly hard to find any other store fronts.

Finally though, it was still through Merchant Banner’s thread of connections, that an owner of a small store was found close by to Mort’s Inn, an agreement was reached by putting forth 150 silver coins to purchase the store.

The store area wasn’t actually too small. But because the consumption levels of the townsfolk wasn’t high, in addition with the goods inside the store not varying much, the business therefore was never good. As a matter of fact, the proprietor’s younger brother who was a shopkeeper, at a business within the small city, requested the owner to go over to help. A month’s salary was practically what he earnt in half a year. The shop owner naturally readily agreed. As it turns out, the business was the same one the caravan visited that time when Rumont was following the caravan group. Therefore, one wanted to leave and one wanted to settle down.

In the end, pa.s.sing through Banner’s circle of influence and with a relatively suitable pricing, he had acquired the store. Along with this plot of land, Rumont’s issue of a store location was finally resolved. Viewing the store which hardly looked a.s.suming and thinking that from henceforth he would begin to own his own property, Rumont was filled with absolute excitement.

“Rumont, when are you going to open? Tomorrow? At that time remember to invite me okay, we still didn’t drink enough last time eh.” Merchant Banner patted Rumont’s shoulder, laughing merrily.

Rumonted looked over area filled with the dilapidated store and scratched his head: “currently it’s not ready.”

“For what reason?” Merchant Banner followed along his gaze and looked, nodding his head: “that’s normal, just needs a bit of cleaning up. Rumont, need me to call for a few people over to help?”

Rumont quickly thanked him, only, he didn’t at all just want to merely clean the place up.

A new store with a new atmosphere, what’s more, he intended to treat this drugstore on the verge of opening as his first ever project, he naturally couldn’t open it carelessly.

“I’m prepared to renovate the whole store, it’ll probably take half a month to open up.” Rumont thought before saying.

“Half a month?” Merchant Banner was failing to understand. The people of this world still did not have any concept of having too much of a re-imaging. In accordance with his thoughts, so long as one swept clean the area, placed the items inside and hung a sign outside, then wasn’t it possible to open a business up?

Only, he was merely the middleman and Rumont was the owner. Therefore, he was surprised for a moment, following which he nodded his head: “okay, at that time don’t forget to invite me for a drink alright!”

“No problems, at that time I’ll be sure to invite you sir, being able to settle at this store this time, is absolutely because of your help sir.” Rumont was feeling good and thus he readily responded.

Hence, the following half a month was an intense bustle for the store renovation.

However, what made quite a few people not understand was that Rumont being on the verge of opening this store, from the moment he started renovating, the thick gla.s.s windows were covered up by a heavy thick curtain. Only the dingding dongdong sounds could be unceasingly heard from within; which honestly made people curious.

But even if they went and asked the people that came every day to renovate, because those people had already promised Rumont to not leak any secrets, even if they were questioned closely, it was still maintaining its mysterious imaging.

As this happened, not only was it those Adventurers that needed the convenient medicines, or the ordinary townsfolk that were paying attention, even the few families, who had a strong background, would also discuss quietly about Rumont’s strange activities. Everyone was full of expectations to this new store.

“Hmph1, once again making a mystery out of nothing!” Night time. Inside a room within the Shrine, a young Priest was fiercely throwing a letter onto the table.

This did not seem to have dispelled any hate. He picked the letter up again, and with force, he scrunched it up and placed it above the candlelight, setting it on fire. Once it was seen that the letter and the envelope had gradually turned into ashes in the flames, did the young Priest then feel better and at ease inside.

That letter was given to him by the Tax Officer. Due to the recent Tax Officer being occupied with settling the accounts of the year-end tax-duty reports, it was the reason why he hadn’t had time to meet up with him; but he still did send someone to deliver a letter.

The letter did not say much, only the recent events that had happened in the town had been written in detail in the letter. Among them, included all kinds of activity from Rumont within this short period.

The Priest, based on his self-status, wouldn’t easily leave the Shrine. Hence, the many events that occur in the town were obtained via the channels of the Tax Officer.

