Sir Oliver #LODGE# (b. 1851), F.R.S., D.Sc., London, Oxon, and Vict., LL.D., St. Andrews and Glasgow; of the University of Birmingham since 1900; Professor of Physics, University Coll., Liverpool, 1881-1900; author of various works on physics, and of articles in the "Hibbert Journal."--["Who"s Who."]

_fa bro_, Robert J. LODGE, for many years Secretary of the Marine Insurance Company, and reckoned a man of considerable ability in the city.

_bro_, Richard LODGE (b. 1855), Professor of History, Edinburgh, since 1899; First Professor of History, Glasgow University; author of "Student"s Modern Europe," "Richelieu" (in Foreign Statesmen Series), and "The Close of the Middle Ages."--["Who"s Who."]

_bro_, Alfred LODGE, Professor of Pure Mathematics at Cooper"s Hill.

_si_, Eleanor Constance LODGE, Sub-head and Lecturer on History in Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford.

_fa bro son_, George E. LODGE, well-known animal painter and engraver.

Right Hon. Sir John #LUBBOCK# (b. 1834), created Baron #AVEBURY#, 1900, P.C., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., banker, head of Robarts, Lubbock and Co., well known for the part he has taken in public affairs; has been a member of many Royal Commissions; For. Sec.

R.A., German Order of Merit, Commander Legion of Honour.

Biologist, President at various times of many learned societies; author of over 100 memoirs in the Transactions of the Royal Soc., and of numerous literary, scientific, and popular scientific works.--["Who"s Who," and "Ency. Brit."]

_fa fa_, Sir John LUBBOCK, a leading banker and governor of the Royal Exchange a.s.surance Corporation.

_fa_, Sir John William LUBBOCK (1803-1865), F.R.S., astronomer and mathematician; Treasurer and Vice-President of the Royal Soc.; First Vice-Chancellor of the London University; Deputy Governor of Royal Exchange a.s.s. Corp.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_bro_, Sir Neville LUBBOCK, K.C.M.G., Chairman West India Committee; Governor of the Royal Exchange a.s.s. Corp.; Chairman of New Colonial Company, etc.--["Who"s Who."]

_bro_, Edgar LUBBOCK, LL.B., director of the Bank of England; law scholar of University of London; pa.s.sed first, and obtained Clifford"s Inn prize in Law Soc. Exam.--["Who"s Who."]

Sir Francis Leopold #MCCLINTOCK# (b. 1819), K.C.B., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S.; Admiral retired; Elder Brother of Trinity House; served in four Arctic voyages; discovered fate of Franklin"s expedition, 1859; author of "The Fate of Sir John Franklin" and "The Voyage of the _Fox_."--["Who"s Who."]

_fa me_, Patience MCCLINTOCK, nee FOSTER, came of a family which showed in most of its branches a high level of ability, and had several distinguished members. Thus, reckoning relationships from her, we find her:

_fa_, John William FOSTER, M.P.

_fa bro_, Anthony FOSTER (d. 1778), M.P., Chief Baron of Exchequer, Ireland.

_fa bro son_, John FOSTER, Baron ORIEL (1740-1828); Speaker of Irish House of Commons up to the time of the Union.--["Dict. N.


_fa bro son_, William FOSTER (d. 1797), D.D., Bishop successively of Cork, Kilmore, and Clogher.

_fa bro son son_, John Leslie FOSTER (d. 1842), F.R.S., Irish Judge; M.P. for Dublin University, etc.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_fa bro son son_, Sir Augustus John FOSTER (1780-1848), Bart., P.C., M.P.; Minister to United States, Denmark, and Turin.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_fa bro son son son_, Vere Henry Lewis FOSTER (1819-1900), philanthropist and educationalist.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_bro_, Alfred Henry MCCLINTOCK (d. 1881), M.D., LL.D., President Royal College of Physicians, Ireland.

_fa bro son_, John MCCLINTOCK, M.P. for Co. Louth for many years; created Baron RATHONDELL for long political services.

_me fa_, Ven. George L. FLEURY, Archdeacon of Waterford.

_me bro_, Rev. Charles Marley FLEURY, a celebrated preacher in Dublin.

