Slaughter God

Chapter 5

Slaughter G.o.d - Chapter 5

Chapter 5 – Sisters
Translated by James

This new arrival was a slender youngster with long eyebrows and dark eyes. He looked a couple years older than Ji Li. With a faint smile on his face, he appeared to be full of confidence.

This person’s arrival caused all those around him began to move backwards opening up a road for him. It seemed that this person is quite prestigious amongst the younger generations in the tribe.

Ji Chu. He has been known as the number two among the younger generations, directly below Rain Bamboo. He was also the current captain of the hunting team. It has been said that he have reached the pinnacle of low tier strength half a year ago. His strength was much stronger than Ji Feng’s.

Ji Chu slowly walked toward Ji Li as the crowd made way. With a condescending att.i.tude and a faint smile, he said: “Ji Li, having mastered a Whirling First with five consecutive increases in strength, it seemed that you are indeed very strong. But you shouldn’t be thinking that you’re invincible just from that.”

Hearing this nasty tone, Ji Li frowned but did not reply. From his knowledge of Ji Chu, Ji Li knew that Ji Chu, compared to Ji Feng, was much harder to deal with. This was especially true since Ji Chu was still so confident even after his display of his Whirling First with five consecutive increases in strength.

What’s surprising is that while Ji Chu was continuously displaying his superiority, he did not continue to provoke Ji Li. He only said with his mouth slightly curved upwards: “Hehe, you don’t have to be so nervous; I won’t make it difficult for you since we are no longer at the same level.”

“Ji Chu, what do you mean by this? We are all of the same tribe; everyone is supposed to be equal. There shouldn’t be a separation between the inner and outer groups; even the inner group is not necessarily superior. Brother Li didn’t do anything wrong!” Rain Bamboo clenched her fist and said full of discontent.

“Rain Bamboo, are these also things Ji Li taught you? If a mere outsider dared say these outrageous word; once reported to the tribal elders, it’ll be a major crime. However, I didn’t hear it from Ji Li himself. Since the words came out from your mouth, it naturally won’t be an issue.” Ji Chu still had a confident smile on his face. He was obviously a lot smarter than everyone else and knew that blind provocation of Ji Li will only raise Rain Bamboo’s antipathy.

“What I meant by we are not at the same level isn’t regarding that.” He adds and then stretches out his hand smilingly. Soon there was a crimson color slowly appearing on his hand.

“This is…” All the people around suddenly started feeling like they’re inside a stove – their skin slowly heating up and even the air started to boil.

Right at this moment, a yellow flame appeared floating on Ji Chu’s palm.

“Fire energy! Mid tier stage! Ji Chu even reached mid tier stage!” The crowd exclaimed. Being able to stimulate a variety of natural energies, this is the mark of mid tier stage.

“It was rumored that Ji Chu reached the pinnacle of strength only but half a year ago. To think he have reached the mid tier stage already! Genius! Maybe he is as much of a genius as Miss Rain Bamboo!” An astonished voice sounded.

“You actually broke through the mid tier stage?” Even Rain Bamboo was slightly surprised from Ji Chu reaching mid tier stage because she herself, the second genius of the Fire Sparrow Tribe, also spent about the same amount of time to reach mid tier stage.

Breaking through the mid tier stage is both the hardest and the most critical stage. The less time one spent on it, the more talent one have. Ji Chu’s time spent showed that he was about as talented as her.

“That’s right, I have broken through the mid tier stage a couple days ago. Maybe I’ll soon catch up to you.” Ji Chu slightly smiled. “Thus, I am won’t make things difficult for Ji Li. I am here simply as the captain of the juvenile hunting team to invite Ji Li because he have reached over 800 jin strength, the requirement to join the hunting team.”

“Say it again after you have caught up to me.” Rain Bamboo said disgruntledly.

“Okay, you wait for me. And Ji Li, you better come report as soon as possible.” Ji Chu said continuously with a smile on his face, looking charismatic; completely different from the crowd before. Then he faced the crowd and said: “You guys better dismiss and go back home to practice. For even an outsider is stronger than you guys and you guys still have the face to continue standing here?”

“Rest a.s.sured, I will for sure.” Watching Ji Chu’s brilliant display, he only blandly replied now.

There was indeed such a rule in the tribe. All males, upon reaching a strength of 800 jin, must join the hunting team. He envisioned that it won’t be an easy stay for him in the hunting team. However, he still has time. Once he finishes absorbing the residual energy, he can go wherever he wants.

