My Lord is A Stone

Chapter 20

Three days later.

Zhao Jin Yu was seasick, the first day she had happilyexplored everywhere, even going up on deck to watch the riverside scenery, butby noon she started feeling dizzy, retching from her stomach, soon after shecontinuously threw up, unable to eat, just lying in bed.

A knock was heard outside the door, “Lady Zhao, I’ve boughtyou medicine.”

Zhao Jin Yu felt very surprised, saying, “Auntie Chen, comein.”

Chen Rong carried a small porcelain bowl in her hand, ablack and thick medicine in the bowl, emitting a strong traditional medicinesmell, smelling it Zhao Jin Yu’s stomach once again overturned, she couldn’thelp but retch again.

Chen Rong somewhat worriedly said, “Even if it smellsunpleasant you still have to drink it, otherwise it’ll be even worse”

Zhao Jin Yu also understood this reason, waiting until hermood settled somewhat, she used a clean handkerchief to wipe her mouthpreparing to hold the medicine bowl, again that smell of traditional medicinecaused her stomach to roll, after trying it several times unsuccessfully, ZhaoJin Yu shook her head at Chen Rong with a pale face, saying, “I really can’tdrink it.”

Chen Rong blamed herself slightly, saying, “I should haveasked that physician to add more peppermint.”

Zhao Jin Yu shook her head, “Adding peppermint won’t preventthis smell, I’m sure I still wouldn’t be able to drink it.” There wasn’t aphysician on the ship, even if there was there was no medicinal ingredients,Chen Rong had especially caught a small boat to a small town to buy it, ZhaoJin Yu was very grateful for her kind intentions, “Auntie Chen, thank you so much.”

Chen Rong had been an armed escort for many years, most ofher jobs were delivering items, even if it was escorting people, then it wasonly sons of n.o.bles going for a wander, a dozen or more servants followingthem, she simply did not need to take care of these small things, at first whenshe started she had only thought of doing her job, afterall she wasn’t hired tobe a servant, rather an armed escort, but for some reason the closer she got tothis amiable and approachable Young lady Zhao the more she liked her, when shesaw Zhao Jin Yu did not forget to thank her even now, in her heart she alreadyfelt this child was thoughtful and proper, but she also felt a bit sorry forher, reportedly her father was a fifth ranked official, with her status if thismatter hadn’t happened she would be at home enjoying her parent’s love, pa.s.singher days innocently and unaffected right?

“I’ll see if there are any tangerines on the boat.” ChenRong recalled the taste of tangerines can supress seasickness.

Zhao Jin Yu hurriedly nodded her head, saying, “I want toeat a lot.”

Chen Rong seeing Zhao Jin Yu’s impatient gaze, seemingrather like a child, she couldn’t help smile, saying, “Then wait a moment.”

When the emperor woke up he discovered, apart from thetangerine peels covering the floor, a certain person was lying on the bed withwispy breathes, an extremely weak appearance, he frowned, saying, 

“How is yourseasickness still not well? Could it be you’re almost dead?”

Zhao Jin Yu flushed with anger, picking up a tangerine ather side she threw it at the stone, saying, “If I die you’ll also starve todeath!”

The emperor saw the tangerine coming over but did not dodge,biting it in a mouthful, then cheerfully enjoyed it, saying, “Hey, if you’renot dead then say something?” The emperor finished eating the tangerine,thudding he jumped over to ask, Zhao Jin Yu was annoyed, turning her head sheignored it, the emperor had never been ignored like this by someone before, hewas very unhappy, hopping to the other side he b.u.mped against Zhao Jin Yu’scheek, Zhao Jin Yu then again turned her head…, it repeated in this way, theemperor was rather angry, by accident he knocked into Zhao Jin Yu’s teeth.

The stone hitting teeth, it produced a sharp and clearsound, in pain tears fogged up Zhao Jin Yu’s eyes immediately.

It was an extremely quiet night, the curving moon rose tothe middle of the sky, contrasting the river water like gleaming reflections ofwaves in sunlight…, the atmosphere in the room was slightly depressing, the stonestood rigidly for quite a while, suddenly seeing sparkling and translucentdroplets flow out of Zhao Jin Yu’s fair narrow slits, all of a sudden there wassome strange feelings in his heart, he said, “Why are you crying?”

