Jiro stared at Queen, the queen of the bees, with a great amount of interest. Kana was sleeping and soaking up the chakra of Jiro like always and Jiro decided to try and tackle the issue of nature chakra once again with the help of Queen. She had warned him many times that nature chakra was dangerous and that too much of it would kill, but Jiro was determined to do something new.

As he was waiting for Queen to bring up something from the hive, Jiro was thinking about how to absorb chakra from nature. He knew that chakra was something inside of him and that chakra was used in jutsus, but he was wondering how he could use nature chakra. Jiro spent some more time thinking and it suddenly clicked within him. He was already close to sensing nature chakra in a round about way with his Genjutsu.

He had wanted to find a way to utilize Genjutsu differently so he would sometimes employ his chakra into the ambience which would serve as a point in which he could trap somebody into a Genjutsu. However, nature chakra was everywhere so Jiro just had to leak his chakra into the world and sense for any difference in chakra or look for somewhere with lots of chakra.

Jiro mentally face palmed, then turned on his sharingan. As three tomoe lazily swirled around, Jiro leaked out his own chakra, then saw as Kana ate it up. She let out a small burp of fire out of her mouth as she continued to sleep, oblivious to Jiro"s mental annoyance. He figured that Kana would be fine in the nest and jumped down.

It had been some time and Jiro was somewhat sure that Kana was mentally close to five years old. She would probably not panic if she noticed that he was gone. While walking near the river, Jiro realized that it might be difficult to draw nature chakra if he was in a specific area that seemed to be filled with water chakra.

As Jiro continued to walk into the forest looking for an area to try seeing how chakra interacted with his eyes, he quickly noticed that the nest was on fire. A face of horror filled Jiro"s face before he sprinted out towards the nest while flipping through hand seals for water release. Jiro really did not like using hand seals so he usually used his sharingan to memorize the chakra pattern to utilize a certain fire release or other jutsus.

Unfortunately, he neglected water release so hand seals were necessary to control it. Jiro realized that he should start memorizing the chakra patterns for basic water release jutsus as he might have to get used to Kana being more active with her fire manipulation as she got older. Jiro also saw the error in his way of a.s.suming that he would be fine without other elemental jutsu.

After the fire was put out, Jiro looked to the bees to find who lit the nest on fire. Miraculously, Queen was still inside the bee hive oblivious to the chaos so Jiro had to wait for her to come out. Finally, Queen came out with a stinger clenched in her arms. As she flew out to Jiro, he asked for her to figure out who lit the nest on fire.

When she pointed a finger at the still sleeping Kana, Jiro looked at her in doubt, but she revealed that Kana was similar to Jiro. Kana had realized that Jiro left her and in revenge, she lit the nest on fire before falling asleep because the fire could not hurt her. Jiro mentally reaffirmed the usefulness behind knowing a basic repertoire of not just water jutsus, but elemental jutsus. Jiro sighed as he was beginning to notice that he had made many errors in terms of jutsus. Before he could dwell on his errors and how to correct them, he took notice of the item in Queen"s arms.

Jiro quickly memorized what he should work on before he properly looked at the item in Queen"s arms. Although it was a stinger, it looked less organic and more stony in texture. When Queen handed the stinger over, Jiro felt it over and he came to the conclusion that it was made of stone. When he found out from Queen that the stinger was once that of a bee, he was somewhat shocked.

"This stinger belonged to one of the bees that was a royal guard of the queen before I became the queen of the nest. The bee had somehow managed to use more natural chakra than other bees so it had become a lot smarter as well as stronger. Unfortunately, it absorbed too much natural chakra so it turned into a stone statue. I show you this stinger in order to convince you, Jiro that messing with natural chakra is dangerous."

"No need to worry Queen. Now that I am aware of how dangerous it is to absorb it, I will avoid doing that, but I am going to try and see it with my sharingan."

While Queen went back to enjoy the safety of the hive Jiro was staring at a small wisp of his chakra with his sharingan activated. He had formed a shadow clone for Kana to feed off of so that his chakra would not be taken away. Jiro spent about an hour staring before realizing that even though the sharingan is very strong, it can"t do everything. He had tried to improve his vision and he did, but it seemed that his ability to see chakra was dampened or weakened in exchange for his very strong sight.

Jiro knew that summoners would take on traits similar to their summon so he was not completely surprised at his increased vision, but he did find it slightly sad that his chakra viewing ability was weakened. Jiro knew that Orochimaru"s snake like eyes were because of his summon which were snakes. Jiraiya was able to make his feet and hands webbed when in water because of his toad contract and Tsunade had an increased regeneration rate due to her contract with slugs. Jiro wondered if he would manifest anything else besides increased vision, but he did not worry about it.

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