Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 5 - Harvest festival (start)

Chapter 5 - Harvest festival (start)

Holy Era, Year 7487, Month 9, Day 25, today marks the harvest festival.

Mainland Icicle kingdom, Ricca town.

Travellers on the road all wore a smile. Children could be seen frolicking about. The harvesting festival wasn’t just one of the 4 major holidays as dictated by the teachings of the agricultural G.o.ddess Irideus. It was at the same time a national festival day that transcended the boundaries of humans and even the racial ethnicity barrier.

After all is said and done, all intelligent living things would agree, that the harvest festival is to celebrate food and one’s hopes.

To the children, it would be unmatchable excitement. This was a rare once in a year where they got to rest. No matter how busy everyone was, they would only work the first half of the day followed by resting the 2nd half, not to mention, join in the celebrations.

The next day’s morning, beneath the festive atmosphere and noise roused Rumont. He crawled out of bed and changed his clothes. On the ground floor of the inn, was extremely quiet, without a single person.

Rumont descended down and had a look about. A majority of this establishment was made of wood. Looking into the far distance, it landed on this town’s biggest construction made of stone; the shrine.

To Rumont, the shrine was not unfamiliar with him. It was the shrine of the agricultural G.o.ddess. Naturally, this was Ricca town’s only central belief. It was unable to support the belief of several G.o.ds.

Taking note in the streets, the people were quite noisey. However, in reality, it was relatively peaceful, as the town only contain around 100 households.

Every house was crowded against each other, with narrow streets, with gravel covering about. Tufts of gra.s.s could be seen growing through the cracks.

In the distance hills, atop the castle’s steeple, is where the feudal lord baron’s ancestral home is situated. It has a history of 400 years.

Although it was already the end of the 9th month, however, the entire town’s population was vibrant. Reaching towards the skies were ancient trees. Their treetops covering up the skies, shrouding all the houses below.

Several hundreds of years, perhaps even several thousands of years, it has stood unchanging, an ancient tranquility sort of sensation. Contrary, it was more distinct amidst the festival.

Standing about, Rumont was affected from his past memories. It gave him the perception of deja vu yet it also clashed about with feelings of terror and strangeness. After a period of time, Rumont finally let out a better smile, he finally fully accepted that he had crossed dimension.

Rumont meandered along a narrow alleyway, plodding along the cobblestones. Either sides contain blacksmiths which seemed strange to him. It also contained a grocery store, as well as an artisan’s workshop and mill. This all fascinated the newly reborn Rumont.

In a far off distance, was a ma.s.sive sized carriage. This was the performing troupe’s touring carriage.

The performers can be considered a group of pitiful men. They performed magic tricks, songs and dancing, clowns, to cheer the ma.s.ses. Only to earn meager amounts of money. Not to mention that they also brought along ladies who were selling themselves. According to his partial memories, Rumont a.n.a.lyzed and understood that this type of situation was extremely commonplace.

Not mentioning the performers, even the military corps, several young female warriors sell their bodies as well. They spend every effort earning as much as they can while they still have the strength to, so that their later days wouldn’t be so miserable.

Rumont saw the sun, at this time, it was the official starting time for the harvest festival. It was clear that it was still early.

Without paying any heed, he had unwittingly arrived at the agricultural G.o.ddess’ shrine. Viewing the construction made of stone, it had numerous amount of patches in a myriad of colours. Vestiges of the ancient times. Feelings of joy arose from being reborn; yet it also caused a touch of melancholy.

Wandering into the shrine, he ontop on the platform, a statue. It depicted the agricultural G.o.ddess, Irideus.

Among the walls, were the carvings of a bull and engravings of nature’s bounty, trees, plants, flowers and such. The image of the G.o.ddess was entirely sculpted of white marble. Roughly 5 metres in height. On top of her head, was a crown made of flowers. Adorned was a green dress. A beautiful countenance. The feminine curves were apparent to the eyes, displaying feminine charm. The eyes were especially lifelike, showing the love held within the gaze.

In the past, Rumont, frequently visited to say his prayers. This was a rule of the town. Basically on a whole, once you were twelve years of age, you would follow your parents to pray.

Rumont would not notice, that in the past, he would not have noticed that the statue normally hid the holy light within the eyes. However, at this time, with the a.s.sistance from the Holy Nong horn’s power, in his eyes, appeared as a green globe. If there was a coc.o.o.n large enough to cover the statue, the green globes would be akin to fireflies; flowing around the hall.

It was during this time when he was standing there staring away at the statue, a young maiden slowly walked to his side: “Rumont, Why have you come in? Normally you would be outside having a good time right? “

Rumont was aroused by the voice, he quickly turned towards the young maiden.

This young maiden, was roughly 15 years old, coming from within the inner sanctum, wearing the gown for a female priest. The opening was rather high, exposing her snow white thighs. Wearing a green flower lace, wrapped around her soft, tender and delicate waistline. An beautiful and elegant countenance.

“Miss Eleni….” Rumont naturally called out the young maiden’s name. Rapidly recalling his memories, finally remembering, that this young maiden, was the whole town’s male population secret crush.