Zhao Jin Yu was awfully angry, she was barely alive due toseasickness, even more her teeth was knocked against by the stone, it wassimply when it rains, it pours, extremely unlucky, bursts of dejection in herheart.

She decided to ignore the stone, when she watched TV dramasbefore the little brats of other people’s, like Tang Bao in `The Journey ofFlower`,was a sweet little angel, but in the end she had met this loud and badtempered, and bad mouth stone, thinking about it she heaved a sigh.

The emperor watched those irksome tears, in every case hefelt very uncomfortable, saying, “Hey, girl, I’m hungry.”

Zhao Jin Yu was still angry, only out of the corner of hereye she glanced at the place where the stone was missing a piece, recalling thetreatment it had suffered, and still couldn’t harden her heart, she unwillinglysaid, “There will be food in a while.” She had told Juan Er before, to deliverfood every night.

The emperor nodded in satisfaction, saying, “Good, good dowhat you’re told, if you make us happy maybe we will forgive you for previouslyignoring us, and will reward you.”

The stone’s words were very aloof and remote, with plenty ofarrogance, Zhao Jin Yu was once again melancholy, but she reckoned she wasstill angry, an anger she would get used to, = . =, with some grudging ridiculeshe said, “Thank you for Your Majesty’s favour.”

“En, now you act us you should” The emperor was like amonarch set up on high, aloof and imposing he nodded his head slightly.

How much did Zhao Jin Yu want to strangle this little thingto death? She gnashed her teeth thinking about it, but when all theimposingness met food…, it would disappear, = . =, no different from agluttonous child.

After Juan Er delivered food, the emperor soaked in thesoup, comfortably drinking noisily giving off bubbles, thinking about it helike soup, lying on his back in the nice and warm soup, both tasty, and warm,and through the milky white soup he could carefully look at Zhao Jin Yu’srichly colourful expression, when she frowned she slightly pouted her rosylips, when she got angry she would scowl puffing out her cheeks, like a cutelittle rabbit, when she was excited she was radiant with delight, eyes brightlike the many stars in the sky…, compared to those imperial concubines whoseevery smile and scowl were perfected hers was more unrestrained, even morepure, even more genuine.

He know knew her name wasn’t Zhang Hong rather Zhao Jin Yu, thatwas only because yesterday night he had seen Zhao Jin Yu’s census register inthe cabinet…, however his mood was different from several days before when hewanted to return to the palace as soon as possible, all of a sudden he felttravelling far with Zhao Jin Yu wasn’t a bad idea.

Ever since he ascended the throne, even if he left thepalace he was accompanied by retinues, under the watch of countless people, grantedthat they revolved around him, incomparably revered, still the fact was he felta lack of freedom, like he was right now, only an ordinary stone, able to seemany, many sceneries he couldn’t see as an emperor, to him it was very rare.

Of course, if Zhao Jin Yu can be somewhat more well-behavedthen it would be good, but it didn’t matter, he would eventually make her learn,the emperor haughtily thought.

The emperor finished eating dinner, he stared at Zhao JinYu, saying, “Girl, you still won’t come to give us a bath?”

Zhao Jin Yu did not know when her name became girl, but shefelt this way of calling was no different from someone calling a servant girlto wait on them, summon and dismiss at will, = . =

Just at this moment, hurried footsteps could be heard fromoutside, the ship’s captain somewhat fearfully said, “My Lord, what wind hasblown such an esteemed person here.” Even though his tone was pandering, buthis shaking intonation was enough to ill.u.s.trate his fear.

Zhao Jin Yu was startled, enduring the dizziness she walkedto the door, opening a small crack she looked out, as a result with a look shewas actually scared out of her skin, standing on the deck was an EmbroideredUniform Guard wearing a feiyu outfit,solemn and respectful appearance, under the moonlight he emitted an even colderair.

A man who looked like the leader stood with his back to ZhaoJin Yu on the deck, tall and lean stature standing straight, the goldembroidered crimson gown was set off by the moon, even though Zhao Jin Yu hadn’tdone anything wrong…, but she didn’t know why her heart palpitated.

