☆、Chapter 10

Tong Xiaoxiao avoided the zombie that was dangerously about to bite her shoulder. Her eyes were filled with disgust. The steel pipe on her hand struck the zombie"s head fiercely, and the stinky blood splashed on her body. She didn"t even blink her eyes. She kicked the zombie that no longer move away and on defensive mode back to back with Qin Haoyuan.

It was the third day since the apocalypse, when they woke up on the mall, they were almost been eaten alive by the zombies who woke up at the same time. Fortunately, Qin Haoyuan awakened his fire ability.

Although it was only a first-level ability, it was enough to deal with the newborn zombies. The two escaped from the mall and had planned to find a car to escape, but there were so many zombies, and when they felt the breath of the living, they all gathered around them. They didn"t look for the car with a high cha.s.sis momentarily, and it is impossible for the car to drive past, so in the end, the two person rushed into the zombie pile with a steel pipe in their hands.

Fortunately, at the beginning of the apocalypse, the movement of the zombies was slow, and there was no big problem for the two of them.

But on the second day of their escape, the two were so tired that originally, they wanted to take turns to watch in the middle of the night, but Tong Xiaoxiao accidentally fell asleep, and she was awakened by the sound of Qin Haoyuan arm unexpectedly almost being bitten by a zombie.

At that time, Tong Xiaoxiao only felt that her brain was blank and she felt that the sky was about to collapse. If Qin Haoyuan became a zombie, what could she do? She doesn"t have any abilities, she"ll never survive the second evolution of the zombies.

Afterward, Tong Xiaoxiao did not know what had happened, perhaps she"s blamed herself, or was too desperate, that she unexpectedly awakened the healing ability! She"s immortal!

“Look, there"s a car in the front!”
After remembering what had happened in the past few days, Tong Xiaoxiao"s eyes was bright suddenly. It was a heavy cross-country car, and at the moment, it was parked randomly on the side of the road, and only surrounded by a few scattered zombies.

Qin Haoyuan immediately took a glance at Tong Xiaoxiao, then swept away the zombies that has gathered around in front of him again, and went to the off road vehicle.

The car was unlocked, and there was a middle-aged zombie in the driver"s seat. It looked like he was the driver of the car.

The two people opened the door on the left and the right at the same time, Qin Haoyuan dodged to the side, and Tong Xiaoxiao in the copilot side stabbed hard with a steel pipe, then the zombie driver rolled out suddenly to the other side, and Qin Haoyuan use the steel pipe to smash his head.

Before the zombies in the back caught up with them, the two people with a matching understanding climbed into the car and the two looked at each other with a smile when they heard the sound of the booming engine.

Compared with the two main leads difficult situation, Ling Chunan and Zeng Wuyue was in a much more comfortable position.

On the first day of the apocalypse, they rolled all day on the sheets. The next day, Zeng Wuyue"s loyal subordinates came to them one after another, and most of them had awakened their abilities. At the present, there"s already 70 to 80 people here.

However, they have obviously regarded Ling Chunan as a kind of Zeng Wuyue"s favourite man. They often regard him as non-existent. Fortunately, Ling Chunan does not care, but in the contrary, Zeng Wuyue wants to teach his subordinates a lessons for daring to look down on his precious baby, but Ling Chunan stopped him.

Therefore, among all of the people, only the bodyguard brother1 who used to drive Zeng Wuyue knew the truth, and only him will trembling in fear when facing Ling Chunan, as if afraid that Ling Chunan would suddenly pounce at him and bite him.

In the study, Ling Chunan nesting lazily in Zeng Wuyue"s bosom, yawned a few times softly, and in the dissatisfied eyes of the subordinates, he shrank back to the man"s bosom and found a comfortable position to fall asleep.

The subordinates looked at Ling Chunan and were clearly very resentful with him, but because of Zeng Wuyue"s presence, no one dared to say anything.

“Fifth Master, everything is ready. When are we leaving?” Yuan Wu is Zeng"s Fifth Master right hand man. He has been following him for more than ten years, and he has watched him fight out his way in this world. Yet now in the apocalypse, he is… Looking at the young man in Zeng Wuyue"s arms, he really wanted to talk but keep hesitating, and in the end he didn"t say anything to avoid making Zeng Wuyue unhappy.

“Tomorrow, we"ll be leaving to Jing Cheng2.” Zeng Wuyue very carefully tightened his hold on the youth a little, “Go and prepare.”