She was the town’s pride. She had a pure and sincere heart, as well as having an acute perception. She was able to channel and connect with the G.o.ddess’ power. It was due to this that she was made this town’s shrine’s apprentice priestess------- if nothing happened, she would officially become the next priestess. She might even be able to take charge of the shrine.

“Rumont, why are you so dirty? Come with me, inside, to clean your face, so that you can partic.i.p.ate in the festival this afternoon. “ Eleni saw that he was covered in dirt, from his face to his clothes, she said. Grabbing him, she turned and entered to the back of the shrine. A pond of clear water was there.

This was one of the shrine’s perks. Currently, Rumont was unable to understand where the outside limits of the water channels were. To be able to provide the shrine with endless amounts of clean, fresh, drinkable water for one’s use.

Rumont received a towel, and dipped it into the water. He quickly washed his face clean. Seeing that Rumont had finished cleaning himself up. Eleni, without understanding why, suddenly had her face flushed red.

The youth in front of her was very familiar, nothing had changed. Of course, it was evident that, in the future he would be quite a handsome man. In the past, Eleni did not have any such feelings. However, at this moment, a kind of admirable type of air was about him, enveloping him, a type of presence that would cause one to raise their eyebrows at. The old childish nature was being thrown away, a certain amount of charisma was apparent.

“Sister Eleni, thank you, I’ll go back to pray to the G.o.ddess, I wish you health. “ Rumont said.

“Ah, thanks Rumont, we also have to get ready to go, you can just come with us together! “ Eleni said. She had already seen with her eyes, priest Dennis. As priest Dennis walked over, he saw how Rumont and Eleni were together, his expression dropped.

“Eleni, we’re sitting off! “ he said

“Okay, wait a minute, come, Rumont, go with me together! “ Eleni said

A touch of malice approached. Rumont frowned. Ever since he became a druid, he had become more sensitive towards this, however, at this time, he had no way to deal with it. He carried on following them.

Once they were at the town square. A young man wearing a black top hat, went onto the stage: “Ladies and gentlemen, please wait a little bit more. Below, numerous troupe members will perform for your entertainment, to help you pa.s.s this joyful and pleasing afternoon. Can everyone give a round of applause to welcome! “

A female was wearing black tights, hands holding a whip, rushed out riding a carriage.

A big parrot flew behind her, non-stop clamouring: “Welcome, welcome! “

Practically at the same time, following behind was a tiger. Atop of the tiger was a monkey.

Watching them come out like this, everyone in the audience applauded. They watched as the lady directed the tiger to jump through a metallic hoop, while simultaneously telling the monkey to do flips on the ground.

These acrobatics, caused the audience to joyously laugh away. However, to Rumont, these were boring theatrics; he nonetheless continued to watch.

The young man with the black top hat, he was waving in one hand a small wooden rod. Along with his waving, came bursts of flames out of the tip. They flew to the air, “peng” sounded as it exploded, forming various sorts and sizes of patterned fireworks.

These fireworks became flowers, became gold snakes fluttering in the wind, became blossoming trees…. These were indeed beautiful fireworks to have attracted Rumont’s attention.

This was magic? Even though it was the lowest grade of magics?

After the performance, there wasn’t much time left. At the town square, on top of the wooden stage appeared the town’s priest Dennis. All around, everyone started towards the stage, singing praises to the G.o.ddess, had officially began.

“G.o.ddess Irideus, to grow and to harvest is an eternal cycle. Is the gift given to the intelligent races that most naturally take part in. Today, we can receive such harvest, we need to give our thanks to the G.o.ddess, be grateful to the great land and nature. Afterwards, when spring comes, we need to sow evening more life giving crops. To allow this world to be filled with greenery. “ Preached the priest Dennis.

“Express thanks to the G.o.ddess for the food, for giving us abundance. “ An orderly voice resounded out from the stage to the surrounding area, 700-800 townsfolk cheered.

At such a small town’s festival, there wouldn’t be any miracles, nor would the G.o.ddess praises be overly complicated, the ceremony finishing quickly. Below, it was chaotic, the time for beer and roast meat.

“Sister Eleni, I have something I need you to do, will you be available? “ Rumont asked as soon as it was possible.

“What is it? “ Eleni replied. This world naturally didn’t have bra.s.siere. The opening on the gown of the priestess was quite big. When she turned around, allowed him to see an eyeful of snow white.

Amazing, this was Rumont’s instant response.

In the remote past, their bodies would come into contact many a times. However, in the present time. She had an earth shattering beauty. Unable to resist “amazing” type of sensation ----- The sunlight glanced off her body, her body was covered in a mild green glow. It brought about a fantastic indistinct aura about her.

A type of trembling rapidly spreads throughout. One short moment. Rumont was now absent-minded. Shortly though, his was back and had a type of expression in his eyes. Steeling himself: “Sister Eleni, I want to ask you tomorrow to be my witness. “

Eleni had a touch of amazement: “What is it? Oh, right now it’s really busy, I’ll wait for you tomorrow! “

Rumont looked around the increasingly exuberant crowd. Nodding his head, he left. Walking off a bit, he then turned his head back. At this moment he saw priest Dennis’ eyes ---- his eyes showed a cold intent

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