“Here huh……”
“That’s right, this is Father’s room, because my Father is a university professor!”

Lead by Sakura-chan, we reached a single door.
Ashino Morio is written nearby.

As usual, the surroundings are filled with zombies that went mad with s.e.xual desires.
……The origin of the sound is not from this room it seems.
There are more zombies that went mad with s.e.x further down the corridor.
The origin is further down.
Let’s investigate it as well later.

“Alright, open it”

I made the zombie policeman open the door.
Because we don’t know what’s inside the room.
Well, what’s going to jump out then, a demon? a snake? I guess the highest probability would be zombies.

“……What, is this”
Inside the roomーーa lump of meat rolled over.
Two human beings that have been forcibly melted together forming one ball-shaped ‘something’ is over there.
From a position impossible for the human body protrudes two right hands, the eyes and nose are rearranged into preposterous positions.
One of such four red eyes looked over here staringly.

I covered Saya’s eyes immediately.
This is a sight that cannot be shown to Saya that’s even timider than me.

“Onii-chan……It’s alright, I’ve gotten used to seeing even more brutal things”
“It’s fine, okay?”

Seems that in the one week I wasn’t around, Saya has experienced many things and has gotten stronger.

“”Sakura……? Is that Sakura?””

It spoke.
The meat lump that has a strange voice which seemingly contains the mixture of a male and female voice called out to Sakura……!

“Father……? Father!?”
“”Aa that’s right, it’s Father, Mother is together as well””

The four eyes lovingly looks at Sakura-chan

“That’s……Sakura’s mother should’ve been dead already! I was also at the funeral on that day……!”
“”That voice is……Aki-chan is it, our daughter is much indebted to you……You guys over there are? “”

We reflect in the red pupils that were looking at Sakura-chan and Aki-chan in sequence.

“Fujiwara Sayaka, eleven years old!”
“I’m Fujiwara Jin……Sayaka’s older brother, I’m going out with……Sakura”

The truth is it’s not just Sakura though……

“”If it weren’t for this body I would’ve punched you””
“”It’s just a joke, the guy Sakura chose, I want to complain but it’s not like I don’t recognize your relationship with Sakura. “”

……If the harem situation is known, I might get murdered.

“”But……that eye is the Infected Emperor, the sister over there is a fused individual……That’s amazing””

As I thought, he knows……!

“”The vaccine that I’ve created was incomplete……But the senses are returning back to Sakura……Is it because of the s.e.xual intercourse with the Infected Emperor……? Since Sakura did not turn into a unique individual……As I thought my theory is correct huh””

NoーIt’s troubling even if you came to a conclusion as you please by yourself.

“Ashino Morio-san, there’s plenty of things I want to ask you”
“”There are lots that I want to ask you guys as well, how is the situation outside?””
“……Modern society has collapsed”
“”Is that so……””

“And that’s how it is, I am currently having relationship with Aki-chan, Sakura-chan and Saya ”

I spoke to Sakura-chan’s father about what has happened till this point.

“”Fujiwara-kun, there’s something I want to say as a father with a daughter””
“What is it?”
“Sorry……really sorry”

I have no retort.
Even if I say that I violated Sakura-chan to return her senses, Aki-chan, Saya I did with my own intention.

“”Well, it is this kind situation, I’m also a guy so I understand but, have a little more moderation””
“”And what was it you want to ask me?””

Oo, that’s right.
I didn’t come here to say ‘let me have your daughter!’.

“Firstly, what is your connection with 『Noah’s Ark』”
“”What kind of connection……huh, I was『Noah’s Ark』’s researcher, let me say that””
“”Aa, I’m one of the researchers that were cut down during the flood, I’m no more than just one of the easily replaceable gear, is what I ‘m saying””

The terrorists said in the video, the upcoming consecration day, only the chosen ones remain, Judgement Day.

“I see……So uncle did research on the zombie virus, right?”

Aki-chan asks.

“”Aa, at first it was curiosity. At the end, it was to resurrect my wife……I laid hands on the devil’s research for that purpose, I did”

Morino-san slowly toldー
About his sin, about the research belonging to the Devil that is unafraid of G.o.d.

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