Out of the study, the subordinates gathered together and began to talk
in a low voice.

“Wu ge3, why didn"t you say something to the Fifth Master just now?”

Yuan Wu shook his head. “Can"t you see that the Fifth Master has been infatuated4 by that boy? This matter must be considered in a long run. Moreover, Jing Cheng is thousands of kilometers away from Jiang Cheng5, and it usually takes two or three days of driving. Now that the apocalypse is coming, there is no peace everywhere. I don"t know how long it will take us to arrive there.” He smiled, “What happens on the way is beyond our control.”

All of them then suddenly enlightened and they had put up their thumbs up at Yuan Wu one after another. “Wu ge vision is the best."

Only the bodyguard brother on the side have a face like he"s having a toothache. That boy can be much more ferocious than the Fifth Master.

Alas, the feeling when everyone is drunk and only I thats sobering alone is really lonely.6

Early the next morning, Zeng Wuyue dug Ling Chunnan out of the bed. Ling Chunan closed his eyes and let him put on his clothes and shoes, and then after they exchanged a fiery kiss, he finally woke up.

098: “Host, you"re really crippled now.”

Ling Chunan licked the corners of his lips, “I"ll love to.” Then he stretched out his arms to the man again, and the man picked him up.

There were a convoy of twenty modified off road vehicles outside the villa, which had been prepared by Zeng Wuyue long before the apocalypse after listening to Ling Chunan, and each car had enough gasoline in its trunk to travel for a long distance.

In everyone"s sight, Zeng Wuyue took Ling Chunan to the second car, and in the driver seat sat the familiar bodyguard brother, with a respectful smile on his face, “Good morning, Fifth Master7,” and then he looked at Ling Chunan in Zeng Wuyue"s arms. As if there seems to be some lingering fear, “Good morning Master Ling8.”

Zeng Wuyue nodded, got into the car, and rubbed Ling Chunan"s hair, “Drive a little steadier.”


The convoy was driving out of the villa area in grandiose, and there were more zombies thats waking up outside. Compared with the zombie they came across when they came to the villa the day before yesterday, the rotting degree of the zombies is more profound now. Despite everyone has been mingled together in the capital city street, they still felt a little nauseous.

But contrary to that, Ling Chunan had the leisure to discuss with 098 and from time to time tapped the zombie"s face on the window, “098, look at this corpse, it has no eyeb.a.l.l.s, how can it see us?”

“Host, zombies do not grow their eyes until after they evolved three times, and then they begin to have intelligent. Before that, they rely on instinct to find the smell of flesh and blood.” 098 answered seriously.

“I know.” Ling Chunan nodded slightly. “I just thought that you hadn"t spoken for a long time, so I want to say something to you.”

Perhaps it is because there are too many people, so the convoy journey is not very smooth, and often need to get out of the car to clean up the zombies.

On the 15th day, the food supplies that was prepared in the car had been exhausted, and Zeng Wuyue had not allowed Ling Chunan to expose his s.p.a.ce. To put it in his words, at the moment, although all of these subordinates were listening to him, they still look down on his baby and they must not be allowed to eat without paying. What"s more, these subordinates still need to be toughen up again.

In the end, Zeng Wuyue directed the convoy to stop outside a small village.

A small number of zombies were wandering away on the edge of the village, but perhaps because they had not eaten too many peoples, these zombies moved rather slowly in comparison to the city ones. They moved slowly towards the convoy when they heard the noise.

Because they need to clean up the zombies, the bodyguard brother in the front seat also followed out, leaving only Ling Chunan and Zeng Wuyue in the car.

These days, Zeng Wuyue"s ability finally have risen to the peak of first grade, and was a rare powerful person in the early stage of the apocalypse, but Ling Chunan is a grade two ability user, to said it like that, can feel more things than normal.

There"s something wrong with this village.

“098, is there a record of this village in the plot?”

“No, the plot is carried out according to the protagonist"s route, and there is no base in a village.”

“What are you looking at, baby?”
Zeng Wuyue embraced Ling Chunan and kissed his slightly frowned brow.

Ling Chunan looked at the village outside his window and saw that everyone had planned to go into the village. Suddenly, a bad feeling rose in his heart, “tell them to come back quickly and leave from here.”

Zeng Wuyue was a little surprised, but did not hesitate to pick up the pager on the car immediately. However, strangely, at such a close distance, the pager did not respond at all. Obviously, the local signal has been blocked.

