Frey nodded her little head, she flew up and hugged Mei"s cheek and kissed it. "Frey will make sure to tell mother from now on." 

"Mmm… Good! Now that you are all better, Mother wants you to meet the person who saved you." Mei said with a warm smile. With Frey on her shoulder, she waved her hand and appeared in her immortal cave. "Frey are you okay? This world has no magicules so tell mother if you start to feel uncomfortable." 

"It"s fine Mother, Frey can live off this energy as well now." Frey said with a smile. Since she had taken in the magicules that Mei had given her that had traces of every kind of power her evolution had made it so that she could take in not just magicules about spiritual qi and celestial power. 

Mei was surprised but also breathed a sigh of relief. She did not want to keep Frey locked up in her s.p.a.ce all the time. Mei walked out of her cave and looked around her. Frowning she couldn"t help but wonder if she would reach the immortal realm before being able to go home. Mainly because the technique that Tang Chin used for hiding was very powerful. She could not detect their presence at all which caused her to frown. She felt this technique would be very helpful when she returned to Phantasia. Sighing and putting her thoughts to the back of her head Mei called out to Tang Chin. "Tang Chin can you come here for a minute please." 

As soon as her words finished Tang Chin appeared in front of Mei. "Young Miss you called?"

 "Frey, this big brother here was the one who saved you." Mei explained. Frey flew up from Mei"s shoulder and hovered in front of Tang Chin. 

Tang Chin looked at the little fairy who was blus.h.i.+ng from ear to ear a little surprised. He watched as she bowed her head and said: "Big Brother thank you for saving me..." When she was done she flew over and kissed his cheek before quickly flying off and hiding in Mei"s hair. 

Mei smiled and also bowed her head. "Big Brother Chin, once again thank you for saving my daughter."

"Young Miss does not need to be so formal with me. You are a member of the Tang family so that makes your daughter a member of our Tang family as well. So me helping her is a given." Tang Chin said humbly. 

When he saw Mei that day desperate and her beautiful image filled with tears. It really hit him and the other immortals at home. It was a scene of a mother that cared very much for her daughter. Even if they were not the same race and not of the same blood she still cared for her deeply. Each of the immortals, Tang Chin included, were all orphans picked up by the tang family because they had good talent. It was a common scene in the immortal realm to have many orphans running around. Their parents either abandon them or died while out trying to find opportunities. 

But here in the lower plane, he met a girl only thirteen years old who was more responsible and caring than those parents in the Immortal realm. Even if Mei was not a member of the Tang family he would have still helped her no matter what just because of her willingness to do whatever she could for her daughter that was not even bound by blood.

After speaking with Mei a little longer Tang Chin went back into hiding. Mei decided she would go find her master so she went around the mountaintop to find Bai Hong. Although she could fly she figured it would be too much of a waste to not take in the beautiful scenery of the mountain top. Frey happily flew around Mei as they walked as she looked at all the scenery. 

When they got to the blue bamboo forest, Mei heard the sounds of someone working. She slowly crept into the forest to see what it was. She came up to a small bush and hid behind it to take a look. What she saw was Bai Hong with a hammer and chisel working away on a large stone slab. Mei found this strange that he was using a hammer and chisel since he could just use spiritual qi to do the same thing. But when she remembered the wood and stone works who used to pull off some amazing art back on earth she quickly decided this was this case. 

"Mei"er, I know you are there. You and your little friend come here." Bai Hong said as he set down the hammer and chisel. He then picked up a towel and wiped the sweat from his brow. 

When Mei walked out of the bush she finally got a good look at what he was working on and she was taken away at how intricate the sculpture was. It was of a beautiful woman with long flowing hair wearing a long dress. Mei could see how much care was being put into this sculpture as each of the woman"s details were refined and smooth. It looked very life like. 

Bai Hong ignored Mei"s curious gaze and asked: "So who is this little one?"

"This is my daughter Frey, Master. Frey, say hi to Mother"s master. Master Bai" Mei urged Frey forward. Frey looked at the old man who had a stern look on his face and felt a little scared but still did as Mei asked and introduced herself. 

Bowing her head slightly Frey Greeted Bai Hong: "Frey greets Master Bai..."

"Mmm… Well behaved child you have raised her well. She is also a good talent..." Bai Hong"s eyes suddenly widened as he said this. He looked at the little fairy in front of him a bit astonished. Before muttering: "Truly is like mother, like daughter..." 


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