_son_, Henry Foster MCCLINTOCK, a.s.sistant Private Secretary to Lord Stanley, Postmaster-General; served with Army Post-Office Corps in South Africa, and was mentioned in despatches.

_son_, John William Leopold MCCLINTOCK, Commander Royal Navy; pa.s.sed second into the "Britannia."

_son_, Robert Singleton MCCLINTOCK, Brevet-Major R.E.; scholar at Charterhouse; served on Sir G. Willc.o.c.ks" staff in the relief of Cooma.s.sie, 1900, and was mentioned in despatches.

Sir Clements R. #MARKHAM# (b. 1830), K.C.B., F.R.S., President for many years of the Royal Geograph. Soc.; served in Arctic Expedition, 1850-1851; travelled in Peru, 1852-1854, bringing thence cinchona-bearing trees for cultivation in India; geographer to the Abyssinian Expedition; author and editor of numerous geographical works.--["Ency. Brit.," x.x.x. 544; "Who"s Who."]

_fa fa_, William MARKHAM (1760-1815), scholar; secretary to Warren Hastings in India.

_fa bro son_, Lieutenant-General Sir Edwin MARKHAM (b. 1833), K.C.B., R.E., constant active service.--["Who"s Who."]

_fa bro son_, Admiral Sir Albert MARKHAM (b. 1841), K.C.B., Commander of the "Alert" in Arctic Expedition, 1875-1876; various high naval appointments, besides unprofessional work when unemployed on naval duties.--["Who"s Who."]

_me bro son_, Right Hon. Sir Frederick MILNER, Bart. (b. 1849), P.C., politician.--["Who"s Who."]

_me si son_, Right Hon. Francis FOLJAMBE (b. 1830), P.C., politician.--["Who"s Who."]

_me si son_, Right Hon. Sir Edwin EGERTON (b. 1841), P.C., G.C.M.G., Amba.s.sador at Madrid, then at Rome.--["Who"s Who."]

_fa fa fa_, William MARKHAM (1719-1807), P.C., Archbishop of York; one of the best scholars of the day; Headmaster of Westminster School, 1753-1765; Dean of Christ Church; Preceptor to the Royal Princes, 1771; Archbishop and Lord High Almoner, 1777.--["Dict. N.

Biog.," x.x.xvi. 172.]

_fa fa bro_, Admiral John MARKHAM (1761-1827); many services at sea; twice on Admiralty Board; M.P. for Portsmouth during seventeen years; proposed and carried appointment of Commission on dockyard abuses, 1806.--["Dict. N. Biog.," x.x.xvi. 171.]

_fa fa bro_, George MARKHAM (1763-1823), Dean of York; scholar and numismatist.

Mervyn Herbert Nevil Story #MASKELYNE# (b. 1823), F.R.S., Hon.

D.Sc., Oxon. Distinguished mineralogist; formerly Keeper of Minerals in British Museum; Professor of Mineralogy at Oxford, 1856-1895; M.P. for Cricklade, 1880-1885; for North Wilts, 1885-1892.--["Who"s Who."]

_me fa_, Nevil MASKELYNE (1732-1811), D.D., F.R.S., Astronomer Royal for forty-seven years; was the first man to weigh the earth; the originator of the Nautical Almanac.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_fa_, Anthony Mervyn Reeve STORY, F.R.S., gained a double first-cla.s.s in Lit. Hum. and Mathematics, when nineteen years of age, at Oxford, in 1810.--["Oxf. Reg."]

_si son_, John Story MASTERMAN, gained a first-cla.s.s in Lit. Hum., 1872; Fellow of Brasenose, Oxford.--["Oxf. Reg."]

_si son_, Herbert Warington SMYTH, Secretary, Mining Dept., Transvaal; Secretary, Siamese Legation, 1898-1901; Order White Elephant of Siam, 1897; author of "Five Years in Siam," etc.--["Who"s Who."]

_si son_, Major Nevill Maskelyne SMYTH, obtained V.C. at Battle of Khartoum.--["Who"s Who."]

_wife_, nee Dillwyn LLEWELYN.

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