Seeing the fire sputtering, the paper was almost already burnt away. The young Priest stretched over his head, and gave a soft puff. At once, a layer of ash soared out, before scattering into the air.

“Rumont&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;don’t be so happy so soon, I&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;won’t let you go!” seemingly as if speaking to Rumont, yet also seemingly speaking to himself, the young Priest reclined his body back into his chair, speaking quite viciously.

Ever since Rumont appeared, the smiles the second Miss gave him was appearing constantly in his mind, causing him to be full of hatred.

At this time, a peal of wind blew over. The candle light within the room began to jump violently. Afterwards an erasing sound, the candle was extinguished. Immediately, the entire room was plunged into darkness, leaving only some sort of gasping.

“Nick, be careful, slow down a bit.” within a ordinary agricultural household in the Town of Ricca, a youth was currently cautiously and solemnly walking about in the courtyard.

This was the exercise he was required of daily. First was to make a few laps in the courtyard, before again lapping the small town once in order to toughen his own body.

As for who was by his side, it was an overweight middle-aged married lady, who was watching him carefully with tears at this instance.

“Oh, many thanks to the heavens, many thanks to the G.o.ddess for my son, at last he’s finally lifted his spirits! Thank you for your protection! Thank you! Thank you!”

The middle-aged lady often placed her hands together in front of her chest, devoutly with her eyes closed, silently speaking towards the heavens.


“Nick, what is it?” hearing her son calling out, the middle-age lady hurriedly opened her eyes, looking towards the youth’s direction.

The youth moved his body about at the location, before saying to the middle-aged lady: “mother, you best go home, it’s cold outside. I can go strolling by myself today.”

“What are you&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” the middle-aged lady still wanted to say something, before her son suddenly did something to cause her to jump in fright.

She saw the youth’s face suddenly become more unsightly, “if you don’t go back, then I’ll stop exercising from now on!”

“My son, I’m going, I’m going, so don’t quit! Also don’t exercise for too long, it’s cold outside. We don’t need to rush your recovery at this time, okay?” not arguing with the youth, the middle-aged lady could only urge him for a while, before returning to the house inside.

“You really don’t have to spoil our kid, can’t you see that after this trial, Nick is already more sensible?” the middle-aged man who was currently working inside the house, lifted his head and spoke.

The middle-aged lady, as she turned her head back to look, she whispered. “Only, it’s really cold outside ah.”

“Only through experience and trials, can one become a successful man.” the middle-aged man sighed, looking towards the figure of youth walking off.

“It’s all thanks to Rumont ah!” they rejoiced.

And at this very moment, the young Nick had already slowly walked outside of the courtyard. Look up at the sky full of snow, he constantly maintained smiling expression disappeared. What remained was an expression of lifelessness.

The household money was nearly used up again. Although his parents haven’t told him, but with his current exceedingly sensitive nerves, he was naturally conscious of the fact.

For the purpose of nursing his health, the family’s savings had already been used up. Even though Rumont and company would frequently send money over, however, the recently beginning to be sensible Nick, couldn’t help but feel that it couldn’t continue on like this.

The matter of the hunting event, the initiative was of his own willingness. Rumont and them had already done enough by now; he couldn’t keep freely taking their money.

Even more so, they could help momentarily, but not for a lifetime. He understood his own body best. Even if he recovered to the utmost, in general he still wouldn’t be able to once again do the rough and heavy work of farming.

If not as a farmer, what else could he do then? It couldn’t be that he let his parents look after him for the rest of his life?

Letting his imagination run wild, he unhurriedly walked on. Roughly after an hour of exercising, did he return back to his household.

Arriving at his house, he discovered his parents was currently discussing something.

“Nick, Rumont just came over. Said that his drugstore would open in half a month, telling us to head over.”

Is that so? Rumont’s drugstore was finally opening? Nick, taking hold of the 3 red invitations, momentarily felt his emotions becoming utterly complicated.

Chapter 42 – Starting up (End)

After half a month, the town of Ricca’s first drugstore was finally opening. Bearing the weight of everyone’s well wishes and under numerous amounts of curious gazes, it was ceremoniously opened.

