aThis Senate thinga,a: Sh.o.m.on in interview with author, January 2005.

aIam surea,a: Axelrod discussion with author, November 2004.

aWe were deada,a: Nate Tamarin interview with author, December 2004.

Jim Cauley quotes: Cauley interview with author, December 2004.

aAs a politiciana,a: Chicago Sun-Times, Laura Washington column, September 2003.

aThere is going to bea,a: Obama discussion with author, August 2005.

aItas been mentioneda,a: David Katz discussion with author, June 2005.

aI am not runninga,a: Obama at Mars Hill Baptist Church, Chicago, November 2003.

aWe just a.s.sumea,a: Obama at South Suburban Chicago campaign office, January 2004.

aIt was the firsta,a: Cynthia Miller interview with author, April 2005.

aThe anger and frustrationa,a: Mich.e.l.le Obama interview with author, August 2005.


aDonat blame Pama,a: Obama discussion with author, November 2003.

aHey, Iam doinga,a: Obama to pa.s.serby in Chicago, November 2003.

aWell go aheada,a aI think politicsa,a and aWhen I seea,a: Obama interview with author, December 2003.

aIt worked on twoa,a: Axelrod interview with author, December 2003.

aMy momenta,a: Cauley quoted in aRace Against Historya by Noam Scheiber in The New Republic, May 2004.


aBarack has takena,a: Tom Balanoff interview with author, January 2004.

aThe legislaturea,a: Obama at Senate debate, January 2004.

aDonat you thinka,a: from Illinois political consultant discussion with author, June 2005.

aNoahas Arka,a: Mark Blumenthal interview with author, January 2007.

Hull material adapted from aHull Proves Money No Object in Bid for Senate,a Mendell, Chicago Tribune, February 2004.

aYou knowa,a: Axelrod discussion with author, February 2004.

Hull divorce files: public records from Cook County Circuit Court.

aEach day wea,a: Chase discussion with author, March 2004.

aBarack was concerneda,a: Axelrod interview with author, August 2005.

aI sure hopea,a: Pete Giangreco discussion with author, March 2004.

aSome politiciansa,a: aThe aITa Factor,a Chicago Sun-Times, January 2004.

aFor G.o.das sakesa,a: Obama aide discussion with author, January 2004.


aThereas no doubta,a: David Mendell, aObama Banks on Credentials, Charisma,a Chicago Tribune, January 2004.

aYou have Christinaa,a: Matt Hynes discussion with author, January 2004.

Chicago Reader reference and Bob Secter quote: Michael Miner, aThe Kiss and the Cover-up,a Chicago Reader, March 2004.

aSounds likea,a: Obama discussion with author, February 2004.

athe favorite sona,a: Obama at South Suburban Chicago campaign office, January 2004.

aI knew Dan Hynesa,a: Illinois politico discussion with author, August 2005.

aTheyare runninga,a: Anita Dunn discussion with author, February 2004.

aYou know, Chicoa,a: Cauley discussion with author, February 2004.

aMy father wasa,a: Obama in various campaign speeches, 2003a"2004.

aItas getting harder and hardera,a: Obama discussion with author, February 2004.

aMy general att.i.tudea,a: Obama interview with author, December 2004.

amusicians riffinga,a: Axelrod interview with author, December 2006.

aI am mya,a and aThe arc ofa,a: Obama in various campaign speeches, 2003a"2004.

aIam going to bea,a: Paul Simon discussion with author, December 2003.

Campaign ads courtesy of David Axelrod.

aBarack is extremely intelligenta,a: Axelrod interview with author, March 2004.

aman for this timea,a: editorial, Chicago Sun-Times, February 2004.

aproven record ofa,a: editorial, Chicago Tribune, February 2004.

aObama is on firea: Jason Erkes discussion with author, March 2004.

aWe canat get beata,a: Secter discussion with author, February 2004.

aMr. Obaaaaamaa,a and aCan you believea,a: unidentified women, St. Patrickas Day Parade, downtown Chicago, March 2004.

aYou just waita,a: Obama discussion with author, March 2004.


Campaign ads courtesy of Hynes campaign.

aThere was nowherea,a: Blumenthal interview with author, January 2007.

aLetas face ita,a: Erkes discussion with author, March 2004.

aHe stayeda,a: Dan Hynes, Senate debate, February 2004.

Tribune story reference: Mendell/Chase, aCandidate Without Faults Is a Rarity,a Chicago Tribune, March 2004.

aHey, this storya,a: Obama discussion with author, March 2004.

aHe dida,a: Axelrod discussion with author, March 2004.

aWe have alla,a: Cauley discussion with author, March 2004.

aI donat want thisa,a: Obama discussion in campaign SUV, March 2004.

aIt was a straight arrowa,a: Blumenthal interview with author, January 2007.

aAmbition hasa,a: Sh.o.m.on discussion with author, June 2005.

aWell, you area,a: Jarrett conversation recounted to author, May 2005.

aHeas really pretty exciteda,a: Mich.e.l.le Obama quoted in Eric Zorn column, Chicago Tribune, March 2004.

aThe most surprisinga,a: Axelrod interview with author, June 2005.

aTruthfully, it feelsa,a: Leslie Corbett, quoted in aObama Enters New Ring,a Chicago Tribune, Mendell/Jon Yates, March 2004.

aWhen I firsta,a: Deborah Landis interview with author, March 2004.

aTonight surelya,a: Jesse Jackson Sr., at Obama victory party, Chicago, March 2004.

aAt its besta,a: Obama victory speech, Chicago, March 2004.


aBarack wasa,a: Cauley discussion with author, April 2004.

amarkets faila,a: Obama at various press interviews, Aprila"November 2004.

aObama figures outa,a: David Wilhelm interview with author, January 2005.

aall I have to saya,a: Obama discussion with author, March 2004.

aI donat thinka,a: Obama, and Tribune story reference, aObama Has Center in Sights,a Chicago Tribune, Mendell, April 2004.

aI didnat finda,a: Obama interview with author, April 2004.

aItas impossiblea,a: Obama aide interview with author, January 2005.

aRobert steppeda,a: Jarrett interview with author, May 2005.

aThis is someonea,a: Obama discussion with author, April 2005.

aRobert isa,a: former Obama aide discussion with author, October 2006.

aPlain and simplea,a: Cauley interview with author, December 2004.

Obama-Gibbs conversation: Gibbs recounted to author, November 2006.

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