“Get out of the car and shout.” Ling Chunan pushed open the door and took the lead in getting out of the car.

He originally have thought that Zeng Wuyue ought to have become a zombie or was in accident at the beginning of the apocalypse in his last life, and now they should have avoided the disaster, but he didn"t realize that the real challenge was still here.

If his guess is not mistaken, there"s at least a third grade zombie in this village.

In this apocalypse plot, there is no description of Zeng Wuyue. Maybe the whole group is wiped out in this village.

Thinking until here, Ling Chunan expression became a lot more serious.

It is not that he fell in love with Zeng Wuyue or had sentiment for these subordinates. If he wanted to complete his mission, he had to live till the end. Of course, he was sure that he could survive in the apocalypse, but if having Zeng Wuyue can make him live more comfortably, why won"t he go for it?

The speed of Ling Chunan"s A level physique was extremely fast, but when he finally got to the village"s gate, he stood in the way of the crowd, but he didn"t say anything. Of course, he knew what these people regarding him as, and naturally it was impossible for them to listen to him. So waiting here for Zeng Wuyue is the best choice.

Everyone have a baffled look, why does the dodder flower young master9 who usually always depends on the Fifth Master hands suddenly appear?

“Master Ling, you"re in our way.”
Yuan Wu started to talk, although he used a honorific, there was not a single respect in his tone, and he was cold and alienated.

Ling Chunan still not saying anything, when Zeng Wuyue ice cold voice rang into everyone"s ears, "All of you, withdraw.”

“Fifth Master?” Everyone was startled and did not understand the reason of Zeng Wuyue"s command.

Zeng Wuyue walked to Ling Chunan side with large stride, every features look imposing, “What? Have you not heard what I say?"

After looking at the dazzling array of food in the small supermarket in the street not far away, the already hungry crowd"s eyes flashed, and in the end they turned and walked towards the car.

At this time, Ling Chunan suddenly heard a fit of broken breath sound coming from behind.

“Finding a third grade intelligent type zombie, please be careful, Host!"

Raw words count : 3.307

The rotten bird have no energy for a little theatre.

it"s written as 保镖小哥 which literally mean bodyguard little big bro. The big bro here is used in the context of him being a gangster (?) or just for the fact that he"s someone older but the little here is added for cutesy (my explanation make no sense). Cause it didn"t makes sense in English if I write it like that, I erase the "little and big" part. ↩ 荆 (jīng) is an alternative name for the the Zhou Dynasty state of Chu. (Chǔ guó) 楚国 mean the state of Chu and one of the most important of the small states contending for power in China between 770 and 223 BC, and located around present-day Hubei. 城 (chéng) mean city or city wall or town, so, Jing city. I will kept the Chinese as it sounds better like that (for me at least. :v ), but i"ll alternate it to English sometimes so please don"t be confused. ↩ 哥 (gē) mean elder brother usually its called gege too. Pretty sure you guys know already, but the brother here doesn"t mean they have familial relationship, just like how Nan Nan called Wuyue uncle. It is just a term of respect since he"s in the higher position. Pretty much like how Korean younger male will call the male older than them as hyung. I will also be alternating the honorific of any kind in the Chinese or English when i see fit in the future, because sometimes having them as GE is better than OLDER BROTHER. It"s too long to type :v . ↩ it"s actually said the soul is taken or something. Pretty much seduced or infatuated. ↩ 江 (jiāng) literally mean river. I have no idea where this town is. And i know, its almost a h.o.m.onym with Jing Cheng so pay attention. ↩ if you don"t get it he said that only he"s in the light of the situation when everyone dont know anything, thus they don"t know how he feel. ↩ it"s not really good morning. Its just 好 (hǎo) which means good and in greeting mean h.e.l.lo. But since it doesn"t translate well in English like this i need to take liberty when needed. Just gonna tell you this cause i will be changing the greeting according to the context provided when needed in the future translation too. ↩ okay this is the 8th petty notes so… it doesn"t really say master. He said 少 (shǎo) which mean young. Its usually have a master attached to it thus create the young master, but it doesn"t, so i just call master as opposed to mr for the honorific. ↩ they called him 菟丝花少年 (Tú sī huā shàonián which mean dodder silk flower (cuscuta sinensis) young master. Dodder is parasitic vine plants, and i think it"s also used as ornamental plants, so you get it. ↩

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