All in all, within this half a month period, Rumont’s store could be said to have whet everyone’s appet.i.te. Even those self-reliant, the so-called dignified personage that wouldn’t go to Rumont’s place to buy medicines, were also curious about his mysterious activities.

Originally, the town of Ricca was a remote area, with a scarcity of entertainment. Even more so was that it was currently a winter filled with heavy snow days. Therefore, Rumont’s strange actions allowed the townsfolk to generate, after finishing their meals and during their tea times, quite the amount of discussions in this short period.

With the period of renovating the store in an obvious mysterious fashion and along with the delayed opening, it had already attracted the majority of people’s outlook.

Moreover, this was still the small town of Ricca’s first drugstore.

As a result, the pre-set time of holding the opening ceremony was originally at 9 o’clock in the morning. Only, from 8 o’clock onwards, a countless amount of people, who loved excitement, had already gathered by the side to observe.

“Rumont, I think I finally understand you ideas.” Merchant Banner stood next to Rumont on the stage, showing at once a suddenly realizing expression as he saw the scene.

“You understand?” giving a glance, Rumont gave off a sigh. Looking at his current appearance, to have understood would have been strange.

“Yeah, using a scheme to arouse everyone’s interest. This is the most favoured method of merchants. However&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” there was something Banner still didn’t understand, giving Rumont a look. “For a single drugstore, is it necessary for such a display of fanfare? Yours is the only one around here, even without doing all this would it really affect your business?”

Rumont again gave another sigh. Said to have understood, but have you really understood? His real scheme wasn’t just that&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;a single drugstore, would it really need such a display of fanfare? Rumont inwardly gave out the solution in his mind, yes, it was necessary.

A drugstore was unlike those other stores. Nowadays, under the circ.u.mstances of there being increasingly more Adventurers, a single drugstore was clearly insufficient to supply the entire demand.

Demands would require supplies. In the future, he feared that there wouldn’t only be the one drugstore that appeared here?

In the past n.o.body had opened it. One, was because no one in the meantime had realized such a business opportunity. Two, was that the people in this field weren’t many and three, was that the demands weren’t high enough.

As for now&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;once the first person appeared to eat a crab, in that way, a second, a third&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;would appear quite quickly right? The other businesses stores being few was because the demands were low. But a drugstore was different. There was no limit, at least for the common medicines that didn’t need the combining of spells&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;

Thinking of the matters he had heard of the Adventurers mention, Rumont had long since planned for it. Wouldn’t the Adventurers only increase in the future?

As it looked, opening this store well would have no small amount of a.s.sistance for his future!

“Rumont!” at this moment, two males and a female appeared in the distance. They were heading directly towards him. Among them, the youngest male was in the process of waving to him, Nick’s family was heading over.

“Nick, you’re looking good, looks like you’re recovering quickly ey.” Rumont busily jumped down from the stage and hugged the youth.

Being hugged by Rumont, Nick, the kid’s face surprisingly turned red. “Rumont, you’ve also changed greatly, I barely recognized you ah.”

It could be a.s.sumed to be true. In recent times, Rumont was all along caught up in his own affairs, even if he did send money to Nick’s family, he still didn’t meet up with Nick often.

Once they met up, Rumont, because of the Shennong Horn’s altering, no matter if it was his aura or his physique, it all had a few changes; people that saw him frequently would not feel it at all.

Only Nick, as Rumont’s best friend who had not seen him for a long period, had naturally seen the changes with a glance.

Rumont hehe laughed, not bothering to explain. He first greeted his friend, Nick’s parents, before inviting them up onto the store stage. The simple and honest couple duo, till death were unwilling to stand together by Rumont’s side. The current Rumont was already a Rank 2 Druid, his status was distantly higher than theirs; they did not dare do something so lacking in respect like this.

“Rumont, can&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;I stand over there?” Nick was also no longer the empty headed youth from back then. Seeing such heavy extravagance, even though he would not be uncomfortable because of Rumont’s status, yet he would also not feel good at that location either.