For some reason she felt this person was similar to someone.

The man was talking, then he turned, at that moment Zhao JinYu saw his appearance clearly, he was around twenty five or six years old, veryyoung, but with a sharp gaze, calm expression, an imposing manner as if heoccupied a leading position all year round, making the ship’s captain who wasolder than him by around twenty years speak nervously, sweating profusely.

Isn’t that Su Qing Chen? Uncle Zhang’s younger brother!

The emperor naturally heard the sound of activity outside,but calmly said, “Why are you not moving? Aren’t they just Embroidered UniformGuards, quickly come over.”

Zhao Jin Yu nervously took a breath, shutting the door shewalked over to the stone, lowering her voice she said, “Aren’t they justEmbroidered Uniform Guards?” She placed emphasises on the three wordsEmbroidered Uniform Guards, “didn’t you say before that the Embroidered UniformGuards are looking for you?”

The emperor impatiently said, “Give us a bath!” Havingspoken he saw Zhao Jin Yu look at him with wide eyes resentfully, his heartsoftened, he hmphed, “Look at us right now? I’m missing a piece, utterlybroken, completely without spirit, would the emperor still want me?”

Zhao Jin Yu shook her head very naturally.

The emperor saw and said, “Isn’t that it, my original littlebit of spirit has been spent, just to help you find out news of those women,now I’m only a useless stone, this sort of stone, why would the emperor stillsend Embroidered Uniform Guards to search?”

Hearing this Zhao Jin Yu nodded her head at ease, and wassomewhat sad, thinking the stone was a little pitiful, it seemed extremelymiserable without spirit, disregarding the fact it was because of her, shesaid, “Little thing, relax, if you don’t recover your spirit, I will still keepyou, so long as I have a mouthful of food, you absolutely won’t starve, I willbe good to you for a lifetime.” A tender and sympathetic tone, with a resoluteconviction showing through, unconsciously making people have confidence in her.

The emperor felt these words were very refreshing, he agrand ruler of a country needs this girl to support him? He couldn’t help wantto mock her, but for some reason a few unknown feelings rushed to his heart,warm, nice…, unexpectedly completely comfortable, but also very unfamiliar,making him somewhat frantic, in order to evade such feelings, he immediatelysaid, “As for those women mistakenly arrested you worried about, didn’t we sayto you, they have been released, the emperor even sent some money, it could beconsidered that they profited from a disaster.”

In order to make this girl even more obedient the emperor, eventhough he knew he had arrested the wrong people he still kept them locked up,until Zhao Jin Yu deeply worried and sick at heart begged him to think of a waydid he then pretend to use up all his spirit to look over to the capital cityfor news, afterwards he ordered people to release the women, making Zhao Jin Yuthank him having received the news those women had been released, equallybecause he helped her and exhausted his spirit it gave rise to guilt, two birdswith one stone.

As for what spirit, what the emperor had already given up onfinding the stone, it was merely casual reasons that’s all, he was the emperorZhao Jin Yu talked about, and didn’t he do whatever he wanted?

Zhao Jin Yu somewhat excitedly said, “If the emperornaturally knew he had arrested the wrong people, it also indicates, the emperorcould have already known you are now like this, and completely given up onlooking for you.” Zhao Jin Yu felt the weight on her heart finally disappear, makingher breathing much smoother, the more she looked at the stone the more adorableand close it felt, “little thing, you are so good.”

“Right, that’s just it, from now on don’t ask such stupidquestions, hereto this matter has concluded!” 

The emperor saw Zhao Jin Yufinally understood, slightly nodding his head, he pointed at the teacup to theside saying, “We want to bath in there.”

“That is a new teacup I bought.”

“If it wasn’t new we wouldn’t want it!” The emperor’s tonechanged speaking up to here, pointing at his own nicked body, warningly hesaid, “Why did we become like this? En? Who just said they would be good to mefor a lifetime? Don’t just merely say it and not remember it in your head!”

Zhao Jin Yu, = . =

Why did she feel the stone was intimate just now, very cute?

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