“Good. I’ll wait for you.” Ji Chu smiled expressively.

He left right afterwards.

Following Ji Chu, all the other youngsters also dispersed.

“Brother Li, you were so awesome earlier!” Seeing that everyone has dispersed, Rain Bamboo came running with excitement and said: “To think that you actually did a five consecutive strength increasing Whirling Fist; this is something no one in the tribe have accomplished before!”

“You can stop flattering me. I know how strong I am. While there aren’t a lot of people who can do a five consecutive Whirling Fist, I for certain am not the only one…” Ji Li said disapprovingly. At this time, a figure flashed in his mind - a figure of a person a lot stronger than him. He quickly shook his head, as if forcing himself not to think of this person.

“In Rain Bamboo’s heart, brother Li you are the strongest!” Even though her previous flattery had failed, she didn’t care. Then, grasping her fist, she revealed an innocent smile enough to fool those who have not seen her appearance when beating someone up.

Having grown up with her, Ji Li knew well enough what she was trying to accomplish. He disgruntledly said: “All this talk, it is just so that I don’t blame you for what happened today right? Fine, I don’t blame you then.”

“Hehe, I knew brother Li won’t blame me.” Having her mind read, Rain Bamboo was not one bit embarra.s.sed. Holding Ji Li’s hands, she said: “Brother Li you have agreed right? Then you are mine from now on.”

“Wait. I only said I don’t blame you and didn’t say that I agree with the engagement. We are still too young.” Ji Li interrupts Rain Bamboo. Feeling a headache, with his abilities even if he wanted to accept the engagement, Rain Bamboo’s father, the Fire Sparrow Tribe chief surely won’t acknowledge it.

In his view, Rain Bamboo wanting to marry him to bring him to the inner group, while being well intended, was likely only a one sided willingness.

He spoke vaguely because he didn’t want her to have a fall out with her father. 

However, having absorbed some of the energy within him, he was already much stronger than before. Once he enhances his power a bit more, marrying Rain Bamboo was not an impossibility.

Only, it cannot be rushed.

“What? Brother Li you actually refuse?” Rain Bamboo never imagined that she’ll be refused. With a light shout, she rushed in front of Ji Li, blocking him.

She is most certainly not as mature as Ji Li thought her to be. She stared at Ji Li angrily and said solemnly: “Brother Li, you better not forget that you have already kissed and touched me when I was only six years old. You better be responsible!”

Ji Li’s face turned red. He rushed over to Rain Bamboo and whispered: “Don’t talk nonsense. You were drowning at the Fire Bird Lake. I was only giving you artificial respiration to save you.”

“Then having saved my life, it is also within reasons for me to devote my life you.” Rain Bamboo spoke without regard or a hint of embarra.s.sment.

Hearing this particular argument, Ji Li’s mouth twitched a couple times. He paused and jokingly said: “You sure this isn’t returning benevolence with malevolence?”

“Brother Li!” Seeing Ji Li still refusing to agree, Rain Bamboo really did get angry. “What’s bad about me?! Didn’t you see all those guys in the tribe who likes me? And I carry a huge secret. As long as you and I engage, you will certainly gain great benefits! For you to continue to refuse… unless…unless…”

“Unless what?” Ji Li didn’t expect her to actually get angry. But he also know that, based on her personality, she won’t be angry for long so he deliberately asked with a smile.

Seeing Ji Li continuously smiling, Rain Bamboo really got angry and, with a hot head, blurted out without thinking: “Unless you still cannot forget my older sister!”

Rain Bamboo started regretting right after.

She secretly glanced at Ji Li and, as expected, his smile gradually solidified.

All of a sudden, even the air seemed to quiet down.

“I really am tired today. Can we talk about our stuff later, okay?” After a while, Ji Li seemed somewhat dejected. He only gently sighed and pa.s.sed by Rain Bamboo and slowly walked away.

Rain Bamboo blankly stood. After a long time, she finally reacted and turned around. However, Ji Li have long since been gone.

“Brother Li….” A single person standing on an empty field; like a helpless child, Rain Bamboo totally lost the valiance that she was displaying a while ago. Feeling her nose a bit runny, she looked towards the sky and almost cried: “Ohh sister sister, did you even take with you brother Li’s heart when you left the tribe?”

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