Rumont hehe laughed, patting his shoulder and said: “of course you can.”

Although he didn’t force Nick’s parents to stand with himself, he couldn’t let Nick be opposed to it, firmly dragging him over. Seeing that there was no point in struggling, Nick gave a bitter laugh before also standing well on top.

At this moment, the time of the grand opening quickly arrived. Taking a gander at the surrounding curious and inquisitive people, Rumont laughed self-confidently. Afterwards, he let the people open the entrance to the store.

However, this still wasn’t the most significant. The thing that attracted everyone’s attention, which followed after, were the rows of cute looking red lanterns hanging outside of the store. Lots of colourful confetti was fluttering about in the wind. Within this white coloured snow world, it was exceedingly beautiful.

With this action, it immediately caused everyone to watch with rapt attention. Rumont at this moment, really could be said to be impressive without limit. The townsfolk that he had drifted apart from, due to some reasons in the past, their visions towards him now already carried a slight desire to win his favour and reverence. This was the direct results of a change in status.

As for Banner, who was standing by Rumont’s side, at this moment he had already cleverly gone down the stage. Currently on the high stage, remained the pair of Rumont and Nick. Rumont shifted well to speak, after all, he was today’s primary host. Only, everyone couldn’t help but guess why Nick appeared. However quite quickly, the lanterns were lighted and dispersed everyone’s attention.

“Wah! So pretty, what kind of lamp is this ah!” this was a voice of admiration.

“It’s a lantern!” Rumont laughed out.

Practically everyone was suppressed by this type of beautiful scenery. However, after beholding, the question everyone cared about the most, was asked.

“Rumont, the drugstore is opening today right?” this was the inquiry. “The medicines sold, are they expensive?”

Rumont first laughed facing the applauding people, before answering with a serious expression: “that’s right, a grand opening today.”

Saying this, he went and stood higher still, directly standing on the stage’s highest point, before loudly stating: “ladies and gentlemen, for the purpose of thanking everybody’s cheering, everyone that purchases at my store, will only need to pay half the regular price today! “

Once it was sounded out, many people displayed a joyous expression.

However, something unexpected also happened.

“How much will the medicines cost in the end, it’s not just whatever you choose right?” yelled someone from within the crowd.

Rumont slightly wrinkled his eyebrows, but still without anger, he only said in a loud voice: “rest a.s.sured everyone, that the store medicines will be clearly marked. If the prices ever change, it would also be announced clearly. If n.o.body believes it, wait until the grand opening ceremony is finished, and you can freely at leisure look around the store!”

Saying with a wave, the well prepared in advance, something in this world that was similar to fireworks on Earth, was lit by people before festively initiating the grand opening of the store.

Rumont had prepared in advance a simple shack at the front of the store. The inside was filled with a dozen long tables that were temporarily borrowed from the storage within Mort’s Inn, covered on top was beer. At this stage, there were already people placing the warm beer into mugs.

The spilt beer foam, as well the fragrance of the beer suffused in the air, allowed everyone’s eye’s to brighten up at once.

This kind of grand opening ceremony truly did please the crowd!

Rumont as expected, during this moment of opening said a few words: “everyone please drink as much as you like!”

It immediately cause the mood to have reached the highest point.

In reality, although the beer prepared wasn’t few and wasn’t considered a small expenditure, Rumont still believed that it was worth it.

Firstly, the majority that came today were Adventurers, and having a.s.sociated with them, there was no harm in it.

What Rumont wore today was a set of brand new clothings, the clothes were light blue in hue. Wearing it on his body made his stature seem all the more taller and straighter, with an out of the ordinary feel.

Probably due to the Shennong Horn, his current stature was a head taller wearing these clothes. And with the way he was standing amidst the crowd, shortly, a type of crane among birds feeling allowed the constantly paying attention to his every movement Nick, who was cheerful in place of his good friend, to have feelings of envy and misery.

Seeing that everyone had crowded around, placing Rumont within the centre, Nick who was at the same time feeling happy for Rumont, was increasingly clueless of his own future.

