Tan Hua had took a deep breath before she and Nan Shen began to walk through the dark haunted house.

When Tan Hua walk she could vaguely saw the interior of the haunted house. Somehow...this house really looked like a real house but with eerie atmosphere.

Currently she and Nan Shen were walking down a long creepy corridor heading nowhere.


Nan Shen actually felt rather scared after he saw how mysteriously scary this house was so he suddenly increase his speed, trying to get out from the house as soon as possible.

Now he felt idiot that he insisted to follow Mi Shu here. This house was indeed scary!

"B-big bro!! don"t walk to fast!" Tan Hua seeing Nan Shen walked fast in front of her, felt anxious. She was afraid Nan Shen would leave her!! Looking at the dire situation, Tan Hua decided to throw all her pride away.


Tan Hua then very shamelessly put her hands around Nan Shen waist, afraid that he will leave her alone!

!! This boy!!

"Don"t hug me little huo!!" Nan Shen tried to shove Tan Hua aside as the two of them walked down the dark corridor but Tan Hua still refuse to let go of Nan Shen waist making Nan Shen couldn"t walk properly.

Oh my Nan Shen walk too fast! What if he left her alone her?! or they were separated? T-that...would be nightmare!!

Tan Hua subconsciously tighten her hand around Nan Shen waist as she walked while bending her back.

"Little huo!! can you let me go?! it"s hard to walk like th-" Nan Shen who felt awkward being hugged by a man, was pus.h.i.+ng Tan Hua head away whe suddenly he heard noises coming from behind.


"hm? little huo do you hear that sound?" While still walking, Nan Shen turned his head around and asked the trembling Tan Hua about the noise he just heard.

Could it be the "ghost" would appear now?

"No I don"t hear anything!" Tan Hua obviously heard noises just like Nan Shen but she pressed her head to Nan Shen body while tightening her grip on Nan Shen waist to distract her fear.

No! She didn"t hear anything and will not see anything to!

"Oy little huo don"t hug me!!" Nan Shen once again felt ticklish Tan Hua head on his stomach. He was about to push Tan Hua when saw how Tan Hua had clung onto his body like koala, never letting go.

....this boy is really afraid?

Nan Shen hand stopped on air when he saw Tan Hua body was trembling while her hand kept hugging his waist.

Hhh....this is also his fault asking this boy to come to haunted house even if this boy is sacred of ghost and such.

Nan Shen sighed and was about to pat Tan Hua back to soothe her when suddenly, he felt someone grab his b.u.t.t from behind even though there was no one behind him.


"L-little huo don"t grab my b.u.t.t!" Nan Shen thought Tan Hua was the one grabbing his b.u.t.t but then Tan Hua raised her head with teary eyes and shaking voice.

"I...I didn"t touch your b.u.t.t...m-my hand is always on your w ahhh!!!" Tan Hua hadn"t finish her sentence when she too felt someone blow air on her neck, instantly made her had gooseb.u.mp.

"B-big bro!! Someone blow my neck!! ?" Tan Hua didn"t think far before jumping to Nan Shen pus.h.i.+ng him to the ground while she herself, curled her body into a ball yet still hugging Nan Shen body.


"Little h-" Nan Shen couldn"t see anything clearly and could only vaguely saw Tan Hua pushed him down. He was about to scold this scaredy cat when in the next moment, he felt someone pulled his leg!!

"u-ugyaaa!!!" This time Nan Shen was also as scared as Tan Hua when he finally felt the terror of this haunted house. He thought he would see fake ghost everywhere but he only felt how he was "bullied" even though there was no one here!

Nan Shen also felt scared now and he didn"t think anything before hugging Tan Hua back while s.h.i.+vering in fear.

H-he couldn"t move...his body wouldn"t move d.a.m.n it!! W-who touch his b.u.t.t and pull his leg?!

Tan Hua and Nan Shen didn"t realize that at this time the two of them were sitting on the ground while hugging each other, looking exactly like a little squirrel.

"b-big bro l-let"s go out now from the entrance, I-i couldn"t take it anymore" Tan Hua felt a little bit safe when Nan Shen hug her back but then she couldn"t move! Just now she felt someone tugged her wig!

That"s it! She had it enough! This haunted house is indeed haunted!! ?

"L-little huo I-I can"t move" Nan Shen once again felt someone blew air on his ears making his grip on Tan Hua body tighten.

H-he felt someone blew air!! T-this house...is it really haunted?!

Now Nan Shen finally felt the fear Tan Hua felt upon entering this haunted house. He really wanted to run away and went out from the door he entered first but he was so scared that his body won"t move!

d.a.m.n it!! This house is scary!

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