Hadley, fight at, in King Philip"s war, I.

Hague peace conference, 1899. VI.

second peace conference, VI.

Hale, Nathan, story of, II.

Hall, Captain, voyage of, I.

Halleck, General, III., IV.

at Corinth, IV.

becomes General-in-Chief, IV.

Haller, Major, his fight with Indians, III.

Hamilton, Alexander, II.

first Secretary of the Treasury, II.

a Federalist, II.

on the Federal debts, II.

on the United States Bank, II.

a.s.sailed, II.

lines on, II.

shot by Aaron Burr, II.

Hamlin, Hannibal, his nomination, III.

Hanc.o.c.k, General, IV.

at Gettysburg, IV.

a Presidential candidate, IV.

Hanford, Ben, Socialist candidate, 1908, VI.

Hardee, General, at Savannah, IV.

Hargreaves" spinning-machine, II.

Harmon. Judson. VI.

Harriman, E. H., and railway combinations, VI.

Harrison, Colonel Benjamin, of Virginia, II.

Harrison, Benjamin, campaign and election as President, V.

nominated for second term, V.

on the Hague conference, VI. 96.

Harrison, William Henry, governor of Indiana, II.

on intemperance. II.

in war of 1812, II.

elected President, III.

his death, III.

Hartford, settled, I.

Dutch fort at, I.

population in 1827, III.

convention, III.

Harvey, Governor, of Virginia, I.

Havana, Cuba, sinking of U. S. battleship Maine in harbor, V.

government house at, VI.

reforms in, VI.

Hawaiian Islands, annexation, V.

population, 1910, VI.

Hawley, General J. R., President of Centennial Commission, IV.

Hay, John, Secretary of State, VI.

Alaskan boundary settlement. VI.

Hay-Pauncefote treaty ratified, VI.

Hay-Herran treaty ratified, VI.

address at Jackson, Mich., VI.

at Boston, VI.

and the "open door" in China, VI.

and Chinese neutrality, VI.

Hayes, R. B., his presidential campaign, IV.

inaugurated, IV.

withdraws troops from South Carolina and Louisiana, IV.

Hearst, W. R., VI.

h.e.l.l-gate, deepening of channel, IV.

Henderson, ex-Speaker, VI.

Hendricks, Thomas A., IV.

Henry VII., of England, I.

Henry VIII., of England, I.

Henry, Fort, surrendered to Grant, IV.

Henry, Patrick, II.

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