Taking the advantage of the lack of attention, he went to the outside of the crowd.

“Nick, what are you thinking of?” another good friend of Rumont. Fafnir and his family was also invited over, seeing Nick coming out with a sad expression, was feeling worried and followed him over.

Nick seeing the similarly newly dressed Fafnir, promptly covered up his grieving feelings, before laughing with difficulty: “my body can’t tolerate liquor, naturally I would have ran outside to take a break!”

The snow was still falling at this time, only it was already much less. Only a few partial snowflakes fluttered in the sky along with the wind.

Fafnir nevertheless understood his feelings, patting Nick on the shoulders and trying to console him, only there was nothing say but only to sigh. Afterwards, he accompanied him in watching the snowflakes flutter about.

Suddenly, the crowd yonder cried out.

Afterwards, everyone’s vision suddenly looked over by the side of the two youths. To be more precise, the vision was sighted on top of Nick’s self.

All of a sudden, being watched attentively by however many people, caused Nick to shortly have a burst of irregular heart-beats. Without waiting for him to speak, the crowd separated to either side, exposing the already standing amidst them, Rumont.

“The owner of the drugstore, I plan to invite Nick to a.s.sume this position. Everyone, please welcome Nick to say a few words!” Rumont beckoned to Nick.

A thunderous like feeling. Not only Nick, even his parents, were standing foolishly amongst the crowd of townsfolk since the beginning; once they had also heard about this matter, had shown an expression of shock.

“This, is this real?” this was what they inquired.

“Of course it’s real.” Rumont faintly laughed and said to them. Afterwards, he saw that Nick was surprisingly still standing blankly where he was. He needed to go over and pull him over himself.

“I declare as of this moment, from this day forth, Nick will become the manager of this drugstore. Because the weather is relatively cold, I therefore won’t speak too much nonsense. Everyone, please enter the store!” saying this, he pulled Nick into the drugstore.

Everyone that heard, some were astonished, some didn’t understand, some disdained. However, even more people were full of curiosity towards this drugstore.

Seeing Rumont taking the lead to enter, everyone also followed shortly. As a result, countless of gasping sounds within this following period of time, were endlessly emitted within this store.

It was different to everyone’s imagination. Rumont’s store, all the surrounding decorations deployed, was imitating the layout from a psychological inst.i.tute back on Earth.

A warm clean hue, neat wooden floors that wasn’t slippery, along with several rows of soft supple chairs. Allowing everyone that saw it, to feel it to be utterly convenient for use.

And at the store’s central point, a row of long tables, as well as walls from the small city, had appeared within this tiny store.

Countless of medicines of different varieties, of different efficacies were distinguishably arranged, with distinct cla.s.sifications. The front of each kind of medicine, all had a small plaque, with a detailed explanation of the medicine’s price, method of use, as well as the applicable crowd. It could only be said that everything had toppled over everyone’s imagination. Permitting everyone that saw it hereafter, to be endlessly amazed.

As a result, Rumont’s first day of opening had obtained praises from countless people. Many people had rushed towards the cheap pricings, buying a few to store away back home. The day’s worth of business, in honest, was quite good; even if the pricing was halved. Yet to Rumont, it was all profit without loss. After all, the manufacturing costs of the herbs could basically be ignored.

As for Nick’s parents, upon learning that Nick really could obtain such a job, with a decent salary, they were even more unusually grateful towards Rumont.

Nick was even more than willing, affirming with determination to operate this drugstore business greatly for Rumont; he was once again br.i.m.m.i.n.g with vitality. This kind of result allowed Fafnir and others to also be endlessly cheerful.

And at the same time Rumont’s drugstore was pa.s.sionately selling medicines, a figure suddenly appeared outside of the small store.

This person’s body was wrapped snugly in a gown, even if it looked old, it still gave people a type of comfortable feeling. It wasn’t a stranger. It was Rumont’s once former teacher, Druid Jeff.

However, this Rank 5 Druid did not at all enter to congratulate him. He only watched from afar. After a certain moment, he silently departed.

Author: recommend, please don’t forget now, thanks


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