The one who grab Shen Ling hand was of course none other than the worried Nan Shen. He saw Shen Ling was about to pat Tan Hua head and he didn"t know why his body move on its own.

"What are you doing?" Shen Ling raised his eyebrow as he slapped away Nan Shen hand on his wrist.

"...." Nan Shen himself didn"t know why the heck he grab Shen Ling wrist when he was about to pat Tan Hua. He...he just hate it when Shen Ling land his hand on Tan Hua head...

Seeing Nan Shen was silent, Shen Ling harrumph in anger as he left Tan Hua to Nan Shen thinking the man had something to talk to Tan Hua.

"Big bro?" Tan Hua tilted her head as she called Nan Shen who still look into empty air when Shen Ling left the two of them alone.

"ah yes?" Nan Shen didn"t know why but just hearing this girl voice made his body flinched. Oh G.o.d did he get brain washed by this girl??

"You are dazing....what"s wrong?" Ever since she started the photoshoot session, she had occasionally look at Nan Shen direction only to find the man was looking at her or looking nowhere.

Nan Shen is weird! What happen? If he was like this she couldn"t help but worry right...

"No no it"s nothing everything is fine" Nan Shen hurriedly deny whatever going on in his mind. How could he tell this girl that he became like this because of her??

"Alright then let"s have lunch" Tan Hua saw Nan Shen didn"t want to talk about it so she change the conversation topic into eating. Well to tell the truth she was curious about what happened to Nan Shen.

Could it be he was thinking about Mi Shu? After all these days Nan Shen didn"t chase after Mi Shu anymore. He didn"t send her gift or meet her secretly. All he do was stay at home with her!

"Okay what do you want for lunch?" As usual Nan Shen always asked Tan Hua for what she wanted. This had been a habit after they live under the same roof for a month.

Now Nan Shen would subconsciously ask for what Tan Hua wanted to eat every time they were about to eat. He subconsciously already spoiled her!

"Ramen! let"s go for ramen!" Of course this little doggo also didn"t know she had been spoiled rotten by a certain CEO.

Now it was very casual for her to ask for whatever she want to eat and this man would provide it for her!

Few hours later...

"I"m beat" Nan Shen lay down on his bed after he saw Tan Hua enter her room. Even after a month has pa.s.s, since Tan Hua didn"t have home anymore he still provide a place to stay for her.

Nan Shen threw his gaze to the ceiling as he recalled all he felt during the photography session this morning.

He felt really tired after experiencing how his heart always skip a beat when he saw Tan Hua face. Not to mention he suddenly felt conscious around her. His back would suddenly sweat and he would be super conscious. a weird feeling. He never felt his way before. What is this feeling? He didn"t know what is this feeling but he had to find out what is this weird feeling he felt. Now or never!

Nan Shen stood up and left his bed as he opened his laptop about to find out about this feeling he felt in internet. He hope he would find the answer!


Nan Shen decided to type everything he felt and look if the internet knew the cause of it. Just less than a minute searching, he found many answers in the internet.

"Hmm let"s see this one" Nan Shen click on one website before he scroll through the list and saw a bunch of symptoms he felt this morning.

1. Heart beat faster when seeing a certain girl? Yes he felt that way. He didn"t know how many times his heart beat faster when Tan Hua was with him.

2. Can"t look at her eyes? Oh true! Just know whenever his eyes met Tan Hua eyes he would subconsciously averted it.

3. Froze when you"re in front of a certain girl? Well his body often get stiff so suddenly when he saw Tan Hua. So this is also true.

4. Everything around you change? Hmm there"s no significant change but lately he felt as if he was in a paradise filled with flower. Everything around him was brighter than ever.

5. Feeling comfortable when being with a certain girl? Hmmm he did feel relaxed around Tan Hua after all they spent a month living together. Honestly he felt comfortable with it.

6. You can be your self around her. Wait this one is very true! He can show Tan Hua his devil side and can even bully her as he please so this point is also true.

7. Last question. You still admire her even when she is not prefect? Let me see...well it"s true he felt that way. Tan Hua is super dumb after all.

[If all your answer is yes then congratulation you"re definitely in love!]

....whaaaatt?! ?

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