Seeing Erin watching the meal, but not daring to touch it, Richard smiled.

"Go ahead, try it. Don"t worry, you can eat this. It"s not like we drink only blood. True, that"s our main food, but still we can eat any meat from magical creatures. This one is an inferno boar"s meat. The good thing is that we absorb the energy from their body as we eat them. That meat, for example, will give you better resistance to the fie in the future. Well, the best way to get stronger is still to drink blood."(Richard)

Erin hesitated for some more time, but his hunger was stronger than ever. He was starving right now. He tried the meat and as he had expected, it was really good. He couldn"t help but gobble his food. Seeing this, Richard was speechless. She was really like a little girl. But still, it was cute in its own way. He watched as Erin kept eating.

Erin got to his senses only after he ate all of his meal. Taking a look at Richard, he felt a bit embarra.s.sed. With a slightly red face, he murmured, "Sorry, I was really hungry and just couldn"t stop myself."

After hearing this, Richard laughed. That girl was just so adorable. He started liking her more and more. He thought for a second and choose to go with the serious conversation from now on.

"Erin, you can see that we both are vampires, and I really feel like keeping you in the castle, protecting you from all the dangers from the world, but that won"t do. You need to get stronger, and that has to be fast. We are about to start a war, so I will accompany you for a little journey and teach you some basic surviving skills and abilities."(Richard)

"W-What?! What do you mean by that? Do I need to get stronger in a short period of time? Why? And I can"t stay in the castle? Well, I can understand that, I mean, we are strangers after all..."(Erin)

"No, no, no, no, you don"t get my meaning. You are welcome to stay in the castle, but I am afraid if I go somewhere else, there might be someone who will attack you. So you need to train yourself and get stronger so that you can defend yourself if need be. After all, this word is ruled by the strong. You kill or you will be killed. That"s the most vital rule here. Even if I am able to protect you, the people won"t respect you, as you are still too immature and weak. They might show some respect as you are a Trueblood vampire, but that will be only on the surface."(Richard)

"In what world did I come? To kill or be killed? Is it really like this? Why am I here! I thought I was only checking a game, not starting a second life! That d.a.m.n site, what would I do now? I really want to go back home!" Erin was about to cry. He started missing Earth. He was fine there with his life, still in school, playing games on his PC most of the time, sometimes going out with his friends. "Is there a way to go back? I am sure that my parents are missing me. What about my sister? Would I see them ever again?" A bead of tear appeared at the corner of his left eye...

Richard watched as the girl before him was about to start crying. He panicked a bit. He felt awkward. "Why is she about to cry? I guessed correctly, she is still innocent, too young to face the real world. I have to change her thinking, or else she wouldn"t be able to survive in the future."

Thinking about that, he chose to remain silent. He started spreading his aura. The surroundings dimmed. The peaceful atmosphere became gloomy. He chose to teach the little girl a small lesson, or else, she would remain too vulnerable.

Erin stiffened. He felt an immense pressure coming upon him. Looking at Richard, his eyes widened with shock. "Am I going to die?" That was the only thing in his mind.

"If you don"t get stronger, you will find yourself dead! Remember this! We are the last two pureblood vampires in this world! I won"t just be a bystander as the last person of my race dies before my eyes! You"ll have to get stronger, or I"ll personally finish you off! Better the race dies with me than being a laughing stock before the other races!" Richard bellowed.

His bellow startled Erin. He was a bit shocked by that speech. Still, with some tears in his eyes, he forcefully collected himself. He nodded and then shook his head, then he nodded again. Richard at that point was trying hard not to laugh. That girl was really funny. She got him in a really good mood. It was the first time since who knew how many years that he smiled again. That feeling was something that he really enjoyed.

"Y-You said that we are the last two pureblood vampires? I-Is that t-true?" Erin stuttered as he asked.

"That"s right. There are still some half vampires and my blood slaves, whom I changed personally. But we are the only pureblood vampires left. I was looking everywhere for other survivors, but unfortunately, I couldn"t find any. Those humans, they deserve to die! ALL OF THEM! HOW DARE THEY CHALLENGE US, VAMPIRES!"

Richard felt that he got too pa.s.sionate, so he checked himself and looked at the girl in front of him. As he thought, her eyes were open wide. It seemed like she was shocked by his words. He calmed down a bit and then continued. "The humans started a crusade against our race. We had a huge territory. We were one of the strongest races, and we still are! But they got the help from the elves, dwarfs, and a few more races and almost managed to exterminate us. That"s why I don"t want to see you die. Because of that we will go out of the castle tomorrow and start your training. Now, you can take a rest. You need to prepare yourself for the journey."

Saying that he stood up and walked out of the room, leaving Erin still standing by the chair, lost in thoughts.

"Oh, and you look really beautiful in that dress." As he said that, Richard finally closed the door.

Erin was caught off guard by this sudden compliment. His cheeks reddened. "What am I thinking about" He shook his head and heaved a sigh.

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